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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual
Version 6.2
October 2010

Kalki Communication Technologies Limited

6.2 KLK/PRP/UM/1

SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual
Version 6.2
October 2010

Kalki Communication Technologies Limited

Anantha Pushpa Building,#147, 5th Main road,HSR lay Out 7th sector, Bangalore 560 102, India. Ph: 91 80 40527900 Web Site:

6.2 KLK/PRP/UM/1

Copyright 2010 KALKITECH 2010 Kalki Communication Technologies assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies that may be contained in this document. Kalki Communication Technologies makes no commitment to update or keep current the information contained in this manual. Kalki Communication Technologies reserves the right to make improvements to this document and/or product at any time and without notice.

6.2 KLK/PRP/UM/1

SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Document Release Note

The details of the document is given as follows. Document Release Number Document Release Date 6.2 15th October 2010

Table 1: Document Details

Created By Modified By Reviewed By Version Number Project Name

Smrithy T R Tomy Devasia Moon EC 6.2 GPC_V2.18.0

Table 2: Document Authoring Details

6.2 KLK/PRP/UM/1

SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Document Revision History

The document revision history is given as follows. Ver. No. 6.2 6.1 Revision Date October 18, 2010 August 6, 2010 Revision Description Added auto mapping information. Modified Node parameter names and description. Changed description of the parameter 'Link Address' Changed naming convention Removed Easyconnect Figures Removed Class mask and Group mask from profile Document was moved to new template New Object Types are added in Section 6.4 First version for IEC60870-5-101 Master user manual. Reason for change Changes in Easyconnect. For making unique convention for all time related attributes in EasyConnect. Changes in Easyconnect. For changing the gateway naming convention from KSGL to SYNC To make minimum changes in User guide for Easyconnect changes Removing Class mask and Group mask from profile Document was moved to new template New Object Types are added in Section 6.4 First version for IEC608705-101 Master user manual. Pages affected 30 21 24

June 6,2010


January 15, 2010 July 1, 2009

16, Removed pages 17-21 from previous revision 33

3 2 1

April 15, 2009 September 19, 2006 September 11, 2006

All 23 All

Table 3: Document Revision History

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

About the Document

This manual serves as a guide for using IEC 60870-5-101 Master protocol Interface in SYNC series of protocol converters. This must be used as an interoperability guide and configuration help manual.

Intended Audience
This user guide is intended for:
System Integrators Substation Designers Original Equipment Manufacturers IEC 60870-5-101 Device analysts

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Organization of the Document

This document is organized in to the following parts: Chapter Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter Name Introduction Getting Started IEC 60870-5-101 Master Protocol stack IEC 60870-5-101 Master Configuration Details IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface Interoperability References Description The chapter provides an introduction to the IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface in SYNC Models. This chapter provides instructions on getting started with the IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface in SYNC Models. This chapter provides details for interfacing IEC 60870-5-101 Master protocol in SYNC models. This chapter provides details for configuring an interface of IEC 60870-5-101 Master.

Chapter 4

Appendix A

This section provides interoperability details of the SYNC IEC 60870-5-101 Master interface. This section provides references and other information.

Appendix B

Table 4: Organization of the document

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Documentation Conventions
The following table shows the conventions used in the document: Sl. No 1 2 3 Item Field Name, Screen Name and Button Note Each step in the task is numbered Conventions Used Arial, Bold face font Note: Identified by numbered list 1. First Step 2. Second Step 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Reference to the document SYNC series of protocol converters [Ref: SYNC User Manual] IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface Module of SYNC Controlling Station/Device Controlled Station/Device Parameter Names in SYNC Configuration Utility The set of points configured in the profile or mapping, shown as a row in the Profile and Mapping pane. Ref: SYNC IEC-101 Master Master Slave Arial, Italic [ Parameter name example ] Row

Table 5: Document Conventions

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

List of Abbreviations
The following table shows the acronyms/abbreviations used in this document: Acronyms/Abbre viations OEM IED Description Original Equipment Manufacturer Intelligent Electronic Device

