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PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3)

PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Table of Contents
Installation of a PS3 OF
First steps Prerequisites Preparations Copying the les to the stick and to the PS3 Copying les to the stick Copying les to PS3 Problems with the Option File I cant sync my trophies anymore!?? DLC? OF? Where are my players?

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PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Installation of a PS3 OF
First steps
Prerequisites At rst you need several things, which are listed below. A PS3 A Macintosh or a PC A USB stick The option le archive (*.rar or *.zip le) Preparations Now, before we start, you need a tool to extract the content from the archive le you downloaded. Mac OS X: If its a *.zip le, you can simply double click on the archive and the OS will extract the content from the le. If its a *.rar le, you probably want to download the freeware tool The Unarchiver ( unarchiver.html) and extract the archive after installing the application. Result:

Windows: Again, if its a *.zip le, you can extract it by using the Windows extraction tool (screenshot 1). If its a *.rar le, you install the freeware tool 7zip ( and use it to extract the les (screenshot 2).

screenshot 1

screenshot 2

PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


After we extracted the les from the archive, we need to prepare the USB stick. Therefore, we have to check if the stick is formatted with the correct le system (which is FAT32, actually). Ill tell you, how: Windows: Simply click the stick in the Windows explorer and look at the information that is displayed (or right-click and select Properties). If it is already formatted in FAT32, everything is alright. However, it might be formatted in NTFS Format so we have to change that. Right-click on the stick and select Format..., choose FAT32 and click start. ATTENTION: All les on the stick will be deleted so you want to store them somewhere else before..

PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Mac OS X: After inserting the stick, it should appear on the desktop. Right-click (yes, right-clicks are possible on a mac) the USB Device and select Get info. If it says Format: MS-DOS (FAT), everything is ne. Otherwise, we have to format the stick. Open spotlight (command + space or clicking the magnier in the top right corner) and type disk utility and lauch the application. In the left frame, select the USB Stick as you can see it in screenshot 3.

screenshot 3
It is important that you select the actual device and not the partition(s) on it. Then click Partition in the right frame and select MS-DOS (FAT) as le system (screenshot 4). Click Apply and after a few seconds, your stick is ready. Again: All les on it will be deleted!

screenshot 4
PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Copying the les to the stick and to the PS3

Now we can start the actual copying and installing. Copying les to the stick Remember the le you extracted before? It should be a folder named as the archive, just without the le ending. Open that folder. Inside, you should see a readme le (most probably) and a folder called PS3. That is THE folder we need. Inside, there should be a folder named SAVEDATA which in turn contains many les that have BLES in their name:

Right-click the PS3 folder and select Copy, then go to the USB Stick and open it. Right-click in the explorer/nder and select Paste. This should take a while as the OF contains many les and hence a few megabytes. After the copying is complete, eject the stick and un-plug it from your Mac/PC. Copying les to PS3 Now you have the nal version of the USB stick. Its formatted correctly and the les are copied to the stick. Take the stick and connect it to your PS3. In the XMB, scroll to the games section, where you see your PES 2012 disc (dont start the game!). Scroll up to the Saved Data Utility (PS3) section (screenshots 5 and 6) and select it (by pressing X [Western PS3] or O [Japanese PS3]).

screenshot 4

screenshot 5
PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

screenshot 6

screenshot 6 screenshot 7

PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Scroll up until you see the option USB Device and select it (screenshot 7). You are then shown a list of all the PES 2012 les of the current OF. Now we have to do the unpleasant work: we need to copy each and every single le, manually. Therefore, select a le, press the triangle button and select Copy. Do this for all the les you see (screenshot 8).

screenshot 8

PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Problems with the Option File

Although the process itself is not dangerous, there are some problems that can occur. One is related to trophies, the other to DLC updates from Konami. I cant sync my trophies anymore!?? When you copy the edit data to the PS3, the system will tell you that youre copying a le from someone else and that you wont be able to get any trophies for PES. Dont worry, thats an easy one to x. So heres how: After you copied every single le to your PS3, delete the EditData le from the USB stick. You can either do that on the Mac/ PC or directly on the PS3. In case you decide for the latter, you delete it from the stick by scrolling to the le on the stick, press the triangle button and then select Delete and conrm. Now you go back to the Saved Data Utility and search the EditData le you previously copied to the PS3. Select it, again by pressing the triangle button, and select Copy and choos teh USB stick as destination. After having it copied to the stick, remove it from the PS3, (triangle -> Delete). Go back to your USB stick and copy it back to the PS3. You wont get any notice regarding trophies. Youre good to go now. Why is that? The les you copy contain information about their destination, hence the le contains the name of the one who originally copied the le from his PS3. By following the steps as described above, you add your watermark to the le so your PS3 recognizes it as a le that originates from you (which it actually doesnt).

DLC? OF? Where are my players? You might already have messed up everything by now, so Ill explain several things you have to take into account when using an Option File. Everything related to players, kits and formations is stored or linked in the EditData le. So if you already created some players, you should export them before installing another option le. Lets assume, that you install an OF which works perfectly ne with your version and your DLC pack. Now Konami announces a new DLC. As soon as it is available, you can download it. You are then asked to either apply the changes or refuse them. When you refuse, you still get the new boots and balls and kits. However, the formations of your team stay untouched. The new added players are moved to the players without contract section so they are available in the game nevertheless. You can continue to use the actual OF lineups and simply have to wait until an updated version is released from your OF maker which you apply. Youll then have all the players at the correct teams based on the DLC. When you accept the changes, all your changes of the formation are reset and all the changes from Konami are applied. You have to wait for an update of the OF as well but you play with the basic conguration provided by Konami until then.

PES 2012 - OF Installation (PS3) by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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