EU Seminar 2

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LU Sem|nar 2

ropos|t|on 1
AlLhough Lhe Lu ls meanL Lo be an organlsaLlon of derlved and llmlLed powers Lhe legal framework
for conLrolllng Lhe exlsLence and exerclse of lLs compeLences ls so weak LhaL ln pracLlce Lhere are no
real llmlLs Lo whaL Lhe unlon can do"
O unlon compeLences are governed by 'prlnclple of conferral' arLlcle 3(1) of Lhe 1Lu whlch
requlres Lhe unlon Lo acL wlLhln Lhe llmlLs of Lhe compeLences meanlng LhaL lL musL flnd
auLhorlsaLlon under a LLCAL 8ASlS wlLhln Lhe LreaLy unllke Lhe uk where lL has nonwrlLLen
consLlLuLlon whereby arllamenL ls soverelgn ln passlng law and lL cannoL be challenged
O lrsL lssue ls LhaL Lhere are some legal bases LhaL are Loo wldely consLrued and Loo general
lL mlghL undermlne Lhe effecLlveness of prlnclple of conferral whereby Lhe unlon can always
rely on lL Lo pass law for example ArLlcle 114(1) 1Lu Lhe L and Lhe Councll shall acLlng
ln accordance wlLh ordlnary leglslaLlve procedure and afLer consulLlng Lhe Lconomlc and
Soclal CommlLLee adopL Lhe measures for Lhe approxlmaLlon of Lhe provlslons lald down by
law regulaLlon or admlnlsLraLlve acLlon ln MS whlch have as Lhelr ob[ecL Lhe esLabllshmenL
and funcLlonlng of Lhe lnLernal markeL
O ln general arLlcle 114 does noL granL Lhe unlon leglslaLure a 'general power Lo regulaLe Lhe
markeL' lL can only be used for speclflc purposes ellmlnaLlng obsLacles Lo Lhe free
movemenL of goods servlce wlLhln Lhe lnLernal markeL
O n Lhe oLher hand ln Cermany v arllamenL and Councll (1obacco AdverLlslng) Lhe
lnsLlLuLlon adopLlng Lhe measure LhaL does noL have Lhe necessary power where by a
dlrecLlve bannlng Lobacco adverLlslng ldenLlfled as a publlc healLh measure was annulled
because lL was adopLed under a 1reaLy arLlcle concernlng Lhe lnLernal markeL
O Lxcluslve compeLence (arLlcle 3 1Lu) only Lhe unlon lnsLlLuLlon may leglslaLe and adopL
legally blndlng acLs (arLlcle 2(1) 1Lu) LxCL1l- MS acLlon as 'LrusLees for Lhe common
lnLeresL (Lu lnLeresL) as seen ln Commlsslon v unlLed klngdom (lsherles ConservaLlon) ln
Lhls case commlsslon conLesLed unllaLeral acLlon by uk ln area of Marlne conservaLlon wlLh
regard Lo flshlng quoLas LC! held LhaL as Lhls ls excluslve compeLence MS may be enLlLled Lo
Lake some acLlon buL musL always do so ln collaboraLlon wlLhln Lhe Commlsslon
O Shared compeLence (arLlcle 4 1Lu) *lf some areas ls noL ln Lhe llsL Lhen by defaulL would
be shared compeLence as a general rule MS may exerclse regulaLory compeLence Lo Lhe
exLenL LhaL Lhe unlon has noL exerclsed lLs powers (arLlcle 2(2) 1Lu) buL lL ls necessary Lo
dlsLlngulsh 2 slLuaLlons
O SCL-A8l 1 no unlon measures or leglslaLlon MS sub[ecL Lo compllance wlLh rlmary Lu
law (LreaLy rules on nondlscrlmlnaLlon free movemenL of goods and eLc or example
Cassls de ul[on Cerman rules prescrlblng mlnlmum alcohol conLenL for cerLaln drlnks
lncludlng frulL llquors appllcanL (an lmporLer) soughL revlew of Cerman leglslaLlon agalnsL
arL 34 1Lu (guaranLeelng Lhe free movemenL of goods wlLhln Lhe lnLernal markeL LC! held
Lhe conLesLed leglslaLlon could noL be used Lo band lmporL of anoLher MS's goods MS sLlll
bound by Lhe prlmary Lu law LhaL MS has llmlLed powers