Table 6: List of abbreviations

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Table of Contents
1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................12 1.1 Overview of the IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface Module........................................................12 1.2 Key Features..................................................................................................................................12 1.3 Environment...................................................................................................................................13 1.3.1 Hardware Requirements..........................................................................................................13 1.3.2 Software Requirements...........................................................................................................13 2 Getting Started .....................................................................................................................................14 2.1 Starting the Application.................................................................................................................14 2.2 Application Setup and Configuration.............................................................................................14 3 IEC 60870-5-101 Master Protocol Stack..............................................................................................15 3.1 Overview of IEC-101 Master Protocol Stack................................................................................15 3.2 Create Configuration File...............................................................................................................15 3.3Download Configuration File.........................................................................................................16 3.4 Restart IEC-101 Master Interface Module.....................................................................................16 4 IEC 60870-5-101 Master Configuration Details...................................................................................17 4.1 Overview of IEC 60870-5-101 Master Configuration .................................................................17 4.2 IEC-101 Master Channel parameter details...................................................................................17 4.3 IEC 60870-5-101 Node/Station parameter details........................................................................21 4.4 IEC 60870-5-101 Profile parameter details..................................................................................25 4.5 Auto mapping................................................................................................................................30 Appendix A IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface Interoperability ......................................................31 Appendix B - References.........................................................................................................................41

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Index of Tables
Table 1: Document Details.........................................................................................................................4 Table 2: Document Authoring Details........................................................................................................4 Table 3: Document Revision History.........................................................................................................5 Table 4: Organization of the document......................................................................................................7 Table 5: Document Conventions................................................................................................................8 Table 6: List of abbreviations.....................................................................................................................9 Table 7: Hardware Requirements.............................................................................................................13 Table 8: Software Requirements..............................................................................................................13 Table 9: IEC 60870-5-101 Master Channel Parameters........................................................................20 Table 10: IEC-101 Master Node/Station Parameters..............................................................................25 Table 11: IEC 60870-5-101 Master profile Parameters.........................................................................27 Table 12: IEC 60870-5-101 Master supporting ASDU Types................................................................29

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

1 Introduction
Introduction has the following topics:

Overview of the application Key features Environment

1.1 Overview of the IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface Module

The IEC-101 Master Interface module of SYNC will enable you to communicate with an external IEC101 Slave(s). The IEC-101 Master module in SYNC will collect and store data from the Slave device(s). User will find it handy in case of integrating many IEC-101 slave devices to a single or multiple master devices. The protocol conversion and data concentration can be achieved using SYNC.

1.2 Key Features

Reduce communication complexity in the SCADA or Master system. Easy to configure and install IEC-101 Master even in a complex communication network.

1.3 Environment
This section specifies the hardware and software requirements to run the application.

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

1.3.1 Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements are stated as follows. Requirement Running Environment Configuration Tool's System Memory Configuration Tool's System CPU Configuration Tool's System Free disk space Description SYNC series of protocol converters 512 MB

Pentium 3, 1GHz processor or higher versions.

100 MB

Table 7: Hardware Requirements

1.3.2 Software Requirements

The software requirements are stated as follows. Requirement Operating System Dotnet Framework Description Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista .Net Framework 3.5 or higher

Table 8: Software Requirements

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2 Getting Started
This section provides information on the tasks that are performed initially to work with the application. The following topics are covered:

Starting the Application Application set up and configuration

2.1 Starting the Application

Powering of SYNC series of protocol converters loaded with IEC-101 Master Module will enable IEC101 Master interface to start.

2.2 Application Setup and Configuration

The configuration for IEC-101 Master Interface is provided by EasyConnect configuration Utility. All the parameters relevant to the communication link, IEC-101 protocol, and IEC-101 Master database in SYNC can be entered into the configuration file using EasyConnect. The configuration section is explained in Chapter 4. The configuration file must be downloaded to the SYNC series of converters for a IEC-101 Master module in SYNC, when the SYNC contain the license and firmware supporting IEC-101 Master module.

