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Copenhagen 8schoo|Denmark

Business degree from Copenhagen Business School

International business or combine business studies with culture and language, politics, service
management, communication, or inIormation management.
Bachelor programmes taught in English

O $c in International usiness
NEW: Eng AGE Engaged Applied Global Education programme for select
O $c in usiness Administration and $ervice Management
O $c in usiness Administration and $ociology
O $c in International usiness and Politics
O $c in usiness, Language and Culture - with French or German or $panish.
New reform: Building opportunities for life in the modern society.
O $c in usiness, Asian Language and Culture - Asian $tudies Programme
- with Japanese or Chinese
O A in InIormation Management
O International $ummer University Program (I$UP) $ummer elective courses
ear Fulltime Master's
, Graduate programmes taught in English

O M$c in Economics and usiness Administration (cand.merc.)
- 10 concentrations taught in English
O M$c in International usiness & Politics (cand.merc.(pol.))
O M$c in usiness Administration and InIormation $ystems
- 2 concentrations taught in English
O M$c in usiness, Language and Culture (cand.merc.int.)
- 2 concentrations taught in English
O Master oI $ocial $ciences, Msoc$c (cand.soc.)
- 4 programmes taught in English
O Elite Master's Programmes
- 2 programmes taught in English
O CEM$ - Master's in International Management

Master Programmes
The master programmes at CBS are specialized in certain management areas or are
primarily dedicated public sector.
ur target audiences Ior all our Masters programs are managers and up-coming managers in both
the private and public sectors and nongovernmental organizations. All our programmes are
research based and we use the best teachers Irom both C$ and other Danish and international
elow you can Iind links to our Masters programmes:
Full-time MA
Executive MA
Flexible Executive MA (Executive CertiIicate)
Executive MA in $hipping & Logistics (The lue MA) (M$)
Master oI Public Governance (MPG)
Master oI Public Administration (MPA)
Master oI Health Management (MHM)
Master oI Corporate Communication (MCC)
MA in Technology, Market and rganization (TM)
Master oI Management Development (MMD)
Master oI Corporate PerIormance (MCP)
PhD and diploma courses
nternational Students
The International IIice welcomes over 2,000 international exchange students to C$ each
academic year, creating a very exciting and international environment Ior students and staII
In this section oI C$ international, you will Iind the academic and practical inIormation
necessary Ior Prospective Exchange $tudents, Current Exchange $tudents, International Degree
$tudents, and Free movers.

MD BSchoolSwitzerland
Relevant concepts oI micro- & macro-economics, institutional economics & classical political
economy Entrepreneurship
Understand the issues relevant to developing entrepreneurial ventures (independent or
Global Political Economy
rganizational ehavior
How strategic decisions are made & executed in large, complex organizations.

Advanced Economics
Economic dilemmas & opportunities
Advanced Finance
Advanced topics in derivative markets.
Advanced Negotiations
Gain deeper insight & experience regarding challenging situations in negotiation.
Advanced Presentation Skills
uild on June workshops to Iurther develop presentation skills
Advanced Supply Chain Management
Augment your understanding oI key concepts & gain appreciation oI how to
successIully implement them

Business History: Lesson Irom the Past

Corporate Reputation

Enterprise T Strategy

Entrepreneurship a longer view
A realistic insight into entrepreneurship
Ethical Dilemmas in Finance

Gender Balance in Organizations
Analyze roadblocks Ior women's promotions & improve communication styles.
Growth through Acquisitions, Alliances and 1oint Ventures
Implementing a successIul growth strategy.
How to Accelerate Strategy and Execution
Translate strategic intent into actions that produce results.
Leadership: An ntroduction to Advanced Group Dynamics
A behavioral course intended to build upon the group experiences Irom IMD &

Leadership in Organizations

Monte Carlo Simulations
Apply this technique to address important Iinancial problems
Private Equity and Venture Capital
$pecial topics.
Service Marketing and Management
How to analyze, design and improve any kind oI service
Structured Problem Solving

