Sock Monsters Interactive

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Sock Monsters Invade EARTH: Hold on to your Socks!

By Dalene Davies Illustrated by Theda Davies, Neva Davies, Rhys Davies, and Daniel Davies

Sock Monsters Invade EARTH: Hold on to your Socks!

By Dalene Davies All right reserved 2011 No portion of this book is to be copied, printed or distributed without the authors express consent; to obtain such permission email Dalene Davies at Thank you.

Dedication This book is dedicated to all my children who encouraged me to venture out with a story they have heard all their lives. I would also like to thank Sister Dixie for all the love and continual support she gave me and my family. This book is also dedicated to her. This book is lovingly dedicated to all the parents who read this book and can Relate to the incidents described herein this book is totally fiction though to a parent the missing socks are real! Perhaps there really are Sock Monsters and we as parents raise THEM! I hope you enjoy reading Sock Monsters Invade Earth: Hold on to Your Socks!

Dalene Davies
Find ideas for Left-handers, personal journals, planners, home-school-business logs, and Sock Monster books at

Table of Contents Newsflash at 1: Sock Monsters Invade EARTH: Hold on to Your Socks! Newsflash at 2: Sock Monsters Introductions Newsflash at 3: Tristas Discovery Newsflash at 4: Sock Monsters Brief look at the Sock Monsters History Newsflash at 5: Sock Monsters and More Information Revealed Newsflash at 6: Sock Monsters and Little Tristas Secret Newsflash at 7: Sock Monsters and Trista Looks into a Mirror Newsflash at 8: Sock Monsters Jokes and Feeding Time Newsflash at 9: Sock Monsters and Tristas Story Newsflash at 10: Sock Monsters Hear Tristas Stories Newsflash at 11: Sock Monsters and The Monster in the Washer Newsflash at 12: Sock Monsters and the Re Awakening of a Dream Newsflash at 13: Sock Monsters and the Human Moms World of Socks Newsflash at 14: Sock Monsters and The End or is it just a Start? Newsflash at 15: Sock Monsters Invaded EARTH Newsflash at 16


Sock Monsters Invade EARTH: Hold on to Your Socks!

NEWSFLASH at - 1 We interrupt your current Dreams to bring you some important news regarding your childs socks! Hold on to your mated socks, for they are likely to vanish just as the Sock Monster disappears! *******************************************************

Where Did ALL the Socks Go??

By the light of the day, all looks normal. Looking around, the invisible form stalks its prey; seeking out the socks, the toys, the shoes of children. Each time hunger strikes, a lone item vanishes. It feeds the creature we call The Sock Monster. When hungry, he disappears, quick as lightening, fast as a fox, no human eye can see the Sock Monster gobble his treasure. All socks, shoes, and toys are suspect, they feed him; giving him power to stalk children and their room.

Ever wonder what happens to socks when we wash them? The Sock Monster hides inside the dryer, lurking about, seeking the proper sock size. If the sock is too big, he gags. If it belongs to a child of short size he feels sick. Each sock must be from the child the Sock Monster belongs with in order to feed. Children get blamed for this action as parents world wide accuse them of losing their socks! It does not matter how careful the child is for when hunger strikes the sock vanishes into thin air. The Sock Monster must feed, it is in his nature, and it is part of his design. He eats socks to live, steals toys to play, and then laughs when the children are blamed!

The Sock Monster lurks about, behind walls, in doors, behind washers and dryers! His appetite gets bigger the more he feeds, and he looks for socks to eat. He feels the hunger grow then strikes with a power. Children may feel his presence, but never can they see him there. The shadow keeps him invisible. The washer is a favorite place. He bangs, and growls and scares the children, making them shriek in terror. A change in appetite requires the Monster to shift into the washer. In order to tell when this happens, just listen for the growling of the washer. An imbalance of the inner workings of the washer causes the washer to bark and move, twist and bounce. This signifies a Sock Monster has moved into his new home. Bang! Bang! Bang! Washing motion makes the movement of the washer scary. Children who see or hear this may cry. Once the Monster rears its head, children may try to find the Monster. Socks vanish, shoes disappear, and childrens toys become broken and scattered. Is there a way to track down the Sock Monster? No, for the Monster picks a child from birth; residing within the home, devouring one sock or a desert filled shoe. He lives with the child until the child is grown then finds the next child in the next generation! Our very own home houses four such Monsters! Our home has been invaded with mismatched socks and missing shoes! We hunt and hunt and hunt to no avail.

Unmated socks of different sizes and colors are missing in action! Gone, and lost forever, socks eaten, devoured, swallowed by the invisible Sock Monsters of Sock Monster Hill. Beware! When you have a child, you also inherit the friendly, hungry, mischievous Sock Monsters until the child is grown. Then and only then will you ever keep hold of socks and shoes; then and only then will peace return to your household. Until grandkids come to visit! Come along and follow the adventures of Trista where she meets and discovers the land of the Sock Monsters


Draw a picture of your Sock Monster

Describe what your Sock Monster looks like

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Draw a picture to tell of your experience with Sock Monsters.

