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December 6, 2011
I. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Mayor/Chairman Lyons called the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Lakeport and Board of Directors of the Lakeport Redevelopment Agency to order at 6:00 p.m. with Council/Agency Members Roy Parmentier, Stacey Mattina, and Tom Engstrom present. Council/Agency Member Rumfelt was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Marc Spillman. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, and unanimously carried by voice vote, with Council Member Rumfelt absent, to accept the agenda as presented. Council Member Engstrom nominated Council Member Mattina for Mayor. Council Member Parmentier seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations. Council Member Mattina was appointed as Mayor with the following Aye votes: Council Members Parmentier, Engstrom, Mattina, and Lyons. Council Member Lyons nominated Council Member Engstrom for Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Parmentier seconded the nomination. There were no further nominations. Council Member Engstrom was appointed as Mayor Pro Tem with the following Aye votes: Council Members Parmentier, Engstrom, Mattina, and Lyons. V. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Ordinances: Waive reading except by title, of any ordinances under consideration at this meeting for either introduction or passage per Government Code Section 36934. Approve minutes of the regular City Council meeting of November 15, 2011. Approve warrants as listed on Warrant Register dated December 6, 2011. Approve Agreement Between the County of Lake and the City of Lakeport for County Financial Contribution Toward the Operation of Westshore Pool. Receive and file Neighborhood Improvement Project Report. Receive and file thank you letter and Construction Report from the Westside Park Committee. Authorize cancellation of the regular meeting of January 3, 2012. A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, and unanimously carried by voice vote, with Council Member Rumfelt absent, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Roy Fields addressed the City Council regarding the meter in front of his business and his water billing. Chief Rasmussen introduced Jean Patti, a new Police Department volunteer. Taira St. John gave a presentation regarding the Summer of Peace 2012.




CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION: A. Appointment of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem

B. C. D. E. F. G.

Minutes: Warrants Agreement with County of Lake Neighborhood Improvement Project Report Westside Community Park Cancel Meeting of January 3, 2012

Vote on Consent Agenda


PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS/ REQUESTS: A. B. C. Citizen Input: Introduction of Police Staff Summer of Peace 2012



Minutes of the Lakeport City Council and Redevelopment Agency Meeting of December 6, 2011

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South Main Street/Soda Bay Road Annexation

A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, seconded by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, and unanimously carried by voice vote, with Council Member Rumfelt absent, that the Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. regarding the proposed Negative Declaration for the South Main Street/Soda Bay Road Annexation Project (AX 11-01) be postponed indefinitely and direct staff to address the letters and the issues contained therein and to prepare a report and recommendations for action as appropriate for consideration by the City Council.


COUNCIL BUSINESS: A. Police Chief: 1. IT Service Agreement A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, seconded by Council/Agency Member Lyons, and unanimously carried by voice vote, with Council Member Rumfelt absent, to authorize Chief of Police or City Manager to enter into IT Service Agreement with the County of Lake for the Police Department.


Finance Director: 1. Investment Strategy A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, seconded by Council/Agency Member Lyons, and unanimously carried by voice vote, with Council Member Rumfelt absent, to direct staff to come back with a revised investment strategy after the redevelopment court case has been decided.


City Attorney: 1. Note Modification A motion was made by Council/Agency Member Parmentier, seconded by Council/Agency Member Engstrom, and unanimously carried by voice vote, Council Member Rumfelt absent, to approve the Note Modification Agreement with Charles Witt and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. Council Member Parmentier will be attending the APC meeting in Clearlake tomorrow. Finance Director Buffalo asked the Council to contact him if he has any questions regarding the finance reports. Utilities Director Brannigan reported that he and Doug Grider attended Public Works training through REMIF for the past two days. Administrative Services Director Buendia reported that she attended REMIF-sponsored training last week. Police Chief Rasmussen reported that there has been increased graffiti in town, and this is being investigated and addressed. City Attorney Brookes reported that he will not need a closed session tonight. Council Member Lyons reported that LAFCO met and continued the discussion regarding the Citys sphere of influence. Council Member Mattina will be attending APC and Chamber meetings.





