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31.10.2010 Marketing case study 01 ASSUMPTIONS the financial strength is unchanged, group is still financially stable.

. fashion industry at growth even through the economy is at recession because most of the consumers are innovators and early adapters. Implications STRENGTHS 1. Availability of enough funds so you can expand to recruit new employees and buy back the lost employees. 2. Brad Name - Decreasing Customer Loyalty WEAKNSSES 1. No Marketing orientation 2. Staff leaving the organization the old employees might mass the trade secrets to their competitors 3. Severe red tape a very rigid decision making process 4. companys on a vicious cycle THREATS 1. Competition from other retail trades 2. Recession - buying power going down due to recession OPPORTUNITIES 1. International opportunities new markets opening up in overseas. Present markets are in recession Objectives: 1. Create a high level of brand awareness 2. Re- launch the brand 3. Double the market share within the next one year 4. Increase motivation and loyalty within the organization. 5. Change the management style 6. Expand the business in strategic geographical areas (local, national and international level) 7. Since the current market in recession, due to slow growth look out for international partnerships 8. Develop a loyal supplier base supply chain integrity Target Market: We realize that the people who were 15-25 in 1988 would new have reached the age of 30-40. These people already know the company. Therefore out product should be designed to according to their demographics and upcoming trends.

Hence our primary target market will be consumers aged 30-40 in the B C1/ C2 classes. Secondary market a. Children 1-10 years b. Pre-teens 10-12 years those who are coming with their parents. RECOMMENDATION Product Fashionable product offering with quality. Leading trend setting fashion house Price Should adopt the perceived value pricing strategy. o Base their price on the customers perceived value o Made of several elements, such as buyers image of the product performance, channel deliverables, quality etc. Place They already have 490 outlets. Need to decide if keeping this 490 outlets are profitable. If not look for other options for them such as closing down or renting them to other small retailers etc. until we are able to offer a premium product to Once you get to know the target segments and their geo demographic you can list down the stores to keep, to close and to relocate. Once you get the key store location the store outlook and layout should be refurbished to match the new image and brand.

Promotion They already have a strong brand name. It needs to be re-launched with a sound communication strategy. o Advertising: National level launch with brand ambassadors on TV, News Papers. Send personal invitations to the current customer base with a free loyalty cards to visit the store on the day of re launch. o Sales Promotions (to get people into the stores) Early bird promotions (the 1st 100 customers to get a free gift with any purchase) Theme weekends Have an event calendar in place Free loyalty point for visiting the store on the day of the re launch o PR Sponsoring local events Ex: Football club, all uniforms o have your logo on etc. Have a press conference on the day of the re launch Recruit strong PR personnel to deal with all media with past experience. Build a customer loyalty Programme and a process to obtain customer feedback.

Gather a PR team to handle media and an even calendar to be introduced. Need to create a Shopping Experience to the customers.. i.e decorate the store in different themes in different months.

Physical Evidence Store Layout to be re-designed with color themes , logo, Designated areas for products Internal store entertainment, with LCD TVs and sound systems Good lighting A store layout board Uniforms for all staff Playing areas for kids, sitting area, Wi-fi. Etc. Segment stores in specific areas according to the clientele in that area. Product offering to be changes as per the geographical area. Ex. Airport store/ store in wales People Hire a new managing director who had experience in the retail business preferably from a competitor. Use the funds available to carry out an internal marketing campaign to motivate the employees and build loyalty through job satiscation.

Implement a PRP (performance related Pay). Change in financial model in order for new directions to remunerate and make decisions for capital expenditure. Strong marketing and brand manager with a team to be recruited PR team to be introduced with a good media background Evaluation: After carrying out the above recommended strategies, reevaluate the project and where we are right now and whether the desired objectives are achieved. (Action reflection, learning organization) International strategy: Company will carry out a feasibility study on new strategic global markets and will build up a separate business plan accordingly for international markets.

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