Now tell a story about your Sock Monster

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Sock Monsters Introductions **********************************



Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! We interrupt your current dream stream to bring you a special news story! Hold on to your socks! This is major story! Please keep the mates of your socks together! Its been reported that the Smith Family has been invaded by a Sock Monster! This monster is known to take socks. We dont know why or how yet, but its been reported that a shadow like creature was seen by the Smiths youngest child hanging around the sock basket in their house. Standing taller and skinnier then people, this Sock Monster is a dark billowing type cloud of murky gloom that invades areas where your socks are kept! We are still investigating this story, so stay tuned to this Dream your Dream program for more details! We return you to your current dream stream!


Sock Monsters Introductions **********************************

Bright and intelligent, the girl looks around her bedroom. Trista is an eleven year old girl with a mischievous mind. She seeks to better herself, reading and writing and then reading more. She lurks about corners and watches all those in her life, her mind always working on ways to learn. Her perfectionist nature makes it hard for her to take a first step without knowing the ins and outs of how things work. She is filled with questions and even more questions seeking to fill her inquisitive nature. Little does Trista know that her inquisitive nature is about to unleash a new world for her to explore and a world where only the strong of heart will survive, a place where all her questions are likely to be answered; a place where only dark shadows lurk to watch the children of Earth.


Standing at a full three feet tall, Trista looks like a sea squirt lost in the human world, her body small and petit, her playful nature shows in her sea green balls of fire, watching each person. The locks of brown fall about her round face, keeping those eyes hidden. When she laughs it brightens up even the gloomiest of places, bringing cheer and joy to the darkness that can over take the unhappy soul. An image of an angel smiles back through Trista, though many wonder which type she might be. Her eyes mirror a darkness that she hides well. Mirrors flash a bright light from the moon into the bedroom, illuminating the messy look of the toys and clothes littered about the room. The bed holds pillows, stuffed animals, and a place of honor for books. A shelf hangs against the wall in the middle of the bed holding treasures of flight for the two girls who share the small room. The closet hides a dresser, and knick knacks from view. The other wall has another dresser filled with clothes and books. Each girl has a unique style that gives indications of their personality. The room itself is filled with magic and dreams. It feels alive when the girls climb on their bed and snuggle up with a good book to read. They bring a life to the room that makes it feel like a breathing adventure searching for a mission to finish. Laughter vibrates around the walls and makes even the mirror quiver. When the night time drapes around the room, the shadows appear to move. Each item seemed in its place, until one looked at the shadows that loomed around the socks. The shadow appears in an image of a

sock. Stalking around the walls, the mirror high lighting the form, while it searches for the perfect item to eat. The shadow slowly bends, a kind of evil grin spreading across the dark shadowy face. Its fingers etched together to form a glove type web, with tips that look like fancy needles to draw the items onto its hand. Slipping into the mirror the socks vanish, all but one. It dangles on the side of the mirror like a switch waiting to be turned on or pulled. It waits for the one child who is curious enough to pull on the sock and begin a new adventure

Would you grab the sock????

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Tristas Discovery *****************************************************


NEWSFLASH at - 3 Stop the Dreams! Newsflash! We disrupt your dreams to bring you an update! We have been following the Sock Monster saga for you. We now have more information on this developing story! We now know that the Sock Monsters reside inside the mirrors of peoples homes! It is a linked chain of homes where the Sock Monsters live. Each room is connected through the mirrors to give tunnel access to the homes with children We will keep you posted We now return you to your current dream states as we probe further into this exciting story


Tristas Discovery *****************************************************

Looking through the mirror on the wall, Trista notices a sock sticking out from behind the mirror. She stares at it and begins to pull. Harder and harder she pulls. The latch on the side gives and the suction in the mirror pulls her inside. Glancing around the inner circle of the Sock Monsters Domain, she spies a tunnel. Wind and fog cover the area, and Trista shivers but continues on. The tunnel is covered with piles and piles and piles of socks! Trista pulls one out, looking at the weave and colors of the sock. Shock shows in her hazel eyes when she finds one of her missing socks! She begins to pull more socks from the mountains of piles, checking each one. Sucking in her breath, she feels her body temperature rise and she tries to control the fear. She travels down the tunnel to see the area covered by socks. The socks

weave together to keep the home secure. They are the cement for the whole world Trista finds herself within. Shaking her head, Trista moves forward, one step at a time, holding tight to the one sock she found missing from the first grade. Questions running through her mind force her to travel deeper; her nature being what it is forces her to make a decision. Her feet inch along the wall then taking her further into the unknown land. She must know more about this place! Trista decides to explore more. She crawls along the tunnel, feeling scared and anxious. What is this place? How long has it been here? Why is it filled with socks? Who lives here? The questions keep going through Tristas head, and she finds she must go forward to answer these questions! The tunnel leads to a new area. She creeps along, keeping her breathing slow and controlled. The walls feel soft and smooth. The socks were joined together by an elastic type attachment, stitched together, sock by sock. Rounding the corner, she sees a strange glow. Intrigued by the light, she inches towards the beam. She hides. She watches those in the room. Her eyes widen. She sees a huge sock like person standing in front of the light. The shadow is twice the size of the person in front of her. Eyes widen when she realizes that she can see through him.


