Atomic Structure and Bonding Past Questions

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Magnesium oxide is a compound, made up of magnesium ions and oxide ions.


What is the charge on each magnesium ion? .............................................................


Explain how the magnesium ions get this charge.




(Total 3 marks)

The two carbon atoms represented below are isotopes.


Describe two ways in which the isotopes are similar.




Describe as fully as you can one way in which they are different.


(Total 4 marks)

You will find it helpful to use the information on the Data Sheet when answering this
In the nucleus of an aluminium atom are:


13 protons
14 neutrons.

Complete these sentences.


The mass number of the aluminium atom is ...................................... .


In an atom of aluminium there are ....................................... electrons.



Why is an aluminium atom electrically neutral?




Complete the table for the element fluorine.

(Total 7 marks)



Write down the symbols for

lithium ................................................................................
fluorine ...............................................................................



The electronic structure of a lithium atom can be shown like this:

In a similar way, complete this diagram to show the electronic structure of a

fluorine atom.


A lithium atom can lose one electron to form a lithium ion which can be written (2) +
A fluorine atom can gain one electron to form a fluoride ion.
Choose from the list the correct way to write the fluoride ion.
(2,6) +

(2,7) +

(2,7) -

(2,8) +


Answer ..........................................


(Total 5 marks)

The diagram shows part of the ionic lattice of a sodium chloride crystal.


Complete the spaces in the table to give information about both of the ions in
this lattice.
Name of ion







When it is solid, sodium chloride will not conduct electricity. However, molten
sodium chloride will conduct electricity. Explain this difference.



Complete the sentence.

Sodium chloride conducts electricity when it is molten and when it is



The symbol for a calcium atom can be shown like this:


What is the mass number of this atom?




What information is given by the mass number?




Calcium burns in oxygen with a brick-red flame. The product is a white solid. It is
calcium oxide and its formula is CaO.

Balance the chemical equation for the reaction.

Ca(s) +




Describe, in terms of electrons, what happens to a calcium atom when it

becomes a calcium ion.


The table gives information about the atoms of three elements.

(Total 10 marks)

Two of these elements can react together to form a chemical compound.


What is the name and the formula of this compound?

Name ..........................................................................................................................
Formula ......................................................................................................................


What type of bonding holds this compound together?




(Total 3 marks)

About 100 years ago a scientist called J. J. Thomson thought that an atom was a ball of
positive charge with negative particles stuck inside. Today a different model is used. The
diagram shows how an atom of carbon is represented by this model.


The negative particles are called electrons.


What is the name of the positive particles ?



What particle is represented by



What is the central part of the atom called that contains both and






Use the model to explain why the six electrons are arranged as shown.

(Total 5 marks)


The drawing shows a container of a compound called magnesium chloride.


How many elements are joined together to form magnesium chloride?



Magnesium chloride is an ionic compound. What are the names of its ions?
................................................. ions and ................................................. ions



How many negative ions are there in the formula for magnesium chloride?




Complete the sentence.

Ions are atoms, or groups of atoms, which have lost or gained
......................................... .



Suggest three properties which magnesium chloride has because it is an ionic

1 ...................................................................................................................
Property 2 ..................................................................................................................
Property 3 ..................................................................................................................


(Total 7 marks)

The questions which follow refer to the element hydrogen.


Draw a diagram to show the bonding in one molecule of hydrogen.



The table gives information about two compounds which contain hydrogen.

Use the information in the table to explain why it is difficult to classify hydrogen as a
metal or a non metal.



(Total 6 marks)

Copper is a metal.
Explain how it conducts electricity.



Graphite is a non-metal.

Use the information to explain why graphite conducts electricity.



Chlorine will combine with the non-metal element, carbon, to form this molecular

(Total 5 marks)


What is the type of bond in this molecule?




Explain how these bonds are formed. (You may use a diagram).

(Total 3 marks)


Fluorine is a very useful element. It is placed in group 7 of the Periodic Table.

Use your knowledge of the elements in group 7 to help you answer these questions. You
may find that information in the Data Sheet may help you with this question.

Name another element in group 7 of the Periodic Table.



Cylinders filled with fluorine molecules are commercially available. What would you
expect the formula of a fluorine molecule to be?



Fluoride ions are added to drinking water to help prevent tooth decay. What is the
charge on fluoride ions in the water?




Fluorine reacts with the non-metal sulphur to make sulphur hexafluoride (SF6).

What type of bonding would you expect in sulphur hexafluoride?




Explain the reason for your answer to part (i).



(Total 5 marks)

Silicon is an extremely important element. More than a million tonnes of silicon are
produced each year. Silicon is made by reducing silicon oxide (sand) with carbon (coke).


Complete the diagram below to show the arrangement of electrons in an atom

of silicon. The Data Sheet may help you with this question.


Which electrons in the silicon atom take part in chemical reactions with
other atoms?



What features of all the atoms of the elements in group 4 of the Periodic Table
might give them similar chemical properties?



Silicon is difficult to classify as a metal or a non-metal because it has properties which

resemble both. Some of the properties of silicon are listed below.

Silicon is a shiny blue/grey solid.

Silicon is placed in Group 4 of the Periodic Table.
Silicon has a relative atomic mass of 28.
Silicon has a very high melting point (1410C).
Silicon has a very high boiling point (2355C).
Silicon conducts electricity.
Silicon oxide will neutralise alkalis.
Silicon forms compounds in which the silicon atoms are bonded to other atoms
by covalent bonds.


Select two properties from the list above in which silicon resembles a metal.
1. .....................................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................................



Select two properties from the list above in which silicon resembles a nonmetal.
1. .....................................................................................................................
2. .....................................................................................................................

(Total 8 marks)

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