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World Streets This Week 19 December 2011

Geetam Tiwari on Green Urban Transport

by Eric Britton, editor
In this ten minute video Professor Tiwari takes a useful step back from the usual pure transport and all too often dominant technology/infrastructure perspective, taking us back for starters to the fundamentals of what is going on at the level of city dynamics and the daily lives of the vast. of the neglected great majority [...]

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 15 December 2011 at 14:59 | Categories: World Streets | URL:

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World Streets This Week 19 December 2011

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World City Modal Split Database: An invitation

by Eric Britton, editor
This open project from EPOMM -- the European Platform on Mobility Management -- is an absolutely brilliant idea. It does not require much explanation to get started; you can be off and going if you simply to click here and dig into their Google map. That said, a few words of introduction may not be [...] Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 15 December 2011 at 08:52 | Categories: collaborative project, international comparisons, Modal split, tools | URL:

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Report on 2011 Urban Mobility India Conference

by Eric Britton, editor
Report for India Streets by Vidyadhar Date, Mumbai The fourth annual Urban Mobility India conference organised in Delhi from December 3 to 6 by the ministry of urban development was no doubt a useful exercise. It did well to give more focus on bicycles and public transport than the previous conference. But the venue itself [...] Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 14 December 2011 at 08:44 | Categories: Conference, Critial assessment, India, India Streets, op-ed | URL:

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World Streets This Week 19 December 2011

New post on World Streets

Man > Technology > Speed > Distance > Destruction of proximity
by Eric Britton, editor
How to break this vicious spiral? Well in cities anyway the key is clearly significant, strategic speed reduction in combination with a phased, multi-step systemic overall as needed to create a truly optimized transportation system. And happily we now have the technical tools (virtuosity) to get the job done. We shall see this spelled out more clearly here over the course of the coming months, but before leaping ahead, lets step back a bit and see what Contributing Editor Professor John Whitelegg had to say on this subject in the pages of the Journal of World Transport Policy and Practice way back in 1993 [...]

Time Pollution
John Whitelegg

Although time-savings provide the principal economic justification for new road schemes, the expansion of the road network and the increase in traffic does not seem to have given people more free time. This is because pedestrian time is not evaluated, because cars are deceptively time-consuming, and because people tend to use what time savings they do gain to travel further.
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World Streets This Week 19 December 2011

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