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Use OLinks Find It!

to discover if BGSU has an electronic or print copy of an article found in an OSearch platform research database (example: Annual Bibliography of English Language & Literature, Art Abstracts, Biological Abstracts, Compendex, Contemporary Womens Issues, ERIC, Find It!, Gale Business & Industry, GeoRef, INSPEC, OLinks, OLinks Find a Copy, PAIS, PsycINFO, Religion Database (ATLA), Sociological Abstracts, and Worldwide Political Sciencelinks). Clicking on Find It! displays a window that includes information about print and electronic copies of the source in that particular entry.

ClickonFindIt!toseeifBGSUhasan electronicorprintcopyofthearticle


Linktoelectronic fulltextwhenits available Informationabout printcopiesat BGSUandlinksto catalogrecords

Mostbrowsersandwordprocessorswill allowyoutocopythiscitationandpasteit intoadocumentwiththeformattingintact.

The window that gives the local library holdings also includes a link to search by title in the BGSU catalog. Sometimes additional electronic copies of the article may be found by clicking on this link. The window also contains a link to View Holdings Statewide to look for holdings of the book or periodical from OhioLINK Libraries throughout the state.

Thisshowsthatno printcopieswere foundatBGSU libraries.

LinktotheloginscreenforILLiad(our interlibraryloansystem).Onlyappearsif OLinksdoesntfindfulltextofthearticle. UseILLiadtorequestitemsthatarenot availableatBGSU.

Messages That May be Displayed in the Holdings Window

Main Periodicals The print copy of the periodical is located in the Main Periodicals area of Jerome Library. Main Microforms Microfilm/microfiche of the periodical is in the Main Microforms area of Jerome Library. Firelands Periodicals The periodical is held at the Firelands Library in Huron, Ohio. To request articles to be sent to the BGSU main campus, use ILLiad, our interlibrary loan system: No print holdings found OLinks didn't find any print holdings in the BGSU Library Catalog, but the Libraries might own the periodical. Click on the Search by title in the Bowling Green State University library catalog link or the View holdings statewide link to do a title search. We cannot determine holdings for this journal. Please select one of these searches for more information: Click on the Search by title in the Bowling Green State University library catalog link or the View holdings statewide link to do a title search. Questions? Ask a Librarian!

C. Singer, K. Najacht 7/07; KN 7/08; WH 12/11

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