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{ green home remodel

healthy homes for a healthy environment

green why roofs
What is a Green Remodel? Why Consider a Green Remodel? Seattle receives nearly three feet of rain per
year, and your roof ’s ability to effectively
It’s an approach to home improvement SAVE MONEY shed this water dramatically affects your
with the goal of not only making your Home components chosen for their home’s longevity. Northwest roofs really
home look better, but work better–for both durability and timeless appeal will last take a beating; months of constant
you and the environment. Want a longer and cost less to maintain in the moisture mean plenty of opportunity for
healthier home? Lower utility bills? long run. A quality roof plays a key role moss and fungus to take hold.
Reduced maintenance? A cleaner planet? in protecting the rest of your home from
A green remodel helps you realize a range the elements. Consider too, that roofing Undetected or untended leaks can lead to
of far-reaching benefits from a single materials vary in their heat absorption major moisture damage, moisture-related
smart design. With careful planning, you and retention. This can affect home indoor air quality issues, and even
can create a home that combines beauty, energy use. structural problems.
efficiency, comfort and convenience with
health and conservation. MAKE A HEALTHIER HOME By making strategic decisions during roof
Quality materials and proper installation replacement, you will maximize your
will enhance the protective nature of your roof ’s protective qualities–and your
roof, reducing the risk of leaks and investment–while minimizing its
accompanying moisture problems. environmental impact.


By choosing a long-lasting quality roof,
you’ll delay its replacement. If you select
recyclable materials, your roofing can
escape the landfill altogether. When you
avoid materials that are toxic to fish and
other wildlife, you protect water quality. If
you opt for products manufactured and
installed with minimal ecological impact,
we all benefit.

Cover photo: JAS Design Build

(photo © John Granen).
Photo top right: Miller/Hull Architects

green home remodel | roof


contents 7

01 Rethink Remodel
Green remodeling uses up front planning and research to create a design with
wide-ranging benefits.

03 A New Roof ?
Inspect your roof to rule out less costly repairs.

04 Roof Anatomy
Your roof is actually a series of elements acting together to protect
your home.

05 Sheathing
Pick sheathing that’s friendly to forests while meeting structural needs.

06 Underlayment & Flashing

Essential lines of defense against leaks and moisture damage.

07 Roofing Materials
Find a roof material that protects your home and the environment.

09 Low Slope Roofs

Considerations and choices for this roof style.

10 Green Roofs
Want to be truly green? Plant a garden on your roof!

11 Gutters & Downspouts

Choices vary when comparing durability and effects on water quality.

Roof Decks
12 If you’ve got the right roof, put it to work as an aerie.

13 Reuse & Recycling

What to do with your old roof.

14 Solar
A solar electric or hot water system can be the feather in your roof ’s cap.

15 Rainwater Harvest
Put all that water being delivered to your roof for free to good use.

16 Resources
Where to get more information to create your own green remodel.

green home remodel | roof

rethink remodel
Green remodeling requires a new approach to the remodeling process, with more up-
front planning and coordination to capture opportunities that are often missed in a
conventional remodel. This includes expanding your list of objectives as well as the way
you compare the price of products and services, by taking wide-angle and long-term
views of decisions. It also means being willing to invest time and energy to find solutions
that best fit your needs. And finally, it means approaching your remodeling project with
health and safety at the forefront. This advance planning pays large dividends in terms of
long-term satisfaction with your project and cost containment.

Decide What You Want

Compare different products and designs by evaluating roofing choices with an
established set of criteria. Beyond basic affordability and physical requirements (factors
Let this guide serve as a such as slope and roof load capacity), consider these additional elements:

starting point for your Health & Safety Are materials non-toxic? Will they require toxic products for
maintenance? Does the design and material choice reduce the
potential for slips and other injuries during roof maintenance?
research. Remember, every

Reduced Maintenance Will the material and design result in less work over time? Are
decision you make regarding products easy to clean without chemicals? Does the design
discourage debris accumulation and leaks from wind-driven rain?

your roofing project can help

Durability Do the products stand up to use over time? Are warranties long
improve your home’s and comprehensive, covering materials and installation? Do the
design and materials mesh with the era of your home?

performance–for both you

Ecological Benefit Do products protect water quality? Consider current and potential
uses for roof rainwater such as landscape watering. Will the
and the entire Puget Sound materials you’re considering allow for this natural recycling? Do
products reduce or avoid environmental harm during their
production, use and disposal? Are they made from recycled,
responsibly mined or harvested, renewable and/or local
environment. materials? Are the products themselves reusable or recyclable?

1 green home remodel | roof

Expand Your Definition of Cost
Focus on long-term savings, ease of maintenance and conservation. Initial price gives just
a peephole view of the true cost of a product or design. A higher purchase price may
mean a better deal in the long run. For example, you can actually reduce the cost of
living in your home by choosing resource-efficient materials and designs that lower
monthly utility bills. Long-lasting products require less frequent replacement. A low
purchase price may be simply a good deal, or it may signify a lack of quality or
durability. Or it may mean that some environmental, health or social costs are not
reflected on the price tag.