O SCL-A8l 2 where unlon measures/ leglslaLlon enacLed 1he general rule ls LhaL MS musL
addlLlonally comply wlLh speclflc provlslon of all appllcable leglslaLlons/ dlrecLlves
O lf LoLal harmonlsaLlon no scope for MS Commlsslon v uk dlp dlm headllghLs lL ls an
exhausLlve llsL preempLlve measures MS has no rlghLs or no says musL follow
O lf parLlal harmonlsaLlon MS may exerclse compeLence sub[ecL Lo demands of prlmary Lu
Law for example employers musL glve employees aL leasL 21days of annual leaves MS can
choose Lo glve more
O SupporLlng compeLence (arLlcle 6 1Lu) as a general rule unlon lnsLlLuLlon may noL enacL
harmonlslng measures (arL 2(3) 1Lu) may noL enacL legally blndlng rule 8u1 are MS
compleLely free Lo enacL as Lhey wlsh ln areas of supporLlng measures? -
O Cravler rench naLlonal enrolled aL hlgher educaLlonal esLabllshmenL ln 8elglum Lo sLudy
sLrlp carLoon arL conLesLlng requlremenL Lo pay an enrolmenL fee LhaL was lmposed on non
8elglans LC! held educaLlonal organlsaLlon and pollcy A8L -1 as soon lncluded ln Lhe
spheres whlch Lhe LreaLy has enLrusLed Lo Lhe communlLy lnsLlLuLlon
SubsldlarlLy ArLlcle 3(3) 1Lu
O SLrucLures Lhe exerclse of shared regulaLory compeLence by unlon lnsLlLuLlon
O 8equlres unlon Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhere ls a need for lnLervenLlon aL Lu level (alLhough
Lhere ls a legal basls buL does noL mean lL ls necessary Lo acL)
O Su8SlulA8l1? 2 cumulaLlve crlLerla demand a LransnaLlonal problem and unlon acLlon
musL add value lf noL passed Lhen unlon acL ulLra vlres
1) SubsldlarlLy ls closely llnked Lo Lhe quesLlon of Lhe 'exlsLence' of compeLence lL ls lnLended
Lo regulaLe Lhe exerclse of compeLence lnLroduced ln MaasLrlchL 1reaLy
2) CuesLlon whaL ls wlLhln Lhe excluslve compeLence of Lhe CommunlLy and hence ouLslde Lhe
scope of subsldlarlLy all Lhe powers granLed Lo Lhe LLC under Lhe orlglnal 1reaLy of 8ome
(1oLh 'a prlnclple of SubsldlarlLy ln Lhe MaasLrlchL 1reaLy' (1992) 29 CML 8ev 1079)
whereby CommunlLy has leglslaLed on a parLlcular Loplc SLelner Commlsslon communlLy
compeLence ls excluslve ln areas where lL ls under an obllgaLlon or duLy Lo acL le creaLe a
common markeL leadlng Lhe commlsslon Lo see Lhe followlng as excluslve powers Lhe free
movemenL of goods persons servlces and caplLal Lhe common commerclal pollcy
compeLlLlon law Lhe common agrlculLural pollcy flsherles conservaLlon and Lhe essenLlal
elemenL of LransporL pollcy
3) ue 8urca argues LhaL Lhere ls a degree of clrcularlLy ln Lhe sLaLemenL LhaL only areas noL
wlLhln Lhe excluslve compeLence are sub[ecL Lo subsldlarlLy because excluslve compeLence ls
noL someLhlng LhaL exlsLs a prlorl (lL ls a label applled Lo ex posL facLo Lo areas whlch one
wanLs Lo shleld from subsldlarlLy (however ln essence one has already lmpllclLly applled a
subsldlarlLy LesL Lo reach Lhe concluslon LhaL Lhey are besL dealL aL communlLy level
reLlsbon osLLlsbon
O ArLlcle 3 LC
O 8equlremenL communlLy only has
compeLence wlLhln Lhe areas ln whlch lL has
been glven power
O nly consldered ln areas LhaL dld noL fall lnLo
CommunlLy's excluslve compeLence
O 3 componenLs CommunlLy was Lo Lake
O ArLlcle 3 of 1Lu
O ln areas whlch do noL fall wlLhln lLs excluslve
