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Chapter Two: Rogues

History of Rogue Squadron

The origins of Rogue Squadron could be traced back to the Battle of Yavin, where the two pilots who would ultimately establish Rogue SquadronLuke Skywalker and Wedge Antilleswere the only members of the Rebel Alliance's Red Squadron to survive the battle. After the battle, Red Squadron was reformed and would operate as two groups. The first was Renegade Flight under Commander Narra, the squadron leader; the second was Rogue Flight under Luke Skywalker. Rogue Flight was built around Skywalker and Antilles, with additional pilots including Zev Senesca, Wes Janson and Derek "Hobbie" Klivian. The Rogues' early operations included missions to Kwenn Space Station and Vactooine. When the Rebels finally evacuated the base on Yavin 4, Rogue Flight helped cover their escape through the Ison Corridor. Following the evacuation, Skywalker, Antilles and the others continued to sometimes work as Red Squadron under Narra's command, like a rescue mission when they allied themselves with an aged clone trooper from the Clone Wars. The squadron later fought at Jabiim. The Rogues headed to Dantooine to rescue the Imperial pilot Tycho Celchu, whose spying for the Rebels had been discovered. The mission was a success and Celchu eventually became a Rogue. A short time later, the pilots were sent on a mission to help cover the escape of scientists working for the Alliance. Since the evacuation of Yavin, the Rogues' Lieutenant Sarkli had caused tension among he and his fellow pilots, believing he was not getting the credit he deserved. During the Ralltiir mission, Sarkli decided he had enough and joined the Empire. The pilots' next missions included an escort operation on Barkhesh and the rescue of a downed Rebel supply ship. On Corellia, when the Empire learned of a secret meeting between Imperial officer Crix Madine and Rebel commanders, Rogue Squadron helped cover the officers' escape. The squadron began to work on a number of missions under the direction of Madine, including the liberation of Gerrard V from the oppression of Moff Kohl Seerdon. On that mission, the Rogues disabled the TIE interceptor of Lt. Kasan Moor, commander of the 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron. Moor took the opportunity to defect to the Alliance, and flew with the Rogues on missions that were successful thanks to her knowledge 12

of Imperial operations. On one such mission, the squadron helped liberate many prisoners from Kessel after rescuing Wedge Antilles from near imprisonment there. The pilots then put an end to end Moff Seerdon's schemes on a number of worlds, including his attempt to take control of valuable bacta supplies needed by the Rebellion. Narra and Renegade Flight were destroyed on an escort mission at Derra IV, along with a convoy carrying supplies for the new Rebel base on Hoth. After this, Rogue Flight officially became Rogue Squadron, with Luke Skywalker as their commander, and with new pilots added to their roster. As the Rogues became more autonomous, they became a group with no standing orders, ready any time or place for urgent missions that would arise. During the Battle of Hoth the Rogues' membership was augmented with additional personnel to crew their twelve snowspeeders with pilots and gunners. Some of these temporary Rogues were added at the last moment, like smuggler Dash Rendar. The snowspeeders of Rogue Group gave the Rebels enough time to evacuate Echo Base, although many of the squadron's members lost their lives in doing so. After the evacuation of Hoth, Antilles took command during the absence of Skywalker during his trials on Dagobah, leading a dangerous mission at the Maw. Then Wedge led important missions such as the Battle of Dubrillion, the Mission at Destrillion, the Battle of Kothlis (this eventually resulted in the capture of information relating to the second Death Star) and the Battle of Fondor. After the capture of Han Solo, Skywalker and Antilles formed a squadron of 12 units around the core group and the Rogue Squadron was formed. Antilles often commanded the squadron when Luke had important offflight missions. One of Luke's last missions with the squadron was the Battle of Gall against the Imperials, in an attempt to flush out the bounty hunter who had abducted Han Solo. Rogue squadron participated in countless important missions during the year leading up to the battle of Endor. The Squadron participated in the stealing of the shuttle Tydirium, the rescuing of prisoners captured on Hoth, the First Battle of Bakura, the subsequent pursuit of the Imperial Escort carrier Exploiter to Geonosis, and last but not least, the Battle of Bespin. During the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron was dissolved and absorbed into the general fleet, with many of its pilots distributed to other squadrons. The remaining X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Sourcebook