The Practice of Business Diplomacy

CASS 8schoo|London
About the FullTime MBA
The Cass Full-Time MA is an intensive, 12-month journey that will take you out oI your
comIort zone by opening your mind and extending your capabilities. It will introduce you to a
range oI new, hard-edged tools, while developing the Ilair necessary to manage and motivate
mper|a| co||ege 8us|ness Schoo|
Imperial College usiness $chool`s postgraduate programmes oIIer the opportunity to study at a
global top-ten ranked university in the heart oI London. We oIIer a Iull range oI MA options
Ior experienced business people and a suite oI Master`s degrees aimed at recent graduates Irom
the world`s best universities.
MBA programmes
O Imperial MA - our Iull-time MA
O Imperial Executive MA - available in weekday and weekend study modes
O Distance Learning MA
Master's programmes
O M$c Actuarial Finance
O M$c Economics and $trategy Ior usiness NEW
O M$c Finance
O M$c Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management
O M$c International Health Management
O M$c Management
O M$c Risk Management and Financial Engineering
O M$c $trategic Marketing
Doctoral programme
O Doctoral programme
Executive Education
O Executive Education
1oint Master's
O M$c Metals and Energy Finance
&ndergraduate programmes
O Joint Honors` programme
A one-year, Iull-time course in management Ior Imperial's science and medical undergraduates.
Accounting Management Analysis
Business Economics
Economic Framework
The perIormance oI any business is heavily inIluenced by the market environment in which it
operates and a proper understanding oI business behavior requires an appreciation oI the
macroeconomic Iorces that shape this operating environment, including both domestic and
international Iactors and government policy initiatives. The aim oI this module is to develop the
Iramework and tools oI analysis needed to explain how the level oI macroeconomic activity is
determined and why macroeconomic conditions change over time.
y the end oI the course, students should have acquired:
O An understanding oI the nature oI macroeconomic Iorces and the macroeconomic
structure oI the economy
O An appreciation oI the Iorces that determine the productive capacity oI the economy and
the Iactors that cause productive capacity to grow over time
O An understanding oI the determinants oI aggregate demand and how Iluctuations in
expenditure inIluence output and employment
O An appreciation oI the part that government plays in inIluencing macroeconomic
conditions and an awareness oI the opportunities and limitations oI government policy
Financial Management
This course provides a Iramework Ior analyzing Iinancial markets and showing how they interact
with the key decisions oI Iirms. y the end oI this course the student should be able to:
O Understand the role oI diIIerent assets, sources oI Iinance and pricing
O Examine the interaction between the economy and Iinancial variables
O Analyze capital investment decisions and the valuation oI Iirms
O Understand risk, return and portIolio diversiIication
O Understand speculation, hedging, arbitrage and risk management techniques.
Marketing Management
Organizational Behavior
"uantitative Methods
In order to make decisions, a modern manager needs to be able to understand, manipulate and
communicate numerical inIormation. This course provides a sound appreciation oI the
application oI quantitative methods and skills in a managerial context speciIically to:
O Give a Iramework to Iacilitate data-based decision making
O Enhance communication skills in relation to quantitative inIormation.
Strategic Management
O Assess industry attractiveness and recognize drivers to Iirms` proIit-making
O Design strategies that help Iirms achieve, sustain, and renew competitive advantage:
4 nurture, recognize and exploit use oI Iirms` competences
4 think outside oI industry boundaries and create new market space
4 understand managers` role in the process oI making strategy
O e aware oI the challenges to implement a strategy once it has been Iormulated.
mperial MBA electives
Advanced Corporate Finance
This course covers advanced corporate Iinancial decision-making. We examine the strategic
interactions between investment and Iinancing decisions, while Iocusing on the problems that are
created by:
O Taxes
O ConIlicts oI interests between managers, shareholders and creditors
O The inIormational advantage that managers have over investors.
Advanced Consulting Skills
The aim oI this elective is to convey a wide selection oI ideas and techniques and to provide the
time Ior students to gain some Iirst-hand experience oI applying them. The course should appeal
to those who expect to be making a managerial contribution through proIessional problem
The overall learning objective is Ior students to acquire a set oI skills and disciplines which will
enable them to deIine and tackle a wide range oI business problems in a systematic, structured
and proIessional way.
Advanced Company Valuation
The course starts with an overview oI Iinancial statement analysis to set the basis Ior the
Iinancial valuation models subsequently addressed in the course. The course then moves on to
address the value creation process and examine the validity and limits oI value creation in the
context oI corporate restructuring. It continues with the analysis and practical examination oI the
traditional valuation models, then extends to relative valuation models, and Iinally combines
diIIerent pricing Irameworks in valuing a number oI entities with diIIerent investment and
Iinancing characteristics. The course is highly participative and the extensive use oI real-world
cases guides you through the theory and application oI valuation models highlighting their
strengths and weaknesses.
Brand Management
Breakout Strategy
This elective builds on the core course in strategic management, extending the concepts and tools
into a variety oI companies and contexts. Along the way, we Iorge an integrated and dynamic
process Ior conceptualizing and implementing corporate strategy. The message oI the course is
simple: although there is no one mythical right strategy Ior market success, there are
Iundamental principles and practices that will maximise the potential Ior success.y the end oI
the course, participants should be able to:
O Form a bridge between strategic ideas and action
O Create a strategic roadmap Ior converting vision into value
O Develop a practical strategy Iramework Ior any organization and leadership team
O Deliver high growth strategy in live, dynamic situations
O Understand how to Iormulate and implement a breakout strategy