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

3 IEC 60870-5-101 Master Protocol Stack

The chapter on IEC-101 Master Interface module covers the following topics:

Overview of the IEC-101 Master Protocol Stack Create configuration file Download configuration file Restart IEC-101 Master interface module

3.1 Overview of IEC-101 Master Protocol Stack

This module in the SYNC series of protocol converters enables the SYNC to send and accept frames confirming to IEC-101 protocol standard managed by IEC TC-57 and respond to the accepted frames. This module implements different layers of the protocol with specified features mentioned in the IEC101 Master Interface Interoperability section. The IEC-101 protocol can be associated to any of the serial communication port of the SYNC . The SYNC models must be loaded with the license and firmware supporting IEC-101 Master interfacing and the configuration file containing all the specific information for the communication. The interoperability of IEC-101 Master in SYNC is described in Appendix A. .

3.2 Create Configuration File

The configuration of any protocol interface module in SYNC can be done with EasyConnect configuration Utility. The entire configuration for a Master protocol will be divided into mainly three sections namely; Channel, Node and Profile. The parameters in different sections of configuration are explained in Chapter 4. The configuration steps involve addition of IEC101 master channel, node and profile. The same can be mapped to any slave protocols. The details of configuration are given in SYNC User Guide or EasyConnect help.

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

3.3Download Configuration File

The configuration file must be downloaded into the SYNC to use the parameters entered through EasyConnect. The details are provided in the SYNC User Manual.

3.4 Restart IEC-101 Master Interface Module

The IEC-101 Master interface must be restarted to get the effect of the configuration file downloaded. The details for this activity is mentioned in SYNC User Manual.

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

4 IEC 60870-5-101 Master Configuration Details

The chapter on IEC-101 configuration details covers the following topics:

Overview of the IEC-101 Master Configuration Details IEC-101 Master Channel parameter details IEC-101 Master Node or Station parameter details IEC-101 Master Profile parameter details Automapping

4.1 Overview of IEC 60870-5-101 Master Configuration

The IEC-101 configuration through EasyConnect can be divided into three sections namely: Channel, Node or Station, and Profile.

4.2 IEC-101 Master Channel parameter details

The channel of a protocol consists the parameters to establish the link with it's peer device. The detailed description, optional values and default values are given in the following tables. The Channel parameters are mentioned in Table 9. Parameter name Port Range/Optional values Com1 Com16 Default value Depends on serial channels configured External
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Description Name of serial port to be configured for this channel.


SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Parameter name

Range/Optional values

Default value

Description Note: Refer SYNC User Manual to get details of the com ports available in a specific model.

Channel Type

RS 232, RS 485, RS RS 232 422

Type of serial communication for the particular channel. Note: RS 485/RS422 configuration depends on specific SYNC model. Refer SYNC User Manual. Configuration of RS 485/ RS 422 communication. Only effective if Channel Type is RS 485/ RS 422. Baud rate for serial communication in Bits per second. Number of data bits for serial communication. Number of stop bits for serial communication. Parity for serial communication. Configuration/flow control for serial communication. Note: Hardware flow control availability depends on specific SYNC model (Refer SYNC User Manual). Delay between rising of CTS signal by the modem and starting of a new transmission

RS 485/ RS 422 mode

Half Duplex, Full Duplex 200 19200 bps

Full Duplex

Baud Rate (in bits per second) Data Bits

9600 bps

Stop Bits Parity Flow Control

1 None, Even, Odd Hardware, Software, None

1 Even None

CTS Delay (0 65535 msec)

0 65535 milliseconds

15000 msec

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Parameter name

Range/Optional values

Default value 0 msec

Description Delay between releasing of RTS and end of a transmission Maximum time to allow to receive an entire frame. Specifies the desired mode either as Balanced or Unbalanced for a specific communication Specifies when to ask for link layer confirmations for variable sized frames containing user data not sent to broadcast address. NEVER Mode is used for SEND/NO REPLY function code ALWAYS Mode is used for SEND/CONF function code Maximum time to wait for a link layer confirmation Maximum number of link layer retries if link layer confirm times out. Specifies how long to wait before transmitting a character after a character is received. Specifies how often a session that is offline will attempt to re-establish communication. This includes attempting to open or reopen a communication and or issuing request