Come here, my little sockling, we need to discuss your up coming lessons. Shivers race through Trista when she hears the low rumble from a huge sock like monster sitting in front of the extended colorful space of a den. His body was the shape of a sport sock, long, thin and dark. The black melted into the shadow. She stared at the image, trying to figure out why it seemed familiar. We will have a special visitor soon, my sockling, so I think while she explores here, I will give you and her some back ground information. She will learn a bit too. He gave a short giggle that sounded like a windmill fighting the elements with rust covering it. Trista gave a gasp, and ducked out of sight. Was he talking about her? Did they already know she was here? How did they know this? She had been so quiet!


What would you do?

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Draw the path you would take?

How would you fight the Sock Monsters?

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Sock Monsters Brief look at the Sock Monsters History



Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! We disturb your dreams to bring up more information regarding the Sock Monster! They come from outer space; they have lived here for years because of the rich supply of socks! Hold on to your socks, there is more! It appears they stalk children and their toys! They devour the items and get a thrill from the expressions on the childrens faces when their things vanish . Stay turned for more while we return you to your normal Dream Stream!


Sock Monsters Brief look at the Sock Monsters History

Finding a place to settle down, Trista listens intently. The Sock Monster appeared almost human, except he was the shape of a sock. His hands and arms looked like bean poles, his head the curve of a sock, with a big grin on his oval face. He looked gentle yet had a mischievous glow about him. Our history is a rich and dark one, my little sockling. Settle here beside me while I tell you, and our visitor, about us. Our planet died many eons ago. It held many wonderful secrets, kept us healthy and well, but we knew we would need a new home. We gathered all the Astro-socks together making sure they were prepared to search out the galaxy for a new home. Astro One took off in his sock-ship and discovered Earth. He landed, checking his meters to be sure we could live here before he stepped out. When he landed, he found out that the sun light here made him vanish! He smiled at a little girl who

could not even see him. He noticed the child had left her socks on the ground. He was so very hungry he took one and ate it right there. The mother came out and discovered the missing sock. She scolded the little girl for losing her sock. Astro One chuckled to himself. He returned home with the new location for our home. We packed every sock-ship then headed off, watching the mold overtake Sock Land forever! It vanished, never to appear on the radar again. We headed to our new land, with new adventures awaiting us; new lands to explore, new socks to sneak, new people to torment in our search for the perfect home. Once we landed, we set up our base. Each home was created behind mirrors. We could enter the human land just by flipping a switch. We began our tunnel here, one sock weaved into another. The slime weaved into each sock forming a gluey seal. Each sock grew into another. Pushing her way into the chair, hiding behind the two in the room, Trista listens to the story. A strange thing begins to happen. She begins to feel at home here. She somehow knows the land and the history. She looks at the walls and the floor, the sights and smells somehow even seem familiar. We come here, finding a home we can relate to, finding a land abundant in socks. We had come to a land where we could feast at will, socks and more socks abundant. Each child gained a friend, and found our life enriched beyond our dreams.


We smiled and eat the sock, then laughed when the child got blamed. Ha-ha-ha we had come home! Children on earth began to lose socks. We found a place to grow. Smiling more Trista slinks into her sock chair and begins to understand why her socks, toys, and shoes seem to vanish! She tries to keep from laughing remembering her Mom always yelling about her missing socks!



Sock Monsters and More Information Revealed

NEWSFLASH- at- 5 ******************************************************* ******************************************************* Stop the Dreams! Hold the Streams! Grab your hats and socks! The Sock Monster appears to be invisible! It appears to be unable to be seen by people! They steal socks and steal toys and no one can see them! The items just vanish, along with the Monster!

We now restart your Dreams Stay tuned for more !


Sock Monsters and More Information Revealed *********************************************** While Trista looked around and tried to become invisible, she glanced at a wall filled with plaques. This wall held posters of rules and regulations. Each plaque had about 10 lines to it. She crawled under the chair and slunk to the first picture. 1. Socklings are only allowed to munch baby items. 2. Socklings are always expected to attend sock class.

3. Socklings are only allowed out during supervised times. 4. As Socklings do not give shadows until they have graduated, they are expected to learn their lessons well. 5. Socklings are not allowed to laugh out loud. 6. Socklings must be careful around children. 7. Socklings have a quota to abide by 8. Socklings must be in the Sock Hideaway at curfew. 9. Socklings are best behaved when they learn their lessons. 10. Socklings are our future . Love them well.

Next to the picture with rules was a picture of a Sockling Family. It showed a baby sockling nestled next to a Momma Sock Monster. She was hugging the little one who was playing with a doll head! Trista gasped. It was a baby doll she once owned! Shock rolled through Trista and her eyes mirrored a wave of insight. Her green eyes pooled over with an awareness of the past. The sockling in the photo looked familiar to her, but she did not know why. She gave a gasp unable to contain herself anymore. Her tummy growled and she knew it was time to head back home. For some reason, socks just didnt sound very filling to her. She felt hungry and eyed the piles of socks. Oh my, that looks good! A multi colored sock and I want to eat it? Heading back to the wall, hiding against the piles of socks and shoes, Trista heads off looking for the entrance. She had to get out of here before she decided to eat one of them! Why did this place look so much like home? She knew she had never been here! She followed the trail to another pile, feeling her body getting wet with sweat and fears making her shiver more. One pile of socks was right next to the toys and Trista fell into it, making them fall to the ground with a clatter. Breathing became harder for Trista while she tried to control herself, each move of her hand made her tremble more. She tried to find the mirror door and break through when she began to feel faint, and a very

funny shaking took over it must be from the air here she thought . Fear flowed through Trista. Oh no what if she were discovered? What would these Monsters do to her? She hurried towards the shining mirror and gave a nervous giggle when she felt the world swirl around her body; a cold air burst around her, making her skin crawl and shiver

