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Vol 20 Number 18 Rotary Information

The Classification Principle

Virtually all membership in Rotary is based upon a 'classification'. Basically, a classification describes the distinct and recognized business or professional service that the Rotarian renders to society. The principle of Rotary classifications is somewhat more specific and precise. In determining the classification of a Rotarian, it is necessary to look at the 'principal or recognized business or professional activity of the firm, company or institution'. with which an active member is connected or 'that which covers the active member's principal and recognized business of professional activity'. It should be clearly understood that classifications are determined by activities or services to society rather than by the position held by a particular individual. In other words, if a person is the president of a bank, he or she is not classified as 'bank president' but under the classification 'banking'. The classification principle also permits businesses and industries to be separated into distinct functions such as manufacturing, distributing, retailing and servicing. The classification principle is a necessary concept in assuring that each Rotary club represents a cross section of the business and professional service of the community. (excerpt from the ABC of Rotary)


17 December 2011

Presidents Message
December is the Rotary month for Family. So much has been happening recently that I cannot really believe it will be Xmas day next weekend. We have had an amazing run of club activities, namely:1) The Community Service Medical Camp in joint partnership with RC Shah Alam & the Municipal Council where we delivered 550+ free screening tests. The International Project with our sister clubs Siem Reap Clean water and learning tools for 2 schools totaling 600+ kids and a visit to the dump site to give away the remainder of the project items & food. REF/Vocational Service when Swoosh opened its doors to our sponsored students for a Personal Goal Setting program to help them develop and build their confidence and direction in life.



Thank you to all the respective chairs and project teams and everyone who joined in so magnificently. And we are not over yet, as this coming week is the Myanmar Refugees Christmas party. This is a good time to remember that although this is a festive time of year and to be celebrated, that there are many people struggling with personal and family difficulties around the world. One particular group is those attending our party on 17th Dec. What better way to celebrate than by giving something back to people who had to leave their homeland, friends and family to survive. Our party is a small thing, however I am sure the kids and the families will take some cheer from our presence, some gifts, some food packages and some singing. I am equally sure we will take away some memories which may turn out to be our best Christmas present this year. Our last meeting of 2011 will be on Christmas day itself at Steve & Gerries Xmas Dinner party at Pool-Side, Bayu Angkasa from 3pm to when the Turkey is finished!, club meeting 3 to 3.30 followed by a sherry or 2!, then Roast Potatoes, Ikan Bilis Petai, and Sambal Belachan Turkey.
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The Rotary Club of Bukit Kiara Sunrise wishes all Rotarians, family and friends "Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year"

Attendance: 46% Fines: Nil

Joint International Service Project for the Children of Siem Reap 1st - 5th December 2011
Sour-sdey! ...... Welcome in Khmer. The largest contingent with 13 people was from RCBKS led by International Service Director PP Fang Keong, President Steve & Gerrie, Rtn Mike & Judy, Rtn Peter & Elise, Rtn Angie & sister, Elsie & family and PP Karen. There were 8 representatives from RC Bugis Junction International Service Director Rtn Alfred & daughter, PE Bobby & family, and First lady Cecelia & family and from RC Chungli Chung Shing were PE Peter & Susan. It was the first trip to Siem Reap for some. The programme for the first two days was mainly sight-seeing. We visited the famous Angkor Wat temple, Bayon temple of Angkor Thom complex and Ta Prohm the jungle temple. We also visited the Bio-filter plant. Children at the assembly and having lunch in the classroom

Last week's club meeting at Power Woosh training center was chaired by PE Ghaurry. - Fang Keong reported on the International Service trip to Siem Reap. - There will be a Christmas party for the Myanmar families on 17 December immediately after the club meeting at 11am to 1.30pm. - President Steve is hosting a Christmas fellowship on 25 December at Bayu Angkasa Apartments. Spouse and children are all welcomed. - IPP Poay Lim reminded members the nominations of Board of Directors RY2012/13 closes today. - Next Saturday is the club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Elections of the Board of Directors RY 2012/13. Meeting will be at Dewan Perdana. - 3rd Mentors Workshop will be held on 8 January 2012 at HELP University. - The Goal Setting workshop will start at 9am immediately after the meeting.

Angkor Wat Temple The next day was the visit to La Vea primary school. We made another distribution to 350 children. 2 water filters were installed as well. To commemorate our visit, the school organised special prayers by some monks before we had lunch with the teachers and the children.

President's Message
..... continue

Visit to the Bio-filter plant On the third day, we visited Kompog Khleang fishing community by motor boat. Due to frequent flooding, many of the homes are built on stilts with chicken and pig 'farms' beneath! The surrounding water is the only source of supply for cooking and washing.

We will allocate you a few duties which will be pulled from a hat, and while we are on the subject of hats we have a challenge for you all, namely;The theme is Best Xmas Hat, electrical sockets will be provided for hats needing it! May you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year in 2012. Let us all look forward to Rotary Awareness Month in January Spread the word Service Above Self. Yours in Rotary President Steve

We later adjourned to visit the children living at the dump site which was located close by. We distributed some food and the balance of the school bags. The happy faces of the children receiving the 'goodies' made the trip a truly memorable one!

After the boat ride, we visited Wat Sdei Primary School located a short distance away and distributed school bags, stationaries and shoes to about 300 students.

