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Monophonic Virtual Analog Synthesizer for iPhone/iPod Touch

User Manual
Version 1.2.0

1. Feature 2. Start 3. Master 4. Loop recorder 5. Oscillator 1 6. Oscillator 2 7. Oscillator 3+modulation 8. Filter 9. Amp 10. Delay 11. Step sequencer 12. Keyboard
* Appendix(ARGON Block Diagram)

+ High-quality 32bit floating point Synth-engine + Three Oscillator - Osc1 - Modulatable Sawtooth waveforms Oscillator - Modulatable Pulse width Oscillator - Modulatable Oscillator to Triangle wave from Sine wave - Modulatable Noise Oscillator - Formant Oscillator - Osc2,3 - Sawtooth waveform - Square waveform - Sine Waveform - Noise - FM (Frequency Modulation) - AM (Amplitude Modulation) - Oscillator Sync - Oscillator modulation - LFO, Envelope exclusive Oscillator - Modulatable Pitch and Level using LFO, Envelope - Modulatable FM depth using LFO, Envelope(Only Oscillator 1) + Filter - Low Pass Filter(24dB/Oct) - Low Pass Filter(18dB/Oct) - Low Pass Filter(12dB/Oct) - Low Pass Filter(6dB/Oct) - Mid Pass Filter - High Pass Filter - Envelope, LFO exclusive for Filter + Amplifier - Overdrive (saturator) - 3 Band EQ - Panpot - Envelope, LFO exclusive for AMP + Three Envelope Generator(EG) - Envelope Generator exclusive for each OSC, Filter, AMP - ADSR(Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release) + LFO (Low Frequency Oscilator) x 3 - Sawtooth Wave - Square Wave - Sine Wave - Random waveforms by Sample, Hold. - Tempo-synced Speed. - KeySync Mode - LFO Delay Parameter + Delay Effect - Adjustable L,R Delay (0.1ms - 2000ms) - TempoSync Mode - Left and Right Feedback - Cross-feed-back - Color Parameter for controlling delay sound - LFO for modulating delay time - Modulation effects (Chorus, Flanger) - Spread Parameter (Modulating phase between left and right channels) + Step Sequencer - 16 Step Sequencer - Writable Tone program (8 Pattern in 1 Tone) - Position-returning KeySync Mode + keyboard - Three sized scrollable keyboard + Key transpose - Octave shift ( +- 1 Semi-tone) + Scale - Real-time Performance using Scale + Key Holding + Note Portament + TempoSync (LFO, Step Sequencer, Delay) + Taptempo + Preset Saving(512 preset) + Original 64 factory preset +Loop Recorder(Adding on Ver.1.1.0 update)


Sampling Rate(KHz): 11.025 - 44.1KHz Buffer Size(Samples): 256 - 1024 You can select Sampling Rate and Buffer size. The best solution for ARGON is 44.1KHz, 512 sample.

Dragging area to scroll control panel
Fast-Shift & Easy-Move button

You can load Factory Presets and your Bank you saved. 1. Press Bank Button. 2. Select Factory Preset Banks or User Tone Bank in Tone Program Bank Manager. 3. Press load button. (ATTENTION) If you load Factory Presets, All sound preset will be overwritten. - Fast-Shift & Easy-Move button

Dragging area to scroll keyboard - Tone Bank 64 Factory Presets are included in ToneBank. You can save current sound in Tone Bank you created. 1. Press Initialize button. 2. Make you own sound using Oscillator, Filter and so on. 3. Press write button. 4. Select place you want to save in ToneBank. And also, You can save your Bank in Tone Program Bank Manager. 1. Press Bank button. 2. Select Bank in User Tone Banks you want to save. Fast-Shift & Easy-Move button let you move panel-to-panel easily. 3. Press save button. 1. Press Fast-Shift button or Easy-move button. 2. Select menu you want to move (In case of Easy-Move button)

Loop Recorder
Also, you can load another loop during playback. If you load another loops during playback, the newly selected loop will begin to play 1bar after. *Save Loop To save your pattern, press save button and select loop number you want to save. - Tempo Tempo knob is adjusting the tempo. If you adjust tempo during playback. current playback will be stopped. - Recorder Loop Recorder provides real-time overdubbing. It lets you to record four bars loop. *Play To play and stop. press this button. *Record To record real-time dubbing, press this button. *Erase To erase your loop, press this button. *Load Loop To load your patterns, press button(1-8) you want to load. *Metronome You can sound the metronome while you record. And you can adjust metronome volume. - Location During recording and playing, blue bar indicates the current position.