Competition Policy
The aims oI this course are to teach you how to understand the main rationale and operation oI
regulation. To achieve this aim we shall use mostly lecture-based material backed up by cases.
Topics will include Iundamental analytical tools, theories, and conceptual Irameworks needed
Ior understanding the economics oI regulation, consumer protection and regulation, policies Ior
monopoly and merger regulation, regulation oI natural utilities, and, iI time, bank regulation.
Consuming and Adopting nnovation
This elective Iocuses on how consumers come to adopt an innovation and the consequences oI
that adoption. Why do some people choose an iPod, rather than a technologically similar MP3
player? Why do some preIer to wear Nike`s Air Max to other running shoes? These questions
need to be answered not only by the technical Iunctions oI the product, but also by consumers`
ideas and circumstances. To make an innovation spread successIully, the consumer contexts need
to be understood, especially in this era when markets are increasingly segmenting and
Iragmenting and consumer requirements are becoming more diverse and speciIic.
Corporate Turnaround
This elective is concerned with Iirms that Ior a variety oI reasons experience serious perIormance
decline and begin to destroy value rather than create it. $uch Iirms are generally described as
Iinancially distressed Iirms although the causes oI their decline are not entirely Iinancial. Indeed
such causes may arise Irom misplaced or out-oI-date strategies, organizational decline or the
maturity stage oI product liIe cycle. The extreme state oI distress is reached when Iirms enter
into receivership, bankruptcy or liquidation.
The course deals with the causes oI distress as well as the turnaround strategies and assesses the
conditions under which turnaround strategies are likely to be successIul. The turnaround process
involves eIIicient management oI conIlicts among various stakeholders and eIIective turnaround
requires resolution oI these stakeholder conIlicts. The course aims to bring these issues into
Iocus through a negotiation simulation in a corporate turnaround situation.
Designing and nnovating Services
$ervices dominate advanced economies in terms oI value added and employment, but the study
oI service innovation and the application oI design techniques to developing new and improved
services are still in their inIancy. This new course thereIore oIIers students the opportunity to
participate in a lively and evolving area oI emerging knowledge.
Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energy
Entrepreneurship in the alternative energy space is critical Ior its long term success. There are
signiIicant global investments in promoting new technological solutions, new business models,
and new markets Ior renewable energy sources. In this elective, you will explore diIIerent
elements oI entrepreneurship including technology commercialization, product positioning, new
market development and Iinancing options.
Entrepreneurship, nnovation & Family Enterprise
This course adopts a global perspective and examines innovation and entrepreneurship in Iamily
Iirm contexts. It is Iundamentally integrative and derives its conceptual Ioundations Irom the
Iields oI corporate governance, strategic management, entrepreneurship, and Iamily business.
Hedge Funds
Hedge Iunds target and attract some oI the best MA graduates, oIIering Iinancially rewarding
career opportunities. Even iI you opt Ior a diIIerent career, you need to understand them; as a
corporate manager operating in capital markets under their inIluence, as an agent who may have
to report to this new kind oI shareholder, and as an investor increasingly exposed to this asset
class, both Ior your short and long-term savings. This course will look at the environment, the
players, the strategies and the roles, preparing you to deal with these ubiquitous players in the
Iinancial markets.
HiTech Strategy
The course aims to clariIy how to create value and how to capture value in hi-tech industries. It
will explain the interaction between technological change, market dynamics, competition, and
the evolution oI demand. It will cover the topics oI technological change aIIects markets, the
industry liIe-cycle, how to proIit Irom innovation, how to organize Ior innovation, open
innovation, and platIorms Ior innovation.
Participants should be able to Iormulate and evaluate strategies in hi-tech industries. For
example, participants can use the Iramework and tools presented in the course to decide which
technologies to invest in, how to structure those investments and how to anticipate and respond
to the behavior oI competitors, suppliers, complementors, and customers.
ntellectual Property Valuation
This elective will deepen your understanding oI IP rights, and provide you with an appreciation
oI the environment in which valuation and pricing techniques are used and an understanding oI
the dos and don`ts oI successIul IP valuation and pricing.
The course complements innovation/brand management courses and covers the three main areas
oI intangible assets and IPRs in their typical industrial and market contexts: (I) patents in the
engineering, pharmacy and technology industries, (ii) copyrights in the media industries, and (iii)
brands in the consumer goods industries. Case studies will be used to illustrate the concepts.
This course gives allows you to gain not only a deeper awareness oI your own personal and
social characteristics, but also clear ideas about how to move Iorward in Iurther developing
leadership capability. This course will enables you to:
O Explore and understand leadership challenges and opportunities which will be Iaced
O Develop leadership skills
O Develop and advanced understanding oI the nature and processes oI leadership.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Managing Organizational Change
Change has become a necessity Ior organizations` survival in today`s Iast-paced, intensely
competitive environment. Yet change is diIIicult; most people resist it and it is Irustrating Ior
those who try to manage the process. Even more challenging is the Iact that managing change in
organizations is no longer about planned, large scale change, but about continuous change.
This course develops an understanding oI diIIerent aspects oI change by addressing the
Iollowing questions: What pressures do contemporary organizations Iace to change? Why is
change unavoidable? What about the timing, scope and pace oI change? What is the content oI
change? How does the process evolve and is there any best way oI changing?