Lenders are beginning to recognize the value of ongoing savings to the homeowner.
Mortgage Options for Resource Efficiency (MORE™) is a new program that lets you
add up to $4,000 to your mortgage for home improvements that save energy or water,
such as increasing your attic's insulation. The savings from a more efficient home can
cover and even exceed the incremental addition to your mortgage payment, meaning the
improvements pay for themselves, and then some. See for
information (click on Loan Options).

The price of roofing materials is only a portion of the total cost of a roof replacement.
Factor in labor and the disposal of the old roofing, as well. By choosing a roofing
product with a long life span (warranties of 40+ years), you can delay the next
replacement–as well as disposal, material and labor costs. Divide the installed price of the
material by the warranty length (in years) to better assess the lifetime cost of prospective
roofing options. This will help you compare the cost of, say, a 50-year metal roof with
“inexpensive” 15-year asphalt shingles. Also keep in mind that some roofing materials
require more maintenance, so consider these costs when making your decision.

Professionals warn that–with roof replacement in particular–you get what you pay for
when hiring a contractor. The lowest bid seldom proves the best deal, since the
performance of a roof relies as heavily on quality installation as it does on quality
materials. As with any service, research prospective roofers and compare installation
warranties carefully. Start with friends and family who have had similar work done.
Once you’ve identified potential contractors, ask for and follow up on references.
Referral services also exist for roofing contractors. See the Washington State Attorney
General’s tips on hiring contractors:

Do Your Homework
Research helps you ask the right questions of retailers, your designer and/or
contractor–or avoid costly mistakes if you are doing the work yourself. Finding green
products can be a challenge. Start early to look for manufacturers that offer products you
like. Keep a file of contact names and businesses, as well as magazine and newspaper
clippings. Identify everything you’ll need–down to roofing brands and style,
underlayment, flashing options and gutter materials. This will help you determine cost
and availability, while reducing the need for expensive, last-minute decisions. Find out
how long special-order items take and factor this into your schedule. The Internet is a
great place to start searching for products, but be aware of biased information sources.
The line between sales pitch and fact can be quite blurry online.

Work that violates building codes may also breach the terms of your insurance policy,
leaving you vulnerable to loss. So familiarize yourself with and follow local building
codes, and save yourself the hassle and expense of having to tear something out
later–which wastes precious resources, as well. Even if you don’t have to remove a non-
compliant element, the reason it doesn’t comply is likely due to safety, health, or energy
efficiency issues–all goals of a green remodel. If you have questions about permits in
Seattle or whether a particular material or design complies with code, contact the
Department of Planning and Development’s Applicant Services Center at
(206) 684-8850 and ask for a Permit Specialist.

green home remodel | roof 2

a new roof ?
Make sure your roof needs replacing, rather than less costly repair or maintenance. Your
The Northwest EcoBuilding roof should be inspected annually for signs of deterioration or damage. Inspections can
be coordinated with regular roof and gutter cleaning. Keep in mind that roof surfaces
damage easily (especially asphalt shingle in hot or cold weather), so minimize foot traffic.
Guild ( And always exercise extreme caution when on the roof or a ladder. Often roof
inspections can be performed safely from the ground with a set of binoculars.
is a resource for finding
Consider both the visual inspection and age of your roof when determining whether it’s
time to replace or repair. Look in the attic for signs of moisture damage, and try to
professionals experienced in determine the source of leaks. Often, the culprit is failed or improperly installed flashing
in especially vulnerable areas. These include:
■ chimneys (especially wide chimneys and those with a lot of roof surface above),
designing and installing
■ penetrations in the roof, such as skylights and roof vents,

■ roof valleys, and areas where the roof changes slope,

alternative, environmentally ■ previously repaired areas,

■ roof areas that concentrate drainage onto lower roofs, and

responsible roof ing options. ■ areas where roofing meets another material.

Rule out these spot repairs before resorting to a complete tear-off. Visit the Housing and
Urban Development web site at
to view the Residential Rehabilitation Inspection Guide; Chapter 2 includes a section on
inspecting roofs of various slopes and materials.

g Signs of a roof in need of replacement include curling shingles, broken tiles, asphalt
shingles losing their granular layer, and excessive moss (which may indicate a degraded
roof, or just a roof in need of cleaning). If you do need a new roof, prepare yourself by
comparing the many options in advance.

3 green home remodel | roof

Proper ventilation is crucial

to the performance of a

roofing system, and required

roof anatomy by code, but is outside the

scope of this guide. For best

If you have a moderately or steeply sloped roof (at least four inches of rise for every
foot of run), it probably consists of several layers of structural and protective materials. practices regarding roof
These layers work together as a system to shelter your home from the elements. Each
plays a critical role in the ultimate performance of your roof, so carefully consider
every component: ventilation, see Chapter 3
■ sheathing,

■ underlayment, of the Washington State

■ flashing,

■ roofing material, and

Energy Code Builder’s
■ gutters and downspouts.