Chapter Two: Rogues

Rogues and new pilots were grouped into a unit called Red Squadron, which Antilles named in memory of the Battle of Yavin; he himself took the role of "Red Leader". In fact, only five pilots remained in Rogue Squadron Wedge Antilles (Red Leader, X-wing), Tycho Celchu (Green Three, A-wing), Wes Janson, Derek Klivian (Red Four, X-wing), and Keir Santage as Red Seven (X-wing). All of them (except Red Seven) survived the battle. The new Rogues being selected shortly after the Battle of Endor.After Endor, the squadron was hastily and temporarily reformed with available rebel pilots who could be spared in the aftermath of the battle, in order to defend the planet Bakura under Luke Skywalker, who was still considered Rogue Leader. Rogue Squadron, officially reformed under Antilles, was considered the best of the best, undertaking their first mission to Cilpar with a lean team of six: Antilles, Janson, Klivian, Celchu, Plourr Ilo and Dllr Nep. Joined by Elscol Loro following this mission the squadron moved on to Mrlsst and then Tatooine where Elscol moved on to new things with a converted Imperial Intelligence team led by Sixtus Quinn. During the following year, Rogue Squadron eventually swelled to twelveregular size for a New Republic starfighter squadron. They were involved in skirmishes on various worlds, including Brentaal IV where they captured Baron Soontir Fel, who defected and joined the squadron. They were also involved in the failed defection and rescue of Sate Pestage on Ciutric. Of the remaining squadron members, Janson and Klivian went to train new squadrons, Fel disappeared, Celchu took on a mission for NRI and Nrin Vakil transferred out to deal with his grief. Antilles undertook a publicity tour on numerous New Republic worlds. When using diplomacy had reached its limits in getting worlds to join the New Republic, it was decided to that taking Coruscant was required. Antilles was then tasked with reforming Rogue Squadron in 6.5 ABY. The reconstituted Rogue Squadron would be an instrumental part of the New Republic's push against Imperial forces led by Ysanne Isard, with the ultimate goal of capturing Coruscant. Over 1200 pilots volunteered to join the resurrected Rogues. The reformed squadron was quickly trained with a variety of missions designed to test the Rogue's abilities in numerous areas. It was comprised of pilots like Corran X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Sourcebook

Horn, Gavin Darklighter, Erisi Dlarit, Lujayne Forge, and Bror Jace. Antilles chose Tycho Celchu as his Executive Officer, a choice he fought for with some of the upper echelons of the New Republic's military, as Celchu was under suspicion from previous encounters. The pilots of their command were quickly thrust into the line of fire in the disastrous First Battle of Borleias. Very soon after, Borleias was taken in a second, heated assault. From Borleias, the New Republic was in position to take an offensive action toward the core, particularly the capital world of Coruscant. Rogue Squadron would continue to lead the way. With two new additions of Aril Nunb and Pash Cracken, Rogue Squadron infiltrated Coruscant. They went in as teams of two but all subsequently met up, gaining an ally in Asyr Sei'lar, a Bothan who was an alumnus of the Bothan Martial Academy. Celchu shocked the Rogues, when he showed up on Coruscant after having been presumed killed in a disastrous attack by Warlord Zsinj on Noquivzor. He had been brought in beforehand by Wedge as backup. Tycho had purchased six Z-95 Headhunters, of which five were used in the attack to bring down Coruscant's orbital shields. The sixth was flown by Corran Horn into a storm created by the Rogues by boiling the city's water supply with Coruscant's orbital mirrors. Their goal was to take down a power Grid Subsystem buried under a Statue. Although this endeavor was successful, Horn was subsequently captured by Ysanne Isard using the Headhunter's override codes (given to her by turncoat Erisi Dlarit). Horn was taken to Lusankya but presumed dead in the rubble where the storm and his attack had taken place. Tycho Celchu was accused of being the traitor and was brought on trial, defended by fellow Rogue Nawara Ven. Meanwhile, Corran Horn was trapped in Isard's Lusankya facility. He managed to escape, while Celchu's trial was tearing Rogue Squadron apart. Finally, when Ysanne Isard blasted out of Coruscant on the Lusankya, Erisi Dlarit, the real traitor, faked being pulled by a tractor beam, and rendezvoused with the Super Star Destroyer. To pursue Isard, Rogue Squadron resigned their commissions and participated in the Bacta War. With only minimal resources, they managed to lure the Star Destroyer Avarice to the New Republic, and they heavily damaged Lusankya, making her surrender. Ysanne Isard was presumed dead, shot down by the Rogues as she tried to escape. Thyferra was liberated, and Rogue Squadron gained a pilot in Tal'dira. However, Nawara Ven became the Squadron's XO, never to fly an X-Wing 13

