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Notes on Questions of Youth

A Lecture given by

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

This note is based on the lecture mentioned above
The lecture can be found at the following links
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:

Created by
Islam Class (for guys)
May Allah (swt) accept this effort

A Request
If you have taken notes from lectures given by famous preachers like
Yasir Qadhi, Nouman Ali Khan, Kamal el Mekki, Abdullah Hakim
Quick, Waleed Basyouni, Murtaza Khan, Muhammad al Shareef
or others
then please do share with us for the purpose of spreading the message.

Our other notes
1. How to give Shahadah in 10 minutes by Ustadh Kamal el Mekki

2. Overview of Life in Few Verses by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

3. The End of Music by Ustadh Kamal el Mekki

4. Covenant with Allah by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

5. True stories of Death by Ustadh Feiz Muhammad

ISLAMQA ruling compilations

1. Rulings about Eating Etiquettes

2. Rulings about the Dying and Dead person, funeral rituals etc.

3. Rulings about the virtues of Friday (Jumuah), the prescribed worships on that day and
other issues.

Questions of Youth

The matters related to the youth are many and complicated which bombard the mind with
ideas on how to solve the issues concerning the young people of our society that a person
easily gets overwhelmed to be able to communicate the matter effectively. Basically if we
organise our thoughts we would find that at the very least there are two things need to be
addressed. One would be we have to talk about the youth and the other would be we have
to talk to the youth. So in this note there will be certain things which address issues about
the youth and there will be things which address the youth.

Importance of Discussing Youth Issues

Young people are the life blood of this Ummah, if we dont have a strong body of young
people that are carrying the torch of Islam for the Ummah then we no longer have Islam.
They are the most valuable asset, the most valuable commodity in possession of the Muslim
community. There is nothing more valuable, more precious, more powerful and at the same
time nothing more delicate than the youth for the Muslim community to deal with. As we all
are trying to raise our children-families, establish institutions, building masajids and
educational institutions etc. the thing that should never lose its priority or focus in the midst
of all our priorities is that this is supposed to be building a strong future generation. And
every single obstacle that gets in the way of us raising a strong next generation or
addressing the problems that are making the current young generation weak or even having
them disappear from the presence of the masajids and the Islamic community, what are
those obstacles that making them disappear and how we should address it? These are
priorities. These are highly concerned and very important matters.

So the first thing we will be discussing here is that whether this issue of youth is a concern in
the Quran or not. Is the issue of making youth a priority? Does Allah (swt) appreciate the
value of young people man or woman who stands up for their religion no matter what their
society does? Is there any value given to them in the Quran?
Allah (swt) mentions a story in Suratul Kahf (Quran, 18:13) which is about the people of the
cave. Where Allah (swt) mentions that,
... .| ,. `.., `,, `..: _.> _

There is no doubt that they were young people who had real faith on their lord. Allah
(swt) could have said that no doubt they believed in their lord rather saying some extra
things in HIS book. So what does Allah (swt) make a point here in this verse? He could have
said, `,,`..,.| but instead he added the word ,,`.., ,. .|. Fatyah in Arabic
is a young person and fityah is a group of young people. Allah (swt) made sure that he gives
credit to them that no matter what their society was doing. By the way, young people due
to their nature take the most influence from the outside world; they take the most impact
from the outside world. What they see around them changes the way they speak, they
dress, they talk, who they hang out with, how they interact. All of this is from outside and
very little of it is actually from within themselves. So when these young people were able to
repel all those influences and still hold on to their religion, their faith then Allah (swt) has to
give credit to them by adding the word ,. in the verse. If they were able to hold on to their
faith in such harsh conditions then what gift Allah (swt) gave them? _.> `..: meaning
we increase them in terms of guidance. Allah (swt) guided them even more. They were in a
society that was misguided and everything in that society were calling towards misguidance
so in that harsh conditions when those young people decided to remain committed to their
Deen, Allah (swt) saw their commitment and in return he gave them a valuable gift by
increasing them in guidance; regardless of their surroundings and regardless of the
temptations and misguidance of their society.