Mayor Lyons adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m. APPROVED ___________________________________________ STACEY MATTINA, Mayor

____________________________________ JANEL M. CHAPMAN, City Clerk

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Building Permit Report SUBMITTED BY: Community Development Department PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 12/20/2011

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The Council is being asked to review the Building Permit Report for informational purposes only. SUMMARY: Attached is a copy of the November 2011 building permit log and pending permits. The following are totals for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 for the Building Department: Number of Permits Construction Value Permit Revenue SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Receive and file monthly Building Permit Report for November 2011. 89 $849,040.60 $20,058.68


Monthly Building Permit Report for

Meeting Date: 12/20/2011

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Agenda Item #IV.C.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


FY 2010 / 2011

Annual Report 2010/2011

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 2 BACKGROUND.2 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA MAP .......................................................................................... 4 PERSONNEL.......................................................................................................................................... 5 KEY STAFF BIOS ............................................................................................................................... 5 AGENCY ACTIVITIES AND ACHIEVEMENTS .................................................................................... 7 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, PLANNING AND DESIGN......................................................... 7 REDEVELOPMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS.................................................................................... 15 HOUSING ......................................................................................................................................... 15 LOAN REPORT..18


City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

California Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1 requires that the Redevelopment Agency present an annual report to the legislative body six months after the end of the Agencys fiscal year. The report is to contain updates on, and discussion of, the following: An independent financial audit report for the previous fiscal year; A fiscal statement for the previous fiscal year that contains the information required pursuant to Section 33080.5; A description of the Agencys activities in the previous fiscal year affecting housing and displacement that contains the information required by Sections 33080.4 and 33080.7; A description of the Agencys progress, including specific actions and expenditures, in alleviating blight in the previous fiscal year; A list of, and status report on, all loans made by the Redevelopment Agency that are fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more, that in the previous fiscal year were in default, or not in compliance with the terms of the loan approved by the Redevelopment Agency; A description of the total number and nature of the properties that the Agency owns and those properties the Agency has acquired in the previous fiscal year; A list of the fiscal years that the Agency expects each of the following time limits to expire; and Any other information that the Agency believes useful to explain its programs, including, but not limited to, the number of jobs created and lost in the previous fiscal year as a result of its activities.

The Lakeport Redevelopment Agency was formed by the Lakeport City Council in 1986. The City Council formed the Agency, and the Council Members serve as the Redevelopment Board of Directors. The Agency was formed, in accordance with State law, to respond to blight conditions within the Project Area. Plan adoption June 1999 Plan effectiveness June 2029 Plan expiration June 2044 Bond debt cap $249 million

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

The Lakeport Redevelopment Project Area is 612 acres which represents 35% of the Lakeport City limits. The Project Area is the heart of the community and covers the oldest developed parts of the City, including the downtown core, and numerous late 19th and early 20th century residential subdivisions. Early land development activity within the Project Area took place in the late 1800s. The areas near the lake along Main and Forbes Streets and on the east/west streets near downtown were the first to develop. There are many older buildings in the Project Area that require repair and revitalization, and there is a need to upgrade public facilities and infrastructure as well. The downtown area of Lakeport is a key part of the Lakeport Redevelopment Project Area. Downtown Lakeport is the historic commercial core of the community and has a traditional late 19th century appearance and feel. Main Street, which used to serve as a state highway, is the key north/south surface street through Lakeport and extends through the center of downtown Lakeport just two blocks west of the Clear Lake shoreline. Downtown Lakeport is closely linked to Clear Lake and there is an intent to strengthen and improve this area through the use of enhanced land use patterns, pedestrian circulation, landscaping, lighting, architectural design, quality open spaces, and other urban design techniques. The California Redevelopment Law grants various powers to Redevelopment Agencies to address blight conditions. Blight reduction is the legal basis for Redevelopment, and there are many City activities that overlay with and benefit from the use of Redevelopment authority. Redevelopment is an important tool for achieving public goals that are set forth in the Lakeport General Plan. Redevelopment also fosters economic development activities and helps the City revitalize the community, encourage new development, create jobs, and generate greater tax revenues, including sales taxes, at no additional cost to property owners. Redevelopment directs more money overall to help finance public infrastructure and other community needs. Redevelopment Agencies have two key tools at their disposal. One is tax increment financing. Redevelopment Agencies can also help make a private project viable by subsidizing certain components of a project such as land acquisition or project infrastructure. The other key tool enabled by Redevelopment is land assembly. There are various approaches that an Agency can take to assemble land thereby making development projects more viable. The preferred approach is working with property owners in mutually beneficial negotiation. Eminent domain, the ability to compel a property owner to sell their property for the fair market value, is another approach, and it is becoming less frequently used. The Lakeport Redevelopment Plan does not provide for (allow) the use of eminent domain.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011


