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No . 1 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SKILLS (CE Skills) FOR HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Objectives/Sub-objectives from Course Specifications: Provide a brief overview of the history and development of Human Rights in Indonesia, outline the content and purpose of the National Human Rights Plan (RANHAM) and describe their role in its promulgation and implementation. Topics Proposed Under This Objective International Human Rights o Brief History of Human Right Movement Human Rights in Indonesia o Human Right in Indonesian Constitution 1945 and its amendments o Indonesian Law No. 39/1999 on Human Rights o Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia number 40 year 2004 o Activity Plan of Ranham 2004 2009 Inputs from the Guest Speakers o Human Rights in Indonesia : Strategies & Policies by the Director General of Human Rights Development o The Activities for Socialization of Human Rights by the Director of Human Rights Development, Ministry of Laws and Human Rights o The Monitoring Activities of Human Rights by the Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Law and Human Rights Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Explanation by the facilitator on the above topics of human rights through interactive presentation Discussion and brainstorming on Human Rights in general Grouping of participants into four working syndicates, each of which is to work on RANHAM on the aspects of o How to best organize the HR Committee to optimize its working effectiveness i.e. how to distribute roles and responsibilities among members with different capabilities and preferences. o What activities could and must be done to conduct their tasks efficiently

Presentation of group works and discussion on key success factors of implementing RANHAM Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Identify the management characteristics of working Committee on Human Rights Identify and formulate the key success factors in implementing RANHAM action plans. Become active in group sessions to share their respective views, opinion and experiences in working for Committee-type organization Increase the participation of community leaders and society in general in Human Rights matters Improve cooperation between Human Rights Committee members with surrounding community and external institutions Relationships to Action Plan: The new knowledge and abilities developed above will enable the participants to identify key aspects managing committee type organization that will have some impacts on their working in implementing RANHAM Action Plans through some aspects of Community Engagements. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities, *accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics on RANHAM/Community Engagement through: o Explaining that RANHAM is actually the implementation of good governance in human rights sector in terms responsiveness to the needs of local communities. o Explaining that successful implementation of RANHAM requires, among others, accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, and *consensus orientation, all of which are the principles of good governance. The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on RANHAM through: o Explaining that implementation of RANHAM through Provincial/District Human Rights Committee means a move from centralization towards decentralization that requires changes in many aspects of government 9

administration and management, including implementation of RANHAM. o As organizations do not change -- only people behind them who change the implementation of RANHAM requires application of change management principles, among other *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm. The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on RANHAM through o Explaining the fact that implementation of RANHAM requires more involvement of the local communities that would surely involve more women. o Explaining that RANHAM is aimed to improve the human rights condition of all segments in the communities, including half of the population, the women.

No . 2

Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Define a range of key terms in human rights and Community Engagement, including: Human rights Community Community profiling Community Engagement Stakeholders Community mobilisation


Self determination. Topics Proposed Under This Objective Key terms of Human Rights will be explained in the topics covered under objective no.1 above. Community Engagement In Context -Basic Concepts and Terms -The context of engagement in Indonesia -Who are the stakeholders -Stakeholders analysis -Clues to good community engagement Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Explanation by the facilitator through interactive presentation on the basic concepts of Community Engagement including the concepts of community, community profiling, stakeholders and stakeholders analysis. Participants to group into four syndicates to conduct workshop on profiling the target communities in their localities: o Identifications of relevant variables to profile their respective local communities o Develop the profile of their respective target community o Develop some potential ideas on how to best approach their respective local communities for Community engagement (CE) activities. Presentation of group works and discussion on the profile of their respective community and some ideas on how to best approach them for CE activities. Participants to re-group into four syndicates to conduct workshop on Community Engagement on the following; o Identifications of stakeholders for Human Rights implementation through RANHAM action plan o How each group of key stakeholders identified will affect the tasks of Provincial/Human Rights Committee o How would the Committee as a group maximize the involvement and support from key stakeholders. Presentation of group works and discussion on how to maximize the involvement of stakeholders in Community Engagement (CE) activities to realize RANHAM objectives Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Understand the concepts and key terms of CE. Apply the concepts and techniques of community profiling to develop the profile of their respective community Understand concepts of stakeholders Apply the concepts of stakeholders to identify the key