Lets now talk about the youth of our time, what is the reality of our society, when it comes
to the youth? The first thing would be that Muslims in general, we like to think of things (in
some respects) as better than what they really are. In some sense we are pessimist and in
other sense we are optimist and in sometimes we are delusional optimist. In other words
we hope to think that things are ok even if they are not ok. Just to give an extreme example,
Think of a person, who is smelling the smoke, coughing in the house and hearing the fire
alarm yet he is thinking that yaah everything is ok someone may be cooking something
extra! He does not want to face the reality. But a sensible person would be checking out
whether there is any fire or not in those circumstances. So we have to be aware and
cautious about the reality of our youth as well.

Now, in this society there are at least three major tendencies among the youth if we want to
understand their problems and issues causing them concern. And these three tendencies
are quickly becoming a part of the global society as well.

The first issue would be the proliferation of shamelessness. Shamelessness is getting
widespread and its becoming common. In Islam, the standards of shame is constant and
they do not change, what was shameless thousand years ago is still shameless today. If
something was inappropriate at that time is still in appropriate today. So these standards do
not change according to society or time, what Allah (swt) has set for us in this regard, is
fixed till qiyamah. But here we are talking about the spread of shamelessness even by the
standards of non Muslims. 100 years ago, America was a lot more shameful than it is now,
50 years ago it was more shameful than it is now and even 25 years ago there was more
modesty in the society than it is now. Over the years, with the advent of technology and
mass communication what has also been mass communicated is shamelessness and what
comes with shamelessness. So using filthy language, seeing filth in the streets and outside
our houses, seeing filth in schools-colleges and in work places, on the billboards, on our
hand held devices with internet connections, seeing filth in our laptops-televisions etc. has
become very common. And when something happens all the time like these, we get used to
it and we dont get shock by it and one point of time. For example, if we see a very beautiful
structure for the first time, we get surprised by it but the people who walk by that structure
every single day they dont get shock by its beauty at one point. Similarly, in our society
because of the rapid proliferation of shamelessness we have become accustomed to some
extent to it. This was something that was never the case with the Muslims, they didnt even
got close to a language that is shameless. Allah (swt) does not talk in the Quran only about
lowering the gaze, keeping our eyes down, keeping our modesty, the way we dress, the way
we speak but also HE takes a step further by mentioning in Suratul Hujrat (Sura 49 verse 11)
when in a shameless society people are used to bad filthy-curse languages, Allah (swt) says,
_., `,- _.l .-, _.., .....
Meaning: even mentioning a filthy word is in itself is terrible once you have faith. So a
sincere believer would be immensely in uneasiness when coming across something bad or
mentioning something bad. This is how sensitive a society of faith is supposed to be towards
shamelessness. By the way, when we get accustomed to corruption and it does not bother
us inside, what it means is basically our hearts have become hard; that is our hearts are no
longer soft and when the hearts are not soft then definitely we have a crisis with our faith
and taqwa. Our taqwa and fear of Allah (swt) reside in our hearts and when the fear of Allah
(swt) has gone then we would have no problem looking at something that is prohibited to
look at and not looking the other way. The more we look at them (things which are
prohibited) the more we become shameless and thus becoming more hard hearted. This is
one tendency of our society, the wild spread of shamelessness.

