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Welcome to COSSY!

COSSY Manual, Version 6, September 2010 Dear tournament organizer, Welcome to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! Organized Play, and to COSSY! We are glad that you chose to run official and rated Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments, and we are certain that your players will appreciate it as well. By running official tournaments, you are granting them the opportunity to earn points that count towards their rating, so that they can measure themselves against other players listed in the worldwide rankings list.

What is COSSY?
COSSY (Konami Card Game Official Store Support System) is Konamis tool to register, run, and report official tournaments. It is a pure online application, meant to be used live at your tournament venue. If your tournament venue doesnt have internet access, COSSY can still be used to report event results after the event took place. If you have questions or feedback about COSSY, please contact the distributor responsible for your area.

Getting started
You can log in to COSSY using the following link: Please note that the link starts with https instead of the more common http. After choosing your country of residence, you will be prompted to enter your store ID and password. Your store ID is a 6-digit number provided to you by Konami. When entering it, enter all six digits, even if the first one is a 0. Your password was also provided to you by Konami. It should be 10 characters long. When entering it, keep in mind that the login screen is case-sensitive. Please keep in mind that COSSY is optimized for Internet Explorer and Firefox only you might encounter problems when using another browser. Also, to be able to use all of COSSYs functions, your browser needs to allow pop-ups. When you log in to COSSY, you will see the following screen:

This screen shows a list of all tournaments you have registered so far. From here, you can register new tournaments, edit / view details of already-registered tournaments, or open a tournament you want to run. You can also see a list of news provided by Konamis TCG Division. What you see on this screen: This button is used to register a new event. For more details, refer to the appropriate section below. This button is used to leave the COSSY application. This button lets you browse through all events you registered so far, using the search parameters to its left.



This button is used to cancel a tournament (for example, because its event date moved). For more details, refer to the appropriate section below. This displays the official registry number of a tournament. When a

Event No.

tournament is approved, its number will be displayed in the format EXXYYYYYY. (XX is the current calendar year and YYYYYY a serial number) Before a tournament is approved, this field displays only a serial number.

Event Date / Time

This shows the scheduled date and time of the event.

Hitting the download link will open a match report form. You can use the form to run your tournament in venues without COSSY access. For more Offline-Report Fax details on event reporting, refer to the appropriate section below. Please note that this form shouldnt be used to report tournaments via fax, except in rare and unusual circumstances. Hitting the yes / no in this column will open the player registration Player registered? screen. Yes is displayed if player registration is already complete, no if it isnt. This displays if results for this tournament have already been entered. Pairings made? Hitting the yes / no in this column will open the results entry screen. Yes is displayed if results entry is complete, no if it isnt. The column will be empty if player entry isnt completed yet. Hitting the yes / no in this column will allow you to change the results Results revised? that have been entered previously, and/or to manually enter the results for tournaments run without COSSY. Official? This displays if the tournament results have been processed by Konami and are included in the worldwide ratings and rankings. This displays the tournaments game system. Currently, Yu-Gi-Oh! is the only game system available.

Card Game

Registering a tournament
Before you can run an official tournament, you first have to register it. All tournament requests are reviewed by Konami officials before they are approved. Because approval by Konami needs some lead time, please schedule your events at least three days in advance! To register a new event, use the following steps: On COSSYs start screen, click the new button in the top-left corner. The following screen will appear:

Choose Event Classification. Of the two options given, Expert means that everyone will be able to participate in your event. If you want to allow only players up to a given age, choose Junior. Note that Junior tournaments are a good way to introduce younger players to a tournament environment, without the often threatening presence of experienced, cut-throat tournament veterans. You can freely choose the age limit for a Junior event, but please make sure to announce this age limit in advance so that every player can plan his attendance accordingly. Choose tournament type. Here, Tournament means single-elimination, where the loser of each match will automatically be dropped from the event. Swiss Draw will enable every player to participate in all rounds of the event, playing against a player with a roughly equal record each round. Note that if you want to run a Swiss-style tournament with a Top X playoff, you will need to register two separate tournaments, one for each portion.

Choose Event Date and Start Time. You can either enter the date directly, in DD/MM/YYYY format, or use the calendar option to choose the event date.

Ignore the line Event type. All options you can choose here are used only in Japan and are of no relevance for European events.

Likewise, No. of Kits should always be left at 0. Enter how many players you expect for this event. If more than this expected number of players show up, they can participate nonetheless.

Enter a contact person for the event. If the tournament takes place in a venue other than your registered store, please enter that venues information in the fields at the bottom of the screen. If the tournament takes place in your store, these fields can be left empty. Each venue you have previously used will show up in the dropdown menu under event location name, so you dont have to re-type this information every time.

Hit Save. The registration screen will close and you will return to COSSYs start screen. Hitting Back will bring you back to COSSYs start screen without saving the information you entered.

Changing event details

You can change the entered details for an event until it has been approved by Konami. To do so, click on the events number on COSSYs start screen, change the information and hit Save. If an event has been approved already, you cant change its details any more. You can, however, cancel the event and register a new one with the corrected data.