Whispers over took her mind and she thought she heard, Welcome home Trista in the wind


Draw a picture of you with your Sock Monsters

Now describe your Sock Monster friends

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Sock Monsters and Little Tristas Secret *******************************************


Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! Hold all your dirty and clean socks tight, folks! We have more news for you! The Sock Monster also appears to become children! Just imagine your shock at discovering your child eating a sock! Oh my we now return you to your Dream Stream filled with wonders, joys, and delights while we continue to investigate this new turn of events!


Sock Monsters and Little Tristas Secret *******************************************

Swirling, cold air covers Trista when she tries to enter the human world. Her body begins to shift into a form like a sock, her head becoming a cone shape. Her tummy growls louder when she spies a triple colored sock next to the bed. She picks it up and puts it in her pocket with a low giggle. Her tummy digests it. She looks at her hands and her fingers then feels a new fear grip her mind. Her tummy was full! How odd! Another sock draws her attention. She looks at it and eats it! Three more socks vanish from the bedroom. Trista laughs thinking how her sister will get yelled at for this. Smiling and still wondering what is up, she spies a puzzle sitting out. A glow appears in her green eyes that give her a red like appearance. She picks up a handful of puzzle

pieces and puts them in her pocket. What is wrong with me, she wonders.

Another pain rolls through her body and she ventures out into the hallway of a house. She wonders through the rooms looking for her family. No one is home. She feels lonely. She finds a bean bag chair and decides to take a rest. The Television was left on to M-TV so the music began to sooth her rattled mind. She was still trying to figure out why she was eating socks! Her mind drifted back to the time behind the mirror. She was running running running away trying hard to get back home when a burst of air surrounded her and she felt cold. A shadow had enveloped her then what happened? She tried to remember, the sweat flowing, her body shuddering Thinking of her strange dream, Trista tries to put it together in her mind. She feels odd. She wonders where this need for socks is coming from. Really, like it was a real place, she gives a snort. She tries to figure out this odd feeling over whelming her. Her mind hears a whisper surround her again, and again she gives a shudder. How can she still feel this? She is home! A voice whispered from the shadows surrounding her.


So you found your way home, Trista! Welcome back! Jumping in shock, she tries to control herself. Welcome back; what was going on here? Back where? Why did the whisper startle her? It was part of her dream, right? She looks around the darkened room, trying to see who is whispering to her. She sees nothing. She hears nothing except the noise from the television set. She shakes her head, regaining control of herself again. She feels a cold blast of air cover her shivering body. She heads back to her bedroom for a sweater. Glancing at the mirror, only a shadow follows. She ignores this for a second, then turns and runs back, her face pale from the shock. She looked inside it; all she saw was a shadow! Her face was colored by a black veil, she was no longer a girl; she was a Sock Monster herself!


Sock Monsters and Trista Looks into a Mirror ******************************************


NEWSFLASH- at - 7 Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! New information keeps coming into our Dream Stream Studio! An evolving story unveils a new description of the Sock Monster! It appears they have red glowing simmering eyes that seek out socks! They are also able to find toys, books, and puzzles. We are trying to find a Sock Monster to interview, but please hold on to your socks while we restart your current Dream Stream


Sock Monsters and Trista Looks into a Mirror ***********************************************

Looking into the mirror, Trista sees a veil of darkness covering her view. She looks into the shadow of what once was a little girl. This was such a shock! She sees the shadow of red viewing her eyes and staring back at her. She wonders how this could happen. She was such a happy girl! Wasnt she? Each step she takes she feels her body becoming more shadowy. Darkness enters her being. She tries hard to feel like the child she was but to no avail! The darkness is upon her. She feels hungry again. Her body goes to growls and she must feed! The world she once knew is vanishing before her. The black of shadow, the world of


the Sock Monster has over taken her delightful little petite body. The devious mind of a Monster is here! Sparkly she once was, but now a grim reality sets into her mind. Her head has a sock shape, the side looming up. She looks at herself in wonder. She shudders more from the loss of her human form then from her own new form. Her mind questions how she became this. How she shifted?? Is it possible it is just a dream? She pinched herself. Ouch she thought. That hurt! Guess she really was not dreaming. The shadow flinched before her sight. The mirror looks strange to her now. The sides caving in and the glow becomes an assume sight in her bright green red eyes. She pokes at the sides, and feels her fingers slide into the other world. Each move makes her body shift. Wishing to find a new life, Trista is astounded it worked! She thinks back to the tools and toys she played with on the fateful day. Each toy rolls through her mind; she sees the items one by one. Looking at them in her mind, the doll grins back at her. The eyes twisted and the head a bit lopsided. She leans down and picks up the doll then holds it close. What happens now? Is she forever to be this way? Will she ever see her parents again? Will she ever be able to talk to them again? Will she gain a new insight into herself as a girl or as this monster? Questions go through her mind, flowing fast and furious. What is up now? She hears something going on in the living room. People have returned home, and the noise is calling her.

