Ergo MSD Quiz Answers

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Name___________________________Date_______________ Ergonomics and Material Handling Quiz

1. True or false? Ergonomic practices reduce injuries by changing the way you do your job. 2. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): A. Only affect your wrists or fingers B. Affect any body part that is placed under excessive or repetitive stress C. Tend to be hereditary 3. Which of the following is a warning sign of MSDs? A. Loss of muscle function B. Increased grip strength C. Both of the above 4. Which is not a cause of MSDs? A. Heavy lifting B. Repeated motions C. Slips and trips 5. True or false? Placing a heavy object down can cause the same type of damage to your body as lifting that object. 6. You can reduce MSDs from repetitive motions by: A. Frequently changing hands or motions B. Spreading repetitive tasks throughout the day C. Both of the above 7. Examples of awkward positions that can cause MSDs are: A. Kneeling or squatting B. Working with hands over your head C. Both of the above 8. True or false? Ergonomics is the practice of arranging the workplace environment to fit employees so they can perform their jobs without developing injuries or illnesses. 9. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): A. Only affect your wrists or fingers B. Affect any body part that is used repetitively or placed under a large amount of stress C. Tend to be hereditary 10. You can avoid back injuries by: 1

A. Lifting heavy objects with your back B. Lifting with your legs C. Both of the above 11. 2. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): A. Only affect your wrists or fingers B. Affect any body part that is placed under excessive or repetitive stress C. Are inherited muscle diseases 12. 4. Which of the following is a warning sign of MSDs? A. Loss of muscle function B. Decreased grip strength C. Both of the above 13. . Common causes of MSDs include: A. Heavy lifting and gripping too tightly B. Working in awkward positions, such as bending or squatting C. Performing repetitive motions without a break D. . All of the above 14. Which of the following movements is least likely to lead to back injuries? A. Bending at waist to lift a load, keeping legs straight as possible B. Twisting body while carrying load away from body C. Using legs to lift a load, keeping back as straight as possible D. Reaching overhead to lift load and swinging it down away from body 15. Proper lifting technique calls for one to __________________. A. lift slowly with legs, keeping back straight B. lift rapidly in jerking motion C. lift with legs, keeping load arms length from body D. lift in twisting motion with load close to body 16. When faced with a heavy load, _______________. A. use a dolly or cart B. look for help C. pull it D. A and B 17. True or False When lifting a load from an elevated surface, attempt to keep the load as far away from your body as possible 18. The ideal area from which to begin a lift is ________________. A. between your shoulders and waist B. below you knees C. above your shoulders D. shoulder-width from your body 2

19. True or False: Given enough time and rest, most strains and sprains will heal themselves. 20. Sprains occur most often in: A. The hips, neck and fingers B. The neck, thigh and elbow C. The ankle, knee, wrist and thumb D. The back, ankle, wrist and thigh 21. The most common injury in the United States is _____________. A. Wrist sprain B. Back strain C. Ankle sprain D. Elbow strain 22. Which of the following is not a symptom of a sprain? A. Bone fracture B. Not being able to move joint C. Muscle weakness D. Limited motion 23. True or False: You should seek medical attention for a sprain if you can't put weight on the injured joint. 24. Causes of sprains and strains include: A. Falls and lifting heavy objects B. Physical exertion and being inactive C. Being overweight and in poor physical condition D. All of the above 25. The best plan for treatment is: A. D.I.C.E. B. N.I.C.E. C. L.I.C.E. D. R.I.C.E. 26. In order to reduce the risk of strains and sprains, it's important to: A. Follow proper lifting rules B. Not lift too quickly C. Not lift if your back hurts D. All of the above

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