The second issue of our society which concerns the youth would be extreme individualism.
There is an expression which says looking out for number one what it means is basically
we should not care about anybody..anybody..anybody but ourselves. What Im gonna wear?
What Im gonna dress like? What kind of cars my dad gonna get me? What Im gonna eat?
Everything is about me me me me me me. Whereas according to Islam, our first concern is
not about ourselves rather our first concern is Allah (swt) and then the believers starting
from our family. First we take of our deal with Allah (swt) and then with our family. So in
Islam, we should be more selfless than being selfish and the best way to be selfish in Islam is
to be selfless. The best way to help ourselves is to serve Allah (swt) and that is the best
service we can do; the act of selflessness.
But we are in a society where everything is about yourself and because of that extreme
individualism, young people dont even care about their own family; forget society or the
neighbourhood, the country or the world. They dont care about their own brother and
sister, they dont care about their parents, they dont care about their extended family and
keeping up with them. These are not the issues they are bothered with, these are not their
problem; they just dont care. Its not what they want to do and even when they argue with
their parents, they say, You never let me do what I want. If these are not extreme
individualism then what is? Children are supposed to be raised in a family saying Im
looking out for my family off course after taking care of Allahs (swt) obedience first and
then after the family, the community comes into the picture then my locality, city, etc.
comes into place. So people are raised as concerned citizens and that is a natural thing in
Islam, we are supposed to be raised as concerned citizens. But regardless of being Muslims
or not, our society is such that we are becoming extremely individualistic. These are the two
tendencies mentioned so far, number one is a lot of shamelessness and number two is
extreme individualism; and interestingly these two are connected to each other. Lets
explain how, when we dont have a strong connection with our family then not only we
dont love them or care about them but also we lose respect for them. We dont respect our
family the way we were supposed to and that is very common among the youth today.
Young people dont respect their elders the way they are supposed to be, they talk back, no
matter what they are given they always say, You havent given me anything and it is a
common to see young people always speak about their parents in a derogatory fashion and
unfortunately Muslim kids are no exception, they go to the same school. They dont have
any special type of blood running in their veins that make them immune from that type of
garbage; they get influenced by that too. But when a person lose his respect for his own
family then it is impossible to respect somebody elses family, isnt that true? So when a girl
is walking down the hallway, the picture we see on the TV screen, etc. we dont think first
that is somebodys daughter, thats somebodys wife, thats somebodys sister, thats
somebodys mother. I dont care if she doesnt have respect for herself I should have more
respect for another human being because I dont want somebody to look at my sister, my
wife, my daughter, my mother in that way. The way Im looking at her I wouldnt want that, I
have respect for my family and naturally it gives me respect for other peoples family. But
when my respect for my own family is gone then the second argument is also gone.
There are many depressing examples from the Muslim community of the west where the
brothers and sisters both are going to the prom together, where he has got his date and she
has got hers and he is ok with that. Basically he has lost his ghirah, the sense of chivalry,
dignity and the honour that a Muslim man has to protect the honour of a sister. He is
thinking that if I got a date and she has got a date then its all good. Subhanallah, where is
the manhood gone? Where is the shame gone for the women? So on the man side there is
that and on the women side there is something else, something that a scholar of Islam said
about the shame and bashfulness of the believing women. He said that Allah (swt) put
shame as a natural part of a womans character and the reason for that is, if she does not
have shame she cannot be a part of the family. Because it is her shame that makes her
protect her children, protect the dignity of the husband; protect the validity of the
household. But when her shame is gone she no longer fulfils that role as she cannot be
trusted and if she cant be trusted then the family is gone and when the family is gone; the
society is gone! So the shame of the women, the shame of the young girls even is so
important for holding up the society.
Till now we have discussed so far two extreme tendencies; shamelessness and
individualism. The third issue would be where does our respect or credibility come from for
young people? In our high school cultures, respect a lot of times comes from the type of
brands we are wearing, the kind of things we say, whom we are hanging out with, the kind
of clique we belong to. Respect also depends on how obnoxious we are; the more
disrespectful we are towards our teacher, the louder we are in the cafeteria; the more
popular we are in the entire school.
In Islam, the more humble we are, the more respectful we are thats how much better we
are but in high school culture; the more we are the opposite of these things and thats how
much popular we are. The more obsessed we are about ourselves, the more arrogant we