City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

The Lakeport Redevelopment Agency is a separate legal entity from the City; however, it is staffed by City employees assigned to carry out its purpose and the goals and objectives of its governing body, the Agency Board of Directors. This is done through an agreement between the Agency and the City, whereby the Agency compensates the City for use of its employees. For budgeting and operating purposes, the City considers the Agency as a de facto department within it.


Margaret Silveira City Manager Redevelopment Executive Director Margaret joined the City in April of 2010. As part of her role as City Manager, she is the Executive Director for the Agency, overseeing general policy implementation. Margaret has considerable local government experience, including a three year tenure as the city manager for the City of Gustine and over eight years as the Director of Housing and Economic Development in the City of Riverbank in the California Central Valley. Her background includes work with planning and community development issues, as well as issues related to redevelopment and economic development. Richard Knoll Community Development Director Richard has been with the City of Lakeport since 1986. Richard is the department head responsible for carrying out the Agencys goals, objectives, and projects, as well as overseeing day-to-day operations. In addition to overseeing the Community Development Department (CDD), which houses Building and Planning divisions, he has responsibility for Redevelopment, Housing, and Economic Development activities as well. Richard is a seasoned local government professional with over 32 years of planning, community development, and redevelopment experience in various local government agencies in California and Oregon. Trisha Franco Housing Specialist Trisha began her career with the City of Lakeport in 1994 as a secretary working in the Community Development Department. In 2008, she was assigned the position of Housing Specialist to administer an $800,000 HOME grant for first-time homebuyers and owner-occupied rehabilitation projects, and to continue working the existing CDBG and RDA housing funds. Since that time, the City has received an additional $1.2 million in grant funds to continue the housing programs. In

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

2010/2011, approximately $560,000 of assistance was provided to residents for housing assistance, of which Trisha was a key staff member. Lakeport City Staff: Numerous City staff assist in carrying out various Redevelopment functions, including Dan Buffalo Finance, Andrew Britton Community Development, Tom Carlton Building Inspection, Scott Harter Engineering, Janel Chapman City Clerk, Kelly Buendia Human Resources, Mark Brannigan Utilities, Doug Grider Public Works, Steven Brookes City Attorney. Core staff assigned to the Agency in fiscal year 2010/2011 are described in the organizational hierarchy below.


Agency Board of Directors

Margaret Silveira, City Manager (Executive Director)

Richard Knoll RHED / CDD Director

Trisha Franco Housing Specialist

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

2010/2011 was a difficult and tumultuous year for Redevelopment Agencies in the State of California. In the summer of 2011, the California Legislator and Governor Jerry Brown approved two pieces of legislation (ABX26 and ABX27) which in tandem eliminated redevelopment and at the same time allowed Agencies to be reconstituted subject to a commitment to make a substantial continuation payment and agree to pay future annual continuation payments in perpetuity. There was a significant amount of City staff time spent in communicating with State Legislators and the Governor along with organizing local opposition to the legislative proposal. There were letters and emails sent to legislators and to the Governor, a trip to Sacramento to participate in a rally, time spent listening to several web casts put on by the California Redevelopment Association (CRA), and the League of California Cities (LCC) and in updating the City Council / Agency Board. All of this effort was to no avail. It was particularly discouraging that the Citys State representatives never acknowledged the City correspondence sent to them regarding the redevelopment legislation.. The CRA and the LCC filed suit with the California Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of ABX26 and ABX27, and a decision on that case is pending. In the meantime, the Court issued a stay which effectively shut down any new redevelopment activities of the Agency after July of 2011. In spite of the actions of the State Legislature and Governor to end Redevelopment, progress has been made in carrying out the goals, activities, and projects of the Lakeport Redevelopment Agency, including eliminating blight conditions in the Project Area. The following section describes the Agencys progress, including specific actions and expenditures, to alleviate blight within the Project Area in 2010/2011