Loop Recorder

*Export *Clipboard You can export your loop to your computer as .wav file. ARGON support for copying audio data from ARGON to the To export your loop, press export button, and type the following pasteboard (compatible with Intua Beatmaker and Requires address to the browser. iPhone OS 3.0 or later) For more information, Please refer our movie. How to paste ARGON loop to BeatMaker

Oscillator 1
- FM(Osc2 > 1) This knob let the output waveform of oscillator2 to modulates the phase of oscillator 1. *Depth Depth knob adjusts the depth of FM(Frequency Modulation). - Level Level knob modulates OSC1 of the output level.

- Waveform Oscillator have five waveform shapes: sawtooth, square, triangle(from sine), sine, noise, formant. And LFO(Low Frequency Oscillator), ENV(Envelope) knobs are included each parameter.(White Knobs) - Wave Shape Shape knob modifies Waveform Shape Which applied the Waveform type you selected. - Pitch * Octave Octave knob Shifts octave of the pitch.

Oscillator 2
*Depth Depth knob adjusts the depth of FM(Frequency Modulation).

- OSC1 > 2 *SYNC If SYNC Button is On, this synchronize OSC2 to the phase of OSC1. *AM(Amplitude Modulation) is known as Ring Modulation. Using difference of OSC1 and 2, AM generates metallic sound. - FM(Osc3 > 2) This knob let the output waveform of oscillator3 to modulates the phase of oscillator 2.

Oscillator 3 & Modulation


- LFO *Speed Speed Knob adjusts the LFO speed. *Delay Delay Knob sets the time from note-on. - SYNC *Key If Key Button is on, the Waveform will be start from the beginning at note-on. *Tempo If Tempo Button is on, the LFO speed will synchronize to the

*Cutoff Cutoff Knob modulates cutoff frequency. *Reso(Resonance) Reso Knob modulates the resonance. *KEY KEY Knob adjusts the amount of keyboard tracking that will be applied to the cutoff frequency. *LFO LFO Knob adjusts modulate LFO of the cutoff frequency. - Filter *Type You can select 6 Filter types.
LP24 LP18 LP12 LP6 BP HP
Noise Spectrum Filtered Noise Spectrum

*ENV ENV Knob adjusts modulate ENV of the cutoff frequency.

Note-On Note-Off






- Pan *Pan Pan Knob adjusts the stereo position(L/R). *LFO LFO Knob adjusts LFO of the Pan. - LFO *Speed Speed Knob adjusts the LFO speed *Delay Delay Knob sets the time from note-on. *PreAMP LFO This Knob adjusts Amp Level before drive applied. - Drive *Gain Gain Knob boost the sound. - SYNC *Key If Key Button is on, the waveform will be start from the beginning at note-on. *Tempo Tempo Button synchronize LFO speed to the Tempo.

- EQ Each Knobs(Bass, Middle, Treble) in EQ adjust the tonal balance. -ENV ENV Knob adjusts modulate ENV of the cutoff frequency. - AMP Level Level Knob adjusts Amp Level after drive applied.

1 1

CrossFb(Cross-Feed-Back) knob cross over between the left and right.(Refer to Delay Block Diagram) - Modulation Modulation includes Depth, Speed, Spread knobs. You can adjust depth, speed, spread. * Dry/Wet You can set the balance between the effect and dry sounds. * Delay Block Diagram
Feedback Time Color

* Time Range This knob adjust delay time(0.1 - 2000ms, TempoSYNC) * CopyL>R This button copy Left settings to Right. - Left, Right * Time Time knob adjust delay time. (Left, Right) * Feedback Feedback Knob adjust the amount of Feedback. * CrossFb

Cross Feedback



Modulation (LFO)

Cross Feedback





Step Sequencer
You can save your pattern to the pattern bank(Max 8patterns) *Copy, Paste button You can copy your loop and paste another Pattern bank. More information about Step Sequencer? Please Refer to:

Instead of drawing notes, You can compose patterns. 1. SEQ. Switch ON 2. Draw notes 3. Press keyboard *SYNC keyboard button SYNC keyboard button synchronize to the Keyboard. If this is on, the data stored in the Step Sequencer will always play from the beginning.


Output Note B A G F E D C C D E F G A B Input Note

*Hold This button is a function that hold a keyboard. *Transpose This knob shifts the pitch by +/- 12 semitones. *Scale - Scale Editor Scale editor lets you move the scale. If you move the yellow circles, note will be sent on the scale. *Portamento This knob creates a smooth transition in pitch between one note and the next.


ARGON Block Diagram

FM Sync AM

x + Filter AMP Saturator Pan Delay












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