stakeholders groups with regards to RANHAM Understand the important roles played by each stakeholder group in RANHAM Increase active participation of the community and key stakeholders in CE activities Relationships to Action Plan: The new knowledge and abilities developed above will enable the participants to identify key aspects managing Community Engagement particularly with regards to the characteristics of the target community with whom they will work on their group Action Plans. The participants will also gain good understanding on how key stakeholders would be able to help them to realize their group Action Plans. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics on key elements of CE through: o Explaining that working with communities on the basis of good understanding of the concepts of community, their characteristics as well as the concepts stakeholders are the requirements in the implementation of good governance in Human Rights sector (in terms responsiveness to the needs of local communities). o Explaining that successful work with communities requires, among others, *accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, and *consensus orientation. The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on key components of C.E. through: o Explaining that working with the communities through C.E. means a move from centralization towards decentralization that requires changes in the ways the Government deal with then public. o As community consist of people who need to be changed, good understanding on the concepts of community, community profiling, stakeholders and stakeholders analysis will become a good foundation to apply the change management principles, among other 12

*value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm. The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on key components of C.E. through o Explaining the fact that C.E. seeks to develop more and more involvement of the local communities that would surely involve more women. o Explaining that C.E. is aimed to improve participation of all segments in the communities, including half of the population, the women

No . 3

Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Describe C.E. concepts and principles including: Inclusiveness Mutual respect Integrity Affirmation of diversity Value adding Local autonomy and decentralisation etc. and explain how they can be applied to the implementation of the RANHAM. Topics Proposed Under This Objective o Principles of Community Engagement o Inclusiveness o Reaching out o Mutual respect o Integrity o Affirming diversity o Adding value o Interpretation and the spirit behind Local Autonomy (Law no 13

22/1999) o The desirability and necessity of applying CE to realize RANHAM objectives. Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Explanation by the facilitator on principles of Community Engagement. Grouping of participants into four groups as below: o Group 1 to work how the principles of Inclusiveness and Reaching Out can be applied to achieve RANHAM Objectives o Group 2 to work how the principles of Mutual respect and Integrity can be applied to achieve RANHAM Objectives o Group 3 to work how the principles of Affirming diversity and Adding value can be applied to achieve RANHAM Objectives o Groups 4 to work on how the move towards decentralization necessitates the application of C.E. approach to help achieving RANHAM Objectives Presentation on group works based on the respective notes followed by discussion led by the facilitators Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Understand the key principles in conducting CE Appreciate the desirability of CE to achieve RANHAM objectives Understand the necessity of CE to fully apply the decentralization principles and legal requirements Understand how to maximize the results of CE activities through complete applications of its basic principles. Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding the principles CE will help the participants in preparing and executing their group Action Plans , since all Action Plans should be focused on implementing some aspect of Community Engagements. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics on the principles of C.E. through: 14

No . 4

o Explaining that the principles of CE are linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms. The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on the principles of CE through: o Explaining that the principles of CE require changes in the process of working the community. o Understanding the principles of CE will help the participants to maximize their contribution in the management of the transition process (or change management): *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm. The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on the principles of CE through o Explaining the fact that the principles of CE, among other, inclusiveness, and affirming diversity, requires more involvement of the local communities that would surely involve more women. o Explaining that the application C.E. principles will ensure the improvement of participation of all community segments, including half of the population, the women. As such, the application of CE principles is required to ensure the support of all parties involved, including women. Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Identify the benefits and challenges of C.E. techniques for both the public and private sector and the community itself. Topics Proposed Under This Objective Community Engagement In Context o Benefits for the Government and Community o Key challenges for Government and NGO Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Grouping of participants into four groups as below: o Group 1 to work how CE will bring benefits to Government and how to maximize the benefits through effective CE activities o Group 2 to work how CE will bring benefits to the Community itself, and how to convey and persuade the community to participate in CE activities 15

