Balance Sheet

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Current Assets Cash A/R Supplies

886,168 851,750 37,260 1,775,180 2,000,000 88,640 1,776 280,000 27,996 5,917,000 591,700

Total Current Assets

Non Current Assets Land Land & Site development Acc. Depreciation Furniture Acc. Depreciation Plant & Machinery Acc. Depreciation

86,864 252,004 5,325,300 5,664,168

Total Non-Current Assets


Current Liabilities
A/P Bond Interest payable Interest on Loan Total Current Liabilities 96,000 18,050 420,000



Long-term liabilities
Bonds Payable Loan** Shareholders Equity Capital Additional paid in capital Share Capital ( 20,000 shares issued at Tk.20 par ) Net Loss 285,000 3,500,000 3,785,000 10,000,000 140,000 400,000 855,479



Dr ( Tk.)

Cr (Tk.)

Jan 1 , 2008 Jan 1, 2008 Jan 1,2008 Jan 1, 2008 Jan 1,2008 Jan 1, 2008 Jan 8, 2008 Jan 16, 2008 Jan 27, 2008 Jan 31,2008

Cash Capital Marketing Department Cash Land Cash Land & Site Development Cash Rent Prepaid Cash Furniture and Fixtures A/P Cash Plant and Machinery Cash Office Supplies Cash Plant and Machinery Cash A/P Depreciation expense: Furniture& Fixture Acc. Depreciation: Furniture & fixture

10,000,000 10,000,000 375,000 375,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 88,640 88,640 250,000 250,000 280,000 196,000 84,000 1,775,950 1,775,950 17500 17500 2,365,100 2,128,590 236,510 2333 2333

Jan 31,2008

Depreciation expense: Land & site development Acc. Depreciation: Land & site development Depreciation Expense: Plant and machinery Accumulated Depreciation: Plant and Machinery Plant and Machinery Cash Depreciation Expense: Plant and machinery Accumulated


148 14,800 14,800 1,775,950 1,775,950 49,308

Jan 31,2008

Feb 2, 2008 Feb 28, 2008

Depreciation: Plant and Feb 28, 2008 Machinery Depreciation expense: Furniture& Fixture Acc. Depreciation: Furniture & fixture Feb 28, 2008 Depreciation expense: Land & site development Acc. Depreciation: Land & site development Depreciation Expense: Plant and machinery Accumulated Depreciation: Plant and Mar 31, 2008 Mar 31,2008 Mar 31, 2008 Machinery Salaries Cash Utilities expense Cash Depreciation expense: Furniture& Fixture Acc. Depreciation: Furniture & fixture Mar 31,2008 Depreciation expense: Land & site development Acc. Depreciation: Land & site development Depreciation Expense: Plant and machinery Accumulated Depreciation: Plant and Machinery 148 475,000 148 2333



148 49,308

Mar 31, 2008


475,000 2700 2700 2333 2333

148 147,924 147,924

June 30,2008

June 30,2008

Depreciation expense: Furniture& Fixture Acc. Depreciation: Furniture & fixture


6,999 29260 29260 475,000 475,000 444 444 81,000 81,000 67,500 67,500 472,500 202,500

June 30,2008 June 30, 2008 June 30,2008

Utilities expense A/P Salaries Cash Depreciation expense: Land & site development Acc. Depreciation: Land & site development Supplies Cash Supplies expense Supplies Cash A/R Sales Cash Discount on B/P Bonds Payable Cash A/R Utilities expense Cash Depreciation Expense: Plant and machinery Accumulated Depreciation: Plant and Machinery Depreciation expense: Furniture& Fixture Acc. Depreciation: Furniture & fixture

June 30, 2008 June 30, 2008 June 30, 2008

675,000 257,858 42,142 300,000 100,000 100,000 31480 31480 147,924 147,924 6,999

July 1,2008

July 8,2008

Sep 30,2008 Sep 30,2008

Sep 30,2008


Sep 30, 2008 Sep 30,2008

Salaries Cash Depreciation expense: Land & site development Acc. Depreciation: Land & site development

475,000 475,000 444 444 400,000 140,000 110,700 110,700 93,150 93,150 749,250 749,250 6,999

Sep 30, 2008

Cash Additional paid in capital Common stock Supplies Cash Supplies expense Supplies A/R Sales Depreciation expense: Furniture& Fixture Acc. Depreciation: Furniture & fixture


Sep 30,2008 Sep 30,2008 Sep 30,2008 Dec 31,2008

6,999 444 444 18,050 18,050 420,000 420,000 34612 34612 250,000 250,000 147,924 147,924

Dec 31,2008

Depreciation expense: Land & site development Acc. Depreciation: Land & site development Bond Interest expenses Bond Interest payable Interest on Loan Cash Utilities expense A/P Rent expenses Prepaid Rent Depreciation Expense: Plant and machinery Accumulated Depreciation: Plant and Machinery

Dec 31,2008

Dec 31,2008 Dec 31,2008 Dec 31,2008 Dec 31,2008

Dec 31, 2008 Dec 31,2008 Dec 31,2008 Dec 31,2008

Salaries Cash
Supplies Cash Supplies expense Supplies Cash Sales

475,000 475,000
136,620 136,620 130,410 130,410 931,500 931,500

Adjusted Trial balance:

Dr (Tk) Cash Capital Marketing department Land and site development Furniture A/P Plant & machinery Office Supplies A/R
Provision for bad debt

Cr (Tk)

886,168 10,000,000 375,000 88,640 280,000 496,382 5,917,000 17,500 851,750


Depreciation: Plant & machinery Accumulated Depreciation: Plant & machinery Depreciation: Furniture & Fixtures Acc. Depreciation : Furniture & fixtures Depreciation : Land & site development Acc. Depreciation: Land & Site development Land

591,700 591,700 27,996 27,996 1,776 1,776 2,000,000

Sales Bonds Payable Salaries Discount on B/P Utilities expense Supplies Supplies expense Transport expense Interest on loan Interest expense Rent Expense Consultant fees Misc. expense Loan Total: 1,425,000 42,142 98,052 37,260 291,060 119,865 420,000 18,050 250,000 19,610 25,000 13,800,604

2,382,750 300,000

3,500,000** 13,800,604

Stock issuance: The company has high growth for this quarter (20%) (+ other reasons ratios) therefore the company has decided to issue 20,000 common stock. Since the company hasnt broken even, it will not pay any dividend this year. The demand for share is based on the high growth ratio.

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