Jan 28,2008

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Top of Form 1

Date: 01/28/2008
Session: Regular





10 January 28, 2008

11 3:08 p.m.








19 STEVEN M. BOGGESS, Secretary






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1 P R O C E E D I N G S

2 THE PRESIDENT: The Senate will

3 come to order.

4 I would ask all assembled to please

5 rise and join me in reciting our Pledge of

6 Allegiance.

7 (Whereupon, the assemblage recited

8 the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.)

9 THE PRESIDENT: In the absence of

10 clergy, we will observe a moment of silence.

11 (Whereupon, the assemblage

12 respected a moment of silence.)

13 THE PRESIDENT: The reading of

14 the Journal.

15 THE SECRETARY: In Senate,

16 Saturday, January 26, the Senate met pursuant

17 to adjournment. The Journal of Friday,

18 January 25, was read and approved. On motion,

19 Senate adjourned.


21 objection, the Journal stands approved as

22 read.

23 Presentation of petitions.

24 Messages from the Assembly.

25 Messages from the Governor.

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1 Reports of standing committees.

2 The Secretary will read.

3 THE SECRETARY: Senator Maziarz,

4 from the Committee on Labor, reports the

5 following bill direct to third reading:

6 Senate Print 6798, by Senator

7 Maziarz, an act to amend the Workers'

8 Compensation Law and others.


10 objection, the bill is reported directly to

11 third reading.

12 We will proceed with the order of

13 business.

14 Reports of select committees.

15 Communications and reports from

16 state officers.

17 Motions and resolutions.

18 Senator Griffo.

19 SENATOR GRIFFO: Mr. President,

20 on page 12 I offer the following amendments to

21 Calendar Number 45, Senate Bill 6418, and I

22 ask that the bill retain its place on Third

23 Reading Calendar.

24 THE PRESIDENT: The amendments

25 are received and adopted, and the bill will

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1 retain its place on the Third Reading

2 Calendar.

3 Senator Griffo.

4 SENATOR GRIFFO: Mr. President,

5 on behalf of Senator Maltese, on page 15 I

6 offer the following amendments to Calendar

7 Number 73, Senate Bill 6689, and ask that that

8 bill retain its place on Third Reading

9 Calendar.

10 THE PRESIDENT: The bill will

11 retain its place on the Third Reading

12 Calendar. The amendments are, without

13 objection, received.

14 Thank you, Senator Griffo.

15 Senator Skelos.

16 SENATOR SKELOS: Mr. President,

17 if we could take up Resolution 4099, by

18 Senator DeFrancisco, have it read in its

19 entirety, and move for its adoption.

20 THE PRESIDENT: Hike. We will

21 take up the motion.

22 The Secretary will read.

23 THE SECRETARY: By Senator

24 DeFrancisco, Legislative Resolution Number

25 4099, congratulating the Bishop Ludden Varsity

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1 Football Team and Coach John Cosgrove upon the

2 occasion of capturing the New York State Class

3 C Championship.
4 "WHEREAS, Excellence and success in

5 competitive sports can be achieved only

6 through strenuous practice, team play and team

7 spirit, nurtured by dedicated coaching and

8 strategic planning; and

9 "WHEREAS, Athletic competition

10 enhances the moral and physical development of

11 the young people of this state, preparing them

12 for the future by instilling in them the value

13 of teamwork, encouraging a standard of healthy

14 living, imparting a desire for success, and

15 developing a sense of fair play and

16 competition; and

17 "WHEREAS, It is the sense of this

18 Legislative Body to recognize and pay tribute

19 to those young people within the State of

20 New York who, achieving outstanding success in

21 athletic competition, have inspired and

22 brought pride to their school; and

23 "WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is

24 justly proud to congratulate the Bishop Ludden

25 Varsity Football Team and Head Coach John

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1 Cosgrove upon the occasion of capturing the