Managing Negotiations
This course will develop your understanding oI the principles, strategies, and tactics oI eIIective
negotiation and proIessional relationship management. $tudents who successIully complete the
course will be able to:
O Critically analyze a conIlict
O Recognize and avoid common barriers to eIIective negotiation
O Improve their ability to analyze the behavior and motives oI individuals, groups, and
organizations in competitive situations
O Create opportunities Ior mutual gain in negotiations and take home their Iair share oI that
New Ventures in the Health Sector
This elective broadens the students` perspective on the key issues, developments and
management challenges in the health technology and services sectors. y the end oI the course
students will have developed an understanding oI the changing health care context, the medical
technology sector (key segments, emerging technologies, mergers and acquisitions trends,
disruptive technologies, marketing), and new ventures in health technology and health care
delivery segments. $tudents will gain the conceptual and analytical skills to analyse new
ventures in the sectors.
Pricing Strategies and Policies
The pricing decision process depends upon economic, marketing, and behavioral phenomena.
This course provides students with a systematic presentation oI the Iactors to be considered when
setting prices, and shows how pricing alternatives can be developed. Although the emphasis oI
the course is on one aspect oI the marketing mix (pricing), the pricing decision is not
independent oI other marketing decisions. As a result, the course integrates the pricing decision
within the wider marketing mix, and evaluates its eIIectiveness in achieving broader managerial
Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance
The purpose oI this course is to provide a strong theoretical Iramework Ior business school
students that they would like to work as private equity Iund managers, entrepreneurs raising
capital Irom private equity Iunds, investment bankers, entrepreneurs acquiring other companies,
company managers involved in the acquisition & business development strategy, corporate
lawyers, auditors, and management consultants.
Project Time, Cost and Risk Management
Today, more than ever beIore, project management is in demand in every industry sector, as
projects have evolved Irom traditional large-scale construction or engineering projects to what is
now eIIectively the process oI change`. The increasing complexity oI tasks, combined with
shorter time-scales, calls Ior cross-Iunctional and multidisciplinary teams that can be set up
quickly to carry out a speciIic task and then disbanded when the project is completed.
This elective provides a sound understanding and knowledge oI the basic concepts, analytical
tools and techniques underpinning the eIIective planning, control and management oI major
projects Irom both a theoretical and practical viewpoint. It provides an overview oI the project
management processes required to ensure the project is completed on time and within the
approved budget, and the processes concerned with analyzing and responding to project risk.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Strategic Management Accounting
Venture Capital Finance
The goal oI the venture capital course is to understand what venture capital is, how it diIIers
Irom other types oI Iinancing and to understand the VC's reasoning with respect to screening and
selecting oI business proposals, negotiating and structuring the deal, Iollowing up on
investments, and exiting.
nnovation, Entrepreneurship and Design course
The course consists oI three equally-weighted lectures:
O nnovation - Iocusing on innovation management and introducing you to the necessity to
innovate, strategies oI innovation, the diIIerent Iorms oI innovation, the use oI networks
to Ioster distributed innovation, and the set-up oI corporate venturing structures.
O Entrepreneurship Iocusing on the entrepreneurship models you need to build a
business case, including the art oI Iinancial and business planning, the optimization oI
pricing and revenue models and the set-up oI entrepreneurial teams.
O Design - you explore the design literature and are taken through creativity sessions and
design systems, while discovering diIIerent innovation tools to bring your ideas to liIe.