Roofs with pitches of less than three inches of rise (height) for every foot of run (length) Field Guide, available at
are generally considered low slope. Low slope roofs (often called flat roofs) are relatively
uncommon on Seattle homes, but they’re out there. The elements that make up this type
of roof are distinct from moderate to steep sloped roofs. See page 9 of this guide for
considerations related to low slope roofs.

Proper Installation: Key to a Lasting Roof

Whatever materials and design you choose, proper installation will ensure that your
new roof lasts. Locate an installer that has gone through manufacturer training with
the product you’ve selected, or at least can refer you to several past jobs using the same
roofing. Ask for references and check them. Finding experienced installers can be
challenging with some of the more unique roofing options, such as green roofs (see g
page 10). Look for applied experience, backed by both installer’s and manufacturer’s
warranties. Most roofing manufacturers provide literature outlining step-by-step
installation instructions. Ask your installer to show it to you and explain how he or
she follows the directions. Manufacturer web sites often offer free downloads of
installation literature.

Drawing: Prentiss Architects green home remodel | roof 4

Attached to the roof ’s framing, sheathing (also called the roof deck) creates a surface to stabilize framing
members and secure roofing. In homes built prior to 1950, sheathing often consists of tongue-and-groove
boards. Plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) is common in newer homes. Wood shakes are sometimes laid
on top of regularly spaced boards called skip sheathing.

If your current sheathing is in good condition, consider leaving it in place. Roofing contractors often add a
layer of plywood or OSB on top of a tongue-and-groove sheathed roof to create a uniform surface for
applying roofing materials. Discuss the benefits of this additional layer with your contractor to make sure it’s
truly necessary. While it may make the installation easier for the contractor, it could add cost to your project
and almost certainly wastes resources. If you do need to replace your sheathing, follow engineering
requirements for sheathing thickness given the roofing material and rafter spacing of your roof.

sheathing choices

Plywood ■ consists of multiple layers of wood veneer, stacked with the grain in alternating directions, then glued together
■ use only exterior-grade panels labeled with EXTERIOR 1 or HUD APPROVED markings; phenolic resins make these
impervious to moisture
■ production requires medium-to-large diameter trees that often come from forests not responsibly managed; choose
regionally-produced plywood with the FSC label to promote and increase market demand for sustainable forestry in the
Pacific Northwest; for more on FSC certified wood products and how to find them, see sidebar on page 6.

Oriented Strand Board ■ also called OSB; made from wood wafers pressed and glued into panels; for increased strength and stability, wood fibers
are oriented in various directions
■ by using wafers instead of full sheets of veneer, OSB utilizes smaller diameter trees, as well as tree parts not useful for
dimensional lumber or plywood applications–a more effective use of resources
■ should not be confused with particleboard or MDF (medium density fiberboard); neither of which is appropriate for

Tongue-and-Groove ■ largely relegated to use for specific architectural styles like exposed-beam construction where boards serve as ceiling
finish material; insulation is installed above the tongue-and-groove layer
■ look for wood certified by the FSC as sustainable harvest–see sidebar on page 6 for informtion on FSC.

Paper Fiber ■ roof decking made from up to 100% waste paper

■ primarily used in commercial applications, but also available for residential building
■ check with a Permit Specialist at Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development to ensure that the roofing you’re
considering meets building code requirements with these and other innovative sheathing options