Post Transmission 0 65535 Delay (0 65535 msec) milliseconds Frame Timeout (0 4294967295 msec) Link Mode 0 4294967295 milliseconds Balanced/ Unbalanced

15000 msec


Link Confirm Mode

Always, Never


Link Confirm Timeout 0 4294967295 (0 4294967295 msec) milliseconds Link Layer Retries (0 255) First Char Wait (0 65535 msec) Offline Poll Period (0 4294966 sec) 0 255

2000 msec 3

0 65535 milliseconds

0 msec

0 4294966 seconds 60 sec

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Parameter name

Range/Optional values

Default value

Description status messages as appropriate for the current configuration.

Link Address Size


Indicates the number of Link Address Octets Note: 0 is valid only for balanced mode. Specifies whether master is allowed to send single character ack in place of function code CONFIRM ACK Note: Valid only for balanced mode. Specifies whether Master is allowed to send one character response instead of a fixed length NACK , when no respond data is available Note: Valid only for balanced mode. Specifies how often to transmit a test frame to verify that the remote device is still online. Note: Valid in Balanced Link Mode only. 0 disables the periodic sending of test frames.

Single Char Acknowledgment

Enable / Disable


Single Char Response

Enable / Disable


Test Frame Period (0 4294967 sec)

0 4294967 seconds 0 sec

Table 9: IEC 60870-5-101 Master Channel Parameters

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

4.3 IEC 60870-5-101 Node/Station parameter details

Parameter name Link Address Range/Optional values 0 65535 Default value 1 Description Address of remote device (Link Layer Address). Note : If selected 'Link Address Size' is 0, allowable Link Address will be ' 0'. If selected 'Link Address Size' is 1, applicable range will be 0 - 255. If selected 'Link Address Size' is 2, applicable range will be 0 65535. ASDU Size 1-2 2 Specifies Size of Common Address of ASDU in octets. Specifies Size of Cause of Transmission in octets Specifies Size of Information Object Address in octets Common Address of ASDU or Sector Address in the controlled station. Indicates the time before class 1 poll when no request pending.

COT Size


IOA Size


ASDU Address

0 -65535

Class1 Poll Delay (0 0 4294967295 4294967295 msec) milliseconds

0 msec

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Parameter name

Range/Optional values

Default value 500 msec

Description Indicates the time before class 2 poll when no request pending.

Class2 Poll Delay (0 0 4294967295 4294967295 msec) milliseconds

Response Timeout (0 4294967295 msec)

0 4294967295 milliseconds

60000 msec

Specifies maximum time for entire command request to be completed.

Enable Clock sync



To enable or disable clock synchroionization.

Clock Sync Type

EOI , Interval , Session Online


Specifies when to synchronize. If 'Interval' is ticked, the IEC-104 Master will issue time synchronization command at startup and then periodically in 'Clock Synchronization Interval' period. 'EOI' will do the same on receiving ASDU EOI and if 'Session Online' is ticked the time synchronization will be issued when the session become online. Multiple choice can be ticked. Specifies the Interval for time synchronization-ionization. Note : Valid only when the Interval is ticked in Clock sync Type. To enable or disable general Interrogation.

Clock Sync Interval (0 0 71582 minutes 71582 min)

10 min

Enable General Interrogation



General Interrogation Type

EOI , Interval , Session Online


Specifies the way in which General Interrogation requests are made. Available options are: External

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Parameter name

Range/Optional values

Default value

Description a. Interval -> GI will be requested at configured intervals. b. EOI -> Sends request on receiving ASDU EOI. c. Session Online -> Sends request when the session becomes online Note: Multiple choice can be ticked.

