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An uninterruptible power supply, also uninterruptible power source, UPS or

battery/flywheel backup, is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load

when the input power source, typically mains power, Iails. A UPS diIIers Irom an auxiliary or
emergency power system or standby generator in that it will provide instantaneous or near-
instantaneous protection Irom input power interruptions by means oI one or more attached
batteries and associated electronic circuitry Ior low power users, and or by means oI diesel
generators and Ilywheels Ior high power users. The on-battery runtime oI most uninterruptible
power sources is relatively short515 minutes being typical Ior smaller unitsbut suIIicient to
allow time to bring an auxiliary power source on line, or to properly shut down the protected
While not limited to protecting any particular type oI equipment, a UPS is typically used to
protect computers, data centers, telecommunication equipment or other electrical equipment
where an unexpected power disruption could cause injuries, Iatalities, serious business disruption
or data loss. UPS units range in size Irom units designed to protect a single computer without a
video monitor (around 200 VA rating) to large units powering entire data centers, buildings, or
even cities.

O 1 Common power problems
O 2 Technologies
4 2.1 OIIline / standby
4 2.2 Line-interactive
4 2.3 Double-conversion / online
4 2.4 Hybrid topology / double conversion on demand
4 2.5 Ferro-resonant
4 2.6 DC power
4 2.7 Rotary DRUPS (diesel rotary UPS)
O 3 Applications
4 3.1 N1
4 3.2 Multiple redundancy
4 3.3 Outdoor use
4 3.4 Internal systems
O 4 Machine standards
4 4.1 Measuring eIIiciency
4 4.2 Warranty
O 5 DiIIiculties Iaced with generator use
4 5.1 Frequency variations
4 5.2 Power Iactor
O 6 Communication
O 7 Calculating on-battery runtime
4 7.1 Common battery characteristics and load testing
4 7.2 Testing oI strings oI batteries/cells
O See also
O Notes
O 10 ReIerences
O 11 External links
edit] Common power problems
The primary role oI any UPS is to provide short-term power when the input power source Iails.
However, most UPS units are also capable in varying degrees oI correcting common utility
power problems:
1. Power Iailure: deIined as a total loss oI input voltage.
2. Surge: deIined as a momentary or sustained increase in the main voltage.
3. Sag: deIined as a momentary or sustained reduction in input voltage.
4. Spikes, deIined as a brieI high voltage excursion.
5. Noise, deIined as a high Irequency transient or oscillation, usually injected into the line
by nearby equipment.
6. Frequency instability: deIined as temporary changes in the mains Irequency.
7. Harmonic distortion: deIined as a departure Irom the ideal sinusoidal waveIorm expected
on the line.
UPS units are divided into categories based on which oI the above problems they address
, and some manuIacturers categorize their products in accordance with the number oI
power-related problems they address.

edit] Technologies
The general categories oI modern UPS systems are on-line, line-interactive or standby.
An on-
line UPS uses a "double conversion" method oI accepting AC input, rectiIying to DC Ior passing
through the rechargeable battery (or battery strings), then inverting back to 120 V/230 V AC Ior
powering the protected equipment. A line-interactive UPS maintains the inverter in line and
redirects the battery's DC current path Irom the normal charging mode to supplying current when
power is lost. In a standby ("oII-line") system the load is powered directly by the input power
and the backup power circuitry is only invoked when the utility power Iails. Most UPS below
1 kVA are oI the line-interactive or standby variety which are usually less expensive.
For large power units, dynamic uninterruptible power supplies are sometimes used. A
synchronous motor/alternator is connected on the mains via a choke. Energy is stored in a
Ilywheel. When the mains power Iails, an Eddy-current regulation maintains the power on the
load as long as the Ilywheel's energy is exhausted. DUPS are sometimes combined or integrated
with a diesel generator that is turned oII aIter a brieI delay, Iorming a diesel rotary
uninterruptible power supply (DRUPS).
A Iuel cell UPS has been developed in recent years using hydrogen and a Iuel cell as a power
source, potentially providing long run times in a small space.

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