5 green home remodel | roof

underlayment Our forests make Washington

and f lashing the Evergreen State. We can

help ensure this remains the

Acting as a second line of defense against moisture damage, roofing underlayment
prevents any water that gets past the roofing and flashing from compromising the
sheathing and causing leaks. For additional protection, membranes are often used case by purchasing wood
beneath the underlayment in areas prone to leaks, such as valleys, and help seal holes
created by roofing nails. The underlayment choice depends on your roof ’s pitch and products that are responsibly
other factors, but the standard is roofing felt (often called tar paper or builder’s paper).
Historically made from paper fibers saturated with asphalt, roofing felt today utilizes
fiberglass to resist tears. The felt’s thickness is measured in pounds per square (one square grown and harvested. The
equals 100 square feet of roofing material); 15- and 30-pound felt are most common.
Thirty-pound paper lasts longer and provides better leak protection. There are few
alternatives to builder’s paper for roofing underlayment. Look for recycled content. Forest Stewardship Council
During installation, make sure your roof ’s sheathing is dry–the waterproof underlayment
can trap moisture and damage sheathing.
(FSC) is an independent
Breather membranes are uncoated spun-bonded polypropylene multiple ply barriers that
perform especially well for metal, tile and wood shake roofs. Allowing potentially organization that develops
troublesome moisture to escape, they resist tears and are even strong enough to be used
as temporary roofing.
standards for responsible
Flashing and Drip Edges
forestry practices. Wood
Another important barrier to leaky roofs is flashing. Placed in valleys and wherever
chimneys, ventilation or skylights penetrate the roof, these bent metal pieces form a
watertight barrier spanning unlike materials or other vulnerable areas. You can products stamped with the FSC
sometimes reuse existing flashing if it’s in good condition; old galvanized flashing can be
recycled. New flashing is usually made from galvanized steel, and less often from copper
or lead–all of which are harmful to water quality and human health. Additionally, lead logo meet rigorous standards for
and copper production processes cause significant pollution. For durable flashing that
does not compromise environmental or human safety, consider powder-coated aluminum
or steel, or stainless steel flashing. Although more difficult to install than galvanized, environmental and social
stainless steel flashing lasts much longer, and is both reusable and recyclable.
performance. Purchasing FSC
Drip edges are installed along the roof ’s perimeter to keep water from tracking under the
eaves where it can damage the roof and siding. All roofing systems should include some
sort of drip edge component. The material choices are similar to flashing, with certified products sends a
aluminum being the most readily available and ecologically-friendly option. One fairly
new innovation involves products that combine a drip edge with roof ventilation.
Available in plastic and rolled aluminum, they pair with a ridge vent to provide necessary message that you care about the
airflow, while guiding water into gutters.
sustainability of our forests.

Find out more:

green home remodel | roof 6

roofing choices

Asphalt Shingle $40-$150 per square Standard three-tab asphalt shingles are 12” x 36” units, cut to look like three individual shingles when
installed. They’re made from asphalt-soaked fiber topped with a layer of mineral granules. Available in a wide variety of colors,
styles and grades, they are appropriate for moderate- to steep- sloped roofs. Fiberglass mats have replaced wood fiber felts.

Tips: Look for longer (at least 30-year) warranties on asphalt shingle roofing. Avoid products containing built-in moss
inhibitors as many contain zinc, copper and other toxins that harm aquatic life, and may render water unusable for landscape
or other rainwater harvest applications. Opt for manufacturers that offer up to 25% recycled content. Select light-colored
mineral top layers; dark asphalt roofs create additional unwanted heat gain during summer months, and shingles subjected to
wide temperature swings don’t last as long.

Concrete Tile $150-$250 per square Made from Portland cement and sand/aggregate, these tiles resemble clay tile. Although they require a
large amount of energy to produce, concrete tiles offer a long life expectancy and require minimal maintenance-both key
environmental benefits. A heavy roofing choice (800-1,200 lbs. per square), concrete tile may require structural reinforcement.

Tips: Look for product warranties of 50+ years. If the weight of standard concrete tiles is a limiting factor, lighter-weight
versions are also available. Professional installation is especially important with concrete tile; choose roofers with
demonstrated experience.

Fiber Cement $250-$300 per square Made to look like slate or shingle, fiber cement consists of Portland cement and a cellulose fiber
product added for reinforcement and to reduce weight. These products tend to weigh between 300-600 lbs. per square.

Tips: Research carefully. Various complaints have been raised about these products’ performance over time, especially in
regions with extreme temperature variations. Inquire about any warranty limitations. Look for recycled content fiber.

Wood Shake $200-$300 per square Most shakes are made from naturally rot-resistant species of wood, such as cedar. From a water-
quality perspective, wood shakes not treated with preservatives and moss inhibitors perform well; most include these
additives, however. If properly installed and maintained, wood shakes can last 30+ years. One of the few locally produced
roofing choices, wood shake roofs fit with the style of many Seattle houses. They’re also a renewable resource.

Tips: Look for wood shakes from environmentally responsible harvest, including FSC-certified products (see sidebar, page 6),
made from storm-damaged trees, and trunks left over from previous eras of timber harvest. Such wood naturally resists rot
better than more commonly available second-growth material. Wood shakes can be a challenge to maintain in our area. Use
stainless steel nails for wood shake installation.

Recycled Content $300-$600 per square Description: Recycled-content (up to 100%) wood shake and slate alternatives are available, made from
various materials such as recycled plastic and cellulose fibers, tires, and industrial rubber.