Pursuant to its 2009-2014 Five-Year Redevelopment Implementation Plan, the Lakeport Redevelopment Agency engaged in the following projects, planning, and design activities to alleviate blight in Fiscal Year 2010/2011 included: Downtown Improvement Projects: Proposed Phase II Downtown Improvements will consist of construction of new wide sidewalks, street trees, lighting, new handicap ramps and irrigation. The Downtown Improvement Project will also include related infrastructure including storm drain facilities and roadway improvements. This project will implement the Downtown Improvement Plan approved by the City Council in 2006 and is intended to beautify and enhance the downtown area. This Improvement project will match and compliment those improvements installed in 2008 (Third and Park Streets and the City Hall parking lot). The improvement area includes Main Street between Martin Street and Third
City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

Street, Park Street between First and Second Streets, Second Street between Main and Park Streets, and First Street between Main Street and the Clear Lake shoreline. The Agency has engaged in a significant amount of action and activity designed to implement the Phase II project, consistent with the Lakeport General Plan and the Downtown Improvement Plan. City staff defined the budget for Phase II of the Downtown Improvements which was approved by the Agency in June. There has been significant progress made in 2010/2011 in preparation in of engineered improvement plans which are approximately 80% complete. A graphic representation of the design plan follows.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

Faade Enhancement Program: The Agency continues to operate the Facade Enhancement Program in the downtown and Main Street corridor areas of the Project Area. The Faade Enhancement Program provides funding for design and construction of new and renovated storefronts (up to $35,000). There have been 20 projects designed with several projects having completed construction through Owner Participation Agreements (OPA): The faade program continues to be popular in the Main Street business community and expectations for more construction as the economy improves are good.

Dr. Mark Buehnerkemper's Office

Land Assembly and Acquisition for Redevelopment Projects: There are areas of the Project Area that are developed with under-performing land uses. The downtown area and the Lakeport Boulevard / South Main Street intersection area are examples. The Agency has worked with property owners and developers in discussions regarding assembly and acquisition of land into appropriate parcel sizes and configuration to facilitate the development of high-quality retail, office, mixed use hotel or residential uses. Hotel Development: The Agency continues to support the development of a hotel project in the Project Area. The Agency has identified several potential hotel development sites. Once a developer(s) is selected, the Agency will enter into negotiations and develop a strategy and agreement for moving forward on a hotel project(s). The Agency may also participate financially in the project in a manner to be determined and negotiated. Agency staff prepared a hotel RFP but has put this project on hold due to current economic conditions. Discussions with a downtown property owner regarding a boutique hotel project were conducted a couple of years ago, and there have been discussions with the owner of Vista Point Shopping Center about the potential for a hotel. In addition, Agency staff has met with a local hotelier regarding a downtown hotel project.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency


Annual Report 2010/2011

The Anchorage Inn motel on North Main Street was sold to a new owner in 2011. City staff has met with the owners to discuss ways in which the Agency can help improve the business. Waterfront Planning and Development: The Agency continued its efforts to prepare a Waterfront Development Plan for the area north of Third Street to Clear Lake Avenue and from Third Street south to C Street. Consultants will be hired to work with the Agency, the general public, property owners, and interested parties in the waterfront plan development. Conceptual plans, which will serve as a starting point for public discussion, have been prepared. The graphic design of one of the conceptual plans is below. It is anticipated that Agency staff will prepare a consultant RFP in 2012.

