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Lesson Preparing

At the end of the session, the participants are expected to: 1. Compare multigrade plan with the regular lesson plan. 2. Modify existing lesson plans that can be used in own classroom.

Lesson preparing is one of the activities that a multigrade teacher should master. The knowledge of the characteristics of learner, the basic principles of multigrade teaching and effective instructional strategies are what you need to prepare lessons plans that work best in multigrade pupils.

- How did you find the plans? - What findings are common to the three subject plans? - What are the added features of the plans? Why do you think are they needed? - Were you able to follow the movement of the teacher? How did you feel about it?

Daily teaching and learning are not mainly choosing daily activities. It involves -Thinking about the principles of learning; - Considering the individual learning needs of the pupils in the class; - Identify groups of competencies from the BEC; - Considering appropriate learning strategies to meet individuals learning styles; - Building on relevant assessment and evaluation strategies; - Making connections across subject areas;

In multigrade class, lesson planning can become even more complex and time-consuming if careful planning is overlooked. The total number of competencies for two grade levels will not fit the number of minutes per week. Therefore, it is very important to integrate and blend the competencies. The competencies from the different grade levels can be integrated into one lesson plan.

When planning lessons, ask these questions: -How can the competencies from one grade level be taught with similar competencies of another grade level? -How can the learning experiences of one subject area be linked with the learning experiences of another subject area? -How can the learning experiences be structured so that several competencies could be achieved at the same time? -How can learning experiences be planned to suit the needs of the different levels of pupils in the class?

When planning the competencies for a multigrade class, it is important to read across the grade levels in the BEC relevant to your class. Analyze the differences between the competencies in the two grades. Ask the question-What extra learning will the higher grade pupils need to do compared with the lower grade pupils? A whole class topic can be done together with the higher grade pupils taking more responsibility on doing extra learning.

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