Tips: Inquire about these products’ suitability for rainwater harvest; not all have been tested for water-quality impact. Different
products vary in recycled content; find out specifics from the manufacturer or retailer. Given the incredible durability of these
products, use high-quality stainless steel fasteners for roof attachment. Look for long warranties up to 75 years.
roofing materials
The top layer in the assembly, your roofing material not only determines the appearance of your roof, but its longevity and maintenance
requirements. The roofing product you select also affects water quality, as well as your home’s heating and cooling abilities. The load
capacity and pitch of your roof will partially determine what type of material you can use. Roofing material weights vary widely. Consult
a structural engineer if you have any questions regarding the load capacity of your roof. As for fire safety, roofing materials must meet a
Class C fire rating or better in Seattle. Unless otherwise noted, the following roofing choices apply to medium- to steep-sloped roofs (4
or more inches or more of rise for every foot of run), which make up the vast majority of Seattle rooflines. Low-sloped roofs (less than 3
inches of rise for every foot of run) are good candidates for green roofs (page 10). Avoid copper and zinc-coated roofing materials.
Copper production is energy-intensive and extremely polluting. Additionally, copper leaches from roofs, eventually finding its way into
creeks, lakes and the Puget Sound–where it is toxic to aquatic life. It also renders rainwater unsuitable for landscape uses. Galvanized
steel’s protective zinc layer helps prevent rusting by continuously releasing zinc from its surface, where it is carried away by rain. Like
copper, zinc is toxic to aquatic life.


Steel $80-$350+ per square Steel roofing is coated to avoid rust. Coatings include paints and powder-coat finishes. Aluminized
steel is also used, the result of a process similar to galvanizing in which aluminum is applied to steel sheet to form a
protective layer. Care must be taken to maintain the aluminum finish; scratches that reach the steel surface will rust.

Tips: Look for finishes with warranties against fading, chipping and chalking. Powder coat finishes emit virtually no air
pollution compared to wet-applied metal finishes. Also, order factory-cut and finished roofing as field-cut products tend to rust
where unfinished ends are exposed to the elements; it performs better from a water-quality perspective, too. Opt for steel
products with over 50% recycled content. Look for roofing with hidden or clip fasteners designed to avoid direct exposure to the

Aluminum $250-$300 per square A lightweight option, aluminum roofing usually comes pressed into shake, shingle, tile or slate-like
forms, then coated or painted in various colors. Aluminum production consumes large amounts of power, but this roofing
material’s durability reduces some of the environmental burden.

Tips: Choose products with high recycled content. Aluminum shingles are available with nearly 100% recycled content (80%
post-consumer), with high-quality baked-on resin finishes meeting National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards for
rainwater harvest. One product was tested by the Florida Solar Energy Center and shown to reduce attic heat gain by up to
34% compared to composition roofing materials. Look for products with an anodized finish (oxidized aluminum forms a
protective layer that is integrally bonded to the metal); this is environmentally preferable to other coating options.

Clay Tile (Terra Cotta) $400-$500+ per square Because they tend to outlast the buildings they’re protecting, clay tiles may be reused, depending on
how they were installed. Manufacturing involves extruding wet clay in various shapes, then kiln firing. Considered the best
roofing from a water quality perspective, clay tile is heavy and often requires structural reinforcement.

Tips: Look for salvaged clay tiles — searching online using “salvaged tile roof” and similar terms will result in multiple
companies that specialize in reselling vintage roof tiles. If buying new, look for long warranties up to 75 or even 100 years. At
600-900 lbs. per square, your roof may need structural changes to support this roofing choice.

Slate $900-$1,200+ per square One of the most water-quality-friendly roof choices, slate is also very expensive but lasts a long
time; 100-year limited warranties are not uncommon. Popular in Seattle for educational institutions and high-end residential
projects, slate can be used for residential applications, as well (see the Commander’s house at the Ballard Locks). Slate goes
from quarry to roof with minimal processing-an environmental strength. However, consider transport costs because most
slate comes from the northeast United States or from abroad. A heavy roofing option (700-900 pounds per square), slate roofs
may require structural reinforcement.

Tips: Several companies across the country sell salvaged and antique slate tiles. Search on line for services using terms such
as salvage, slate, tile, and antique.

green home remodel | roof 8

low slope roofs
Roofs less than 4 inches of rise for every foot of run are generally categorized as
low slope roofs. These roofs are notoriously leaky, and replacing them usually
generates a tremendous amount of waste. They’re also costly to repair.

Metal is likely the most environmentally benign low slope roofing choice due to its
recycled content, recyclable nature, and long service life (warranties of up to 50 years are
available on some products). Metal roofing can be installed on roofs at slopes as low as 1/2
inch per foot, although some experts claim a more appropriate minimum slope is 2
inches per foot. Steel is the only low-slope roofing option that is fully recyclable.

Tips: Look for powder coated steel products. This painting process is efficient and does
not result in air pollution during production. It is also friendly to water quality. Avoid
roofing products that have exposed galvanized elements: the zinc in these products can
harm aquatic life. Have metal roofing cut to size at the fabrication plant rather than on
site: this will reduce waste.

Built Up
Overlapping layers of roofing felt (tarpaper) are coated with asphalt (a byproduct of
petroleum processing) or coal tar (a byproduct of coal refining). A service life of 20 years
is common. Asphalt and coal tar are both non-renewable products.

Tips: Coal tar roofing pitch has self-healing properties due to its quality of being semi-
liquid at temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. This also limits it to application on
very flat roofs (less than 1/4 inch rise per foot of run). Asphalt roofing has different
formulations that allow it to be installed on roofs with up to a 3-in-12 slope.