are, the more we like that the more popular we are in high schools, in colleges and also in
universities. In other words, more than anything else our respect comes from how
shameless we are with our words and behaviour and how self absorbed we are and that is
how our popularity comes from. Everybody wants to be like us if we are that way or we
want to be like somebody else who is also that way. Young are jealous of that and girls have
it too. So the youth aspire respect and dignity with these things.
Another point would be that in teenage years, boys and girls both have fragile self esteem.
What that means is, they become very aware that they are being insulted or they worth
nothing. Now what happens as a result is; for the boys they get angry very quickly by
something, they think that their pride was hurt, so they think that their sense of respect
comes from how much angry they can get to show off their dignity. On the other hand, from
the girls, their sense of respect in this corrupt society comes from how much attention they
can get from boys, how many boys are staring at me, if they are not staring at me then I
worth nothing. So the girls degrade themselves more and more in order to get attention
from the boys. This is what happens with girls with low self esteem on facebook, myspace or
twitter; they think of themselves as ugly, not cute, nobody will ask them out and when some
pervert writes hey you are beautiful, no no I think you are really beautiful and then she gets
sucked into that just because some pervert made her think that she is beautiful. It gets even
worse when most of the time that pervert turns out to be middle aged older man and that is
the reality of the Muslim community living in the west, forget what happens in the non
Muslim community. So we see that the sense of respect for the youth comes from how
much shameless and self absorbed they are in such corrupt societies in which we are living
in today.
Now, since we have discussed the major issues concerning the youth, the question arises is
how should we counter these things? If our society is extremely shameless then the only
way to counter that is by raising a family that is extremely shameful. The only way to
counter one extreme is by the other extreme; we cannot be compromising about it. The first
step which many of us might think as the hardest one but actually that is the easiest and
that is by controlling the media intake of ourselves and of our family. Thinking it is just one
bad scene and it is PG-13 so it is not that bad. Well there are some bad scenes here and
there but I can lower my eyes. In other words, we say to ourselves that it is not that big of a
deal, its ok we can let things slide! We as parents have to become extra vigilant about what
we are allowing our children to be exposed to, especially at early ages. When they will get
older, then we like it or not they will see all of those things. Whether we like it or not they
will be exposed to all those filthy stuff, if they can go to college, if they can get a job, if they
can go to high school even if its an Islamic high school, does not matter; they will be
exposed to those things because these are common as oxygen these days, we cannot ignore
it. But in the early ages if they have their guard up so when they get into their later ages
they will be able to fight these filthy stuffs thinking them as disgusting and will not let
themselves to be a part of those awful things. It is possible to raise young boys and girls who
go to the public schools of this country [America] and still take pride in their Islam and walk
down the hallway with pride without looking and gawking at people; they will look down
and walk away with pride anyway. They can really do that we have that ability to pursue this
objective. In order to raise such children we have to take this as a mission, it has to be a
form of campaign in the Muslim community; this should be the first step to counter such
extreme society. The second thing would be to instil respect towards family into our children
all the time. Respect for family never comes until there is love for family and love for family
never comes until we spend time with our children. How many of us having dinner with our
children every day? How many of us talking to our children 30-40 minutes every day? When
was the last time we had a real conversation with our children? What happens is we ignore
our children at the early ages and as result its no surprise when ignore us as they grow old.
In such society, the most important thing for the Muslim parents is to befriend with our
children. The parents have to be the best friends of the children. A lot of times the children
are very much scared to talk to the parents, thinking that if I tell my parents they are going
to kill me! no thats not the way, they should be thinking that my parents are the only
people who will be helping me if I tell them. If the children are scared of the parents in this
way then the parents are failing and if they dont get help from the parents they would go
asking help to others may be non Muslims or non Islamic sources and will get non Islamic
advices. They will get help from what they see on tv, from internet and other places and
there are many dangerous things available on the internet, tv etc to destroy their lives if
they go for seeking advices from these resources. So we have to be open in communication
to them so that they will have respect towards us in the long run. This is the second
suggestion we are making to counter such extreme society.
Now, regarding the third we mentioned earlier that the youth aspires respect from how
rude we are to others, how much ego we have, how less we care about the societal rules
and norms.