2 2007 Class C Championship; and

3 "WHEREAS, The Bishop Ludden Varsity

4 Football Team enjoyed a truly outstanding

5 season, compiling an overall record of 12-1,

6 ending the season on a 12-game winning streak

7 and finishing with the most victories in the

8 history of the school; and

9 "WHEREAS, The road to the state

10 title was not easy, but this team was able to

11 pull out many impressive victories throughout

12 the year to lead them toward the sectionals

13 and eventually the state playoffs; and

14 "WHEREAS, To earn the right to play

15 in state competition, Bishop Ludden first had

16 to prove that their season-long success would

17 carry them through sectional competition. On

18 November 3, 2007, Bishop Ludden took the

19 Section III title by defeating previously

20 undefeated Mt. Markham with a hard-fought

21 come-from-behind victory in a game in which

22 the Bishop Ludden Gaelic Knights overcame a

23 20-point deficit to win their first sectional

24 crown since 2000; and

25 "WHEREAS, Having secured a Title

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1 III title, it was on the state quarterfinals

2 where Bishop Ludden was matched against

3 another previously undefeated team, the

4 Unatego Spartans, from Section IV, and again

5 they needed to come from behind to earn a

6 30-21 victory at Binghamton's Alumni Stadium;

7 and

8 "WHEREAS, It was then on to the

9 state semifinal game at Paetec Park in

10 Rochester against yet another undefeated team

11 in Section V powerhouse LeRoy, in a game that

12 turned out to be an overtime thriller with the

13 Gaelic Knights securing a victory, 34-33, with

14 a blocked extra point at the end of overtime;

15 and

16 "WHEREAS, The Class C state

17 championship game was played at the Carrier

18 Dome on November 25, 2007, against defending

19 state champion and unbeaten Dobbs Ferry, a

20 team riding an amazing 23-game winning streak.

21 Bishop Ludden, for the first time in five

22 games, scored first with an 80-yard pass play

23 from senior quarterback Connor Sweeney to wide

24 receiver Wendell Williams on the first play

25 from scrimmage 11 seconds into the game. They

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1 never trailed in the game and hung on for a

2 21-16 win, claiming their first ever state

3 championship; and

4 "WHEREAS, No team, no matter how

5 gifted, can succeed without outstanding talent

6 throughout its entire roster. Such was the

7 case for the 2007 Bishop Ludden Varsity

8 Football Team, whose players include seniors

9 Daquan Grobsmith, Wendell Williams, Connor

10 Sweeney, James Braithwaite, Connor Brown, Ben

11 Searle, Casey Christo, Jerry Fenstor, Chris

12 Harding, Joe Rathbun, Patrick Rosanio, Eugene

13 Law, Bill McGrath, Julio Ortiz and Jiyhouh Ly;

14 juniors Steve Barrett and Nate Stewart; and

15 sophomores Omar Osbourne, John Rooney, Mark

16 DeAngelis, Devin White, E.J. Beauford, Joevon

17 Works, Chris Davis, Nick Ferrante, Conor

18 Cosgrove, Mike Hogan and Jake Szelewski; along

19 with coaches John Cosgrove, Mike Rogers, Bill

20 Cloonan, Frank Rosanio, Jim Rooney, Scott

21 Eustace, and Nate Balcom; and

22 "WHEREAS, While football is a team

23 sport, special recognition from the title game

24 should be noted. Connor Sweeney was named

25 Most Valuable Player, Nate Stewart was named

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1 Most Valuable Offensive Lineman, Daquan

2 Grobsmith was named Most Valuable Offensive

3 Back, and Patrick Rosanio was given the

4 Sportsmanship Award; and

5 "WHEREAS, In addition to the

6 excellent play, hard work and teamwork of its

7 players, and the talent and dedication of

8 Coach John Cosgrove and his staff, the Bishop

9 Ludden Gaelic Knights enjoyed another huge

10 advantage with a very supportive and

11 enthusiastic fan base of parents, cheerleaders

12 and area residents, particularly in the title

13 game, where they were adorned with t-shirts in

14 support of their team; now, therefore, be it

15 "RESOLVED, That this Legislative

16 Body pause in its deliberations to

17 congratulate the Bishop Ludden Varsity

18 Football Team on their successful season and

19 overall team record, and upon the capture of

20 the 2007 Class C Football Championship; and be

21 it further

22 "RESOLVED, That copies of this

23 resolution, suitably engrossed, be transmitted

24 to the members of the 2007 Bishop Ludden

25 Varsity Football Team and Coach John

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1 Cosgrove."