Chapter Two: Rogues

for he had lost his leg and wasn't able to fly well enough with a prosthetic. During that time, Klivian led a temporary Rogue Squadron during the "true" Rogue Squadron's absence. However, an alleged filing error kept the resignations from being documented, and the Rogues were again New Republic officers, and the mission on Thyferra was retroactively considered a New Republic-sanctioned campaign. Antilles turned command over to Celchu and founded Wraith Squadron. Antilles commanded both squadrons against Warlord Zsinj and after that he returned to his command as Rogue Leader. Rogue Squadron saw a great deal of combat during the Thrawn Crisis, including the Battle of Sluis Van and the Battle of Bilbringi, and immediately afterwards, the conquest of Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel's Ciutric Hegemony. The New Republic took one of its outlying planets and then prepared to attack Ciutric, the capital planet of the Hegemony, while simultaneously looking for clues that would lead to the remaining Lusankya prisoners. One of them, Urlor Sette, unexpectedly turned up at a party for the squadron, but when Corran Horn recognized him and said his name, an implanted device killed Sette. The Squadron went on a mission to Commenor, finding some of the prisoners and learning that Isard might be alive. During the attack on one of Krennel's outlying planets, Horn was shot down. He found a secret facility that showed evidence of a Pulsar Station, not unlike the Death Star, and the Rogues moved to attack it at a moon orbiting a gas giant, only to be ambushed. They were saved by two squadrons of TIE Defenders, Stranger and Interloper Squadrons, under the command of Colonel Broak Vessery, and taken to a secret base, having suffered the death of 2 pilots and the critical injury and presumed death of 2 more. Surprisingly, they met Ysanne Isard, who was responsible for their rescue. She revealed that the Isard they had thought they had killed was a clone, and she had survived to make herself a threat, and that all Isard wanted was her demise. The squadron was trained to use TIE Defenders and then attacked Ciutric. The New Republic attacked at the same time, killing Krennel in the ensuing space battle. The real Isard tried to recapture Lusankya at Bilbringi, but was shot and said to be killed in the attempt by Iella Wessiri. There are reliable sources that suggest Isard might have actually been kept alive near the bow that was sealed off and tended by droids. This hint comes 14

from the fact that Iella Wessiri coughed as soon as Corran Horn mentioned that area of the Lusankya. The real Isard had already betrayed Rogue Squadron by not supporting them in their attempt to kill the clone Isard and rescue the rest of the Lusankya prisoners at Ciutric. Rogue Squadron was successful however, and the clone of Isard was killed. Following the return of Emperor Palpatine, the Rogues were back, flying mission after mission to safeguard the New Republic. After the fall of Coruscant, Antilles was ordered to reconfigure Rogue Squadron into a multifighter unit. Antilles felt this would destroy the cohesion of the unit, but his commanders felt that the prestige coming from using the Rogue Squadron name would be worth it. Antilles established a force using V-wing airspeeders, B-wings, and E-wings, with over 100 starfighters in total devoted to Rogue Squadron. For that reason, he chose to base it on Lusankya. During this time it fought in the First Battle of Mon Calamari and Second Battle of Phaeda, although the Lusankya did not join the squadron in battle until the latter conflict. In 11 ABY, the Rogues were deployed on a number of campaigns, most notable of which was against the Invids led by former Imperial Admiral Tavira. Corran Horn, now trained as a Jedi, was instrumental in this campaign as he found the dark side users behind the Invids and stopped them. In 12.5 ABY they were one of the few New Republic survivors of the Battle of Orinda. A situation on the newly found planet of Adumar called for Wedge to return to the cockpit with Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson and Hobbie Klivian in 13 ABY. Antilles led a diplomatic envoy which succeeded in bringing the neutral world to the New Republic. The four pilots used Rogue Squadron markings on their X-wings and flew as Red Flight with call signs Red 1 through Red 4. The Caamas Document incident also called for Rogue Squadron's unique talents as they were pressed into ground-based service in an attempt to find out the truth behind the document. The return of Thrawn also saw the Rogues thrust back into the frontlines in an attempt to protect the New Republic. The signing of the peace treaty ending the Galactic Civil War marked the time for many pilots from Rogue Squadron to retire.