A group photo with teachers of La Vae Primary School

Today's Programme
20th Annual General Meeting (AGM) AGENDA: Adoption of the accounts of Rotary year 2010/2011 Elections of New Board of Directors year 2012/2013 Any other matters

24 December(Sat) No meeting 25 December(Sun) 3pm Club meeting @ Bayu Angkasa Apartments - Poolside


Old Klang Road is not a haunt to most of RCBKS members. However, it was where we were holding the Champion GoalSetting Workshop run by Power Woosh and it proved a challenge to locate. It took a while for the quorum to gather for the club meeting. President Steve, Graham and Kong who were away at the district conference were sorely missed. Workshop leader Min Xian conducted the workshop giving her energy to the rather heavy subject. Getting the young attendees onboard was no easy task. She went about setting them at ease and opening up. It meant getting them to share their own private thoughts and changing their attitudes in the process. Slowly the ice thawed and the message sank in that goal setting was the key to success. From these goals we make ourselves overcome obstacles and most of all our own sub-conscious barriers. Stressing the need to overcome self-doubt she told the attendees that she had walked over hot coals twice before! Surprisingly a few of our high-achieving mentees felt that they didnt deserve good grades! It was perhaps symptomatic of self-doubts. To help overcome that Min Xian did a drill of rapid self talk. By verbalizing their self-love the participants overcome their own negativity. There followed a session of getting participants to define what their Major Definite Purpose and defend it in the face of a barrage of negative opinions thrown at them. They were let off only when their defiant conviction came through. Boiled down to bullet points, the 12 steps of goal setting are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Have intense desire Develop beliefs Write it down List the benefits Analyse current position Set deadline Set 7. 8. 9. Make a list of obstacles Identify additional info List all people who can help

Christmas Party with Myanmar families Date: 17 December 2011

President's Fellowship Venue: Bayu Angkasa Apartments Date: 25 December 2011 3rd Mentors Workshop Date: 8 January 2012 Venue: HELP University Club Assembly Date: 28 January 2012 3rd Youth Leadership Camp Date: 13 - 15 March 2012 Venue: Casa Rachado, Port Dickson

December Celebrations
Happy Birthday
Ee Lay Mike 17 December 26 December

Happy Anniversary Alvin & Mona 5 December Paul & Lucilla 23 December

Duty Roster
17 December (Vocational Service) Sargeant-at-arms D esk Duty Introducer Thank Speaker Fines Frankie Karen Mike

10. Make a plan 11. Visualize success 12. Make your decision now!

25 December ( Community Service) Sargeant-at-arms Desk Duty Introducer Thank Speaker Fines CY Yoke Leong Aravind

It was gratifying that one of our mentees when asked what he would do with RM10 million said he would help under-privileged children as REF is doing. By IPP Poay Lim

Visit our website @ www. my

Board of Directors 2011/12

President Steve Robinson 016-2253777 President Elect Ghaurry 23003757(O) Immediate Past President Tan Poay Lim Vice President James Cheong Honorary Secretary PP Graham Bennett 012-2918619 Honorary Treasurer Angie Ng Club Administration PP Karen Chong Service Projects The Rotary Foundation PP Jeremy Ng Membership Development Chin Teng Yoong REF Chairman PP Dr Kong Voon Sin Sargeant-at-arms PP Frances Po Bulletin Editor - Sunny Vocational Service Chair - Mike Community Service Chair -Dr Yee International Service Chair Fang Keong New Generation Chair - Susan

Around the Rotary World

Making time for family and Rotary
Bruce Thomson belongs to the same club as his father, the Rotary Club of Lynnwood, Washington, USA, and both are past presidents. Long before he joined, however, Thomson notes he took part in the clubs annual projects, along with his mother and four sisters. His children now help out in club projects. Our club serves as the conduit for our familys community service, Thomson says. Rotary has had a major impact in our family evolution and that has impacted the community. Rotary has something to offer the whole family, Simmermon says. For some of our members, the No. 1 reason they were interested in Rotary was that they could get their children involved in service projects. Theres a big push in high schools to have children take part in community service, and it looks good on their transcript when they apply for college. And he notes that The Four-Way Test and Rotarys other guiding principles are useful for parents. The same values Rotary stands for are values we believe in as a family, he says. We want to pass along those values to our children. Family is on the minds of many Rotarians in December, as Rotary celebrates Family Month. In addition to recognizing the importance of families in Rotary, the month celebrates the family of Rotary, which includes Rotarians and all those involved in Rotarys work from Rotary Foundation program alumni to participants in Rotary youth programs around the world.

District 3300
District Governor Dr Raveendra 06-764 7766(O) Assistant Governor Siti Subaidah 012-212 9933 Rotary Clubs in Group 7 Bandar Sunway Bukit Kiara Sunrise Central Damansara Pantai Valley Tropicana Damansara

Sister Clubs
RC Bugis Junction [D 3310] Saturday, 08:00 am Hotel Inter-Continental 80 Middle Road, Singapore RC Chiangmai Thinthaingam[D 3360] Thursday, 12.00 noon International Center Chiangmai University, Thailand RC Chungli Chung Shing [D 3500] Thursday, 12.00 noon No 4, Ln 10, Gwo-Ti Street Chungli, Taiwan

Bulletin Committee
Sunny (Editor) Karen (Production) Angie (Speakers Programme)

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