3 resolution, Senator DeFrancisco.


5 Mr. President.

6 I'm very, very proud to rise to

7 congratulate the Bishop Ludden football team

8 for their championship season this year.

9 You know, what wasn't really read

10 but I think is as important as winning the

11 championship are a couple of factors that show

12 the spirit and the strength of this team and

13 what team sport really means.

14 They lost their first game of the

15 year, and they came back winning the next

16 twelve, including the championship games. To

17 me, that says a lot about the character of a

18 team.
19 The sectional championship, they

20 were down by 20 points -- 20 points -- and

21 they ended up winning that game. Once again,

22 that shows a lot about character.

23 Their next game ended up with

24 playing an undefeated team. They came from

25 behind again and won 30 to 21. I mean, that's

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1 what character is all about.

2 And the final game, listen to this.

3 The Section V powerhouse LeRoy -- I don't know

4 if the senator from LeRoy is here, but I'll

5 make sure the Senator knows that his team

6 lost. It turned out to go into overtime, and

7 they won 34 to 33, by blocking an extra point.

8 Now, that shows a real class operation.

9 And team sports is what this is all

10 about. You're going to remember this forever.

11 It's a great, great experience. These are

12 going to be your closest friends forever.

13 And knowing that this is a team

14 sport, several people were recognized as being

15 the outstanding person in the category

16 mentioned when the resolution was read. I'm

17 going to take 20 seconds to read the rest of

18 the names, who are just as important: Wendell

19 Williams, James Braithwaite, Connor Brown, Ben

20 Searle, Casey Christo, Jerry Fenstor, Chris

21 Harding, Joe Rathbun, Eugene Law, Bill

22 McGrath, Julio Ortiz, Jiyhouh Ly, Steve

23 Barrett, Omar Osbourne, John Rooney, Mark

24 DeAngelis, Devin White, E.J. Beauford, Joevon

25 Works, Chris Davis, Nick Ferrante -- that name

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1 is familiar; I'd like to talk to you about

2 that -- Conor Cosgrove, Mike Hogan, Jake

3 Szelewski.

4 And the other coaches: Mike

5 Rogers, Bill Cloonan, Frank Rosanio, Jim

6 Rooney, Scott Eustace, and Nate Balcom.

7 A real team, a real group of people

8 that came together to do something that no one

9 has ever done at your school -- and who knows,

10 no one may ever do it again.

11 So congratulations. That's what

12 life is about, working with others, teamwork

13 for a common goal. And you're all going to be

14 great successes in your lives in many, many

15 different areas. So congratulations, and I'm

16 very happy we could invite you here to Albany

17 to be honored by this very important body, the

18 New York State Senate.


20 resolution, Senator Valesky.

21 SENATOR VALESKY: Thank you,

22 Mr. President.

23 Thank you, Senator DeFrancisco, for

24 arranging for this resolution to be presented

25 today and certainly for arranging for the

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1 transportation of our young men, our champions

2 from Bishop Ludden, to be here today.

3 You certainly make the City of

4 Syracuse proud, the County of Onondaga proud,

5 all of Central New York proud, and I would say

6 the entire great State of New York proud of

7 your efforts. And we appreciate all that you

8 have done.

9 One thing I would just add.

10 Senator DeFrancisco points out that you lost

11 your first game and came back and won 12 in a

12 row. You were down by 20 points in the

13 sectional game. You continued to defy the

14 odds. And that gives us in this chamber who

15 will be rooting this Sunday for the New York

16 Giants great hope that the same thing can

17 happen.

