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Duration: 70 minutes

Choose the best answer.

1. My sister and I .......... from England.
a) is
b) are
c) am
d) am not
2. My .......... name is Morris.
a) teacher
b) teacher is
c) teachers
d) teacherss
3. The man is talking to the boys. He is talking to...........
a) them
b) they
c) him
d) he
4. I enjoyed vacation. Did you enjoy yours too?
a) me
b) my
c) your
d) mine
5. There . any dentists in the office.
a) arent
b) are
c) isnt
d) is
6. My hands are dirty. I .. a bar of soap.
a) needs
b) need
c) wants
d) to want
7. On Sundays, most people .......... to work.
a) go
b) goes
c) going
d) dont go
8. A horse has got __________ legs.
a) for
b) fore
c) fort
d) four
9. Do you study. the afternoon or . night?
a) On/on
b) In/in
c) in,/at
d) at/in
10. .. you at home yesterday morning?
a) Did
b) Were
c) Are
d) Will
11. When I .......... a little boy, there .......... much trouble in my life.
a) was / wasnt

Placement 1


b) was / were
c) wasnt / werent
d) were / was
12. I. that new science fiction film last night , but I didnt enjoy it
a) see
b) am seeing
c) saw
d) will see
13. I . ride a bike when I . 3 years old.
a) can / was
b) could / was
c) could / were
d) can / were
14. . you like to go to the moon?
a) Will
b) Are
c) Were
d) Would
15. Miriam can sing very,but she is not very playing the
a) good/well
b) best/well
c) better/best
d) well/good
16. Where is . mountain in the world?
a) highest
b) higher
c) the highest
d) higher than
17. If it .. rain tomorrow, we will have a picnic.
a) didnt
b) doesnt
c) wont
d) couldnt
18. Whats ... name of .. restaurant we went to last night?
a) the / b) the / a
c) - / the
d) the / the
19. My father .......... a lot. At the moment, he .......... a pizza and a plate of rice.
a) eats / eats
b) is eating
c) ate / is eating
d) eats / is eating
20. Theres a hole in the boat. We .. !
a) will sink
b) sank
c) are going to sink
d) have sunk
21. She was hanging out the washing when the rain.
a) will start
b) starts
c) started
d) was starting
22. Have you .......... your breakfast? Yes, I .......... it half an hour ago.
had / had
have / did
have / done
do / have

23. We . to that restaurant twice, and both times the service was awful.

Placement 1

a) go
b) have been
c) are going
d) were
24. You sit so close to the TV. Its bad for your eyes.
a) shouldnt
b) might not
c) should
d) dont have to
25. I used to smoke once but now I ..... .
a) dont
b) didnt
c) havent
d) wasnt
26. English . all over the world.
a) speaks
b) was spoken
c) spoke
d) is spoken
27. The taxi hasnt arrived I hope it wont be too late.
a) ago
b) yet
c) already
d) still
28. My sister got married ...... 2nd of June ..... 1995.
a) on / at
b) in / on
c) in / in
d) on / in
29. The cake was .......... delicious that I left the plate empty.
a) as
b) so
c) ---d) such
30. Are you still planning to go .......... a holiday this summer?
a) --b) in
c) on
d) to
31. Would you like . sugar in your coffee? Yes, please. Just ..
a) a few / some
b) little / a few
c) some / a little
d) any / some
32. Who .. the telephone .. by?
a) did / invent
b) was/ inventing
c) has / invented
d) was / invented
33. Thats the man . wife won the lottery.
a) which
b) whose
c) that
d) who
34. You . play with guns. Theyre very dangerous.
a) may not
b) cannot
c) dont have to
d) mustnt
35. A: .have you known Mandy? B: Oh, all my life. Her mother was at my school.
a) How long
b) When

Placement 1

c) Where
d) How many
36. The Wilsons never go out in the evening on weekdays, . ?
a) dont they
b) arent they
c) are they
d) do they
37. As soon as I . there, I . you a ring.
a) got / will give
b) will get / will give
c) get / will give
d) will get / give
38. He didnt tell you he was angry about the situation . he didnt want to have an
a) but
b) because
c) so
d) and
39. Dont worry, we wont get lost. But . we do, well call you on your mobile phone.
a) when
b) if
c) until
d) as soon as
40. I .. basketball, but now Im too busy.
a) often plays
b) am used to play
c) used to play
d) never played
41. He had forgotten my name, so I.............. him.
a) forget
b) has forgotten
c) reminded
d) has reminded
42. A: Im going to the pop concert. ?B: Thank you very much. Id love to.
a) Are you going to come
b) Do you come
c) Will you come
d) Were you coming
43. He doesnt want to eat, but he would like a cup of coffee.
a) anything
b) nothing
c) everywhere
d) someone
44. I know an Italian restaurant serves excellent home-made pasta.
a) where
b) who
c) which
d) whose
45. I look forward to. you again soon.
a) to see
b) seeing
c) see
d) seen

Read the text answer (ad) to each question (46-50).
It was 3 oclock in the morning when four-year- old Russell Brown woke up to go to the toilet. His
parents were fast asleep in bed. But when he heard a noise in the living room and saw a light was
on, he went downstairs. There he found two men. They asked him his name, and told him they

Placement 1

were friends of the family. Unfortunately, Russell believed them. They asked him where the video
recorder was. Russell showed them, and said they had a stereo and CD player, too.
46. Russell Brown woke up
a) to go to the toilet at 4 oclock
b) to go to the kitchen at 3 oclock
c) to go to the bedroom at 3 oclock
d) to go to the toilet at 3 oclock
47. Russells parents didnt hear any noise
a) because they were in the living room
b) because they were sleeping
c) because they were awake
d) because they werent at home
48. The two men found the CD player and a stereo........
a) they knew where they were
b) Russell found them
c) Russell saw them
d) Russell showed them
49. When Russell went downstairs, ..
a) he ask them their names
b) he met two men
c) he didnt find two men
d) he saw a light was on
50. them refers to:
a) two men
b) his friends
c) his parents
d) a stereo and CD player



Placement 1

Full Name:
Student Number: _________________

Testing Office

Placement test

2011-2012 ACADEMIC

Write one paragraph about one of the following topics. (25 pts.)

1. Compare two people in your family.

2. Write about problems of high school students
3. How do you spend your free time?
4. Describe your best friend.


Placement 1



Placement 1

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