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Through a thorough analysis of certain works, it is apparent that all vampires have super strength, super speed and agility, and heightened physical senses. As vampires adapt to their new lives, they discover and explore the abilities acquired with their creation. They are stronger than a bear, faster and more agile than a cheetah, and can pinpoint, with the greatest accuracy, their prey from miles away. These new found abilities coupled with a potent bloodlust allow for a kind of destruction created by only vampires. In Stephanie Meyers novel, Twilight, Edward Cullen exhibits all of these abilities and more. In chapter three, Bella skids on the road and nearly crashes into someones car. However, as she opens her to her eyes, she finds that Edward has shielded her from the impact of the vehicle. She was doubtful because she knew that Edward was no where her at the time, but he kept stating that he was standing right next to her while it had happened. In chapter thirteen, Edward piggybacks Bella through the forest, whipping through the trees with innate speed and grace. Additionally, Edward has even stranger powers unique to himself; he has the power to read minds. Edward can hear groups at a time, although he has stated that he has learned to drown out extra voices by focusing on one in particular. He discloses this to Bella, and lets her in on his secret that her mind is the only one that he is not able to penetrate. In New Moon, when Jasper smelled the blood from a paper-cut Bella had inflicted from across the room, he charged at her. Edward strikes Bella in her stomach to protect her from Jasper, sending her flying across the room and smashing into a table, tearing open her arm in the process. This again showcases vampires strength and enhanced senses. In the popular TV series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, there are many instances where the vampires display their physical and mental powers. In Out of Mind, Out of Sight, Angel could hear Buffys friends screaming for help even though he was nowhere near hearing range. Spike

surviving after being pushed off a tall tower in The Gift and Angel surviving after taking an arrow to the chest in Graduation Day, pt 1 both exemplify vampires super strength and durability. Angel also demonstrates his super speed in episodes such as Blood Money, Reprise and Release, crossing several meters in mere seconds. As Angelus, he displays considerable skill in manipulating others' emotional states and has driven his victims insane, as seen with Drusilla. Likewise, Spike often displays insight and skills in perception and observation. This ability allows him to wield powerful psychological weapons as easily and effectively as physical ones. For example, when he wants to create disharmony among the Scoobies, Spike divides-and-conquers with The Yoko Factor, exploiting tensions that exist under the surface to alienate Buffy and her friends against each other. As vampires, these capacities enable them to bend the wills of humans around them and usually achieve their final goal. Bram Stokers Dracula was really the first vampire, the one from which Edward and Angel had derived. Although super speed was not mentioned, he had an array of other powers, ranging from physical strength to shape shifting. According to Van Helsing, Draculas physical strength is equivalent to that of twenty men. The Count can defy gravity to a certain extent, being able to climb upside down vertical surfaces in a reptilian manner. Jonathan observes this occurrence in chapter three, and is mystified by it. He has powerful hypnotic and telepathic abilities, and is also able to command nocturnal animals such as wolves and rats. When Jonathan is traveling to the Counts castle, he notices wolves following him. They are also present whenever he tries to leave the castle, showing their loyalty to their master. Dracula also hypnotizes Lucy and manages to seduce her. She succumbs to his control and later becomes a vampire when he turns her as well. Dracula can also manipulate the weather, usually creating mists to hide his presence, but also storms such as in his voyage in the Demeter. Through these texts, it is evident that vampires have an arsenal of powers to keep themselves alive and fed. Vampires are not only physical, they manipulate, twist, and convolute

things so drastically that no human can be safe from the powers of their minds either. Their powers revolve around their convenience for luring in prey and finishing them off. Through their evolution, you can witness the growth of their powers. Just as it is characteristic for all humans to have a beating heart, ten fingers and toes, it is likewise the same for vampires to have super strength, speed and enhanced physical senses.

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