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Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on your door?

What is it they are really trying to convince you to believe!
Jehovah’s Witnesses attend five meetings a week where they very straightforward and profound way what the Jehovah’s
receive extensive training to evangelize by going to peoples Witnesses knocking on your door are trained to eventually
doorsteps. What is it they are ultimately trained to convince you convince you to believe:
to believe? This newsletter will explain by quoting the “
To hold to the headship of Christ, it is therefore necessary
Watchtower Bible and Tract Societies own literature. By the time
to obey the organization that he is personally directing.
you finish reading this newsletter you should completely
Doing what the organization says is to do what he says!”
understand how to give a reply to the Jehovah’s Witnesses
standing on your own doorstep.
The Watchtower quote above leaves no doubt that Jehovah’s
Ministry School Book Witnesses want to convince you to believe that “the organization”
has now become the mediator between Jesus Christ and all men.
The following quote is taken from the Jehovah’s Witnesses own
Ministry School Book published in the year 2002 under the What does the Holy Bible say?
subtitle; “The Message We Must Proclaim” on page 277:
1 Timothy 2:5
“For there is one God, and one mediator
The Message We Must Proclaim between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus,”

“When you teach others, help them to appreciate that Je-

The Jehovah’s Witnesses standing on your doorstep want you, the
sus Christ, and no human, is the Head of the congregation.
interested person who answered the door to believe that Jesus
From your initial contact with interested ones, invite them
Christ is directly communicating with a very small group of men
to meetings of the local congregation, where we study the
called the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and that by
Bible with the help of material provided through “the
obeying them you are really obeying Jesus Christ! Through our
faithful and discreet slave.” Explain to them not only who
recent history this group has consisted of between 7 and 12 men
the “slave” is but also who the Master is so that they be- who reside at the Brooklyn Bethel headquarters of the
come aware of Jesus’ headship. Help these interested Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
ones see that there is an organized, worldwide society
operating under Christ’s headship.” Watchtower Magazine Material - February 15th, 1981
The next Watchtower Magazine quote should help you see how
They are instructed to convince you, the householder who shows the Jehovah’s Witnesses want you to believe that channel of
interest, to believe that Jesus Christ is the one who is directing communication works! The communication channel from Jesus
matters within the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization! They are Christ to this very small and exclusive group of men. It can be
instructed to do this with the help of material (publications) which found in the February 15th, 1981 publication of the Watchtower
they hope should further convince you this is true. In fact they are Magazine on page 19:
instructed to teach you this same published material originates
from Jesus Christ himself! We should have confidence in the channel God is using. At
the Brooklyn headquarters from which the Bible publica-
Watchtower Magazine Material - January 15th, 2001 tions of Jehovah’s Witnesses emanate there are more
The material published by the Jehovah’s Witnesses is designed to mature Christian elders, both of the “remnant” and of the
further convince interested ones to see how Jesus Christ is “other sheep,” than anywhere else upon earth.
communicating with the Organization. The following is a quote
from a Watchtower magazine published on January 15, 2001 on The Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking on your door want to convince
page 21 paragraph 22: you to believe that a very small exclusive group of men
somewhere deep inside the Brooklyn Bethel Headquarters of the
“Kingdom interests on the earth have been entrusted to
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society are in direct communication
“the faithful and discreet slave,” which is represented by
with Jesus Christ himself! They are indirectly saying; “Look! here is
the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. “
the Christ!”
Please understand that the “faithful and discreet slave”
mentioned in the quote above consists of people who are
convinced they are anointed “chosen ones” or the saints who are
mentioned throughout the Holy Bible. It may very well be true Look! Here is the Christ!
that some of these people are indeed those same saints however,
also notice these saints are just represented by the Governing
Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are not invited to participate!
Watchtower Magazine Material - May 1st, 1959
To further cement what the Jehovah’s Witnesses standing on your
doorstep ultimately want to convince you to believe please very There!
carefully consider the following quote from this Watchtower
Magazine published on May 1st, 1959. This quote exposes in a Brooklyn Bethel Headquarters of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society

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Look! He is in the inner chambers