compeLence Lhe unlon shall acL only lf and
lnsofar as Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe proposed
acLlon cannoL be sufflclenLly achleved by Lhe
MS elLher aL cenLral level or naLlonal level
O Shall apply Lhe prlnclple of subsldlarlLy as
acLlon only lf Lhe ob[ecLlves of LhaL acLlon
could noL be sufflclenLly achleved by MS Lhe
CommunlLy could beLLer achleved Lhe acLlon
because of lLs scale or effecL lf Lhe
communlLy dld Lake acLlon Lhen Lhls should
noL go beyond whaL was necessary Lo
achleve Lhe 1reaLy ob[ecLlves
lald down ln Lhe roLocol on Lhe appllcaLlon
of subsldlarlLy and proporLlonallLy
O (under Lhe prlnclple of proporLlonallLy Lhe
conLenL and form of unlon acLlon shall noL
exceed whaL ls necessary Lo achleve Lhe
ob[ecLlves of Lhe 1reaLles)
O lnvolvlng -A1l-AL A8LlAML-1 ln
enforcemenL of subsldlarlLy acL as
O ?ellow card procedure arL 7 lf 7/23 of -
ob[ecL Lhen drafL unlon leglslaLlon musL be
revlewed ([usL a rlghL Lo ob[ecL buL noL veLo)

roporLlonallLy arLlcle 3(4) conLenL and form of unlon acL shall noL exceed whaL ls necessary Lo
achleve Lhe ob[ecLlves of Lhe 1reaLles
O ulsLlncL wlLh subsldlarlLy lL deals wlLh how powers can be exerclsed
O lL applles Lo all areas of unlon acLlon (excluslve shared supporLlng) 8egulaLes Lhe naLure
and lnLenslLy of unlon lnLervenLlon (boLh conLenL and form)
O roLecLs MS ln 2 ways requlres LhaL means chosen are sulLable Lo aLLaln Lhe ob[ecLlves
resLrlcL Lhe scope of unlon acLlon Lo LhaL whaL ls necessary Lo achleve Lhe ob[ecLlve
O Lx parLer Man appllcanLs conLesLlng provlslon of 8egulaLlon 1880/83 LLC under whlch
flnanclal securlLy ls auLomaLlcally forfelLed Lo noncompllance wlLh admlnlsLraLlve
procedure *rare example where courL lnLervene Lo sLrlke down an unlon measure
ropos|t|on 2
Ceneral prlnclples of unlon Law proLecLlon of leglLlmaLe expecLaLlon and proLecLlon of legal
O uman rlghLs and fundamenLal freedoms are Lhe general prlnclple of unlon law Lhere ls a
evoluLlonary Lra[ecLory of 8/ ln Lu law from no formal recognlLlon ln LLC LreaLy Lo
legally blndlng CharLa (aL Llsbon)
O Larller poslLlon lnLernaLlonale andelsgesellschafL reference from Cerman ConsLlLuLlonal
CourL concernlng Lhe compaLlblllLy of a CommunlLy regulaLlon wlLh prlnclples of economlc
llberLy and proporLlonallLy as proLecLed under Cerman Law LC! held LhaL respecL for
fundamenLal rlghLs forms an lnLegral parL of Lhe general prlnclple of CommunlLy Law
proLecLed by Lhe CourL of !usLlce Lhe proLecLlon of such rlghL musL be ensured wlLhln Lhe
framework of Lhe sLrucLures and ob[ecLlves of Lhe CommunlLy courL Look Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
enforce Lhe rlghL lLself buL noL MS Lo enforce
O Scope of appllcaLlon of 8/ lL applles Lo unlon lnsLlLuLlon when exerclslng LhaL
compeLences 8u1 ALS 8l-u MS
O lrsLly when lmplemenLlng unlon Law
O Secondly when acLlng wlLhln Lhe scope of LreaLles [olned case ofanopoulos 8/
apply where MS acLlon ln pacLs on rlghLs en[oyed by naLural/ legal persons under Lhe LreaLy
(rlghLs of lnLro Lu movemenL ln arL 21 43 49 36 1Lu)
O Creek naLlonal reslded ln Cermany slnce age 13 drug addlcL wlLh repeaL convlcLlons for
vlolenL behavlour Cerman auLhorlLles soughL Lo deporL hlm on grounds of publlc pollcy LC!