But we raise our children right they will come to know that respect comes from nowhere
except from La ilaha illallah Muhammad ur rasulallah and when they will accept this
< :-l ..l _,...ll ... _
Meaning: only Allah (swt) owns nobility, dignity, honour and authority and so does his
messenger and the believers.
The believers have this dignity and nobility that nobody else has and if we inshallah are able
to raise our kids in that way then when they will be sent to high school or come across any
un Islamic cultures they experience, they will feel honoured for their religion. And when
they come across to these filthy stuffs they will not wish for those disgusting things thinking
I wish I had them rather they will feel sorry for those pathetic people thinking that these
people know nothing what is coming ahead of them, they do not know what their lives
worth by running after petty things all through their lives, they have no purpose in life, Allah
(swt) gave me so much clarity and direction in life that I feel sorry for these losers, they are
already losers now and 10 years from now they will be even bigger losers and when they
will be in their grave they will be even amazing losers, they will feel sorry for them and start
looking down to corruption instead of being jealous of it, they will feel bad for the people
who are victims of un Islamic things instead of being tempted by that or wanting to be like
that. Thats the kind of children we want to raise, who will see Islam which will make them
superior than others, they are not arrogant but they realise what Allah (swt) has gifted them
is far more better than anything else. If they could see the world like that the whole world
will be beneath their feet. People will come to them saying, You are different, you are not
everybody else. others will wish to be like them then, once we stand up for our religion
people surrounding us will notice.