Lost, feeling scared and alone, Trista goes in search of love. She calls out to her family. Nothing happens; she yells, screams and cries for love, but no one hears her calls. It is as though she never existed as a child. Her family does not even miss her. She looks around trying to find herself again. Finding a pair of socks peeking at her in the hallway, she snatches it up. She fills her tummy. She takes another, leaving the mate behind. She watches her sister looking for the sock. Trista waits to see the reaction. Her sister is looking all over the place as Trista giggles and watches. Even with the tears streaming down her face, even with a hollow feeling where her heart is found, Trista finds taking the socks to give her a fun and mischievous air. She looks around and takes more things; a book, and more puzzle pieces and waits


Sock Monsters Jokes and Feeding Time **********************************************



Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! Will wonders never cease! We have found a way to sneak into the Smith Family home. We are working hard to gain access and find a child or Sock Monster to interview. We are currently looking at the home with an invisible camera . Oops seems the transmission is breaking up we return you to your dream stream program while we work on the .


Sock Monsters Jokes and Feeding Time

Mom, where are my socks? Mom! Have you seen the mate to my favorite socks; MOM! Hearing a commotion, Mom comes around the corner. No, love, I dont know what you did with your socks. I wore them dancing last night remember? Giving a grimace, Nana begins to go through all the clothes piled up in her room and in the hallway. Muttering to herself, nana begins to wonder why her socks keep vanishing. But mom, I washed them just yesterday! I had a pile I was going through right here! Have you seen my puzzles? The pieces seem to be missing as well.

Look in your room, Nana. I am sure they are there! Watching from the side, Trista cracks up, laughing, she knows where the socks are found. She pats her belly feeling satisfied with herself for the moment. She watches her sister looking for the missing socks. What else can she do to have fun? Feeling hungry again, Trista spies a set of shoes in the corner. They look lonely to her. She picks up one and eats it! A chuckle rolls through the belly of Trista. Each time the family looks for missing socks Trista gets a charge out of watching them. Sitting back in her favorite bean bag chair, Trista watches the family she once called her own. She eyes her mom with a hunger that only someone lost could understand. She tries to keep herself under control, but the dark black wet tears keep coming. She tires to figure out how this happened but nothing works. Her memory is fading. She finds a new place in her mind that calls her back to the mirror. She knows she will have to return, but after she takes a few more items from her sister! She follows her sister around, watching the clothes mess getting even bigger as Nana throws them around. Piles of clothes make Trista think of dinner. She takes a few more socks, making sure they are plain white ones. This should stir things up! Picking up a book, Trista reads the first half then eats the last two chapters.

Wild eyes search the room looking for at least one pair of matching socks. Nana finally finds the pair she is looking for and puts them on her feet. She puts her slippers on her huge feet and decides its time to straighten up the mess she made. Clothes get put away, and socks that have mates are mated up, books and puzzles are picked up, but still the missing items are not found. Nana picks up the shoes and puts them all in a nice row until she cant find one mate. This must be her bothers fault! They are always in and out of my room! She gets angry and slams a fist into the pillow on her bed. She beats up the pillow for a while until she calms down. Nana finally has control and goes out to the living room. Picking up her book, she begins to read it. Getting to the last two chapters of the book, she finds they are missing. What is going on in this house? So What is going on in your house?

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Sock Monsters and Tristas Story


Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! Did you see that? The mirror just came to life and the girl vanished! Remain calm, we are checking our systems out to make sure everything is in working order and will continue our search to find the missing girl

We now return you to your favorite Dream Stream Program!


Sock Monsters and Tristas Story

Looking into the mirror, Trista shudders. She tries to remain calm but all of the images she sees in front of her are fuzzy now. She was a child; she remembers the feelings of love, and concern from her human parents. She remembers loving them. She feels like a split personality; two sides fighting with each other, trying to see which side is stronger; human or monster. Two sides of Trista emerge. Both sides need to be nurtured. Trista pulls the sock on the mirror. It shakes the image she sees. Pulling her arms close she steps into the other world again while the shadow grows around her. Waiting at the entrance, Trista finds a huge shadow Sock waiting for her. She looks shocked and tries to hide but the waiting form grabs her and holds Trista in a tight hug. Welcome home Trista. I am so glad to see you have finally returned. We missed you. We will give you

a few minutes before we expect your report. We hope you have learned a lot about the human world! Eyes bulging out, Trista gives a fast gulp and tries hard not to panic. She looks at the huge Sock like creature and gives a slow grim tentative smile. Yes, Maam, Thank you Maam, I will do my best, Maam. Hugging her tighter, the creature smiles and pats Tristas head, then whispers, I am your mom, remember? Shivers roll through the half girl, half sock-ling and Trista tries really hard to remain calm. Drifting through the hallway, Trista finds there is another pile of socks that had not been there before. She gets close, squirming away from her new shadow Friend. Examining the pile, Trista finds it has her name on it and it contains all the socks she stole from her siblings! They finally come upon the living area of the Sock Domain. Trista again sees the picture next to the rules and realizes it was a picture of herself with her Sock Family. Please come to order, now, as our Sockling Trista has reemerged to once again become one of us. She has a report she would like to make regarding her recent time in the land of Earth. Everyone sits still and listens.

