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Hershey Chocolate Company

Founded by Milton Snavely Hershey in 1900 Hersheys Headquarters are s?ll located in Hershey, Pennsylvania Hershey products are exported in 90 countries Hires 13 700 employees world wide S?ll carries nowadays Milton S. Hersheys philosophy Hersheys is a proud member of the American community Operates the Hershey Trust Fund for the Milton Hershey School

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

Communica?on Structure
Hersheys has been a part of the American community since its crea?on Hersheys has been adver?se since 1970. It s?ll adver?se its products in all types of medias today Hershey believes that the quality of the product is s?ll the best form of adver?sing Hershey launched Reeses pieces in E.T. The company presents itself has member of the community Nowadays the business s?lls follows Miltons Hersheys philosophy

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

Communica?on Structure
Open to possibili,es Embracing diversity Seeking new approaches Growing together Unwrapping human poten?al Environment of mutual respect Making a dierence Leading with integrity Posi?ve impact on everything we do

"The value of our good is not measured by what it does, but by the amount of good it does to the one concerned. Milton S. Hershey
Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo 4

Communica?on Structure

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

Market Condi?ons
The produc?on of chocolate is very cheap The chocolate business is a very lucra?ve business Cocoa beans are produced outside of the market The market involves important imports and exports The companies earn their prot with scale economies

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

Market Condi?ons
Cocoa is produced in some?mes unstable countries Stakeholders play a key role in the public opinion Chocolate companies must deal with governments Chocolate companies are monitored by NGOs Chocolate companies must integrate fair trade

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

US market is the biggest, ercest Western Europe and the USA are already saturated, dicult to grow there China, India are a large opportunity high level of consolida?on and erce compe??on between the companies on all levels of the value chain

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

Chocolate branch insights

Bean to bar principle Which chocolates How does the supply work? Fair trade Harkin-Engel protocol 14 million people depend on producing cocoa

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo

Slavery, the Cote d'Ivoire, and the Rest of West Africa

A UNICEF study reports that 200,000 children are tracked yearly in West and Central Africa.

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo


Worlds Top Cocoa Bean Countries Dominican Nigeria

Cameroon 5% Ghana 23% 5% Indonesia 14% Republic 2% Brazil Other 7% Cte 5% dIvoire 41% Malaysia 1%

Ecuador 4%

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo


The link with Hersheys?

The cocoa beans u?lized by our suppliers are imported principally from West African, South American and Far Eastern equatorial regions. h8p://

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo


Hersheys corporate social responsibility report card: Areas of improvement

Sourcing Transparency Greenwashing Cer?ca?on

Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo


Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo


Hersheys- Gaudet, Rea, Szabo


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