X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Sourcebook

Chapter Two: Rogues

Wedge Antillies
Wedge's early life was split between attending school on Corellia and working aboard the Gus Treta space station with his older sister Syal, where his parents, Jagged and Zena, operated a starship-refueling depot. Syal eventually left the family to pursue an acting career, marrying an Imperial fighter pilot, future defector and friend of Wedge, Soontir Fel. Many years later Fel and Syal went missing, presumed dead, but Wedge maintained hope that they would resurface. During the campaign against warlord Zsinj, Wedge came into contact with Baron Soontir Fel flying for the Warlord with elements of the Elite Imperial 181st Squadron. Upon shooting down Fel over the former Selaggis colony, Wedge learns that the man he thought was Fel was actually an actor named Tetran Cowall (Nemesis of Wraith Squadron Leader Captain Garik "Face" Loran) who was hired by the Warlord to distract Antilles so that the droid-ships of the mock 181st could detonate near Antilles's fighter and kill him. When Wedge was 17, the pirate Loka Hask pulled away from the station his family owned while the fuel lines were still attached to his craft, Buzzzer. The resulting fireball would have killed all aboard had the Antilles family not sacrificed themselves to save the station. Wedge was devastated and set out in a dilapidated Z-95 Headhunter borrowed from family friend and Corellian smuggler Booster Terrik to seek vengeance. Numb with shock and determination, Wedge, with help, tracked the pirates to the Jumus system and coldly obliterated Buzzer, though Hask escaped. Insurance money allowed Wedge to buy a freighter, and he spent several years running supplies for Terrik to the nascent Rebellion. He only joined its starfighter division during an open call for pilots. He was one of four pilots (along with Biggs Darklighter, Jek Porkins and Cesi Eirriss) who assisted Captain Nera Dantels in bringing badly needed R2 units to Yavin 4. He flew against the Death Star in Red Squadron at the Battle of Yavin, where he played a key role, destroying a TIE fighter that was shadowing Luke Skywalker. He was also (along with Biggs Darklighter) one of Skywalker's wingmen on the run that resulted in the destruction of the Death Star. Shortly afterwards Antilles and Skywalker co-founded Rogue Squadron, with Antilles eventually taking command after Luke left the unit. In the Empire Strikes Back during the Battle of Hoth, he and his partner

(Wes Janson) were the first to complete a snowspeeder cable attack against an AT-AT, which tripped it so that it may be destroyed with a shot to the neck. Later, he led an assault group in the Battle of Endor against the second Death Star, and destroyed the Death Star's power regulators, allowing Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon to fire the shots that destroyed the battle station. He is the only pilot to participate in the destruction of both Death Stars. Six years later, at age 31, he grudgingly accepted promotion to the rank of general.[2] Previously, he had turned down a promotion numerous times out of fear that he would not be able to continue as a pilot with Rogue Squadron. It was only when Ackbar promoted him and allowed him to retain his position in the squadron that he accepted.