18 So congratulations, and thank you.

19 THE PRESIDENT: The question is

20 on the resolution offered by Senator

21 DeFrancisco commending the efforts of the

22 Bishop Ludden Varsity Football Team of

23 Syracuse. All in favor signify by saying aye.

24 (Response of "Aye.")

25 THE PRESIDENT: Opposed, nay.

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1 (No response.)

2 THE PRESIDENT: The resolution

3 has carried.

4 To Coach John Cosgrove and all the

5 players and coaches of Bishop Ludden Varsity

6 School, first of all, pursuant to Senator

7 DeFrancisco's request, I will personally make

8 sure that Senator Maziarz understands that his

9 team lost to all of you.

10 And secondly, to further the

11 remarks of Senator Valesky, we hope that this

12 is a prelude to another victory of a New York

13 team this week.

14 But your victory, the first of its

15 kind, the first time that Bishop Ludden has

16 ever won the Class C Championship, now making

17 you the state champions, we are very proud of

18 you here in the Senate, hope that you'll come

19 back to visit again, and extend to all of you

20 our heartiest congratulations for a victory

21 well fought.

22 Thank you very much.

23 (Applause.)

24 THE PRESIDENT: Senator Skelos.

25 SENATOR SKELOS: Mr. President, I

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1 believe there are substitutions at the desk,

2 if we could make them at this time.

3 THE PRESIDENT: The Secretary

4 will read.

5 THE SECRETARY: On page 12,

6 Senator Lanza moves to discharge, from the

7 Committee on Codes, Assembly Bill Number 9340A

8 and substitute it for the identical Senate

9 Bill Number 6408A, Third Reading Calendar 43.

10 On page 13, Senator Maziarz moves

11 to discharge, from the Committee on Labor,

12 Assembly Bill Number 9473 and substitute it

13 for the identical Senate Bill Number 6500,

14 Third Reading Calendar 56.

15 And on page 15, Senator Farley

16 moves to discharge, from the Committee on

17 Banks, Assembly Bill Number 9551A and

18 substitute it for the identical Senate Bill

19 Number 6622A, Third Reading Calendar 79.

20 THE PRESIDENT: The substitution

21 is ordered.

22 Senator Skelos.

23 SENATOR SKELOS: Mr. President,

24 if we could go to the noncontroversial reading

25 of the calendar.

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1 THE PRESIDENT: Thank you,

2 Senator.

3 The Secretary will read the

4 noncontroversial calendar.

5 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

6 28, by Senator Padavan, Senate Print 68, an

7 act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to

8 establishing.

9 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

10 section.

11 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

12 act shall take effect on the first of

13 November.

14 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

15 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 58.

17 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

18 passed.

19 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

20 29, by Senator Larkin, Senate Print 201, an

21 act to amend the Civil Practice Law and Rules,

22 in relation to authorizing.

23 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

24 section.

25 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

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1 act shall take effect immediately.

2 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

3 (The Secretary called the roll.)

4 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 58.

5 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

6 passed.

7 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

8 31, by Senator Trunzo, Senate Print 754, an

9 act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to the

10 unlawful sale of tobacco products to a child.

11 THE PRESIDENT: The Secretary

12 will read the last section.

13 THE SECRETARY: Section 3. This

14 act shall take effect immediately.

15 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

16 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

18 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

19 passed.

20 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

21 33, by Senator Volker, Senate Print 1263B, an

22 act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to the

23 unlawful operation of a recording device.

24 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

25 section.

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1 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

2 act shall take effect on the first of

3 November.

4 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

5 (The Secretary called the roll.)

6 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

7 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

8 passed.

9 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

10 34, by Senator DeFrancisco, Senate Print 1824,

11 an act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law, in

12 relation to statements at sentencing.

13 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

14 section.