held LhaL Lhe lmporLance of ensurlng Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe famlly llfe of communlLy
naLlonals has been recognlsed under Lhe communlLy law lL ls clear LhaL removal of a person
from Lhe counLry where close members of hls famlly ls ln vlolaLlon of Lhe 8/
O uevelopmenL of 8/ [olnL declaraLlon of councll commlsslon and L 1977 Lhe L Lhe
Councll and Lhe Commlsslon sLress Lhe prlme lmporLance Lhey aLLach Lo Lhe proLecLlon of
undamenLal 8lghLs
O reempLlve acLlon councll by 4/3 ma[orlLy may make recommendaLlon Lo MS where Lhere
ls a clear rlsk of a serlous breach arL 6 Lu
O SancLlons for breach (resLrlcLlng voLlng rlghLs of a MS) councll by CMv may lmpose
sancLlon agalnsL a MS where Lhe Luropean Councll esLabllshes unanlmously LhaL Lhe sLaLe
has commlLLed a 'serlous and perslsLenL breachas ln arL 6 Lu' *musL Lake preempLlve
acLlon before sancLlon
O CharLer of undamenLal 8lghLs of Luropean unlon drafLed by convenLlon drafL convenLlon
unanlmously approved by eads of SLaLe aL 8larrlLz Luropean Councll cL 2000 slgned and
proclalmed by presldenL of L Councll and Commlsslon aL -lce uLC 2000
O rellsbon charLa noL legally blndlng
O lL ls dlvlded lnLo 6 chapLers been descrlbed as Lhe world's mosL modern and comprehenslve
sLaLemenL of 8/
O lL ls of horlzonLal provlslons (general) arL 31(1) when does Lhe charLa apply Lo Lhe MS
-L? WL- 1L? A8L lMLLML-1l-C u-l- LAW as conLrasL wlLh poslLlon of 8/ as
general prlnclples of unlon law (whlch blnd Lhe MS ln 2 cases flrsLly when lmplemenLlng
unlon Law (!ohnsLon v Chlef ConsLable of 8uC) when acLlng wlLhln Lhe scope of 1reaLles
rfanapoulos Cu81 C-l8MLu 1L CL-L8AL 8l-ClLLS ALlLu 1 MS
O ln legal Lerm charLer ls narrower Lhan Lhe general prlnclples of 8/
O ArL 32(1) derogaLlon any llmlLaLlon of Lhe exerclse of Lhe rlghLs and freedom recognlsed
by Lhe charLer musL be flrsLly provlded by Lhe law musL be seL ouL ln a rule noL dlscreLlon
8especL Lhe essence of Lhose rlghLs and freedoms musL be ln llne wlLh Lhe core prlnclples'
O Sub[ecL Lo prlnclple of proporLlonallLy llmlLaLlon may be made only lf Lhey are necessary and
genulnely meeL ob[ecLlves of general lnLeresL recognlsed by Lhe unlon or Lhe need Lo
proLecL Lhe rlghLs and freedoms of oLhers
reLlsbon osLLlsbon
O lrrelevanL noL legally blndlng
O 8uL recognlsed by Lhe LC! arllamenL v
Councll (famlly reunlflcaLlon dlrecLlve)
O L seeklng parLlal annulmenL of Lhls
dlrecLlve governlng famlly reunlflcaLlon
rlghLs of 3
counLry naLlonals resldenL
wlLh Lhe unlon speclflc complalnLs
dlrecLlve permlLLed MS Lo derogaLe from
Lhelr obllgaLlons LhaL ln Lhe L's vlew
dld noL respecL fundamenLal rlghLs
(parLlcularly respecL for famlly llfe)
O CurL commenLed ln Lhe charLer Lhe
charLed was noL a legally blndlng
O ArLlcle 6(1) legally blndlng documenL
has legal value as Lhe 1reaLles
O 1he LC! has conflrmed LhaL Lhe CharLer
has lLs own blLLe Schecke and LlferL
[udgmenL ln Lhe CourL (Crand Chamber)
whaL does Lhe charLer mean?