Hi Hi everyone my name is Trista and it appears I am one of you. I used to be a girl on Earth. I had parents, and a sister and two brothers. I learned a lot about being a child. The most important part about being a child was the rules I had to obey. I also learned more about love; both in the giving of love and the receiving of love. I learned about streets and dangers and remember forever losing my socks! It appears my own little twisted Sock Monster Friend was busy with my stuff alone! The room broke out in a loud rumble resembling thunder at Tristas last words. Feeling a bit better now, relaxing only a bit, Trista began to relate her latest escapades with her human brothers. Everyone listened intently


Sock Monsters Hear Tristas Stories



Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! We interrupt your current dream stream to bring you a special update to the Sock Monster story! We have here before us the Smith familys youngest child, Dan Smith. He claims to have seen a monster in the washer eating socks. He says he looked inside the laundry room and . I saw a shadow moving around the washer! It moved the washer and made it growl like a MONSTER. I stood there watching, I could not move. I was scared and excited at the same time. There you have it, right from the eight year olds mouth. A shadow was seen lurking around the washer and it growled at the boy. We must be careful of this new threat. We will keep you posted. We now return you to your current dream stream!


Sock Monsters Hear Tristas Stories

Smiling big, her shadowy face takes on an eerie glow. When Trista tells of her first days as an official Sockling Sock Monster, she recounts her visit to this very room discovering piles and piles of her socks and toys. When I entered here I found socks from the first grade, socks that were missing, vanished, never found! All my unmated socks, here in these tunnels! I was astounded to find my dolls and my doll clothes piled high sitting next to and mixed with socks! All these years I just thought it was my fault I lost things. Humph! She felt angry that someone would take them from her, leaving her to take the blame! My Dad used to say he wore them dancing last night. My Mom would say clean up your room, Trista,

and you might find them. Your socks are in your room, Trista go find them. I was forever being blamed for something I didnt do! I had no defense, they were gone and it was always my fault. When I returned to Earth, I felt my little body shift and change. I looked into the mirror and a vision of a shadow appeared in front of me. I felt different and scared. I had no idea I was going to start eating socks! I felt hungry and not for human food either. Another roar from the room, and Trista felt her eyes begin to glow. Thoughts filled with hurt, anger, confusion drifted into her mind. Her eyes shadowed her feelings even in the dark light of the room where they became bright, shimmering embers. I hunted through the house and smelled, not my moms cooking, but damp dirty socks. I followed the smell to the laundry room and heard the familiar swishing of the washer. Drifting into the outer metal parts, I found a treasure of socks just waiting for me! I followed them through the water when I saw my youngest brother staring at the washer! I hit the sides and made it spin out of control, but still he watched. Shuddering at the memory, Trista could feel a fear overcome her when the room became very silent at that point. No one in Sock Land had ever heard of a child who could actually see them! This was a new

development; one that they would need to look into further. I was enjoying the freedom of exploring this new craving. I found my sisters socks and ate them up. My brother inched closer and closer to my spot, standing there, staring at me. I knew he couldnt see me, I was but a shadow to him, but still he stared at me. I banged harder and harder on the washer, then mom opened the top and I flew into the dryer, still craving socks. That little boy stared at the washer and waited Well, did you show yourself to him or what did you do, Trista?


Sock Monsters and The Monster in the Washer


Stop the Dreams! This just in! We are receiving information that it was Trista Smith who created this situation! Seems her mom bought some kind of magic pillow and Trista herself created Sock Monster Hill! We return you now to your favorite Dream Stream Program!


Sock Monsters and The Monster in the Washer

Did you show yourself or what Trista? No, I tried to hide, making both the washer and dryer rumble! I did a long growl and did a rushing sound like the wind. Each time I growled louder, that boy just got closer. I watched his eyes become as big as saucers. I had to laugh at his look. I heard him tell mom there was a monster in the washer! Laughing at the memory, Trista looked more monster like then little girl like and even the sock monsters looked a bit scared by the changes in Trista. Shudders began to shake the sock world! I was having such a good time scaring that little boy! I looked around for more ways to scare him. After I finished eating the socks in the washer and the dryer I went after the sock basket! I looked like a huge shadow chasing the boy. I grabbed the socks; I drifted around him like a ghost. I made hissing noises and booing sounds and laughed when he screamed in terror! I thought this was a lot of fun until he began to cry and then my human self scolded me. I heard Trista say that this is not how we act, scaring our little brother half to death. So I went into hiding to think.

I found a quiet place to review what had happened to me. It was at that point I knew I had to return to the mirror to find answers and figure out how this happened. I really need to know who or what am I? Taking a deep breath, the Mom Sock Monster stepped forward and looked at Trista with love in her red steely bright eyes. She patted Trista on the top of her sock like head and then gave a sad smile. Trista one day you made a wish. You wished to create a world of your own and belong to it. You wished for answers to questions like where did the socks go and how did they get there. We were created to fulfill your dreams and so you are a part of us now. You fell asleep on a bean filled pillow and dreamed up Sock Monster Hill and then dreamed up a magic entrance into the tunnels you created. Each day that you dream this, our land gets bigger and more powerful. Each visit you make turns your human body into more of us. You become a sock monster with each visit. One day you will never be able to return to Earth as a girl! You will remain a Sockling! Gasping when the memory returns, Trista nods her head. I remember now! I was reading a story about wishes. I have always wondered why my socks vanished. I remember falling asleep on a pillow made

from magic beans that my Mom found in an online auction. She gave it to me as a present! You mean I created this? This is because of my over active dreams? Draw a picture of your sock dream?