Commander Wedge Antilles (As of Rogue Squadron's shift to operational status) Type: Brash Pilot DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 6D, brawling parry 4D+1, dodge 6D, melee combat 4D, vehicle blasters 4D KNOWLEDGE 2D Aliens species 5D+2, bureaucracy 6D, cultures 3D+2, languages 5D, planetary systems 6D, survival 3D+1, tactics: starfighters 6D MECHANICAL 4D Astrogation 6D+1, repulsorlift operations 5D, space transports 6D, starfighter piloting 7D+2, starfighter piloting: X-Wing 9D+2, starship gunnery 7D, starship shields 6D PERCEPTION 3D Bargain 4D+1, command 5D+2, command: Rogue Squadron 7D+2, con 4D, gambling 5D, hide 3D+2, 15

X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Sourcebook

Chapter Two: Rogues

search 4D, sneak 4D STRENGTH 3D Brawling 4D+2, stamina 5D+1 TECHNICAL 3D Computer programming/repair 5D+2, repulsorlift repair 4D, space transports repair 5D, starfighter repair 6D+2 Force Points: 1 Character Points: 28 Move: 10 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, comlink (As of the Second Battle for Borleias) Brawling parry 4D+2, aliens species 6D, starfighter piloting 8D, starfighter piloting: X-Wing 10D, command: Rogue Squadron 8D, starfighter repair 7D Force Points: 1 Character Points: 31 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, comlink (As of the Battle of Coruscant) Tactics: starfighters 6D+2, starfighter piloting: X-Wing 10D+1, starship gunnery 7D+1, hide 4D Force Points: 1 Character Points: 34 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, comlink (As of the Battle of Thyferra) Astrogation 7D, tactics: starfighters 7D, sneak 5D, starfighter piloting 8D+1, starship gunnery 7D+2, starship shields 6D+2, starfighter repair 7D+1 Force Points: 1 Character Points: 40 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, comlink

Tycho Celchu
Tycho is a human male from Alderaan, the son of an Alderaanian Holonet magnate, and brother of Skoloc Celchu and Mia Celchu. He joined the Imperial Navy, where he trained under Soontir Fel alongside future Rogues Hobbie Klivian and Biggs Darklighter. On his 21st birthday, he was speaking to his family on Alderaan when the connection suddenly was cut. Later, he learned that that was the moment when the Death Star destroyed the planet, killing all its inhabitants. Tycho defected to the Rebel Alliance but his defection was cut off when his TIE interceptor was shot down over Dantooine. Luke Skywalker led a rescue party to save him, managing to do so just as he was about to be delivered to Kessel. He was present when the Empire attacked the Rebel base on Hoth, rescuing Hobbie Klivian when his snowspeeder was damaged during the evacuation. Tycho joined Rogue Squadron and flew an A-wing at the Battle of Endor. Tycho followed Lando and Wedge into the Death Star tunnel, and broke off when ordered to do so by Lando to draw off some of the Imperial pursuit. After the turning point at Endor, Tycho distinguished himself in many battles, proving his loyalty both to the Alliance and to his friends. He volunteered to infiltrate the Imperial capital of Coruscant, but was captured by Ysanne Isard. Her attempts to turn him into a sleeper agent failed, but when he escaped and returned to the Rebellion, certain officers expressed their doubts as to his loyalty. Wedge Antilles campaigned to have him made Executive Officer of Rogue Squadron. Tycho was instrumental in the conquest of Coruscant, but when fellow Rogue Corran Horn disappeared and was presumed dead, Tycho was tried for his murder. Corran's re-appearance at the last minute saved Tycho's life, and his reputation within the New Republic. Tycho later used the Imperial Credits, deposited in his name in an attempt to frame him, to fund the liberation of Thyferra. While Wedge formed the new Wraith Squadron, Tycho took command of the Rogues. He later accompanied Wedge to the world of Adumar, along with Hobbie Klivian and Wes Janson. After Wedge's promotion to General, Tycho accepted the promotion to Colonel and took over Rogue Squadron on a permanent basis. He later retired and married Winter, became an advisor to Princess Leia Organa, and turned the squadron over to Gavin Darklighter.