The goal of Jehovah’s Witnesses who have knocked on your door people would try and convince us this was true we should NOT
is to convince you that it is only they who are benefiting from BELIEVE IT! Even though Jesus Christ told us; “Do not believe it”
instruction which comes from Jesus Christ himself. They are the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their Watchtower
instructed to convince you, the interested householder, that only Bible and Tract Society have been able to convince over six million
a small group of men are being used as a channel through which Jehovah’s Witnesses around the entire world…... to believe it!
Jesus Christ communicates to anyone living on the earth today!
They are also instructed to explain that anyone outside of their
Great Signs and Wonders!
Organization will perish when the end of the world finally arrives. Very great signs and wonders have convinced these six million
Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world to believe something that
Watchtower Magazine Material - December 15th, 1971
Jesus Christ himself told us not to believe! You can be certain that
The following figure is taken from the December 15th, 1971 some of the anointed chosen ones, the saints have also been
publication of the Watchtower Magazine. It depicts how the misled. Do misled people know they have been misled? Please
Jehovah’s Witnesses are instructed to convince you the verify in your own Holy Bible the warnings that Jesus Christ gave
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is organized with Jesus Christ us in order to protect ourselves from any misrepresentation of
himself as the head who is giving instruction to this small and himself which could be used to the selfish advantage of just a few
exclusive body of men called The Governing Body: dishonorable men. They can be found in Matthew Chapter 24.
Also consider that many things Jesus Christ warned us about over
2000 years ago are now really happening all around the world!
This should cement your faith in his words and commandments,
convincing you to prepare yourself, your family and friends for all
Do not believe it! those other things he promised would happen during
Look! Here is the Christ the time of the end.

What should you do?

Jehovah’s Witnesses are instructed and trained by this small
exclusive group of men through their own published material and
congregation meetings to try very hard to find people who they
can easily convince and mislead. Please remember, they believe it
There! even though Jesus Christ said; “do not believe it!” and so therefore
the Jehovah’s Witnesses own convictions are very deep and
insidious. They do not care how old the person is or where they
Brooklyn Bethel are living. They might knock on your own door while you are away
and convince your spouse, sons or daughters. Please contemplate
Inner Chambers the rift this would cause between members of your very own
The callouts in the figure above have been added for emphasis. family! Millions of families around the world have been touched
by this organization and are already suffering the consequences.
What does the Holy Bible say? Jesus Christ himself prophesied that families would be divided and
fragmented because they would not believe or trust his words of
In the Holy bible Jesus Christ gave an answer to his disciples who
warning. This can be verified in your own Holy Bible in Luke Ch12
asked him what it would be like in the last part of the days. His
verse 52 and also by searching the Internet for the thousands of
entire answer can be found in the Book of Matthew Chapter 24.
testimonies provided by shattered families. If you value the
The following quote is taken from this chapter. It is a warning
people in your own family you should make it a priority to help
Jesus Christ gave to those Christians who would be found living in
them understand the things that Jesus Christ himself warned us
the last days, the conclusion of this system of things:
about. Keep your own family safe! Help them to obey his
commandments and believe the words he said in the Holy Bible.
Matthew Chapter 24: verses 23 to 26
“Then if anyone says to YOU, ‘Look! Here is the Christ,’
What else could you do?
or, ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false You could also show concern for your friends, neighbors,
prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders workmates and the fellow members of your own Christian
so as to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones. Look! Congregation at the Church which you attend. Extend this
I have forewarned YOU. Therefore, if people say to YOU, newsletter with its warning message in the Holy Bible from Jesus
‘Look! He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; ‘Look! He is Christ himself to them. They also have families who need to
in the inner chambers,’ do not believe it.” benefit from Jesus Christ's warnings for the last days!
- The words of Jesus Christ - You could make as many copies of this newsletter as possible.
Deliver them to your neighbors mail boxes. Leave them at
Do not believe it! Laundromats, bus stations, waiting rooms and shopping malls.
You could post it on the Internet. Go to the mall, put it under
Over two thousand years ago Jesus Christ himself gave a warning windshield wipers in car parking lots. You could help the
for those people who are living during the time of the end. He Jehovah’s Witnesses standing on your own doorstep understand
warned that people would try very hard to convince us that he these things also! The entire world needs to know that the things
was somewhere in the inner chambers. He also told us that if Jesus Christ said would happen are now REALLY HAPPENING!
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