Bituminous membranes combine bitumen (coal tar pitch or asphalt) for adhesive and
waterproofing qualities with plastic and synthetic rubber sheet. Polymeric membranes
include PVC (polyvinyl chloride), TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin) and EPDM (ethylene
propylene diene monomer). Roofing membrane products often contain chlorine (usually
in the form of PVC which is 50% chlorine by weight) or a fire retardant such as
bromine. In a fire, chlorine-containing products can produce dangerous toxins like
hydrochloric acid and dioxin. Bromine and other halogenated fire retardants destroy the
earth’s protective ozone layer.

Tips: TPO is considered the most environmentally benign roofing membrane. TPO
membranes are relatively new to the marketplace and concerns have been raised as to
their durability. Be sure to research options carefully and evaluate warranties. Since
membrane roofs consist of a single layer of material, damage to the membrane is very
likely to result in leaks. Look for non-halogenated fire-retardant products that meet fire
code requirements. Consider a green roof (see page 10) on top of a membrane roof for
increased durability and environmental benefits.

Roll roofing is asphalt saturated roofing felt with a surface layer of granules. Roll roofing
is applied in overlapping layers.

Tips: Pay particular attention to seams during installation: this is the most common
point of failure with this roofing product. Recycle old roll roofing at asphalt shingle
recycling facilities: find roofing recyclers in the Recycling Database (look under
Construction, Demolition, and Landclearing), at

9 green home remodel | roof

Growing Medium (soil)

Filter Fabric

Drainage layer

Rigid Insulation

Waterproof Membrane

green roofs
Conventional roofs may do a good job of keeping your house dry, but their
environmental consequences prove less beneficial. Hard surfaces increase the amount of
rainwater entering our storm water system, which damages local creek habitat and adds
pollutants to Lake Washington and Puget Sound. In some Seattle areas, downspouts
connect directly to the sewer system, resulting in the periodic release of untreated sewage
into our local waters during storms. On hot sunny days, roofing materials collect heat,
increasing temperatures both inside your home and outside.

Green roofs (also known as eco-roofs or living roofs) help reduce the negative side effects of
conventional roofing, while adding green space to your property. They consist of various
roofing layers topped with a soil-like growing medium and plants chosen for their ability
to withstand a roof ’s extreme conditions. Seattle’s downtown Justice Center and City
Hall feature green roofs. Residential-scale versions usually have a much thinner layer of
growing medium than their commercial cousins, with low-growing plants from the
succulent family and other rock-garden-friendly varieties.

Green roofs offer a range of benefits for both your home and the environment, including:
■ acting as an additional insulating layer to reduce unwanted summer heat gain and
winter heat loss
■ capturing, filtering and slowing roof runoff

■ extending the life of the roof itself by protecting the waterproof membrane at its
foundation from sunlight or puncture damage

Low-pitched roofs (at least one inch of rise for every foot of run, to facilitate drainage)
are best suited to green roof applications, but the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild’s Green
Roof Project has experimented with various roof pitches. The Green Roof Project
estimates the cost of a green roof at approximately twice per square foot of a quality
metal roof, but this can vary with roof design and the owner’s willingness to contribute
labor. Although more expensive up-front than conventional roofing, the extended life
span of a green roof makes it cost-competitive over the long term. To learn more, see the
Northwest EcoBuilding Guild’s web site at

Drawing: Robert Harrison Architects

Photo top right, middle right, bottom: Jon Alexander.

Photo middle left: Geoff Belau and Lauren Woodward. green home remodel | roof 10
gutters and
Effective green gutters must be durable, watertight and water-quality-friendly.
Unfortunately, two popular products release toxins into storm water. Unpainted
galvanized gutters leach zinc into rainwater; they also rust over time. (Recycle old
galvanized gutters, downspouts and flashing at Seattle’s North and South Recycling and
Disposal Stations.) Another common gutter and downspout choice, PVC (polyvinyl
chloride) contains additives to increase its flexibility that can also leach into rainwater
and harm fish. Over 50% chlorine by weight, PVC forms dioxins–very potent and
persistent toxins–when it is burned improperly.

Aluminum. Longer-lasting than galvanized products, painted aluminum gutters make a

better choice for maintaining water quality. Look for seamless aluminum products from
services that fabricate gutters on-site to the dimensions of your home, reducing the
likelihood of leaks. Factory-applied, baked-on (often called powder-coated) finishes prove
more durable than sprayed finishes, and create less pollution during manufacturing.

Gutters should be installed at a slight slope toward downspouts to allow for complete
drainage after rain. Standing water can shorten the life of your gutter system, and can
also breed mosquitoes. Look for designs that minimize clogging by leaves and debris, or
consider installing leaf guard systems in existing gutters. Check your gutters regularly
and clear them of debris. Blocked gutters can also breed mosquitoes, and even damage
roofing or siding.