General Interrogation Interval (0 71582 min)

0 71582 minutes

5 min

Specify Interval in which a General Interrogation command is sent. Note: Valid only if Interval is ticked in General Interrogation mode. Specify scanning Interval for groups configured in Scan Group-1

Scan Group-1 Interval 0 71582 minutes (0 71582 min)

5 min

Configure Scan Groups -1

1 16

Specify groups defined under 'Scan Group-1 Interval'

Scan Group-2 Interval 0 71582 minutes (0 71582 min)

10 min

Specify scanning Interval for groups configured in Scan Group-2

Configure Scan Groups -2

1 16

1 10 min

Specify groups defined under 'Scan Group-2 Interval' Specify scanning Interval for groups configured in Scan Group-2

Scan Group-3 Interval 0 71582 minutes (0 71582 min)

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Parameter name Configure Scan Groups -3

Range/Optional values 1 16

Default value 1

Description Specify groups defined under 'Scan Group-3 Interval'

Enable Counter Interrogation



To enable interrogation.




Counter Interrogation Type

EOI , Interval , Session Online


Specifies the way in which Counter Interrogation requests are made. Available options are: a. Interval -> CI will be requested at configured intervals. b. EOI -> Sends request on receiving ASDU EOI. c. Session Online -> Sends request when the session becomes online. Note: Multiple choice can be ticked. Specify Interval in which a Counter interrogation command is sent. Note : It is enabled only when Interval is ticked in counter interrogation type Specify Interval in which a Counter group interrogation command is sent.

Counter Interrogation Interval (0 71582 min) Counter Group Interrogation Scan group Interval (0 71582 min) Configure Scan Groups for Counter Group Interrogation

0 71582 minutes

10 min

0 71582 minutes

15 min

1 16

Specify groups defined for counter group interrogation.

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Parameter name Enable Diagnostic Point Event

Range/Optional values True / False

Default value False

Description Specifies whether to generate event on Diagnostic point on getting offline / online. Specifies whether to generate event when status (quality) flag of points are modified. Specifies whether to expect ACT TERM from slave upon completion of Set Point commands. Specifies whether to expect ACT TERM from slave upon completion of commands other than Set Point commands.

Event on Quality Change Enable CSE Active Termination

Generate Internal Event/External triggered only True / False

External triggered only True

Enable CMD Active Termination

True / False


Table 10: IEC-101 Master Node/Station Parameters

4.4 IEC 60870-5-101 Profile parameter details

Parameter name ASDU Type Range/Optional values Single Indication Double Indication Step Position Information Measured Value [N] Measured Value [S] Measured Value [F] Integrated Totals Bitstring of 32 bits Single Commands Double Commands Regulating Step Command External
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Default value NA

Description Possible ASDU types for the points in the master database.


SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Set Point Command [N] Set Point Command [S] Set Point Command [F] Set Point Command [B]

Information Object Address



The associated address of the first element of the sequence Note: If the IOA size is configured 1 the range will be 1-255 and if 2 the range will be 1-65535 and if 3 range will be 1-16777215 Specifies the number points starting from IOA If the Change in data value from the previous updated value is higher than 'dead band', the analog data points will get updated in the SYNC database. If event reporting is supported by the slave row mapped to this master row the data will be reported as event. Dead Band, set to '0' will work as if the 'Dead Band' is disabled. This parameter if 'True' will cause a command to execute only if a valid select is obtained on the slave protocol point mapped to this IEC-101 point.

Number of Points Dead Band (0 2147483648)

1 - 65535 0 2147483648

NA 0

Is Select Required

True / False


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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Note: This parameter is valid only if ASDU Type is a command . Comments Specifies the description about the points

Table 11: IEC 60870-5-101 Master profile Parameters


Supporting Types M_SP_NA_1

Single Indication


Double Indication


Step Position Information


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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2


Supporting Types M_ME_NA_1

Measured Value(N)


Measured Value(S)


Measured Value (F)


Integrated Totals


Bitstring of 32 bit


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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2


Supporting Types M_BO_TA_1 M_BO_TB_1

Single command


Double Command


Regulating Step Commands Set Point Command(N) Set Point Command(S)


Set Point Command(F)


Set Point Command(B)


Table 12: IEC 60870-5-101 Master supporting ASDU Types

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

4.5 Auto mapping

IEC 101 Master supports the auto mapping of profile rows. User can either auto map the entire row configured in the master profile or some selected rows. Auto mapping of profile rows of IEC 101 protocol can be done with Easyconnect configuration utility. More details on auto mapping are available in the SYNC User Manual. IEC 101 Master profile points of same ' ASDU Type' are grouped in Auto Map window.