We have been talking about the youth and now the next portion will be talking to the youth.

In this society, Muslims still are very much alienated, we are not connected to the world
surround us. Most of the neighbours of a masjid (in western societies) do not know that that
building is a masjid. Our neighbours do not know who we are as well.
The first point which we want to make to the youth that the society does not know Who
we are. But the only people who are knee deep into society is our youth they are not cut
off like the elders, they interact with the un-Islamic society through playing sports,
facebooking with friends, hanging out on the weekends, going to educational institutes etc.
They have befriended people who are the part and parcel of this society, of this culture, of
this country even. The only real ambassador of Islam to this epic un-Islamic society is the
youth of Islam not the speakers. They more than anything else represent Islam, they are
more than anyone else in a position to reach out to people, to introduce Islam to people
and make an impact in the society which our elders will never meet, they see people which
the elders never see, and they have connections with people which the elders dont. So the
youth has to realize their value in the religion first. The young people should understand
their worth to this cause of Islam. The youth are the critical component of the world of
Islam. Allah (swt) has made the youth for a really high purpose; let us just think for an
example that one of us has bought a very expensive and high maintenance computer which
has a job of processing very high level data, expensive and complicated softwares. So its not
something very cheap rather very expensive and used for a very professional side but after
buying that expensive computer all what that person did in his entire life is to play video
games on it, will it be justice towards the computers ability. What Allah (swt) has given the
youth first of all is this Islam, then your youth, then He puts the youth in a society where
everybody else is heading in a different direction; basically Allah (swt) has given the youth
more value than everybody else surrounding them. The youth have the most precious item
that been exposed to and if the youth throw this away then the youth will have no
appreciation what they have, then they will be more answerable to Allah (swt) than
anything else. And in this society even the 25 years old or even the 30 years old are
considered to be kids but actually in Islam, the moment people hit puberty they should be
treated as adults. The youth should be given responsibilities as an adult and they also should
take responsibilities as an adult. The youth shouldnt be behaving like a child anymore. The
youth should expect to be treated like an adult as well as they should behave like an adult
also. But in reality, the youth are behaving like a goof-off [An idle worthless person], why;
because they are spending most of their immensely valuable time with other goof-offs. So
the youth should be hanging out with people who are more mature than them which will
automatically help them in becoming more mature themselves. People say in excuse, aww,
they are just kids; doing some fun stuffs they will grow up eventually. Do they think these
excuses will be acceptable in front Allah (swt) on Judgment Day? 18 years olds were the
Generals of the Muslim Armies! 18 year olds leading an entire army in which the soldiers
were Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar ibn al Khattab (may peace be upon them)! Subhanallah! How
was that even possible? Because the youth of that time understood that they are adults and
also realize what their lives worth? What was their purpose of life? Which direction they
have to head for?
Now returning back to the story of the People of the Cave; but before that dont just think as
a normal story rather think this as your own story. They were young people, who accepted
Islam and when they accepted Islam the society was not tolerant towards them. The society
threatened them with execution in public if they do not return to their previous religion
which involved shirk. Not only that, the dates of their execution were also decided and the
public was informed about it. As a result, they escaped from that society and went into
hiding in a cave. Then Allah (swt) put them into deep sleep for several hundred years and
then they return to the society.

