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Research on Infosys technology with reference to India Name:________________________________ Gender: Male /Female Age group: 20 to 30 30 to 45 Above 45 years Q.

1 Do you think IT Industry is helpful in development of nation? Yes No

Q.2 Does IT help you to make your work faster & Reliable? Yes No

Q.3 Does IT Industry growth rate increases year by year? Yes No

Q.4 Is the IT Industry a factor for the decrease in unemployment? Yes No Q.5 Do you think Infosys technology Ltd. Is the number one IT Industry in India? Yes No

Q.6 Do you think Infosys technology plays an important role in Indias IT Industries growth? Yes No

Q.7 Do You think Satyam case has dropped faith in the common man for IT Industries?



Q.8 Does the government support IT Industries in India? Yes No

Q.9 Does IT sector forecast better growth in the future? Yes No

Q.10 Is IT Industry the most Reliable industry that people can get into? Yes No

Bibliography and Webliography Foundations of ITIL V3 by Inform-IT DATA COMMUNICATIONS & COMPUTOR NETWORKS by Sanjay Pahuja Infosys official annual reports Photo documentary on social aspects of IT revolution in India. By photographer Wim Klerkx "Indian Institutes of Technology", Encyclopedia of India (vol. 2) edited by Stanley Wolpert Desai, Ashok V. (2006), "Information and other Technology Development" References URLs are valid as of the publication date of this document. [Boeing 2007] Boeing. 2007 Recipients. (2007). [Cansfield 2009] Cansfield, Mike; Daley, Ellen; and Ashour, Madiha. Farewell to the Traditional Telecom Ecosys- tem: How Vendor Strategists Can Win with Customer-Led Ecosystems. ystem/q/id/46829/t/2 (2009). Login required. [Cecere 2009] Cecere, Marc. Forrester WaveTM: IT Organization Redesign Consultancies (Q1 2009). %3B_it_organization_redesign_consultancies, _q1_2009/q/id/44941/t/2 (2009). Login required. [CIO 2009] CIO. The 2009 CIO 100 Winners: Driving future Business Growth with Technology Innovation. (2009). [Cummins 2008] Cummins, Inc. Cummins Inc. Selects Infosys Technologies as a Global Preferred Vendor for In- formation Technology. (2008). [DMN 2007] DMN News. Infosys Technologies Limited Wins Eastman Chemical Companys Supplier Excel- lence Award. bin/displaywwugpost.fcgi? forum=dmn_news&post=070804102536.htm (2007). [Fortune 2009] Fortune Magazine. 100 Fastest-Growing Companies. html (2009). [Great 2009] Great Place to Work. Indias Best Companies to Work For: 2009. (2009). [Hay Group 2009] Hay Group. The Best Companies for Leaders to Demonstrate How to Weather Economic Storms and Prepare for the Upturn. (2009).

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