udge bschoo|
Core Courses
Orientation (September)
O MA overview
O Microeconomics
O Introduction to usiness Databases

oundation (October-December)
O Appreciating Accounts
O Corporate Finance
O Management Practice
O Management $cience
O Market Analysis
O rganizational ehavior
O Career Development Programme I
O Cambridge Venture Project
usiness Models (1anuary-March)
O Financial Management
O Managing Innovation $trategically
O Marketing
Negotiation $kills
O perations Management
O $trategy
O Career Development Programme II
O Anatomy oI a Corporate Deal usiness Law Workshop
O $aatchi & $aatchi Creativity Ior usiness Workshop
O Global Consulting Project
oardroom (April-1une)
O Corporate Governance & Ethics
O Leadership in Action
O Macroeconomics
O Capstone Project
O Concentration Activities
Summer Activity (1uly and August)
Choose Irom such activities as:
O Individual Project
O Dissertation/Case
O Advanced Negotiation $kills Workshop
O Integrated Marketing Communications Course
O Language Courses
O Ignite Facilitator Ior the Centre Ior Entrepreneurial Learning
The Iollowing courses are examples oI electives that may be on oIIer during your MA.
O Advanced Data Analysis Ior Management
O usiness $trategy & Management Consulting
O Cases in Corporate Finance
O Changing the Game: usiness Models, Innovation & $trategy
O Climate Leadership
O Corporate $ocial Responsibility
O Cultural & Arts Management: Headlines 2011
O Emerging Venture pportunities
O Energy & Emissions Markets & $trategies
O Entrepreneurship: How to $tart a Company
O Entrepreneurship Venture Capital
O Environment & $ustainability
O Financial $ervices $trategy
O Fundraising
O Hedge Funds
O Globalization & International usiness
O International usiness & Management
O International Film usiness
O Leading & Managing eyond
O Lean $ix $igma Process Improvement
O New Venture Finance
O Pharmaceuticals & iotechnology
O Philosophy in usiness
O Practical Approaches to Managing Innovation
O Real Estate
O Risk Management in Global anking
O $ervice Design and Innovation
O $trategic rand Management
O $upply Chain $trategy
O The Clash oI usiness Practices - Ethics versus Illegality: How Rogue Economics is
Reshaping Management ehavior
O Topics in Financial History
O Topics in Investment Management

