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Milan Vasi CV

PERSONAL: Name: City of residence: Year of Birth:

Milan Vasi Stari ednik, Serbia 1984 September 12th

WORKEXPERIENCE 2011 current Lead software developer, Twingz Gmbh, Vienna, Austria. Tasks and responsibilities: - Responsible for small team of few developers, making software architecture and design, steering a wheel of whole IT part of project . - Projects - Twitter for things. Imagine a world, where you can communicate with things and control these things... And you can share and individualize this communication as simple as Twitter with your friends! Things for example electric devices - are enriched with communication features. Users on the go can check back state and healthiness of devices that sit at home. 2009 current Software developer - consultant, First Beat Media Inc., Miami Florida, USA. Tasks and responsibilities: - Responsible for artificial intelligence parts of application, maintain and developing email campaigns, advisory service in the new fields of new Web technologies. - Performed implementation of new modules, manage the Strong Mail server, and advisory service. - Projects - Dating Platform, one of the major US dating platforms, with about 150 sites on same platform, with millions of users, billing processes, and all other service which is needed for online dating platforms. Application have about 10K queries per second, working on this application every day developer have to think about optimization and managing with huge numbers of data. I was successfully implement AI part for contacting users, also with a great success working on new modules and maintaining email campaigns. This application has live, and we are working on new modules every day, once a week we make a new release. Number of people which are working on this project right now is about 20. 2010 2011 Senior Software developer, RapidEye AG., Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany. Tasks and responsibilities: - For mayor European GIS company Im responsible as a member of Product Development team to develop GIS software which will help end users to browse our products. - Implementation of new parts for several applications, such as EyeFind, WebFis and OrderMonitoringTool. - Projects - EyeFind, WebFis and OrderMonitoringTool are three inhouse software solutions for managing, viewing and ordering

Milan Vasi CV

products from RapidEye. RapidEye has own 5 satellites which are picturing Earth 24/7 and those tools helps end users to perform action which they need, should it be to order some product, or to brows existing products, etc. Our product development team contains more than 15 high quality engineers and which are dedicated to all task, Im found my niche over there as a valuable team member which is mostly regarded to Front-End stuff in corresponding Back-End server(s) side code. Throughout the whole project the team utilized the Agile/Scrum methodology.

2008 2009 Software developer, SQL agency, Subotica Serbia Tasks and responsibilities: - Responsible for developing high quality software solutions and maintain existing application. - Performed implementation of new software modules, the whole new application, as a lead developer and software architect. - Projects - Pharmacy Software, Full system for pharmacy (drug store) company, with 19 point of sale places which are all connected with main server and each other, with full synchronization between each other. We develop a new driver for check registers, also POS places are implemented in C++, this project was successful finished and it is fully operated nowadays, project duration was 9 months. Number of involved people was 3. - SAP integration application, build for our client Resale company, which is one of the biggest clients of InBev group in Serbia, this application was designed and implement by myself, I was main architect and lead developer on this project, this project duration was 3 months and it is fully implemented and now in use. Involved on this project was only me. Requirement that application should works on cross platforms Linux/Windows OS systems, this has been solved with JAVA/Swing. 2007 2009 Software developer, Levi 9 Amsterdam Serbian office, Novi Sad Serbia Tasks and responsibilities: - Responsible for developing high quality software solutions. - Performed implementation, maintain and architecture solutions on all relevant projects. - Projects - ING-ZRK that was desktop application developed by Levi9 for major Dutch bank ING, application is the primary application for RMW used by monitoring the credit process of individual creditapplications and for providing risk management information on a portfolio level to its employees and management team. I was work on new version of this application, about two months; we have been finishing the project successful. Number of involved people on this project was five, we use JAVA/Swing.

Milan Vasi CV

GX Web Manager, One of the most popular CMS in Netherlands. Reference site is This application have ability to be ported on several data bases, such as Oracle, MSSQL or MySql, with newest and lead JAVA technologies included in it, also the software development process module which has been used on project was Agile/SCRUM, one of the best iterative ways of agile development. Main two goals on project made by myself are two modules one for Social Bookmarking and one for Web Analytic tools (such as Google Analytic, Ned stat), the whole project duration that I was involved has about a year. Involved people on this project 12-14.

2006 Current Freelance developer and college projects, Tasks and responsibilities: - Responsible for implementing high quality web sites. - Performed implementation and design of web sites and new media. - Projects - Several web sites, for cafe and restaurant, company for Organic production, online hotel reservation system and Travel Company.

EDUCATION 2007 2010 University of Novi Sad, Mathematics and Informatics department, orientation on Master of Software Engineering Information Systems. M. Sc. Degree in Computer Sciences. The subject of my thesis was Clustering JAVA Web applications with Terracotta technology 2003 2007 University of Novi Sad, Mathematics and Informatics department. B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science. 1999 2003 High School Svetozar Markovic Subotica.

OTHER EDUCATION 2008 2009 Several courses about the Strong Mail server and Return Path services provide from vendor companies. 2007 2007 Spent three weeks in Netherlands, Nijmegen attending a Web Manager course, at GX Company. 2006 2006 as a student I was a member on workshop in Ravda, Bulgaria. It was workshop sponsored by Pact of Stability of South-Eastern Europe, I had lecture few topics.(link 2005 2007 As a student few times was a member of local Microsoft Conference in Serbia, with Sinergia (aka Synergism).

Milan Vasi CV

SOFTWARE KNOWLEDGE CSS SQL Pascal Windows/NT UNIX Data modelling Business Objects Linux JAVA J2EE (x)HTML (4, 5) PHP PHP frameworks (Code Igniter, Smarty, CakePHP) JavaScript Python AJAX jQuery ExtJS Prototype Public API's (Google, FaceBook, Flickr, panoramio) Data Bases (Oracle, MSSQL,MySQL,FireBird, PostgreSqL) No-SQL databases (MongoDB) IDE (Eclipse, Visual Studio) MVC frameworks J2EE frameworks (Spring) JAVA(Swing) Mobile Development (Android) SOAP Search Servers and tools(sphinx, lucine, solr) Web Servers (Tomcat, Apache) Source Control (SVN, CVS, git) OOP concepts and patterns ORM tools (iBatis, Hibernate) Maven (2), Ant OSGi Memcached Agile Software Development (Scrum) Online Payment processes (LC, MoneyBookers, PayPal) VM (VMWare,VirtualBox) Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Flash Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Basic Very Good Very Good VeryGod Very Good Very Good Very Good Basic Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Basic Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Good Very Good Very Good Good Good Very Good Good Good

LANGUAGES: English Serbian Russian

Fluently Fluently (domestic) Basic

Milan Vasi CV



HOBBYS Basketball, squash and biking.

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