o Group 3 to work the key challenges for the Government to apply CE and how to overcome the challenges o Group 4 to work the key challenges for the NGO to apply the CE and how to overcome the challenges. Presentation on group works based on the respective notes followed by discussion led by the facilitators The facilitator present collective conclusion and present the benefits and challenges as per the systematized experiences from other parts of the world through interactive presentation to compare with group works. Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Understand what it takes to reap the maximum benefits from successful C.E. implementation Understand the many challenges in C.E. implementation Develop ideas on how to overcome practical challenges in C.E. implementation Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding the benefits CE will help the participants in preparing and executing their group Action Plans, since this set of knowledge will help them in reaping maximum benefits in the implementation of some aspect of Community Engagements. While their understanding on the challenges and possible ways to overcome these will help the participants to increase their chance of success in implementing some aspect of C.E Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, *effectiveness and efficiency are integrated in the topics on the benefits and challenges of CE through: o Explaining that awareness on the benefits and challenges of CE implementation of will help them to communicate that successful C.E. is the collective responsibility of the local communities. This will implant the principles of *accountability, *participation, *consensus orientation (parts of the good governance principles) in the community.. The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational


change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on the benefits and challenges of CE through: o Explaining that understanding the benefits and challenges of CE will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. means a gradual move from centralization towards decentralization that might pose possible inherent risks. As such the participants will be aware of the ways to minimize risks of failure through careful application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on the benefits and challenges of CE in its implementation through o The participants awareness of inherent benefits and challenges in C.E. implementation will force them to gain full support from all ranks and files of the local communities that would surely involve women.

No . 5

Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Explain the cycle of activities involved in applying C.E. techniques, including: Coming together, i.e. clarifying goals and purpose, setting parameters and explaining what can/cant be achieved, profiling the community, building trust, initiating dialogue etc. Moving forwards, i.e. translating dialogue into action, identifying the inter-relatedness of issues, etc Sustaining momentum, i.e. identifying ways to exist and sustain activity. Topics Proposed Under This Objective Planning Community Engagement o CE and the Policy Planning Cycle o Community Research o Formation of CE objectives o Formation of Key Communication Messages. o Selection of Engagement techniques o Planning transition and exit strategies Implementing Community Engagement o Working with communities: 17

o o o o o o

Resorting Structure and process Continuity and follow- up. Representation and control Coordination Embedding good practice

Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Explanation on elements required for Planning Community Engagements through interactive presentation Splitting into four groups, each to discuss on how to develop appropriate plans for their CE activities in their respective area. The aspects covered would be o Specific CE objectives based on their analysis of the respective community o What key messages to deliver o How to best deliver the key messages Presentation of group works followed by collective discussion and works Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Identify key elements for planning CE activities Identify ways to find key issues based on community profile/community research Identify feasible solutions to the key issues through CE Determine the appropriate objectives of each respective CE program Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding key elements of Planning CE Activities will help the participants in preparing and executing their group Action Plans, since this set of knowledge will help them in developing actionable plan to solve specific issues. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics key elements of Planning CE Activities through: o Explaining that understanding key elements of Planning CE Activities will help the participants in preparing and executing the CE activities. While CE is linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms.


No . 6

( The good governance principles of *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are the same foundation on which CE activities are based on. The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on key elements of Planning for CE through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the key elements of Planning for CE will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. requires changes in doing things with the community. As such the implementation of CE requires the application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on key elements of Planning for CE through: o Explaining the fact successful implementation of CE requires good planning. And CE implementation requires more involvement and support of the local communities that would surely involve more women. Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Compare a range of C.E. techniques in terms of their appropriateness in meeting the committees stated goals and purpose by considering: How acceptable specific techniques would be to the community. The skills required of both the Committee and the community to apply a specific technique. Time constraints on the use of specific techniques. Budgetary implications of the use of specific techniques and describe how they could apply each technique. Topics Proposed Under This Objective Methods for Community Engagement o Overview of Methods: -Information sharing -Consultation & deliberation -Active participation