O acLs appllcanL farmer successlvely
ob[ecLed Lhe publlcaLlon of personal
deLalls on webslLe *noLe no menLlon of
charLer [usL arL 8 LC8
O LC held LhaL Lhe valldlLy of Lhe
provlslon of Lhe regulaLlon musL be
assessed ln llghL of Lhe provlslon of Lhe
documenL buL made lL clear LhaL Lhe
charLer has lmporLanL sLrucLure ln unlon
framework a consolldaLlng documenL
LhaL codlfylng Lhe exlsLlng case laws
legal framework
charLer arL 8(1) of Lhe charLer sLaLes
LhaL everyone has Lhe rlghL Lo Lhe
proLecLlon of personal daLa LLu
lnfrlngemenL of arL8(1) of charLer
proporLlonallLy yes lnformaLlon can be
acqulred by councll and commlsslon buL
Lhey wenL Loo far exceeded Lhe llmlLs

ropos|t|on 3
1) ulrecL acLlon of annulmenL dlrecL access Lo LC! ln Luxembourg effecL/ resulLs of
successful clalm flrsLly arL 264 Lhe conLesLed acL wlll be sLruck down (Lobacco
adverLlslng) secondly arL 266 1Lu unlon lnsLlLuLlon responslble for annulled acL requlred
Lo Lake necessary measures Lo comply wlLh [udgmenL slmply means replacemenL
measures a need for unlon lnsLlLuLlon Lo acL Lo flll Lhe legal vacuum
ln Lhe communlLy legal order Lhere are dlrecL acLlons before Lhe LC! as well as lndlrecL acLlons
Some acLlons may be broughL by Lhe Commlsslon whlle some oLhers may be by lndlvlduals or MS
1he dlrecL acLlons are conLalned ln ArL 238 239 260 263 263 268 340 whlle ArL 267 provldes an
lndlrecL means of challenglng Lhe noncompllance wlLh communlLy law
1he purpose of ArL 238 ls Lo ensure LhaL MS comply wlLh Lhelr CommunlLy law obllgaLlons under
Lhls ArL Lhe Commlsslon can lodge cerLaln acLlons agalnsL Lhe MS for breach of communlLy law
1hose acLlons can be sLarLed on Lhe Commlsslon's own lnlLlaLlve by Lhe complalnL of lndlvldual or
company oLher MS or even ln response Lo lnvesLlgaLlons by newspapers owever Lhe Commlsslon
has Lhe absoluLe dlscreLlon on wheLher Lo sLarL Lhe ArL 238 procedure and as Lo wheLher Lo Lake a
case Lo Lhe LC! (Commlsslon v 8elglum)
A MS wlll be llable for Lhe conducL of publlc agencles even lf Lhey are consLlLuLlonally lndependenL
(Commlsslon v lreland (8uy lrlsh)) LC! has also held LhaL a MS can be llable for falllng Lo prevenL
acLlons by lndlvlduals whlch lmpede free Lrade (Commlsslon v rance)
1he proceedlng conslsLs of an admlnlsLraLlve sLage and a [udlclal sLage ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlve sLage
Lhe C Lry Lo reach a negoLlaLed seLLlemenL buL lf lL ls noL posslble Lhe C wlll Lake Lhe MS before Lhe
LC! 1he LC! conslders Lhe legal lssue afresh and deLermlnes wheLher or noL Lhe MS ls lndeed ln
breach of Lu law lf lL ls Lhe LC! ls empowered Lo glve a declaraLlon LhaL Lhe MS ls ln breach of lLs
CommunlLy law obllgaLlons 1hls proved lneffecLlve however as many MS slmply lgnored Lhe LC!'s
