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1 Unscramble the following words/phrases: Sobs / tseb dneifr / eugealloc / etam-meat / regnarts / ecnatnaiuqca / xe-dneirflrig / dol dnefir boss / best friend / colleague / team-mate / stranger / acquaintance / ex-girlfriend / old friend Match each of the words/phrases above to the definitions 1-8 below. 1 someone you work with colleague 2 someone you play a sport with in a group team-mate 3 someone you do not know at all stranger 4 someone who you know casually but not well acquaintance 5 your manager boss 6 the friend who you favour most best friend 7 the girl you used to be romantically involved with ex-girlfriend 8 the friend you have known the longest old friend 2 Make a definition for the following words: 1 terraced house: a house which has other houses on both sides 2 semi-detached house: a house which has another house next to it (touching) 3 detached house: a house without other houses touching it (an alone house) 4 cottage: a little and cosy house by the sea or in the country 5 apartment a small flat 3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. a. hasnt cinema time for to long he a been the. He hasn't been to the cinema for a long time. b. do what summer you did last ? What did you do last summer? c. home at cook do normally you ? Do you normally cook at home? d. place been this ever you to have ? Have you ever been to this place? e. nights go does friend Friday best on your where ? Where does your best friend go on Friday nights? 4 Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verb in the correct tense. There is ONE EXTRA phrasal verb. bring up / carry on / grow up / look up to / get on well / take after / look after / tell off a. I grew up in New York City. b. I was brought up to enjoy Classical music. c. I think I take after my father, because he was very musical too. d. My mother always told me off for not practising the piano enough. e. I got on well with Joey, the singer who lived next door. f. He was a professional musician, so I looked up to him for that. g. When I left home, I carried on playing music. 5 Put each verb in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. a. Ugh, dont show me that picture! I (hate) hate mice! b. Who (you, go) are you going to the match on Saturday with? c. In the winter, what (you, wear) do you wear? d. I cant stand horror Films. I (think) think theyre silly! e. Diana (not, usually, sit) doesn't usually sit next to Ellen. f. Why (you, look at) are you looking at me like that? g. Excuse me. (this bus, stop) Does this bus stop outside the station? h. I (not, take) am not taking the bus to school today. 6 Read the following passage and complete the gaps using the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verb in brackets. I remember very clearly the day that my youngest brother was born. I (1) was (be) eight at the time and I (2) was looking (look) forward to helping my mum with the new baby. It (3) was snowing (snow) very heavily when my mum (4) left (leave) for the hospital. We (5) stayed (stay) at home with our grandmother, and had

great fun playing in the snow outside. We (6) made (make) a snowman, and (7) called (call) it baby! Our grandmother (8) was cooking (cook) us some homemade soup while we (9) were tidying (tidy) the house ready for the new baby. We (10) were having (have) a bath when the phone (11) rang (ring) with the news of the baby. He (12) was (be) a beautiful baby boy called Cameron, and he (13) was crying (cry) loudly at that moment! Whilst my grandmother (14) was reading (read) us our bedtime story, I (15) kept (keep) interrupting her to ask questions about the new baby! 7 Read the following sentences and fill in either the Present Perfect or Past Simple form of the verb. 1 My oldest friend and I had (have) a lot in common until she started mixing with a different crowd of people. 2 I have enjoyed (enjoyed) spending time with you this weekend. Thanks for inviting me over. 3 We haven't kept in touch (not keep in touch) because we lived (live) a long way away from each other. 4 We haven't talked about (not talk about) that subject this evening because Ela is very sensitive to that type of thing. 5 She hasnt surfed (not surf) the internet since last week! 6 He looked up to (look up to) his history teacher at school. 7 I have spent (spend) lots of money on clothes this month. 8 They forwarded (forward) the email message to their teacher last week. 8 Correct the relative pronouns in the sentences 1-8 below. 1 The camera what the producer broke was very expensive. Which / that 2 He became a famous actor which won a lot of Oscars. Who / that 3 The It girl who extravagant clothes always got her noticed. whose 4 We loved the atmosphere of the studio which we worked. where 5 Where I heard the headlines that night, I couldnt believe it! when 6 I loved the documentaries who that producer made. which 7 The reality show was filmed in the house of a millionaire what family continued to live upstairs during the show! whose 8 I finally realised what a great mystery story it was where someone explained the twist in the story. when 9 Choose the correct active or passive verb form. a. The UK gets / is got some of its gas from the North Sea. b. Several agreements have made / have been made to try and reduce greenhouse gases. c. The full environmental effects wont understand / be understood for many years. d. Wear something warm I heard the weather will change / be changed later. e. Thousands of people kill / are killed every year in storms and hurricanes. f. Climate change is affecting / is being affected the weather all over the World. g. It felt / was felt a lot chillier yesterday. h. Many simple things can do / be done to prevent climate change. 10 Complete the gaps using will, going to or the Present Continuous and the cues in brackets in the following sentences 1-8. 1 I m going to the theatre tonight after work. I ll have a big lunch now to save eating later! 2 I ll buy the wool coat in this shop because its great value, but I m going shopping tomorrow for everything else I need for the trip. 3 Will you come with me to the cinema? 4 Is she going to take the job? 5 He doesnt think she ll like that neighbourhood. Its very noisy. 6 Im sure you ll love the cottage, its really pretty! 7 They re moving into a lovely terraced house with a balcony next to the sea. 8 A new complex is going to open in our neighbourhood with shops, restaurants, cinemas and theatres.

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