X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Sourcebook

Chapter Two: Rogues

M-3PO (Emtrey)
M-3PO, also known as Emtrey, was a black military protocol droid of the 3PO series, that served in Rogue Squadron as its quartermaster. Emtrey was cobbled together from parts of other protocol droids. Because of his improvised nature, he had a protocol droid's body, but had the head of a flight controller droid. Emtrey was built on Hoth by a Rebel lieutenant named Losca for the purpose of procuring goods. He had special programming to assist with that purpose: a 'scrounger mode' activated when hounded about acquiring parts. Emtrey also had a strange program that disabled his normal personality and functions when told to shut up more than 3 times. This program essentially turned him into a 'dumb' terminal with access to Emtrey's memory banks. Both of these features were used by Rogue Squadron members during the time he served with them. After the New Republic took Coruscant for the first time, this terminal mode was disabled. It was later revealed that the terminal mode was actually built into Emtrey by New Republic Intelligence in order to discover if then Captain Tycho Celchu had been successfully brain washed into an Imperial Agent. Emtrey was given this and other programming that made him into a very valuable tool for a spy, which would've exposed Celchu if he was a spy if Celchu used him in that manner. Emtrey was also able to provide proof that Celchu had not met with Imperial agents as Corran Horn accused him of doing. Horn's reappearance, followed by the betrayal of Imperial mole Erisi Dlarit made Celchu's innocence obvious. After Celchu's trial, and the departure of Ysanne Isard for Thyferra, Rogue Squadron members resigned to topple the puppet regime she had set up on that planet. Emtrey, along with all the squadron's equipment and fighters was surplussed out by someone in the military as a way of giving back door support to the former members of Rogue Squadron. Emtrey was acquired by the former Rogues, and he served in a variety of capacities with them. He was later named liaison on board the Valiant, a droid ship that survived the destruction of Alderaan. Once Isard was defeated, Emtrey returned to service with the New Republic. X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Sourcebook Type: Cybot Galactica M-3PO Series Protocol Droid DEXTERITY 2D blaster 2D+2 KNOWLEDGE 3D bureaucracy 5D+2, business 5D, cultures 6D, languages 10D, streetwise 6D+1, tactics 5D, value 6D+2 MECHANICAL 1D communications 3D+2 PERCEPTION 1D bargain 5D+1, con 4D, forgery 3D, gambling 1D+2, investigation 4D+2, persuasion 3D STRENGTH 1D TECHNICAL 1D Computer programming/repair 3D+1, demolitions 3D, security 4D Equipped With: -Humanoid body (two arms, two legs, head) -Light armor (+1D against physical damage, +1 against energy damage) -Two visual and audial sensors human range -Vocabulator speech/sound system -AA-1 VerboBrain -TransLang III Communications module with over seven million languages Move: 8 Size: 1.7 meters 22

Chapter Two: Starships

TIE Interceptor
Emperor Palpatine, knowing the superior abilities of the TIE Interceptor, as well as its relatively low cost, had planned to replace all standard TIE Fighters with Interceptors. By the Battle of Endor, TIE Interceptors filled 20% of the total Imperial Starfighter Corps, and overwhelmed many Rebel fighters. Officers of the Imperial Navy were sometimes known to adopt TIE Interceptors as their personal craft, installing shield projectors and hyperdrives so the Interceptors could be utilized as escape vehicles. Apwar Trigit was one such officer. The hyperdrive unit added considerable mass, including also greater consumables and a small navigation computer. This reduced the performance of the TIE Interceptor. Due to their speed, distinct shape, and narrow profile in comparison to the TIE/ln fighter, TIE Interceptors came to be referred to occasionally as "squints" by enemy pilots.

Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Interceptor /h Type: Modified space superiority starfighter Scale: Starfighter Length: 6.6 meters Skill: Starfighter piloting: TIE Crew: 1 Cargo Capacity: 75 kilograms Consumables: 2 days Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Nav Computer: Limited to 4 jumps Maneuverability: 3D+1 Space: 9 Atmosphere: 400; 1,150 kmh Hull: 3D Sensors: Passive: 25/1D Scan: 40/2D Search: 60/2D Focus: 4/3D+2 Weapons: 4 Laser Cannons (fire linked) Fire Arc: Front Skill: Starship gunnery Fire Control: 3D Space Range: 1-3/12/25 Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km Damage: 6D


X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Sourcebook

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