MKT-630 1st Quiz

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A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market.

Which of the following information is NOT required under the category of prescriptive info?

Select correct option:


Balance of payment

Laws and regulations

Ruling concerning taxes

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The major focus of theory of absolute advantage is one of the following. Select correct option:
Promote free trade

Promote restricted trade

No need to export

No need to import

Identify the term, we use for bartering price of one countrys currency in term of other countrys currency? Select correct option:
Exchange rate

Barter system

Cross currency

Change currency

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Which one of the following is an acronym of SWOT? Select correct option:

Strategy, working, opinion, tactical

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

Strategy, work, openness, toughness

Strategy, weakness, opinions, tactics

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Which of the following treaties covered the way for effective a worldwide tariff agreement? Select correct option:




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A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is NOT required under the category of foreign exchange info? Select correct option:
Laws and regulations

Availability of finance

Dividends in host country

All of the given options

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A contract in which an individual receives financial reimbursement against losses from the contractual company. Which one of the following is a best term for such contract? Select correct option:

Risk management

Financial loss recovery

Banking contract

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Mention the correct order in finding potential customer according to your marketing expertise. Select correct option:
Segmentation, dement measurement, targeting, pos

Dement measurement, segmentation, targeting, pos

Segmentation, targeting, positioning, dement measu

Dement measurement, targeting, segmentation, pos

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A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of foreign exchange info? Select correct option:
Interest rates

Exchange rates

Balance of payments

All of the given options

A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of foreign exchange info? Select correct option:
Interest rates

Exchange rates

Balance of payments

All of the given options

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A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of marketing mix?

Select correct option:


Add products

Functional strategies

Expectations analysis

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A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of foreign exchange info? Select correct option:
Interest rates

Laws and regulations

Availability of finance

Dividends in host country

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A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following

information is required under the category of prescriptive info? Select correct option:

Laws and regulations

Ruling concerning taxes

Ruling concerning taxes All of the given options

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The Global Strategic Rivalry Theory was presented by which one of the following scholars? Select correct option:

Adam Smith

Paul Krugman

Michael Porter

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Which of the following is NOT a deciding factor of international market evaluation? Select correct option:
Political risks

Local competition

Non-trade barriers

All of the given options

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Which of the following is NOT the part of the marketing process? Select correct option:
Lead countries

Transferable marketing

Market globalization drivers

All of the given options

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Which of the following components of the balance-of-payments statement is of greatest interest to international business? Select correct option:
The current account

The capital account

The official reserves account

The monetary account

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Which of the following orientations holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable? Select correct option:
Product concept

Marketing concept

Production concept

Selling concept

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Of the alternate concepts under which organizations design and carry out their marketing strategies, which one can lead to marketing myopia? Select correct option:
Marketing concept

Selling concept

Production concept

Societal marketing concept

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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 3 of 20 ( Start time: 12:03:15 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following is a marketing philosophy which summarized by the phrase "a good product will sell itself"? Select correct option:
The Selling concept

The Marketing concept

The Production concept

*The Production concept The Societal Marketing concept

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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 6 of 20 ( Start time: 12:05:43 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of marketing mix? Select correct option:
Sales campaign

Financial information

Functional strategies

Expectations analysis

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Time Left Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 12:06:33 PM ) Identify the exchange rate system in which exchange rates are allowed to move only within limits. Select correct option:


Total Marks: 1

Fixed Exchange Rate System

Flexible Exchange Rate System

Managed Exchange Rate System

Moderate Exchange Rate System

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Time Left Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 12:06:33 PM ) Identify the exchange rate system in which exchange rates are allowed to move only within limits. Select correct option:
Fixed Exchange Rate System


Total Marks: 1

Flexible Exchange Rate System

Managed Exchange Rate System

Moderate Exchange Rate System

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Time Left Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 12:06:33 PM ) Identify the exchange rate system in which exchange rates are allowed to move only within limits. Select correct option:
Fixed Exchange Rate System