Describe the Sock Dream.

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Sock Monsters and the Re Awakening of a Dream


Stop all Dreams! NEWSFLASH! We have just received word that the Human Mom and the Sock Monster Mom are in heated battle over Trista! Who will win this take all battle? Lets tune into the invisible camera and watch the battle begin


Sock Monsters and the Re Awakening of a Dream

You mean I created this; my over active imagination created this alternate reality? Way cool! I never thought I could do that. This is so exciting, so much fun. I can hop between worlds and have fun teasing my brothers and my sister and then oh you said I am becoming more like you with every visit? Oh my not so cool after all. I will miss my family. I dont want to stay a Sock Monster! I dont! I dont! I wont do it, I tell you, and I wont! I want my mom and I want her right now! Trista stamped her sock like talon feet and turned red in the sock face. Her eyes bulged out of her sockets and stream could be seen rising from her floppy head. She was very upset by this news and threw a temper tantrum. So much for the sweet innocent little girl called Trista, while we find she has a very bad temper when pushed!

Mom! Mom! Mom! You have to save me! Mom! Mom! I need you! Mom! Mom, where are you??? Trista, calm down now young sockling, there is nothing you can do about! So get yourself under control now! Flying into a rage, Trista screamed louder and louder for her mom. She went nuts demanding that she be returned to Earth as herself. She whimpered and cried. All of Sock Land heard it. Earth and the world of the Smith Household began to shudder in direct response to the tantrum of Trista. The windows shook from the eruption. The mirror toppled back and forth, the very foundation of Sock Land and the Smiths home trembled from the anger released by one sockling earthling girl. Mom was just snuggling into her bed when she heard something. Whispering through Moms dreams, bringing a fear into her heart, stretching into her subconscious, Mom heard Tristas plea for help. Mom floated in her dreams to appear as a white ghost. She had a fire in her eyes Trista had never seen before. Mom was ready to do battle for her little girl. You cant have her! She belongs to me! Feeling hopeless against such fire, the Sock Monsters could do nothing to prevent Mom from retrieving her daughter. You can not have Trista!

******************************************************* Draw a picture of your mom & family.

Describe your mom & your family.

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Sock Monsters and the Human Moms World of Socks

NEWSFLASH- at - 13

Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! Hold your socks boys and girls as we follow Mom into a new world! She finds Trista! She follows Trista! Can she win Trista back? Read along and find out! We now return to the Dream Stream of Trista and the Sock Monsters!


Sock Monsters and the Human Moms World of Socks

Shadows of the unknown dreams follow Mom when she climbs into bed that night. Some how she feels she had been missing something. She just couldnt figure it out. The kids were tucked in, happy, dreaming, and full from the slow cooked rice filled chicken. She knew school work had been done; baths and clothes had also been finished. Red outlined the curtains, the mellow hearts and flowers giving a happy perky glow to the room. Old fashioned oak dressers and chairs lined the chocolate walls of Moms room. The bed was sitting right beside the master bath. Mom climbed up the two- step, step ladder to get into bed. Curling up with a good book, Mom reads until it she gets sleepy. She drifted off into the shadows, a murky vision of an unknown child calling out to her. Mom! Mom! Where are you, Mom, I need you. Mom!


Reaching out, her hand touches a moving shadow. The light falls on the child calling out. Mom grips the darkness, fearing she might lose this battle. A deep fear and determination flow through Mom. You cant have her! She belongs to me! Evil laughter drifts towards Mom then. She is mine, she is my lil socklette. She will be ours forever. She was only given a year to be yours. She wished to feel what the children felt. We think it was a good lesson. Shaking her head, Mom argues. Her eyes shine brighter when she gets angry and this shadow person just made her angry! I will not lose her. I remember her well, I raised, and loved, and held her close to my heart. I cried tears when she cried, I laughed with her when a story or joke struck her funny bone. I bandaged her up when she fell. I will not lose her, she belongs to me! With that, Mom gives a yank at the shadow girl and holds her close. Mom turns and pushes the shadow away, hearing the evil laugh follow them as they run towards the wall. She pushes hard against the latch and falls through the roof into her sleeping body, while Trista falls with Mom, a wind chilling both of them. Falling into a dream like trance, Trista tries hard not to scream. She feels her body ripping into a million pieces when she falls through the roof. Amazingly, Trista falls into her own bed! Beads of sweat pour over

Trista knowing she angered the Sock Monsters. She pushes that thought away dreaming of fairies, and love and music knowing she is home at last Thuds and whacks shatter the bedroom, though they were only heard in dream land Mom drifts off into a peaceful rest for the rest of the night, a smile on her face


Sock Monsters and The End or is it just a Start?


Sock Monsters and The End or is it just a Start?