15 THE SECRETARY: Section 3. This

16 act shall take effect on the 90th day.

17 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

18 (The Secretary called the roll.)

19 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

20 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

21 passed.

22 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

23 36, by Senator Volker, Senate Print 2369, an

24 act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law, in

25 relation to expanding.

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1 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

2 section.

3 THE SECRETARY: Section 3. This

4 act shall take effect immediately.

5 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

6 (The Secretary called the roll.)

7 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

8 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

9 passed.

10 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

11 39, by Senator Volker, Senate Print 4035, an

12 act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to

13 trespassing in a motor vehicle.

14 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

15 section.

16 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

17 act shall take effect on the first of

18 November.

19 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

20 (The Secretary called the roll.)

21 THE SECRETARY: Those recorded in

22 the negative on Calendar Number 39 are

23 Senators Duane, Gonzalez, Hassell-Thompson,

24 Montgomery, Parker and Perkins.

25 Ayes, 53. Nays, 6.

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1 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

2 passed.

3 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

4 43, substituted earlier today by Member of the

5 Assembly Aubry, Assembly Print Number 9340A,

6 an act to amend the Criminal Procedure Law.

7 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

8 section.

9 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

10 act shall take effect immediately.

11 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

12 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

14 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

15 passed.

16 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

17 46, by Senator Maltese, Senate Print 6488B, an

18 act to amend the Public Health Law, in

19 relation to establishing a task force.

20 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

21 section.

22 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

23 act shall take effect immediately.

24 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

25 (The Secretary called the roll.)

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1 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

2 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

3 passed.

4 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

5 55, by Senator Leibell, Senate Print 6493, an

6 act to amend the Labor Law, in relation to

7 requiring.

8 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

9 section.

10 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

11 act shall take effect on the same date and in

12 the same manner as Chapter 629 of the Laws of

13 2007.

14 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

15 (The Secretary called the roll.)

16 THE PRESIDENT: Results.

17 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

18 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

19 passed.

20 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

21 56 --

22 SENATOR SKELOS: Lay it aside for

23 the day, please.

24 THE PRESIDENT: The bill will be

25 laid aside for the day.

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1 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

2 65, by Senator Golden, Senate Print 6492, an

3 act to amend the Civil Service Law, in

4 relation to permitting.

5 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

6 section.

7 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

8 act shall take effect on the same date and in

9 the same manner as Chapter 545 of the Laws of

10 2007.

11 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

12 (The Secretary called the roll.)

13 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

14 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

15 passed.

16 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

17 66, by Senator Padavan, Senate Print 6494, an

18 act to amend the Civil Service Law, in

19 relation to dispute resolution.

20 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

21 section.

22 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

23 act shall take effect on the same date and in

24 the same manner as Chapter 190 of the Laws of

25 2007.

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1 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

2 (The Secretary called the roll.)

3 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

4 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

5 passed.

6 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

7 79, substituted earlier today by Member of the

8 Assembly Towns, Assembly Print Number 9551A,

9 an act to amend Chapter 591 of the Laws of

10 2001.

11 THE PRESIDENT: Read the last

12 section.

13 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

14 act shall take effect immediately.

15 THE PRESIDENT: Call the roll.

16 (The Secretary called the roll.)

17 THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59.

18 THE PRESIDENT: The bill is

19 passed.

20 This completes the noncontroversial

21 reading of the calendar, Senator Skelos. What

22 is your pleasure?

23 SENATOR SKELOS: Mr. President,

24 is there any further business at the desk?

25 THE PRESIDENT: There is none,

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1 sir.

2 SENATOR SKELOS: There being

3 none, I move we stand adjourned until Tuesday,

4 January 29th, at 11:00 a.m.

5 THE PRESIDENT: On motion, the

6 Senate stands adjourned until Tuesday,

7 January 29th, at 11:00 a.m.

8 (Whereupon, at 3:27 p.m., the

9 Senate adjourned.)

















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