Total Marks: 1

Flexible Exchange Rate System

Managed Exchange Rate System

Moderate Exchange Rate System

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Time Left Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 8 of 20 ( Start time: 12:07:51 PM )


Total Marks: 1

A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is NOT required under the category of marketing mix? Select correct option:
Add products

Sales campaign

Distribution channel

None of the given options

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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 9 of 20 ( Start time: 12:08:35 PM ) The historical data of a firm helps the marketer decision in which direction? Select correct option:
Clue for its future

Total Marks: 1

Clue for its past

Clue for its present

Clue for its near past

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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 12:09:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1 The nature of multi-segments (more than one segment if he/she select) that a marketer selects as a target market is: Select correct option:



Both homogeneous and heterogeneous

Either homogeneous or heterogeneous

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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 12:10:36 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of foreign exchange info? Select correct option:
Laws and regulations

Availability of finance

Dividends in host country

Attractiveness of countrys currency

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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 12 of 20 ( Start time: 12:11:45 PM ) Total Marks: 1 If government of Pakistan imposed the taxes on exported products from USA, such kind of charging by Pakistani government is categories as: Select correct option:




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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 13 of 20 ( Start time: 12:13:35 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer's and society's well-being? Select correct option:
The Product concept

The Marketing concept

The Production concept

The Societal Marketing concept

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Time Left Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 14 of 20 ( Start time: 12:14:50 PM )


Total Marks: 1

Identify which law seeks interpretation through the past decision of higher courts which interpret the same statues or apply established and customary principles of law to a similar set of facts. Select correct option:
Civil law

Code law

Common law

Islamic law

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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM

Question # 18 of 20 ( Start time: 12:19:46 PM )

Total Marks: 1

Which of the following country is reputed to have passed the most stringent green marketing laws that regulate the management and recycling of packaging waste? Select correct option:


United States


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Quiz Start Time: 12:01 PM Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 12:21:34 PM ) Total Marks: 1 According to the theory of absolute advantage, a country can have certain advantages over other countries, which of the following is the acquired advantage? Select correct option:
Climate conditions

Natural resources

Cheap labor-force

None of the given options

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Quiz Start Time: 12:24 PM Question # 2 of 15 ( Start time: 12:24:47 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Customer delivered value is the difference between total customer value and total customer cost of a marketing product. This value can be interpreted as what? Select correct option:
Value cost to company

Profit to the company

Value maximization

Profit to the customer

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Quiz Start Time: 12:24 PM Question # 3 of 15 ( Start time: 12:26:09 PM ) Which of the following is NOT a part of Acculturation Mechanism? Total Marks: 1

Select correct option:





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Quiz Start Time: 12:24 PM Question # 4 of 15 ( Start time: 12:27:30 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A _____ is an organized collection of comprehensive information about individual customers or prospects. Select correct option:
Business database

Customer mailing list

Customer database

Marketing database

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Quiz Start Time: 12:24 PM Question # 7 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:04 PM ) Customers complaints should be considered helpful EXCEPT: Select correct option:
Increase customer satisfaction

Total Marks: 1


Improvement of product efficiency

Improvement in sales services

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Quiz Start Time: 12:24 PM Question # 8 of 15 ( Start time: 12:29:29 PM ) In service marketing, the most important link to the customer is known as: Select correct option:
The tangible aspects of the service

Total Marks: 1

Well-trained contact employees

Good word-of-mouth communication

Effective advertising

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Quiz Start Time: 12:24 PM Question # 9 of 15 ( Start time: 12:30:15 PM ) Job titles that refer to strategists include which of the following category? Select correct option:
Owner, dean, president and executive director

Total Marks: 1

Owner, entrepreneur, executive director and accoun

Chief executive officer, salesman, dean and lawyer

External audit, entrepreneur, executive director and

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM

Question # 1 of 20 ( Start time: 12:39:20 PM )

Total Marks: 1

A business undertaking between two or more companies or organizations which will share ownership and control of this business activity is categories as: Select correct option:
Equity investment