declaraLlon and conLlnued ln Lhelr fallure Lo comply wlLh Lu law 1he procedure was conslderably
sLrengLhened by Lhe addlLlon ln Lhe 1Lu of a new paragraph Lo ArL 260 whlch enables Lhe C Lo brlng
a new separaLe acLlon agalnsL a MS whlch has falled Lo comply wlLh Lhe CourL's [udgemenL under
ArL 238 acLlon and lf Lhe C brlngs Lhe MS Lo Lhe LC! under ArL 260 Lhe LC! may lmpose subsLanLlal
flnes 8ecause Lhe ArL 238 acLlon Lakes so long (4/3 years Lo reach Lhe CourL) Lhere ls Lhe posslblllLy
of lnLerlm rellef under ArL 279
under ArL 263 CommunlLy lnsLlLuLlons MS and lndlvlduals can all brlng acLlons for [udlclal revlew
for Lhe acLlons havlng legal effecLs broughL by a MS or CommunlLy lnsLlLuLlons on grounds of lack of
compeLence lnfrlngemenL of an essenLlal procedural requlremenL lnfrlngemenL of Lhe 1reaLy or on
any rule of law relaLlng Lo lLs appllcaLlon or mlsuse of powers 1he proceedlngs provlded for ln Lhls
ArLlcle shall be lnsLlLuLed wlLhln Lwo monLhs of Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe measure or of lLs noLlflcaLlon
Lo Lhe plalnLlff or ln Lhe absence Lhereof of Lhe day on whlch lL came Lo Lhe knowledge of Lhe
laLLer as Lhe case may be
1here are Lhree classes of appllcanL under ArL 263 LC prlvlleged semlprlvlleged and nonprlvlleged
MS Lhe Councll Lhe Commlsslon and Lhe L are Lhe prlvlleged appllcanLs wlLh auLomaLlc sLandlng
1he LC8 and Lhe CourL of AudlLors are Lhe semlprlvlleged appllcanLs who have locus sLandl Lo brlng
acLlons for Lhe purpose of proLecLlng Lhelr prerogaLlves lndlvlduals (boLh naLural and legal persons)
form Lhe caLegory of nonprlvllege appllcanLs who may brlng proceedlngs where Lhe challenged acL
ls a declslon l) addressed Lo Lhe appllcanL ll) ln Lhe form of a 8eg or lll) addressed Lo anoLher
person ln Lhe flrsL slLuaLlon Lhe appllcanL has auLomaLlc locus sLandl ln Lhe second and Lhlrd
slLuaLlons Lhe appllcanL musL show LhaL Lhe conLesLed measure ls of dlrecL and lndlvldual concern Lo
under ArL 263 CommunlLy lnsLlLuLlons MS and lndlvlduals can all brlng acLlons for [udlclal revlew for
Lhe acLlons havlng legal effecLs broughL by MS/CommunlLy lnsLlLuLlons owever lndlvlduals are
caLegorlsed as nonprlvlleged class under Lhls procedure who can only brlng proceedlngs where Lhe
challenged acL ls a declslon addressed Lo Lhe appllcanL or ls of dlrecL and lndlvldual concern Lo hlm
1he leadlng case on lndlvldual concern ls laumann where Lhe LC! sald LhaL persons oLher Lhan
Lhose Lo whom a declslon ls addressed may only clalm Lo be lndlvldually concerned lf LhaL declslon
affecLs Lhem by reason of cerLaln aLLrlbuLes whlch are pecullar Lo Lhem or by reason of
clrcumsLances ln whlch Lhey are dlfferenLlaLed from all oLher persons and by vlrLue of Lhese facLors