That is the whole story in a nutshell. But lets see a little further on this story. Allah (swt)
mentions in (Quran, 18:10)
:| _ ,.l _|| >l ..
Meaning: When the young group of people turned towards the cave

l!1 !.`, !.., _. ,. .- ...
Meaning: Then they said, Our master! Give us a mercy that comes especially from you.
Show us a mercy that comes especially from you. They have taken a step which was special
because nobody surrounding them was obeying Allah (swt) and they still decided to obey
Allah (swt). They did something special and in return they too wanted something special
from Allah (swt).
_> !.l _. !.. .: ...
Meaning: Make facilitation for us; make it easy for us by opening up an avenue. To make all
the necessary arrangements so that whatever decisions they make, it is guided. In other
words, these people turned to Allah (swt) for counselling. There are people who go for
counselling to the experts and these people they went to Allah (swt) for counselling,

:| _ ,.l _|| >l l!1 !.`, !.., _. ,. .- _> !.l _.
!.. .:
(remember) when the young men fled for Refuge (from their disbelieving folk) to the cave,
they said: "Our Lord! bestow on us Mercy from yourself, and facilitate for us Our affair In
the Right way!" [Quran 18:10]
Then a couple of Ayah later,
.| ,. .. _
Meaning: No doubt they were young people
If someone starts to read this story in the Quran, they might think these people as matured
older people because of the bold steps they took by going against their society. So in order
to break that wrong picture which people might start to think of these people, Allah (swt)
mentions that no doubt they were young people. So Allah (swt) mentions this point explicitly
to break the doubts that they were young people because most of the time when we think
young we dont think mature. What gave them their maturity? Allah (swt) replying
,,`.., meaning: they really had eeman on their lord.
_.> `..: meaning: we increase them in terms of guidance.
Then Allah (swt) explains what is it mean to increase guidance, how did increase them in
terms of guidance? [Quran, 18:14]
!.L, _ls `,l ... _
Meaning: we caused firmness, we gave toughness upon their hearts. In other words, their
hearts became strong and tied to Allah (swt). They were not just going through a phase
where they were fired up and decided to take the religion seriously and the next day they
turn back and gave into their temptations again. Rather, they stuck it out.
:| `.! ... _
Meaning: When they stood, this really means to rise up.
l!1 !., , ,...l _ _ l `s.. _. ..: !.l| ... _
Meaning: Our lord/master is the master of the skies and the earth, we are never going to
call on anyone to worship or obey other than him. The word !.l| here in this verse is
important because it has two meanings; the one we worship and the one we obey both.
Now think about our society. People can worship false gods but they can obey their desires,
obey their temptations, obey the tendencies of their crowd or what their friends want them
to do, they obey these things. So these young people decided to only obey Allah (swt) and
not obeying their desires, temptations, their crowd etc.
Allah (swt) mentions somewhere else in the Quran [25:43]
,, _. .> ..l| > .. __
Meaning: Did you see the one who takes his own self, his own pathetic desires, empty
desires and turns them into his own god, and then he worships them and obeys them.
We dont actually worship our desires but we do obey them, thats the implication here.
The last thing, they realized that the society around them is doing lots of crimes but there is
one crime above all the other crimes and that is why these young people no longer can go
with the flow. There is one thing they have realized and they have seen it and because they
have seen it nothing about their society impresses them at all not in the least bit. They have
realized that what Allah (swt) has given them is way better.
What is that, listen to the Quran [Quran, 18:15]
,.> !.`. .> _. ..: l, ... _
Meaning: These are our nation, they have taken gods besides Allah (swt)
Then they say
l _.!, ,l . __.Ll., _,, .... _
Meaning: How come they dont bring any authority/proof for the religion that they follow or
for the way of life that they follow?
Even the biggest party animal we know, if we ask him, Do you think that you were just
created to party? What makes you think that? Allah (swt) gave you such an amazing mind,
an amazing ability to speak and you are using that amazing blessing for uttering filthy
words! Do you think that you will get away with that? And what they are going to reply,
Listen man, I dont want to think about it. and this is the exact words they will say. They
will never going to bring any evidence or proof to present their argument. They just tell you
not to think about it, chill out! Thats the evidence, chill out, relax, dont think about it etc.
And these young people realized that how come they dont want us to think about it while
they are not bringing any proofs for themselves.
_. `lL _.. _. _ls < !,. . _
Meaning: Who can do more wrong than the one who makes up lies against Allah (swt).
Basically these young people realized that the people in that evil society think that they are
okay with Allah (swt) no matter what they do with their lifestyles and cultures but in reality
they are basically lying against Allah (swt). And for this dreadful crime, these young people
will not going to stand for it.