London 8schoo|
Programme details
The London usiness $chool MA is a fulltime programme with exit points at 15, 18 and 21

ear one
Academically rigorous, the Iirst year oI the MA concentrates on three core themes - Tools and
Techniques, Managing the rganization, and Engaging with the World.
ear two
The second year oI the programme really allows you to Iind your voice Ior your Iuture career in
the business world. Customize the MA to your individual needs through a choice oI electives
and an emphasis on selI-directed learning.
$tudents can also take advantage oI the opportunity to study abroad on an International
Exchange Programme or specialize in an area oI particular interest during their second year.
nternship and project opportunities
Applying what you study to real-liIe contexts is a central aspect oI learning on the London
usiness $chool MA. This is realized through the project work and experiential learning that is
incorporated into the curriculum.
Leadership Development
Running alongside your academic studies throughout both years oI the programme, the
Leadership Launch selI-development programme is designed to enhance your eIIectiveness as a
leader. Combined with high-proIile and inspirational guest speaker sessions in our London Talks
series, the MA brings leadership insights to liIe.

L$E is the leading social science institution in the world, with many oI the world's leading
experts in their Iields and cutting edge research.
The $chool oIIers courses not only in economics and political science, but also in a wide range
oI social science subjects, taught within 19 departments and a number oI interdisciplinary
Undergraduate degree programmes:
($c/A/LL) - three-year Iirst-degree programmes in a broad range oI subjects, oIIering a
useIul intellectual training in diIIerent approaches to social questions.
Graduate degree programmes:
Taught: (Diploma/M$c/MA/MPA/LLM) one or two-year programmes. Many blend practical
experience with rigorous academic analysis so as to broaden the knowledge oI practitioners in
certain Iields.
Research: (MPhil/MRes/PhD) - programmes producing proIessional social scientists, well versed
in a range oI social science techniques and methods, and in-depth knowledge oI a particular area.
University oI London International Programmes:
($c/Diploma programmes) - $tudy through distance learning, with the aid oI subject guides and
other materials provided by L$E.
Executive education:
TRIUM EMA and custom-made executive programmes Ior both public and corporate sectors.
A year at L$E: The General Course
For undergraduates at non-UK institutions wishing to study Ior a year at L$E.
Language Centre
English Ior academic purposes and modern Ioreign language courses at various levels and oI
various lengths.
Executive summer school: The E$$ uses the very best Iaculty, courses are intense and
demanding. The programme oIIers a diverse range oI subjects, covering the usiness
Iundamentals oI Management, Finance and Macroeconomics, as well as more specialised areas
such as Climate Change, ehavioural Economics and utsourcing.
Under graduate courses:
O A in economics and management
O MEng in Engineering, Economics and Management
O MEng in Materials, Economics and Management
Masters Programs:
O M$c in Financial Economics
O M$c in major program management
O M$c in Law and Finance
O Masters in public policy
xIord MA:
O Part-time Executive MA (17 week module)
O Full-time MA(one year and ranked among 30 global MA programs)
Doctoral Program
O Diploma in Financial strategy
O Diploma in Global business
O Diploma in rganizational leadership
O Diploma in $trategy and Innovation