o Choosing engagement methods Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Explanation by the facilitator on overview CE methods through interactive presentation Explanation by the facilitator on how to chooses specific CE method based on relevant considerations Splitting into four groups for discussions on what method is best for their respective objective and local/situational condition Group presentation and discussion on group works The facilitator present conclusion through interactive discussion Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Understands different types of CE Identify the factors to be considered to select the most appropriate CE method Apply the CE selection method Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding and mastering the methods of choosing the most appropriate CE method will help the participants in preparing and executing their group Action Plans, since this set of knowledge will help them in developing appropriate CE activities to solve specific issues. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics on choosing the CE methods through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the key elements in choosing the CE methods will help the participants in preparing and executing the effective CE activities. While CE is linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms. ( The good governance principles of *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are the same foundation on which CE activities are based on. The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational 20

No . 7

change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on key elements of Planning for CE through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the key elements in choosing the CE methods will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. requires changes in doing things with the community. As such the implementation of CE requires the application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on key elements of Planning for CE through: o Explaining the fact successful implementation of CE is based on the fact that the method chosen is the most appropriate to achieve the objectives and most acceptable to the local/situational condition. This requires specific considerations be paid to specific social and cultural roles played by women in the local communities. Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Distinguish the range of skills the committees will require in order to use community engagement strategies to implement the RANHAM, including (but not exclusively): Personal skills, e.g. leadership skills, good communication skills, ability to work collaboratively, persistence, optimism, motivational skills etc. Public Sector skills, e.g. ability to understand the political context in which the committees will be operating, ability to understand and apply public policy, ability to respond flexibly to public sector constraints etc Project Management skills, e.g. ability to identify and assess multiple stakeholder views, strong planning skills, ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, ability to monitor progress and modify activities accordingly, etc and identify a range of options for developing those skills within the Committee and their community. Topics Proposed Under This Objective Skills for Community Engagement Basic frameworks: The Five types of skills Activities & Methodologies Proposed:


Explanation by the facilitator on different types of skills through interactive presentation Splitting into four groups for discussions on how each of them lead and manage affairs in their respective organization Presentation of group works and followed by discussions on how they are required to adjust their leadership and managerial styles in conducting CE Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the types of skills required to manage and lead CE activities Understands different models of managerial and leadership styles Identify the most appropriate style for leading and managing CE activities Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding and mastering the managerial and leadership skills will help the participants in managing and leading their CE activities that will be the implementation of their group Action Plans. This set of knowledge will help them in managing and leading effective CE activities as the implementation of their Group Action Plan. They will also be aware to solve specific issues. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics on managerial and leadership skills required for managing and leading CE through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the skills required for managing and leading CE activities will help the participants in executing the effective CE activities. While CE is linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms. ( The good governance principles of *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are the same foundation on which CE activities are based on). The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on managerial and leadership skills required for 22

managing and leading CE through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the managerial and leadership skills required for managing and leading CE will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. requires changes in doing things with the community. As such the implementation of CE requires the application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of peoplebased change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on managerial and leadership skills required for managing and leading CE through: o Explaining the fact successful implementation of CE is based on the appropriate managerial and leadership styles applied . The styles chosen should be the ones that are the most appropriate to achieve the objectives and most acceptable to the local/situational condition. This requires specific considerations be paid to specific social and cultural roles played by women in the local communities.