If your existing gutters are in

good condition, consider

reusing them. Roofing

contractors don’t usually

include gutter replacement in

their bids, but make sure they

clean your gutters of any

debris generated during the

roofing process.

11 green home remodel | roof

roof decks
If your home boasts a low slope roof with sufficient structural support or a dormer that
can accommodate it, consider a roof deck or balcony as a way to gain territorial views
and additional outdoor living space. Roof decks can have open railings extending four
feet above the maximum building height. Adding a roof deck in Seattle requires a
building permit; discuss structural and permitting requirements with a Permit Specialist
at Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development by calling (206) 684-8850.

Roof decks offer opportunities to introduce green elements beyond simply the plants
themselves, including decking from sources certified as responsibly grown and harvested
by the Forest Stewardship Council (see sidebar, page 6 for more on FSC certified wood)
or products made with recycled plastic. The durability of recycled plastic decking
products is an added bonus on roofs, where extreme weather can considerably shorten
the life span of other products.

Those extreme weather conditions also require careful plant selection for roof gardens.
Only certain plants are up to the task of roof living. For plant selection tips for rooftop
gardens, see Chapter 5 of Big Ideas for Northwest Small Gardens by Marty Wingate
(Sasquatch Books, 2003).

Photos: © Jacqueline Koch. green home remodel | roof 12

reuse & recycling
Tearing off a roof generates a lot of waste. But this material doesn’t have to be destined for the landfill. Depending on the
materials, they can be recycled, and sometimes even reused. Have your contractor contact the Resource Venture at Seattle’s
Chamber of Commerce for free information, advice, and referrals related to roofing material recycling. The Resource Venture
is on the web at and staffs an information hotline at (206) 389-7304.


Experts estimate that asphalt If old metal roofing is still Other high-end roofing As mentioned earlier, if
composition shingles claim in good condition, building products like terra cotta, your roof ’s sheathing is in
nearly 90% of the roofing materials salvage companies Spanish tile and slate are good condition, consider
market. According to the can sell it for reuse–even candidates for reuse, as well. reusing it. Preventing waste
Environmental Protection small amounts come in In fact, there’s an active in the first place is better,
Agency, between 7 and 10 handy for garden sheds and national market for buying and cheaper, than recycling.
million tons of asphalt outbuilding projects. Find and selling vintage tile and If your old tongue-and-
roofing end up in U.S. building salvage companies slate roofs. Search the groove sheathing is going to
landfills each year. In in the phone book under Internet by using terms be removed, investigate
Seattle, we’re lucky to have a Building Materials - Used. such as salvage, slate, tile, whether it could be sold or
more environmentally and roofing. donated to local building
friendly alternative: grinding Metal flashing can also be materials salvage companies.
and mixing asphalt roofing recycled, and reused if in Often this material is from
products into asphalt good condition. The key to old-growth Northwest
paving. When replacing an successful reuse is careful timber, and can be re-
old asphalt roof, select a dismantling and removal. If milled into beautiful
contractor that regularly used materials retailers aren’t interior trim or even
brings old shingles to a interested in your materials, flooring. Find building
recycling facility rather than try listing them on King salvage companies in the
disposing of them as waste. County’s Reusable Building phone book under Building
Materials Exchange at Materials – Used.
Although recycling asphalt It’s
shingles into road materials free to list and browse for all
is better than burdening our sorts of building materials.
landfills, it’s still
downcycling, or reusing
materials to make a less
valuable product.

13 green home remodel | roof

Solar power in Seattle? Our cloudy days may make this sound like an unlikely option,
but there are plenty of reasons to consider solar power for your roof. Seattle gets most of
its power from hydroelectric sources, which are plentiful in the fall, winter and spring.
But our region’s electric demand can outstrip hydro supplies in the summer months,
requiring Seattle to supplement its electricity supply with non-renewable and polluting
sources such as natural gas and coal. By installing a solar electric, also known as
photovoltaic (PV) array on your home, you can reduce demand for city-supplied power.
With a PV system, you can also take advantage of net metering, a law that requires your
electricity provider to purchase back any surplus power your system creates at full retail
value. For information on Seattle City Light’s Net Metering Program, see

Cost is usually the main deterrent to installing a PV system. With current electricity
prices, payback is long–usually 20+ years. Rolling the cost of a system into your
mortgage with a home improvement loan is one popular option. By selecting a system
that doubles as roofing material, you may also reduce the overall system cost, if timed
with a roof replacement. Current products include solar electric shingles similar in
appearance to three-tab asphalt shingles, as well as thin, flexible rectangular panels
designed to fit in the pan section of standing-seam metal roofing.

Solar hot water systems provide another eco-friendly option for your home, and can be
installed together with PV. Designs vary, but the principle remains the same: systems use
the sun to heat water for home use. Designs have advanced in recent years; they now
resemble solar electric panels and can be unobtrusively placed on various roof styles.
Solar hot water systems provide a much quicker payback than PV–often less than 10
years-helping to heat water for home use even on cloudy days.