New / Relocated Parking Facility Construction: The Agency has not considered funding the construction of new or relocated parking facilities within the Project Area in the fiscal year. Shovel Ready Development Project: This project involves the possibility of working with landowner(s) in the Project Area (South Main Street Campbell Hill area) to plan, assemble land, obtain entitlements, and assist in development of job producing facilities and buildings. Staff has continued to work on the concept and has several discussions with consultants to develop an RFP. Staff will continue to work on this project in fiscal year 2010/2011.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

Public Safety Facility Construction: The Redevelopment Agency has, in the past, considered participating in the construction of new Public Safety Buildings on Larrecou Lane. Buildings would house the Lakeport Fire Protection Districts main fire station. Agency staff has in the past met with the District Chief to review options and discussed Redevelopment financing. There are restrictions on funding proposals such as this. Superior Court Construction - AOC: The Agency has taken an active role in the construction of a new Superior Court building in the Project Area. Staff participated in the Lakeport Courthouse Program Advisory Group. This group meets regularly to review and make recommendations concerning Courthouse development issues. A site on Vista Point was selected by the state as the project location. Agency staff worked with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) on this project and in the identification of project impacts. The Agency has commented on the project environmental review and has entered into an MOU with the AOC relative to assuring access to the property from Lakeport Boulevard. There was also an agreement reached with the AOC to study the feasibility of developing a new street to serve the project. Quincy Engineering is working directly with the AOC to study this important project component with results expected in 2012/2013. Redevelopment Plan Amendment: The Redevelopment Agency may consider an amendment of the Redevelopment Plan to add land, extend the Plan time frames, or other amendments. Critical and immediate concerns prevented staff from pursuing this goal as aggressively as was intended and, as a result, no significant progress was made in fiscal year 2010/2011; however, staff intends to devote more time and resources to this effort in fiscal year 2011/2012. Nuisance Abatement and Blight Elimination Activities: In 2011 the Community Development Department contacted the owners of two parcels in the Redevelopment Project Area that had nuisance/blighted structures on them and worked with the owners to have the structures demolished. 1370 Sixth St. / APN 025-034-01 This property was the site of a badly dilapidated single family dwelling and detached garage that were visible from Highway 29. The blighted property was a notable eyesore.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011



Staff contacted the property owner and advised him of nuisance conditions on the property, including the dilapidated dwelling and an accumulation of outdoor trash and debris. The owner expressed a willingness to demolish the house and wanted to avoid the formal nuisance abatement process. Staff continued to stay in contact with the owner and the demolition permit application was submitted in March 2011. The house and garage were demolished shortly thereafter. In addition to demolishing the house and detached garage and removing the related debris, the contractor cleaned up a trash pile that was located near the end of Sixth Street (in the turnaround area), removed a dilapidated construction trailer that was stored on the property, and removed a variety of construction debris that was stored outside. 225 S. Estep St. / APN 025-293-07



This property was the site of a dilapidated duplex structure that had been unoccupied for more than 20 years. The Community Development Department contacted the property owner in April 2011 and advised that the property was considered to be a serious nuisance and that the City intended to pursue its demolition.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

The owner was cooperative and agreed to demolish the structure. Staff continued to follow up with the owner and provided a list of locally-licensed demolition contractors. A demolition permit application was submitted in July 2011 and the structure was demolished and all related debris was removed shortly thereafter. Other Nuisance Abatement Enforcement Activities in Project Area The following nuisances and zoning violations are in the redevelopment project area and were investigated by Community Development Department staff in 2011. 110 S. Tunis 1040 Central Park Ave. 15 Royale Ave. 345 Seventh St. 767 Third St. 440 Campbell Lane 60 Oak Knoll Ave. 150 Third St. 695 Armstrong St. 302 N. Main St. 35 C St. First St. right-of-way 970 Armstrong St. Estep St. right-of-way 1120 N. Main St. Mattresses and carpet on sidewalk in front of house Nuisance conditions Accumulation of trash/debris Unauthorized construction activities Nuisance conditions and unauthorized construction Unauthorized auto body repair activities and related nuisance vehicles. Unauthorized construction; lean-to affects sight distance Graffiti. Referred to Police Department. Noise Nuisance (rooster) Gang-related graffiti. Referred to Police Department. Hazardous tree endangering neighboring property Nuisance/abandoned vehicle Nuisance vehicle Nuisance vehicle Nuisance/abandoned vehicle

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

The map below shows the location of code enforcement / nuisance abatement activities in the Project Area.