NEWSFLASH- at - 14

Stop the Dreams! NEWSFLASH! Hold your socks! WE have reached an ending! We have reached a point where you must decide if this is a dream or if its reality! Did Trista dream the Sock Monsters or did she really visit them? Guess we will have to find more evidence before we can draw a proper conclusion. Signing out, we thank you for listening to the Dream Stream Program and hope all your dreams come true!


Sock Monsters and The End or is it just a Start?

Peeking into the room, Mom hears snoring and mumbling in the beds direction. Mom shakes her head and closes the door. She returns to her room to take a much needed sleep. She closes her eyes and feels her dreams take her to another world. Mom holds Trista tight in her arms, refusing to let go, holding her as only a Mom would hold a missing child. You cant have her! She is mine! Slamming doors and shaking walls send Mom and the child back to reality. At least that was how Moms dream ended Suddenly its day light and Mom wakes up, startled. She looks around the room and feels a bit disjointed. Shaking the nights terrors from her mind, she jumps into the shower and warms up her cold body. She dresses and peeks one more time into the girls bedroom

Snoring drifted through the room; Trista lay on the bed, a book under head. She looked peaceful sleeping there, the eyelids pulsating from the visions that drifted in and out of her head. Each movement showing a new

dream; she shifted then as the light from the sun drifted in through the bedroom window. She awoke with a look of fear, feeling her body shaking, the wind still swirling around her. She shuddered and felt her feet hit the floor, toes wiggling from the cold air. She looked into the mirror just to be sure; still uneasy until she saw her fingers and her face were just as she remembered. She gave a laugh and ran to the mirror. Yes, she was really herself. Running into the living room, Trista yells, Mom, I am back! I missed you so much! Glancing up from her book, Mom gives Trista a raised eyebrow look, shaking her brown straight hair. Where did you go? I checked on you before I went to bed last night. I heard you snoring away, mumbling something about your socks, honey. Mom, you will never ever believe me, I I . had this dream! I became a sock monster and was eating socks! You didnt even remember me! And and you kept telling us that our socks were somewhere in the bedroom! I ate puzzle pieces, and books, dolls and more socks too. I went into this mirror world and then became a Sock Monster. Thats nice, dear. Were the monsters there pleasant?

Yes mom, but I was really sad when no one could hear me. Breathing deep, Trista hugs her mom then scurries off to get dressed. She enters her room, when she notices a sock hanging out of her mirror The bedroom was exactly as she left it, toys littered the floor, clothes hung on the foot of the bed, and her babies hugged the rails of the bed post, while her books lay out on the floor. She looked around; taking a count on her socks and shoes, making sure they each had a mate. She laughed at herself. Walking through the house, Trista knows she is home at last and feels very happy to be heard, but somehow she wonders if it was only a dream the image of the sock hanging from the mirror begins to haunt her

She feels fear enter her mind should she pull the sock away from the mirror or leave it?



Sock Monsters Invaded EARTH


Sock Monsters Invaded EARTH *********************************************

NEWSFLASH at 15 We interrupt your current Dreams to bring you some important news regarding your childs socks! Hold on to your mated socks, for they are likely to vanish just as the Sock Monster disappears!


What happened to the Sock Monsters?

Asking this question of the Smith Family, we find them all looking a bit stunned. They all say nothing happened to anyone! They deny the entire incident as a figment of an over active imagination! Now I ask you, our faithful Dream Stream Subjects: Did this event really happen or not? We all heard young Dan Smith ramble on and on about the Monster in the Washer, we even heard his own words, did we not? We heard he tell of the washer out to attack him and the socks that swirled around him! We saw with our hidden invisible camera the events that transpired here on that fateful day. We heard the battle and saw with our own two eyes how Sock Land was filled with socks, right? We saw the evil that lurked behind the Sock Monsters and the glow that they produced when they found socks, right? Never mind the fact that our invisible camera has vanished, we all remember what we saw, dont we? Well, dont we? Did you all tune into the Newsflashes or did you ignore them? Did Sock Land really exist? Did Trista become a sock monster? Did Dan Smith really see a sock monster in the washer?

What really happened the day an eruption shattered the Smith home? Was it a battle for Trista or was it just a freak of nature that tore apart the Smith house? We all saw the house rip in half and the whirlwind that invaded the Smith home! It was the Sock Monster Battle for Trista that caused this, not a freak of nature! Please, believe what you saw on the screen! Believe what you saw with your own two eyes! We have to fight! If this can happen in the Smith home are we ever going to be safe? We must fight! What, youre pulling my air time? Dragging me off to another story? Wait, I am not done yet! They must be told the truth! We must fight! We must blip



Another voice is heard, We now return you to the land of dreams where you can visit your favorite Dream Stream Program and maybe you too can answer these questions and more in the Dream Stream World of Adventure and Mystery! Signing off for now, your favorite Dream Stream Announcer, Dream-Stream Sockling With more news coming soon to a Dream Stream Station near you



Did you enjoy this story? Have you hugged your SOCK MONSTER today? Draw a picture and then explain how you met your Sock Monster.

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Describe an experience you had with your Sock Monster

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Draw a picture of that experience:


Explain what the Sock Monsters have done to you?

________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Draw a picture of all the things the Sock Monsters did


You decide what to talk about:

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