Cancelling an event
If it turns out that an event cant be run (for example, because too few players showed up or because the event venue wont be available on the scheduled date), you need to cancel said event. If the event hasnt been approved yet, you can cancel it by clicking on the events number on COSSYs start screen and hitting delete on the bottom of that screen. This will remove the tournament entirely. If the event has been approved already, you can cancel it by clicking the appropriate CANCEL button on COSSYs start screen. You will be prompted to enter a reason for the cancellation. If it turns out you cancelled the wrong event and you want to run it after all, you can cancel the cancellation by hitting REINSTATE.

Running a tournament
Entering players
The first step of running an event is to register all players who want to participate. To do so, use COSSYs start screen and hit the yes/no in the Player entered? column of the appropriate tournament. The following screen will appear:

For each player, enter their COSSY ID into the Card Game ID field and hit ENTRY. Their entry then appears in the entry list below. If that player has registered a name or user name already, it will also appear there. For players who havent registered a name yet, you can enter a temporary name. However, you should encourage players to register properly by logging in to their personal COSSY page.

You can delete players from the list of registered players at any time by using the appropriate button (for example, if you mistyped a number and entered a wrong player). Instead of entering each players ID manually, you can also use a barcode scanner to scan players plastic cards.

Once everyone has been enrolled, enter a number equal to or greater than the number of participants into the Maximum No. of Participants and then hit the adjacent Confirm players button.

If you have more participants than your venue has room for, you can enter a maximum number of participants in the appropriate field before hitting Confirm players. This will randomly select that many participants from the enrolled players, with the ones not selected

being unable to participate. If, in that case, someone who was selected wants to withdraw to let someone else play instead, use that players abstention button. If you have entered any new players in the event, you must enter the correct number of new ID numbers before the program can continue to the next step. It is advisable to keep a running tally, to prevent delays trying to locate which ones are the new ones. Once you have completed those steps, click Confirm and then Back, which will save the enrollment and bring you back to COSSYs start screen.

Create pairings and enter results

Next, you can create pairings for the first round. To do so, hit the no in that tournaments Results Entered? column. The following screen will appear:

Here, you will see the pairings for the first round. Pairings for the first round are generated randomly for the first round. For consecutive rounds, COSSY pairs played with roughly equal number of match wins against each other. For each pairing, the players COSSY IDs are shown, along with their username, if they entered one. From this screen, you can print pairings and result slips by using the corresponding buttons.

Please note that the RESET button on top of that page (not visible on the above screenshot) will reset the ENTIRE tournament back to round 1, with all results being unrecoverably lost. Make sure to not use it accidentally!!

When results start coming in, hit Enter results. Another screen will appear:

There, choose win/lose for each pairing. Note that this win / lose refers to the player listed on the left-hand side. If the player listed on the right-hand side won the match, the result for this pairing is lose. Also note that draws are not possible in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. Instead, certain procedures exist to determine a winner if the match isnt decided at the end of the round time. For more information on those, please refer to the official Konami tournament guidelines.

If a player wants to drop from the event, check the box adjacent to his ID, labelled drop. Be cautious with the DNF (did not finish) box! Checking this box will drop both players from the event.

From this screen, you can also choose Penalty Entry to record any penalties a player has received during the tournament. These records will be submitted along with the match result and stored in Konamis database.

Once you have registered all results for one round, click REGISTER and return to the previous screen. Youll note that now, the winners of each match are displayed with a yellow background.

You can now use the Create next round pairings to pair the next round, or display ranking to see standings.

You can use the Correction to a previous rounds result to delete the pairings youve made and turn back time to a round before.

Once you have completed the above steps for each round of your tournament, click the SUBMIT button. This will report the tournament results to Konami and have them entered into the worldwide ratings and rankings. Thus, please make sure that the results are correct before submitting them. Note that hitting the adjacent END TOURNAMENT button will instead CANCEL your event make sure not to use this button accidentally!

After you have submitted the results, you will be directed back to COSSYs start screen.

Reporting a tournament / changing event results

If you ran the tournament with COSSY access on-site, you were able to report the results as described above. If you didnt have COSSY access on-site and thus ran the event using other means, you need to manually enter all pairings and results before you can submit those. Note that although COSSY offers a form to report your tournament results via fax, Konami doesnt accept fax forms except in circumstances where the method described below cant be used. To manually enter results, click on Results Revision on the tournaments column. The following screen will appear:

Here, enter the number of participants and number of new ID registrations. Next, enter each pairing, with its round number and the COSSY IDs of both players. Again, the left-hand field is for the winning player, and the right-hand field is for the losing player. Note that although there is an option to enter draws, these are not supported by the Yu-GiOh! TCG.

You can ignore the Judges ID field, and the No field in the front. Once you are done entering all pairings, hit SAVE. Please note that the SAVE button should only be used after you have entered ALL results. You can not enter further results after hitting that button.

Note that you can also use this screen to change individual results after you have submitted them. To do so, simply choose the appropriate match entry from the list on the bottom of the screen, edit it, and hit confirm.

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