Other Planning and Project Administration: The Agency considered and took action on several administrative matters relating to the possible end of Redevelopment, including a Resolution transferring land on Bevins Court to the City, a Cooperation Agreement Resolution between the City and the Agency, and a Funding Agreement Resolution between the Agency and the City. Bond proceed funds from the Agency were transferred to the City and earmarked for downtown improvements. The Agency staff dealt with a number of specific projects prior to the States legislative actions on ABX26 and ABX27, including OPAs for Peggy Campbell, Bill Irwin, Mark Buehnerkemper, Savings Bank of Mendocino, and Lakeport Pacific Associates.
City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

Richard Knoll member was a speaker at the CRA Annual Conference in San Jose in April. In fiscal year 2010/2011, the Agency worked with the following organizations to achieve notable programs and projects: The Lakeport Main Street Association Board of Directors and several Lakeport Main Street Association committees, including the Economic Restructuring and Design Committees; The Lakeport Economic Development Advisory Committee; and The Lakeport Main Street Association on community events and recruitment efforts.

The Agency Five Year Implementation Plan was developed by staff and adopted by the Agency in 2009.


The Agency considered capital projects in fiscal year 2010/2011 including: Project Area Infrastructure: The Agency considered funding public sewer, water, storm drainage, right-of-way improvements (including bike lanes), and undergrounding of overhead utilities in conjunction with waterfront and other Redevelopment projects in the Project Area. To this end, the Agency is currently working on a neighborhood improvement project on Armstrong Street. A PTA Grant for a study of neighborhood infrastructure improvement needs was approved in 2010 and an RFP is to be issued in late 2010. Completion of the South Main Street sidewalks is also under consideration. A major sidewalk improvement project was constructed in 2010 at 566 S. Main Street. The project addressed a blight issue that has existed for many years involving a steep slope adjacent to the street and a gap in the Main Street sidewalk. At a cost of $175,000, the Agency built a retaining wall, new sidewalks, hand-railing, handicap ramp, street trees and grates.

The Agency is required to provide a description of its activities in the previous fiscal year affecting housing and displacement that contains the information, as is required by Sections 33080.4 and 33080.7 of California Health and Safety Code. The Redevelopment Agency staff continued negotiations for a large multi-family senior affordable apartment project on Martin Street. Working with developers AMG Associates and Lakeport Pacific Associates LLC the Agency staff encouraged the submittal of entitlement actions which were processed and approved in June of 2009. In addition, the Agency supported the submittal of a
City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

HOME Grant application along with other funding proposals and negotiated an Agency financial participation. The Agency participated in a vacant residential lands analysis and an inventory for the purpose of identifying both single-family and multi-family residential development opportunities. This information was provided to the Agency with the recommendation for participation in specific development projects, including the Lakeport Pacific Association project on Martin Street. There was a resolution passed by the Agency in support of Habitat for Humanity involving the construction of affordable housing within the City of Lakeport. Agreement was reached with Habitat for the construction of three residential units over a three year period. The Agency approved a loan to owner Ken Davis for a multi-family rehabilitation project to improve the affordable four-plex units and structure. The Agency worked with the Ukiah-based Northern Circle Indian Housing Authority for a single family development project on Forest Drive. A request was made to the County to acquire a tax defaulted lot on Terrace Drive, with the intent to donate it to NAHDC for a new SFD. Unfortunately, neighborhood opposition and lack of response from Lake County resulted in the housing entity pulling out of the project. The Lakeport Redevelopment Agency conducted no housing activities which resulted in any need or requirement for displacement. The Agency did participate in other housing activities, however, including the Lakeport Housing Element Update, single-family housing rehabilitation and upgrade, grants, etc. Below is a sample of the projects completed during fiscal year 2009/2010. A complete list is included as Appendix A, Housing Activity report presented and dated December 2011.