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Appendix A IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface Interoperability

This section should provide a complete configuration or interoperability guide for communicating with SYNC IEC101 Master Interface. The supported parameters are marked in the white boxes as follows:

Function or ASDU is not used. Function or ASDU is used as standardized (default)

System definition

Controlling station definition (master) Controlled station definition (slave)

Network Configuration

Point-to-point Multiple point-to-point

Multipoint-party line Multipoint-star

Physical Layer Transmission speed (control direction)

100 bit/s 200 bit/s

2400 bit/s 4800 bit/s

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

300 bit/s 600 bit/s 1200 bit/s

9600 bit/s 19200 bits/s

Link Layer Link transmission procedure Address field of link

Balanced transmission Unbalanced transmission

Not present (balanced transmission only) One octet Two octets Structured Unstructured

Frame length
255 Maximum length L (control direction) 255 Maximum length L (monitor direction) When using an unbalanced link layer, the following ASDU types are returned in class 2 messages (low priority) with the indicated causes of transmission:

The standard assignment of ASDUs to class 2 messages is used as follows:

Type identification 9, 11, 13, 21 Cause of transmission <1> External
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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

NOTE : In response to a class 2 poll, a controlled station may respond with class 1 data when there is no class 2 data available.

Application Layer Transmission mode for application data Mode 1 (least significant octet first), as defined in 4.10 of IEC 60870-5-4, is used exclusively in this companion standard. Common address of ASDU

One octet

Two octets

Information object address

One octet Two octets Three octets

structured unstructured

Cause of transmission

One octet Two octets (with originator address) Set to zero in case of no originator address

Selection of standard ASDUs

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Process information in monitor direction

<1> := Single-point information <2> := Single-point information with time tag <3> := Double-point information <4> := Double-point information with time tag <5> := Step position information <6> := Step position information with time tag <7> := Bitstring of 32 bit <8> := Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag <9> := Measured value, normalized value <10> := Measured value, normalized value with time tag <11> := Measured value, scaled value <12> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag <13> := Measured value, short floating point value <14> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag <15> := Integrated totals <16> := Integrated totals with time tag <30> := Single-point information with time tag CP56Time2a <31> := Double-point information with time tag CP56Time2A <32> := Step position information with time tag CP56Time2A <33> := Bitstring of 32 bit with time tag CP56Time2A <34> := Measured value, normalized value with time tag CP56Time2A <35> := Measured value, scaled value with time tag CP56Time2A
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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

<36> := Measured value, short floating point value with time tag CP56Time2A <37> := Integrated totals with time tag CP56Time2A
Process information in control direction


<45> := Single command <46> := Double command <47> := Regulating step command <48> := Set Point command, normalized value <49> := Set Point command, scaled value <50> := Set Point command, short floating point value <51> := Bitstring of 32 bit
System information in monitor direction


<70> := End of initialization

System information in control direction


<100> := Interrogation command <101> := Counter Interrogation command <102> := Read command <103> := Clock synchronization command <104> := Test command <106> := Delay acquisition command
Parameter in control direction


<110> := Parameter of measured value, normalized value

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

<111> := Parameter of measured value, scaled value <112>:= Parameter of measured value, short floating point value <113> := Parameter activation
Type identification and cause of transmission assignments
Shaded boxes are not required. Blank: functions or ASDU not used. X if used in the standard direction


Cause of Transmission : 1 Periodic , Cyclic 2 Background Scan 3 Spontaneous 4 Initialized 5 Request or requested 6 activation 7 Activation Confirmation 9 Deactivation 8 Deactivation Confirmation 10 Activation termination 11 Return info caused by remote command 12 Return info caused by local command 13 File transfer 20 36 Interrogated by Group number 37 - 41 Interrogated by Group number counter 44 Unknown type identification 45 Unknown Cause of transmission 46 Unknown Common address of ASDU 47 Unknown Information Object Address

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Type identification

Cause of Transmission 20 to 36 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 37 to 41