&ndergraduate Programs
Four bachelors courses across business, management, accounting and Iinance, plus joint honours
degrees with other departments at Warwick
courses Post graduate Programs
O MSc AccounLlng llnance
O MSc llnance
O MSc llnance 8ehavloural Sclence
O MSc llnance Lconomlcs
O MSc llnanclal MaLhemaLlcs
Business analysis
O MSc 8uslness AnalyLlcs ConsulLlng
O MSc ManagemenL Sclence CperaLlonal 8esearch
T, innovation, marketing & strategy
O MSc lnformaLlon SysLems ManagemenL lnnovaLlon
O MSc MarkeLlng SLraLegy
General management
O MSc ManagemenL
People & organisations
Explore the human element in organisations. With strong social science grounding, these
courses suit a career in HRM, general management, unions, consultancy or research.
O MA lndusLrlal 8elaLlons Managlng Puman 8esources
O MA lnLernaLlonal LmploymenL 8elaLlons
O MA ManagemenL CrganlzaLlonal Analysls
Public sector
Created Ior managers in public services with 3 years oI management experience:
O MSc ubllc Leadershlp ManagemenL
Most oI Wawick`s M$c degrees are 12 months Iull-time study. MA degrees are usually 12
months Iull-time, but may be taken part-time over two years. All are suitable Ior pre-experience
students - new or recent graduates - apart Irom the M$c Public Leadership & Management.
Post experience
Worked in management Ior 3 years, Ambitious to learn credible, real-world skills with
participants Irom around the world, Join Warwick MA, or MPLM making a challenging,
liIe-changing opportunity.
Short courses
W$ Executive Education oIIers a range oI short courses with and without accreditation Ior
graduates and proIessionals. The Warwick Graduate Diploma in Applied Management is a great
Ioundation in management theory and practice, which also gives a Iast-track to the Warwick

EM LON Business School
EMLON`s a truly unique MBA
O A 12-month, Iull-time MA programme taught in English
O A clear entrepreneurial Iocus
O $mall cohort size / large cohort diversity
O Project-based learning: Entrepreneurial Leadership Project
O A clear career Iocus with the Career Power and Placement services
O A wide range oI electives tailored to your needs
O Numerous international exchange opportunities
O 12 month, Iull time MA
O Work on a year-long consulting project oI student`s choice
O $trong Iocus on entrepreneurship
O Join a diverse group oI proIessionals Irom over 15 nationalities
O Enhance international experience and go on exchange
O Entirely taught in English
O Yearly intake: $eptember

The $tockholm $chool oI Economics, ($$E) is one oI Europe`s leading business schools,
oIIering a Iirst-class, internationally competitive education in business administration and
economics on a bachelor and master level, along with a highly regarded MA, PhD and
executive education
Graduation Program:
O SSE Bachelor of Science (BSc) Program in Business and Economics at Stockholm
O SSE Bachelor of Science (BSc) Program in Retail Management
O SSE Bachelor of Science (BSc) Program in Business and Economics in Riga
The program in $tockholm provides a broad education in economics and business administration
with opportunities Ior specialization in the third and Iinal year in any two oI the Iollowing
areas: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management or Marketing.

The $c program in Retail Management is carried out on Center Ior Retailing in Norrtlje.
Business and Management rogram speclallzaLlons
O ManagemenL
O MarkeLlng ln Medla MgmL
Finance and Accounting Program specializations:
O Accounting & Financial Management
O Corporate Finance
O Investment Mgmt
Economics Program specializations:
O International Economics
O Applied Economic Analysis
The $$E MA is delivered in executive Iormat, with studies conducted on a part-time basis over two Iull
years. The program comprises sixteen Iive-day course weeks (Monday morning Friday aIternoon),
approximately every IiIth week during the academic year, adding up to a total oI 80 contact days. ne
Iield trip to $$E campuses in Riga or Russia is conducted during the program, and one additional
international Iield trip may be conducted during the program
O Foundations (week 1)
O The usiness Context: Markets, Relationships
and Law (week 24)
O Getting the Numbers Right: Financial and
Management Accounting (week 58)
O Getting the Right People to Do the Right Thing:
Management and rganization (wee k 910)
O Doing the Right Things
Right: Value Creation (wee k 1113)
O usiness Renewal and Innovation
Management (week 1415)
O Making it Happen: Leadership (week 16)
The SSE Student Association was Iormed in 1909, and the Iundamental ideas oI that era live on
The $tudent Association is unique in that virtually all students are active and get involved at
some point during their studies. In addition to creating an amicable learning environment, the
$tudent Association also runs various clubs and societies covering a range oI interests.