No . 8

Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Develop a risk matrix to identify and analyse the risks which the Committee may encounter in implementing the RANHAM, and discuss a range of strategies for overcoming or ameliorating the risks identified. Topics Proposed Under This Objective o Risk Management o Definition of risk o Identification of risks o Assessment of Risks o Risk Ranking Matrix o Responses to different levels of risks Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Introductory explanation on Risk Management through interactive presentation Splitting into four groups, each to discuss on o Identifying what types of risks that might hamper CE activities in their respective local situations o Assessing each types of risk identified o Develop ways on how best to mitigate or reduce the risks Group presentation and discussion on group works The facilitator present conclusion through interactive discussion Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Explain the concept of risks and risk Explain the reasons for applying the principles of risk management to CE planning and implementation Identify feasible ways of managing the potential risks of conducting CE activities. Implement risk management principles in real life situation Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding and mastering the risk management principles will help the participants in increasing the chance of conducting successful and effective CE activities. The successful CE activities (i.e. with no downside risks) will be the implementation


of their group Action Plans. This set of knowledge will help them in managing and leading effective CE activities as the implementation of their Group Action Plan. They will also be aware to solve specific issues. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics of risk management principles through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the principles of risks management related to CE activities will help the participants in executing the effective CE activities. While CE is linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms. ( The good governance principles of *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are the same foundation on which CE activities are based on). The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on the principles of risks management related to CE activities through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the principles of risks management related to CE activities will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. requires changes in doing things with the community. As such the implementation of CE requires the application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of peoplebased change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics the principles of risks management related to CE activities through: o Explaining the fact successful implementation of CE is based on the appropriate application of the risk


management principles. The understanding on the risk management principles requires the participants to pay special attention to women that might pose certain risk elements, related to specific social and cultural roles played by women in the local communities. No . 9 Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Identify and discuss the skills which the Committee themselves will need to operate effectively. Topics Proposed Under This Objective Skills for CE Activities Evaluation of the Levels of Skills of the Participants Level of exposure, knowledge, skills, ability : o High o Medium o Low Prioritization Prioritizing the skills to be developed o Level of importance o Level of improvement required Skill development Planning Planning skill development schedule For specific skill, for each team member: Self development through certain ways/avenues and to be completed by certain dates. Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Individual works of assessing themselves (through preprepared assessment form and skill development form) Group discussion on how the participants could help each other to develop the set of skills required Group presentation followed by discussion The facilitator present conclusions Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Identifying the set of professional skills characteristics required to manage and lead successful effective CE activities Develop individual and group skill development plan Implement long-life learning for self-development Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding the set of skills required to manage and lead effective CE activities will increase the chance of their success. The successful CE activities (i.e. achieving intended results with no downside) will be the implementation of their group Action Plans. This set of knowledge will help them in managing and


leading effective CE activities as the implementation of their Group Action Plan. They will also be aware the need for selfdevelopment to acquire the mastery of skills set required. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics of the set of skills required to manage and lead effective CE activities through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the set of skills required managing and lead CE activities will help the participants in executing the effective CE activities. While CE is linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms. ( The good governance principles of *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are the same foundation on which CE activities are based on). The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on the through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the set of skills required managing and lead CE activities will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. requires changes in doing things with the community. As such the implementation of CE requires the application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on the set of skills required to manage and lead effective CE activities through: o Explaining the fact successful implementation of CE is based on the men behind the guns i.e. on their skills of managing and leading CE activities. The understanding on the skills set required will sharpen their managerial and leadership tools with regards to dealing with women. This is due to the fact that women have specific social


and cultural roles to play in the local communities. No . 10 Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Identify a range of project management skills which the Committee must have in order to implement C.E. activities, and demonstrate a basic capacity to apply these. Topics Proposed Under This Objective Project management and analytical skills 1) Ability to assess multiple stakeholder views 2) Strong ability to plan, manage and evaluate projects 3) Ability to manage change. 4) Ability to transition and exit projects 5) Ability to manage risks 6) Ability to deliver agreed results Role plays in simulated situation to apply and demonstrate the leadership Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Individual works of reading the scenarios prepared. The simulation games for managerial challenges are: a) how to develop a good system and process for engagement activities and b) how to coordinate roles and responsibilities among members of the Human Rights Committee. Role playing in simulated scenario Group discussion on simulated situation The facilitator is to give conclusion through interactive presentation. Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Explain the managerial skills required Explain the reasons for applying certain managerial techniques and styles for certain challenges Explain the real life ambience where certain managerial techniques are required Describe the characteristics of effective managers Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding the managerial skills required managing and lead effective CE activities will increase the chance of their success. The successful CE activities (i.e. achieving intended results with no downside) will be the implementation of their group Action Plans. This set of knowledge will help them in managing and leading effective CE activities as the implementation of their Group Action Plan. They will also be aware the need for selfdevelopment to acquire the mastery of skills set required. 28

Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics of the managerial skills required to manage and lead effective CE activities through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the set of skills required managing and lead CE activities will help the participants in executing the effective CE activities. While CE is linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms. ( The good governance principles of *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are the same foundation on which CE activities are based on). The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on the managerial skills required to manage and lead effective CE activities through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the managerial skills required managing and lead CE activities will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. requires changes in doing things with the community. As such the implementation of CE requires the application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of peoplebased change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on the managerial skills required to manage and lead effective CE activities through: o Explaining the fact successful implementation of CE is based on the men behind the guns i.e. on their skills of managing and leading CE activities. The understanding on the managerial skills required will sharpen their managerial and leadership tools with regards to dealing with women. This is due to the fact that women have specific social and cultural roles to play in the local


No . 11

communities. Objectives/Sub-Objectives from Course Specifications: Identify a range of leadership skills which the Committee must have in order to implement C.E. activities, and demonstrate a basic capacity to apply these. Topics Proposed Under This Objective 1. Personal characteristics and leadership skills o o o o o o o o o o Persistence and optimism Ability to ask key questions Listening skills Working collaboratively to achieve agreed objectives Ability to influence others Ability to manage own and others emotions Ability to manage conflict Ability to build trust Ability to make decisions Ability to motivate others to engage

2. Role plays in simulated situation to apply and demonstrate the leadership skills Activities & Methodologies Proposed: Individual works on reading the scenarios prepared. The simulation games for managerial challenges are : a) Facing dominant or high-influence participants in engagement event b) Overcoming aggressive participants in engagement event c) Giving clarification to the participants with different expectations or incorrect information d) Overcoming participants with distrust or cynicism toward the process of engagement Role playing in simulated scenario Group discussion on simulated situation The facilitator is to give conclusion through interactive presentation Learning Outcomes Expected: After the sessions, the participants shall be able to Explain the managerial skills required Explain the reasons for applying certain managerial techniques and styles for certain challenges Explain the real life ambience where certain managerial techniques are required


Describe the characteristics of effective leaders Relationships to Action Plan: Understanding and mastering the leadership skills will help the participants in preparing and executing their group Action Plans, since this set of knowledge will help them in developing appropriate CE activities to solve specific issues. Integration of Generic Competences (namely : good governance, change management and gender issues): The principles of good governance, among others: *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are integrated in the topics on choosing the CE methods through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the leadership skills will help the participants in managing and leading the effective CE activities. While CE is linked to the implementation of good governance in all of its terms. ( The good governance principles of *responsiveness to the needs of local communities,*accountability, *transparency, *equity, *participation, *consensus orientation, are the same foundation on which CE activities are based on. The principles of change management, among others: *value transformation is the basis of people-based change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm, are integrated in the topics on key elements of Planning for CE through: o Explaining that understanding and mastering the leadership skills will help them increase the success of CE implementation. While the implementation of C.E. requires changes in doing things with the community. As such the implementation of CE requires the application of change management principles, among others: *value transformation is the basis of peoplebased change, *change in organizations culture is strategic change , *operational change requires shift in paradigm The principle of gender issues, among other: *equal opportunity between the sexes, are integrated in the topics on leadership skills for CE through: o Explaining the fact that successful implementation of CE is based on the men behind the guns i.e. the managerial and leadership skills of the drivers behind CE activities. Leadership skills will facilitate the


participants in dealing equitably with women who have specific social and cultural to play in the local communities.


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