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Course Content & Session Plan Session Topic Module 1: Understanding Human Behavior - Individual Effectiveness Introduction to Organizational

Behavior & Leadership Perception & Decision making Factors influencing Perception Attribution Shortcuts in judging others Decision making Biases in decision making Personality & Attitudes Personality Traits of Effective Leaders Charismatic Leaders Leading with heart Emotional Intelligence Attitudes & Values Motivation The process of human motivation Intrinsic & Extrinsic Rewards Need & process based theories of motivation Reinforcement Module 2: Understanding Human Behavior Group Effectiveness Leadership The nature of Leadership From Management to Leadership Traits, Behaviors, Relationships & Activity/Exercise Readings/Assignments

1 2-4

Caselet Discussion Movie followed by discussion Case Discussion: Dave Armstrong (A)
(HBSP #396300, 3p)

Chapter 1 - 2 Chapter 5


Self Assessments Personality type questionnaire Case Discussion: Bob Fifer

(HBSP #495013, 11p)

Chapter 3 & 4 Paper: What makes a leader? (HBR Reprint R0401H 10p)


Case discussion: Life stories of recent MBAs motivation Exercise: Assessing employee motivation & Satisfaction using JC model Role play Motivating subordinates

Chapter 6, 7 Movie: In pursuit of Happyness

9 - 13

Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaires Leadership Development Plan Review/ Peer Group feedback

Chapter 12 Paper - What leaders really do? (HBR Classic ) John Kotter, 2001

Contingency Approaches Leadership Styles

Case Discussion- Taran Swan at Nickelodeon Latin America (HBSP #400036, 25p) Case discussion: The Team That Wasn't (HBR Reprint 94612X 11p) Proposed Speaker: Ms. Uma Rao, Director, People and Organization, Mars International India Team Building activities Case discussion: The Overhead Reduction Task Force (HBSP #400026, 7p) Chapter 9, 10 Movie : The Breakfast Club

14 - 16




Leading Teams Groups & Teams Team Development Understanding Team characteristics Types of teams cross functional, virtual, self managed Team Leadership Leader Member Exchange theory Guiding Team Effectiveness Power & Politics Bases of power Dependency Influence Tactics Political Behaviors Becoming an empowering leader Conflict Management & Negotiation Conflict Process Conflict handling styles Conflict Resolution Negotiation Module 3: Understanding Human Behavior Organizational Effectiveness Organizational Culture Creating & sustaining culture

Self Assessment: Personal power profile Movie Discussion

Chapter 14 Movie: Corporate

Self Assessment : Conflict Resolution Style Role Plays Conflict & Negotiation

Chapter 15

Case discussion: Walmarts world (Text Book case)

Chapter 17 Paper - Cultural Intelligence (HBR)

22 - 23

Leading multicultural organizations Leading Change Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership Leading major change Focus of change Dealing with Resistance to change Leading Creativity in Organizations & People

Change Management Simulation: Power and Influence (HBS) Case Discussion: Meg Whitman at eBay, Inc. (A) HBSP #401024 32p Proposed Speaker: Mr. Suresh A. , Director HR, Computer Associates

Chapter 19 Paper - Managing for creativity (HBR)

24 - 25 26 - 27 Module 4: Managing Human Resources Functions & Challenges of Human Resource Management The changing workplace Functions of HRM

Project Presentations Case Discussion: Southwest Airlines: Using Human Resources for Competitive Advantage (A) Stanford

Chapter 18

Role Play: Performance appraisal feedback Proposed Speaker: Mr. Nathan S.V. VP- HR, Deloitte Case Discussion: Asea Brown Boveri (HBS 192139 16p) Exercise: Managing Organizational Effectiveness (HBS, 12p #495043) Case: Infosys (A): Strategic Human Resource Management (HBSP 406010)


Managing across borders International HRM Challenges Creating high performance work systems Strategic HRM

29 - 30

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