1025 Martin Street, Space 49 Activity: The Redevelopment Agency financed the purchase of a mobilehome in Fairgrounds Village for a disabled, lowincome couple.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

1125 Boggs Lane Activity: Built a handicap-accessible bathroom for a young man with cerebral palsy, including walk-in bathtub, and the installation of a tracking system which carries the man from bed to bath/toilet.

290 Seventh Street Activity: Finance the extensive rehabilitation of a 1945 four-plex for ownerinvestor. (picture taken during construction)

1025 Martin Street, Space 29

Activity: Finance the purchase and rehabilitation of a mobilehome in Fairgrounds Village for a disabled, lowincome couple.

Housing activities by the Agency slowed in 2010/2011 in direct response to the States legislative actions to end Redevelopment. There were no (zero) households of any type displaced or moved as a result of an Agency project. The Agency estimates that there will be no (zero) households moved
City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

or displaced by Redevelopment in fiscal year 2011/2012. There were no (zero) dwelling units, housing, or households destroyed or removed from the housing market during 2010/2011 as part of an Agency project.

In fiscal year 2010/2011, the Agency made one housing loan in the amount of $65,000 to Ken Davis. That loan is not in default, and is in compliance with the terms approved by the Redevelopment Agency.


The Agency transferred ownership of the Bevins Court property to the City of Lakeport under a Transfer Agreement. The Agency did not acquire any other property in 2010/2011.

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

Appendix A

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Annual Report 2010/2011

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

Appendix B

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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Annual Report 2010/2011

City of Lakeport Redevelopment Agency

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City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Maddy Act Appointment List SUBMITTED BY: Janel Chapman, City Clerk PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 12/21/2010

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The City Council is being asked to receive and file an annual report pursuant to the Maddy Act. BACKGROUND: The Maddy Act (Government Code Sections 54970 through 54974) requires that on or before December 31 of each year, each legislative body prepare an appointments list of all regular ongoing boards, commissions, and committees which are appointed by the legislative body of the local agency. DISCUSSION: Pursuant to the Maddy Act, the list must contain the list of all appointive terms which expire during the next calendar year, with the name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment, the date the term expires, and the necessary qualifications for the position. The list must be made available to the public. This list has been posted. The City Clerk will proceed with advertising to fill any vacancies which have occurred or will be occurring. OPTIONS: n/a FISCAL IMPACT: None Comments: SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Receive and file the annual Maddy Act Appointment List $ Account Number:


Maddy Act Appointment List

Meeting Date: 12/20/2011

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Agenda Item #IV.E.


NOTICE: In compliance with the requirements of the Maddy Act (Government Code 54970, et seq.), the following appointment list was posted on or before December 31, 2010, at the City Hall, City of Lakeport, 225 Park Street, Lakeport, CA 95453. The City Council of the City of Lakeport will make appointments to the positions below (printed in red), which will expire or will otherwise become vacant in 2011. Planning Commission The Planning Commission meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. COMMISSIONER Thomas Gaynor Ross Kauper Suzanne Russell Ken Wicks Harold Taylor Parks & Recreation Commission The Parks & Recreation Commission meets on the second Thursday of each month at 4:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. COMMISSIONER Vacant Vacant Lynn Andre Ron Bertsch Vacant Traffic Safety Advisory Committee The Traffic Safety Advisory Committee meets the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. COMMISSIONER Ann Blue Vicki Cole Steven Jones Suzanne Russell Kermit Knudson Walter Cox DATE APPOINTED February 15, 2011 April 24, 2006 October 5, 2010 February 15, 2011 February 15, 2011 February 15, 2011 TERM ENDS March 1, 2015 March 2, 2014 October 5, 2014 March 1, 2015 March 1, 2015 March 1, 2015 DATE APPOINTED To be appointed 12/20/2011 To be appointed 12/20/2011 February 15, 2011 February 15, 2011 To be appointed 12/20/2011 TERM ENDS December 31, 2013 December 31, 2013 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2013 DATE APPOINTED June 15, 2008 October 5, 2010 August 17, 2010 July 7, 2011 October 5, 2010 TERM ENDS June 15, 2012 October 5, 2014 August 17, 2014 May 6, 2012 October 5, 2014