1 2 <1> M_SP_NA_1 <2> M_SP_TA_1 <3> M_DP_NA_1 <4> M_DP_TA_1 <5> M_ST_NA_1 <6> M_ST_TA_1 <7> M_BO_NA_1 <8> M_BO_TA_1 <9> M_ME_NA_1 <10> M_ME_TA_1 <11> M_ME_NB_1 <12> M_ME_TB_1 <13> M_ME_NC_1 <14> M_ME_TC_1 <15> M_IT_NA_1 <16> M_IT_TA_1 <30> M_SP_TB_1 <31> M_DP_TB_1 <32> M_ST_TB_1 <33> M_BO_TB_1 <34> M_ME_TD_1 <35> M_ME_TE_1 <36> M_ME_TF_1 <37> M_IT_TB_1 <45> C_SC_NA_1

3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

8 9 10 11






4 7


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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Type identification

Cause of Transmission 20 to 36 37 to 41

1 2 <46> <47> <48> <49> <50> <51> <100> <101> <102> <103> <104> <105> <106> <110> <111> <112> <113> C_DC_NA_1 C_RC_NA_1 C_SE_NA_1 C_SE_NB_1 C_SE_NC_1 C_BO_NA_1 C_IC_NA_1 C_CI_NA_1 C_RD_NA_1 C_CS_NA_1 C_TS_NA_1 C_RP_NA_1 C_CD_NA_1 P_ME_NA_1 P_ME_NB_1 P_ME_NC_1 P_AC_NA_1

6 X X X X X X X X

7 X X X X X X X X X

8 9 10 11 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X



44 X X X X X X X X X

45 X X X X X X X X X

46 X X X X X X X X X

4 7 X X X X X X X X X

Basic Application Functions

Station initialization Cyclic data transmission

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Read procedure Spontaneous transmission Double transmission of information objects with cause of transmission spontaneous Station Interrogation
global group 1 group 2 group 3 group 4 group 5 group 6

group 7 group 8 group 9 group 10 group 11 group 12

group 13 group 14 group 15 group 16

Addresses per group have to be defined

Clock synchronization Clock synchronization Day of week used RES1, GEN (time tag substituted/ not substituted) used SU-bit (summertime) used

Command transmission

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Direct command transmission Select and execute command Direct set point command transmission Select and execute set point command C_SE_ACTTERM used No additional definition Short pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation) Long pulse duration (duration determined by a system parameter in the outstation) Persistent output

Transmission of Integrated totals

Mode A: Local freeze with spontaneous Mode B: Local freeze with counter Mode C Freeze and transmit by counter Interrogation Mode C Freeze by counter-Interrogation command, frozen values reported Counter read Counter freeze without reset Counter freeze without reset Counter reset General request counter Request counter group 1 Request counter group 2
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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Request counter group 3 Request counter group 4 Parameter loading Parameter activation Test procedure File transfer Background scan Acquisition of transmission delay

Appendix B - References

International Standard IEC 60870 -5-101 SYNC User Manual

Note:KSGL series have been replaced by their functionally equivalent SYNC series. For details, refer KSGL/SYNC User Manual

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SYNC-IEC60870-5-101 Master Interface

User Manual

Version 6.2

Alphabetical Index
2 Getting Started .....................................................................................................................................14 3 IEC 60870-5-101 Master Protocol Stack..............................................................................................15 Appendix A IEC 60870-5-101 Master Interface Interoperability ......................................................30 Create Configuration File.........................................................................................................................15 Download Configuration File..................................................................................................................16 Environment.............................................................................................................................................12 Hardware Requirements...........................................................................................................................13 IEC 60870-5-101 Master Configuration Details......................................................................................17 IEC 60870-5-101 Node/Station parameter details...................................................................................21 IEC 60870-5-101 Profile parameter details.............................................................................................25 IEC-101 Master Channel parameter details.............................................................................................17 Key Features............................................................................................................................................12 Overview of IEC 60870-5-101 Master Configuration............................................................................17 Overview of IEC-101 Master Protocol Stack..........................................................................................15 Restart IEC-101 Interface Module...........................................................................................................16 Software Requirements............................................................................................................................13

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