dlsLlngulshes from Lhem lndlvldually [usL as ln Lhe case of Lhe person addressed
lralklaLralkl suggesLs LhaL a measure ls of lndlvldual concern Lo an appllcanL only lf he belongs Lo a
group of persons whlch ls closed and closed on Lhe daLe when Lhe measure was adopLed A closed
group ls one where Lhe number and ldenLlLy of lLs members are flxed
ln case of measures ln Lhe form of 8egulaLlons lL ls requlred Lo see wheLher Lhe 8egulaLlon ls a Lrue
8egulaLlon or a dlsgulsed ueclslon 1rue 8egulaLlons cannoL be of lndlvldual concern as opposed Lo
dlsgulsed ueclslon A 8egulaLlon ls a Lrue 8egulaLlon where lL ls phrased ln general Lerms and applles
Lo 'caLegorles of persons vlewed ln a general and absLracL manner (Calpak) Where Lhe 8egulaLlon
applles Lo a closed caLegory Lhe LC! may hold LhaL Lhe measure ls a dlsgulsed ueclslon of lndlvldual
concern Lo some appllcanLs owever followlng Lhe Llsbon 1reaLy Lhe appllcanLs wlll no longer have
Lo esLabllsh LhaL a regulaLory acL ls a dlsgulsed declslon
ulrecL concern means LhaL Lhere should be no exerclse of dlscreLlon beLween Lhe orlglnal ueclslon
and lLs appllcaLlon Lo Lhe appllcanL So Lhe effecL of Lhe ueclslon addressed Lo anoLher or Lhe
ueclslon ln Lhe form of a 8egulaLlon ls applled Lo Lhe appllcanL wlLhouL Lhe lnLervenlng parLy
exerclslng dlscreLlon Alcan (1970) ls an example of a very Lough appllcaLlon of Lhe LesL for dlrecL
concern where a more lenlenL approach was Laken ln aLralkl (1983)
Where Lhe LC 1reaLy lmposes a duLy Lo acL on Lhe Councll and Lhe Commlsslon and Lhey fall Lo acL
Lhen an acLlon may be based on a vlolaLlon of Lhe 1reaLy Lhrough lnacLlvlLy
rellmlnary 8ullng
O lndlrecL challenge Lo unlon acLlon
O uanger Lo unlform appllcaLlon of unlon law led LC! Lo reflne case law
O lf clalmanL clearly had sLandlng before LC under arL 263(4) buL falled Lo brlng acLlon wlLhln
2monLhs' LlmellmlL any laLer acLlon broughL before naLlonal courL musL also be LreaLed as
Llmebarred 1Wu case
O AC !acob proposed ln unlon de equenos AgrlculLores a new LesL of lndlvldual concern LhaL
subsLanLlal adverse effecL on hls lnLeresL
O Cl ln !ego Cuere new LesL of lndlvldual concern lf Lhe measure ln quesLlon affecLs hls
legal poslLlon ln a manner whlch ls boLh deflnlLe and lmmedlaLe by resLrlcLlng hls rlghLs or
by lmposlng obllgaLlons on hlm
O owever LC! re[ecLed Lhose proposals ln unlon pequenos agrlculLores resLrlcLlve approach
afflrmed ln commlsslon v camar
O 1
obllgaLlon on MS Lo esLabllsh a sysLem of legal remedles and procedures ensure
respecL for rlghL Lo effecLlve [udlclal proLecLlon 2
lf wlsh Lo change condlLlons governlng
dlrecL access Lo [usLlce lL ls for MS Lo reform ln accordance wlLh arL 43 1Lu

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