Lakeport Economic Development Advisory Committee This committee meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. COMMISSIONER Richard Hoyt Alan Flora Milton Heath Wilda Shock Melissa Fulton Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant DATE APPOINTED December 7, 2010 December 7, 2010 December 7, 2010 December 7, 2010 December 7, 2010 To be appointed 12/20/2011 To be appointed 12/20/2011 To be appointed 12/20/2011 To be appointed 12/20/2011 TERM ENDS December 7, 2012 December 7, 2012 December 7, 2012 December 7, 2012 December 7, 2012 December 31, 2013 December 31, 2013 December 31, 2013 December 31, 2013

Meeting Date: 12/20/2011

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Agenda Item #IV.E.

Over 100 years of community pride, progress and service

December 20, 2011

The Honorable Jerry Brown Office of the Governor c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Governor Brown: On behalf of the City of Lakeport, I offer this letter for support for Jeffrey Farleys appointment to the California Transportation Commission (CTC). Jeff has a long history of public service and dedication to the people of Northern California. He has served on several local and statewide organizations and committees. His experience in transportation would make him an asset to o the CTC. He has had training from CALCOG in Infrastructure and Congestion of Transportation in California. He also worked with the Tribal Transportation Commission in his local area. In his employment, he has been in charge of milk transportation and has worked on road development and transportation for Pacific Lumber. Because of his well-rounded experience and dedication to the people of Northern California, we would request that you consider his appointment to the CTC. Sincerely,

Stacey Mattina Mayor SM/jmc

225 PARK STREET LAKEPORT, CALIFORNIA 95453 TELEPHONE (707) 263-5615 FAX (707) 263-8584

City Council Lakeport Redevelopment Agency City of Lakeport Municipal Sewer District

RE: Adoption of the 2011Lake County Regional Transportation Bikeway Plan SUBMITTED BY: Scott Harter, City Engineer PURPOSE OF REPORT: Information only Discussion Action Item MEETING DATE: 12/20/2011

WHAT IS BEING ASKED OF THE CITY COUNCIL/AGENCY/BOARD: The City Council is being asked to adopt a resolution formally adopting the 2011 Lake County Regional Transportation Bikeway Plan. BACKGROUND: On August 10, 2011, the Lake County/Cities Area Planning Council adopted the 2011 Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan. This plan is directed toward meeting the requirements of the California Streets and Highways Code Sections 890 through 894.2. This plan is consistent with the Lakeport General Plan Transportation element as well as the 2010 Regional Transportation Plan, and adoption of it will facilitate the ability for the City to pursue Bicycle Transportation Act funding in the future. Due to the size of this report, it has not been included in the packet; however, a copy is available at the City Engineers office or on the APC Website for review at: OPTIONS: Receive the 2011 Lake County Regional Transportation Bikeway Plan and approve the resolution adopting same. FISCAL IMPACT: None $ Account Number: Comments:

SUGGESTED MOTIONS: Move to receive the 2011 Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan and approve the resolution adopting the 2011 Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan.


Proposed Resolution

Meeting Date: 12/20/2011

Page 1

Agenda Item #IV.G.

RESOLUTION NO. ______ (2011)

WHEREAS, on August 10, 2011, the Lake County/Cities Area Planning Council adopted the 2011 Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan; and WHEREAS, the Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan is an update to the 2006 Regional Bikeway Plan and is consistent with projects, goals, policies and objectives identified in the 2010 Regional Transportation Plan; and WHEREAS, the plan is directed toward meeting the provisions of the California Bicycle Transportation Act that are included in the Streets and Highways Code Sections 890 through 894.2; and WHEREAS, the plan is consistent with the adopted and future Lakeport General Plan Transportation Element; and WHEREAS, local adoption of the Regional Bikeway Plan is required to obtain Bicycle Transportation Act (BTA) grant funding; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeport that the City of Lakeport receives and adopts the 2011 Lake County Regional Bikeway Plan. The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council on the 20th day of December, 2011, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAINING: ABSENT:

________________________________ STACEY MATTINA, Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JANEL M. CHAPMAN, City Clerk

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