At R$M, you can be sure you are getting a world-class MA. Consistently ranked amongst
Europe`s top business schools, R$M is amongst the 1 oI business schools worldwide that hold
triple accreditation by all three oI the world`s accreditation bodies EQUI$, AMA and the
achelor Degree:
For young students eager to launch their business careers, R$M oIIers two challenging three-year
programmes: the Dutch-language achelor oI $cience in usiness Administration ($cA), and
the English-language achelor oI $cience in International usiness Administration ($cIA)
Faculty and Research:
R$M and the Erasmus $chool oI Economics bring together their best researchers in the
management domain within the Erasmus Research Institute oI Management (ERIM). Within
ERIM, 350 senior researchers and PhD students contribute to the creation oI new knowledge in
Iive core research streams, making it one oI the largest and most proliIic management research
Iaculties in the world. Research is designed to not only improve business perIormance, but
produce results that can be sustained Ior the long term.

MSc Programmes:
O arLLlme Cpleldlng 8edrl[fskunde
O MasLer ln hllosophy ln 8uslness 8esearch
O eneral ManagemenL
O llnance lnvesLmenLs
O Supply Chaln ManagemenL
O lnLernaLlonal ManagemenLCLMS
O AccounLlng ConLrol
O 8uslness lnformaLlon ManagemenL
O Chlnese Lconomy 8uslness
O LnLrepreneurshlp new 8uslness venLurlng
O lobal 8uslness SLakeholder ManagemenL
O Puman 8esource ManagemenL
O ManagemenL of lnnovaLlon
O MarkeLlng ManagemenL
O CrganlsaLlonal Change ConsulLlng
O SLraLeglc ManagemenL
nternational Fulltime MBA
An lnLenslve 12monLh programme 8SMs lnLernaLlonal lull1lme M8A ls a broad general managemenL
degree deslgned Lo prepare you for success ln a wlde range of managerlal roles 8uL learnlng ln Lhe 8SM
M8A goes well beyond buslness academlcs
O International atmosphere enriched by classmates Irom around the globe, that continues
through to the 16,000-strong alumni network;
O Development oI proIessional leadership skills embedded throughout the programme
O ne year (12 months), Iull-time, starting in January
Executive MBA
eslgned for experlenced and globallyorlenLed professlonals 8SM's LxecuLlve M8A wlll prepare you for
senlor managemenL challenges and responslblllLles vla an lnLense and lnLernaLlonal professlonal
developmenL experlence
O A programme that combines engagement with convenience, and the possibility Ior
immediately applying and cross-Iertilizing business knowledge and newly gained skills;
O Development oI proIessional leadership skills embedded throughout the programme;
O A management programme rooted in sustainability and innovation providing the basis Ior
continued development oI business and community leadership.
O Two years (24 months), part-time

Global Executive One MBA
The Global Executive neMA is the only Executive MA programme designed with equal
input Irom Iive premier business schools located in Asia, Europe, North America and $outh
Designed Ior senior executives and proIessionals, this prestigious 21-month programme
oIIers you the opportunity to experience business through the lens oI the world`s most important
economic regions, making it unparalleled in its development oI knowledge, leadership abilities,
global networks, and experience oI international business where it happens, as it happens.
O A curriculum taught in English and designed with equal input Irom Iive top-ranked
business schools
O Global teamwork within a classroom oI 100 geographically-dispersed executives
O Four week-long global residencies held on Iour diIIerent continents
O A Ilexible Iormat designed Ior executives in high-demand positions
O Projects designed to bring clear added value to sponsoring companies

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