You can also save on the cost of a system by purchasing it through Western SUN. This
regional network of utilities, public utility districts and electric cooperatives provides
solar electric and solar hot water systems wholesale to the consumer, without sales tax.
For more information, see

If you’re not willing or able to commit to solar with your upcoming roof replacement,
you can still support the development of solar in Seattle by signing up for City Light’s
Seattle Green Power program. See for more information
(click on Green Power).

Additional Seattle solar resources include:

■ For information, including technical assistance, on solar technology, contact the
Northwest Solar Center, a program of WSU Energy, at (206) 396-8446.
■ Solar electric systems for homes in single family zones (CAM #420) a customer
assistance memo by the Seattle Department of Planning and Development provides
information about permitting and installing solar electric systems in Seattle.
Available online at

Photos top to bottom: Ross Chapin Architects,, Ross Chapin

Architects, and Blip Design Lab (photo © Michael Moore). green home remodel | roof 14
rainwater harvest
We spend so much time getting water away from our homes that we often fail to see
rain as a valuable asset–delivered right to us for free. Excessive amounts of rainwater
diverted into storm or sewer systems can damage local creeks, cause flooding, and impair
water quality. But what if you could to use that water to benefit your home or garden?
You can–in a multitude of ways.

Roof rainwater can be stored for later use outdoors in the yard. Rain barrels are popular,
but their small size makes them more educational than instrumental in minimizing your
city-supplied water use. This is especially true in July through September, when weeks
without rain mean your rain barrel doesn't refill. See the Seattle Public Utilities web
page at for a list of retailers and use instructions, plus
links to other rain barrel sources.

Cisterns store from several hundred to thousands of gallons of water, enough to

significantly reduce or even eliminate the need to use municipal water for landscape
purposes, especially when combined with the use of water-wise plants. Cisterns can offer
the added benefit of helping regulate storm water runoff during the winter months,
when landscape water isn't needed. By incorporating a valve in the base of the tank,
rainwater captured during the winter can slowly and safely drain from the tank over
time. To store water for summer use, simply close the valve. The Texas Guide to
Rainwater Harvest provides an excellent overview of all aspects of rainwater harvest and

You can also put that roof water directly to use in your yard with a rain garden. These
landscape elements feature plants that thrive in wet conditions coupled with soils that
allow safe ground percolation. Rain gardens must be carefully designed and located to
avoid flooding and causing damage to your home or neighboring properties. For an
overview, see Classes on rain gardens
are occasionally offered through Seattle Parks & Recreation; for information, call
(206) 684-0877.

Homeowners in Portland, Oregon created their own mini water treatment plant, using
captured rainwater for drinking and other indoor uses. Although this application is not
currently allowable by code in King County, you may want to design your roof to
accommodate this use in the future. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)
maintains a list of roofing materials approved for drinking purposes at
15 green home remodel | roofs
■ The Green Building Handbook vol. 2: A Companion Guide to Building
Products and their Impact on the Environment edited by Tom Wooley
(E & FN Spon, 2000). Includes a chapter on roofing materials.
■ Roofing: The Best of Fine Homebuilding (Taunton Press). Articles on
roofing, from slate to sod.

The Internet is a great place to research green remodeling topics. Try search
terms such as: residential green building, green building materials, healthy
building, energy conservation, water conservation and sustainable building.

Home Energy magazine’s article “Seeking Green Building on the Internet” is a

great overview of the resources available on the Web for green building

Seattle Public Utilities maintains a website to complement the Green Home

Remodeling series. The site includes an extensive list of links to additional
information on green remodeling in general in the following topics:
■ Appliances and Fixtures

■ Certified Wood

■ Energy and Water Efficiency

■ Indoor Air Quality

■ Materials Selection and Use

■ Paints and Finishes

■ Recycling and Reuse

■ Remodeling Hazards (Asbestos, Lead, and Formaldehyde)

■ Toxics Reduction, and

■ Universal Design

Find these resources and other guides in the Green Home Remodel series at (click on Green Home Remodel). Or call
Seattle Public Utilities’ Sustainable Building Program at (206) 615-0731 to
receive a print version of the resource list or other brochures in this series.

This brochure was developed by the Seattle Public Utilities Sustainable

g Building Program, with the assistance of Seattle Public Utilities Resource
Conservation staff. Grateful acknowledgements to Seattle City Light, the
Environmental Home Center, Western SUN, and Environmental Works
for content review and input.

For TTY assistance, please call (206) 233-7241. This information can be made available
on request to accommodate people with disabilities and those who need language assistance.

Photos second and forth from top: © Jacqueline Koch. green home remodel | roofs 16
City of Seattle
Gregory J. Nickels, Mayor
Seattle Public Utilities
Chuck Clarke, Director
Sustainable Building Program
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4900
Seattle, WA 98104-5004

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