Another peculiar and interesting point from this story would be is that the Messenger
(pbuh) told us that Suratul Kahf will protect us from the fitnah of dajjal which is coming on
to this ummah later in the future. And this is future. We dont know whether the fitnah of
dajjal is here or not but certainly the fitnah in our society can be repelled by Suratul Kahf.
Certainly it protects us. As there are so many guidances in the surah in regards to it. The
youth should get themselves busy; there are so many exciting projects we can be a part of.
The more free time you will have, the more shaytaan will get you. The more the youth are
alone on their laptop the more addicted they will be to evil. And once the youth are
addicted to evil now by the time they gets older and get married they will have no respect
for women, they will have terrible married lives because they lost their dignity when they
were 16-17. How these people going to raise a family? How these people going to raise
shameful daughters when they themselves are not shameful? The answer to this question,
well they are not.
Just because the non muslims are living their lives in whatever they like without any
consideration, just because people around us dont care about modesty and shamefulness
without any consideration dont think its okay, because these are not okay in reality.
If part of our society starts to lower their eyes it will protect all of us from so many bigger
problems. When we stop lowering our eyes, all the floodgates to all of these problems will
start to open up and thats what happened to young people.

Now lets remind our elders some of their responsibilities to the youth and this is very
unpleasant and uncomfortable to say these things. This is something we dont talk about
and this is something that is happening and we have to face it. In this society one of the
biggest problems is the proliferation of shamelessness and our youth are exposed to that as
they are raised in this society. First of all muslims generally close their eyes because the
elders comes from a society which was shameful so the elders assume that their children
since come from a good family so they will not be exposed to these things and even if they
are they will not be tempted by it because they have come from a good family. They come
from a good family, how come they have bad thoughts. This is ridiculous, that idea is
absolutely absurd. And above all of this, in our minds what happens is, marriage is
something that happens once we have our career, once you have your doctorate degree,
you finished your MBA, youve got a job and have couple of years of work experience that is
once you built yourself financially then you are ready for marriage.
So now, to get married, we have to go through college, to go through college we have to be
on campus and if we are going to be on campus then what we will be seeing for six to eight
years. Our youth are not going to tell us what they experience in their universities because
they are so much ashamed to tell that. It is totally not acceptable at all by any means what
our young muslims men and women are exposed to through their college and university
lives and we want them to be in that environment for 6-8 years and at the same time
remain uncorrupted! This is delusional; a lot of kids are scared to death about their parents.
They dont want to talk about their marriage with their parents as if their parents are going
to kill them literally, because the parents put up so many conditions for them to get
married. So they dont want to talk about this with their parents at all. They cant talk with
them about it but they still have all those crazy temptations so what they are going to do?
They develop dual personalities, so they are not getting married but they do have a
boyfriend or girl friend on the side. They have already done all kinds of things; they are
addicted to all kinds of filth on the internet and this is not the exception rather this is the
norm, the average case. Our childrens eeman are being destroyed because of our
stubbornness. We brought them into this un-Islamic society, they didnt come here, we
brought them here, we brought them into this shameless society and the solution to that
shamelessness that Allah (swt) gave us is Nikah. If we are not ready to get them married
then dont put them in that position in the first place. And if you put them in that position,
do you think that Allah (swt) will not ask you about it? You dont think Allah (swt) come after
you? You put them there in the first place.
But Im not saying that the young people should get married the moment they hit puberty,
because everything comes together if we raise our kids in the mature way and we respect
them and treat them as adults then they will mature early and when they mature early they
can marry early as well. If they are not matures then getting them to marry will not work
either because marriage is a huge responsibility. But if we dont put these things together
then we are setting ourselves for complete destruction. And you say, How could you that
astagfirullah. Stop saying astagfirullah and accept that as a reality, thats happening. The
parents would be shock to know what they will find on the text message history on many of
our youths with their cell phones, they would be shock to know what is on their facebook
profiles, they would be shock to know about their browser histories and why they are
sweetly cleaned, we would be shock to know all of these but we have put them into these
position and we have on top of that shut the doors on them too. They are addicted to
pornography, addicted to clubbing and partying, addicted to premarital relationships, etc.
They have dual personalities on one hand they put up a very religious and clean side of their
personality and on the other hand they have got to do what they have got to do. And when
these young people have their addictions running for 10 years and when they eventually will
get married, do we think that their addictions will be gone in the very next day after they
get married? Is this is how addiction works? No, they are going to suffer even into their
married life. Hey have lost their shame way before their marriage and they are not going to
regain it and on top of that he also ruined another girls life too meaning his wifes. We
dont see these problems right now because this is happening behind closed doors, this is
happening in the minds of our children. Every now and then, new masajids are coming up
but the family structures are going down. We have to watch out, we have to protect our
kids before its too late. If we do not become proactive now then there is destruction right
around the corner. This has to be the agenda of every masajids as well. The masajids have to
be the centre of entertainment where there will be sisters lounge, basketball ground for
the guys, kids playground etc. because if our kids are not here in the masajids then who
knows where they will be? These are our priorities. Because even the picture for the good
Muslim kids is not bright at all so forget the Muslim party kids. The elders as well as the
youth have to get their act together. The blame is upon the elders as much as it is on the
youth. Just bringing our kids to Jumuah once in a while will not going to help, we have to
more proactive than that to save our future, to save the future of Islam and this issue has
become a state of emergency among the Muslim community. The elders have to open this
discussion carefully and craft this discussion and there has to be this discussion in every
Muslim community. Nothing is a bigger state of emergency than the issue of Muslim youth
in the Muslim world, that the state of our families, the state of our raising our children.
May Allah (swt) give us the ability to protect our haya, to protect our shame, to guard it, to
raise children who are shameful and bashful, may Allah (swt) make us and our children
realize that our dignity and honour lies in our religion. Too many people have lost their
blood so that their children that is we can say our kalimah one day, so that we can stand up
for our Deen one day and this has happened 50, 60, 80 years ago not even a century ago.
People in Algeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africans etc were giving their lives in fighting the
colonisers so that they can build masajids in order for their children can be raised as
Muslims. We are their children, what have we done for their sacrifices, are we respecting
their legacy or are we spitting on it?
May Allah (swt) make us a strong ummah once again. May Allah (swt) take the good from
what has been written and enter it into the hearts of the people. Anything that I wrote if it is
incorrect then that is my own fault and I ask for forgiveness for that.

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