Joint venture

Mixed venture

Money market investment

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 2 of 20 ( Start time: 12:40:58 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of foreign exchange info? Select correct option:
Laws and regulations

Availability of finance

Dividends in host country

Attractiveness of countrys currency

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Time Left Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 3 of 20 ( Start time: 12:41:34 PM )


Total Marks: 1

The judges in International Court of Justice are elected for terms of office for nine years by the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council. The numbers of judges in World Court are: Select correct option:
10 judges

13 judges

15 judges

17 judges

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 4 of 20 ( Start time: 12:43:03 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following country is reputed to have passed the most stringent green marketing laws that regulate the management and recycling of packaging waste?

Select correct option:



United States


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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 5 of 20 ( Start time: 12:44:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required NOT under the category of competitive information? Select correct option:

Interest rates

Change product

All of the given options

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 6 of 20 ( Start time: 12:45:05 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Identify the method which based on binding because both parties that are in conflict agree to honor any judgment without recourse? Select correct option:



A tort clause


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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 7 of 20 ( Start time: 12:46:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of prescriptive info? Select correct option:
Exchange rate

Balance of payment

Laws and regulations

None of the given options

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 8 of 20 ( Start time: 12:47:24 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of marketing mix? Select correct option:
Interest rate

Change product

Balance of payments

Ruling concerning taxes

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 9 of 20 ( Start time: 12:48:02 PM ) All of the following are the forms of export subsidies EXCEPT: Select correct option:
Tax breaks

Total Marks: 1

Product price support

Cheaper resources

Regulate foreign businesses

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 10 of 20 ( Start time: 12:49:04 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following trade theory explains that nations can increase their economic well-being by specializing production of goods which they can produce efficiently? Select correct option:
Theory of absolute advantage

Theory of comparative advantage

International product life-cycle theory

None of the given options

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 11 of 20 ( Start time: 12:50:32 PM ) Total Marks: 1 The nature of multi-segments (more than one segment if he/she select) that a marketer selects as a target market is: Select correct option:


Both homogeneous and heterogeneous

Either homogeneous or heterogeneous

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 13 of 20 ( Start time: 12:52:18 PM ) Total Marks: 1 Which of the following holds that the organizations task is to determine the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors?

Select correct option:

The Product concept

The Marketing concept

The Production concept

The Societal Marketing concept

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 14 of 20 ( Start time: 12:53:05 PM ) Which of the following is NOT a deciding factor of international market evaluation? Select correct option:
Political risks

Total Marks: 1

Local competition

Non-trade barriers

All of the given options

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 15 of 20 ( Start time: 12:54:33 PM ) Total Marks: 1 In order to be globally aware, which of the following factor/s is/are NOT acquired or developed by marketer: Select correct option:

Tolerance of cultural differences

Knowledge of cultures and history

Local awareness

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 16 of 20 ( Start time: 12:55:48 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is NOT required under the category of marketing mix? Select correct option:
Add products

Sales campaign

Distribution channel

None of the given options

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Time Left Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 17 of 20 ( Start time: 12:56:55 PM )


Total Marks: 1

A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of foreign exchange info? Select correct option:
Interest rates

Laws and regulations

Availability of finance

Dividends in host country

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM

Question # 18 of 20 ( Start time: 12:57:30 PM )

Total Marks: 1

The basis of which law is tradition, past practices, and legal precedents set by the courts through interpretations. Select correct option:
Civil law

Code law

Common law

Islamic law

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 19 of 20 ( Start time: 12:58:54 PM ) Total Marks: 1 According to the theory of absolute advantage, a country can have certain advantages over other countries, which of the following is the acquired advantage? Select correct option:
Climate conditions

Natural resources

Development of process

None of the given options

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Quiz Start Time: 12:39 PM Question # 20 of 20 ( Start time: 01:00:12 PM ) Total Marks: 1 A variety of information is needed for successfully operating in international market. Which of the following information is required under the category of market potential? Select correct option:
Demand estimate

Functional strategies

Laws and regulations

Technological environment

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