Folded By: Marc Timko Marc Timko

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Folded By: Marc Timko Marc Timko

Sawtry Community Collage 2011

1. INT - DAY Esta is getting ready to go out to a game of poker MONTAGE:DOING UP TOP BUTTONS, PUTTING ON JACKET, DOING UP SLEEVES WITH CUFF LINKS. The text message reads, "10pm, 17 North Street, 200 blind, 1k max, special personal prize if you win" ESTA (triggers) Easy He writes a quick note and puts it on the door mat as he swiftly exits his house. SCENE TWO - EXT- DAY DISSOLVE TO: A long shot of ESTA meeting TROY. They stop for a moment and shake hands then head off in the same direction. ESTA How things been since the disaster last week?, Any contact? TROY Its been fine?, nothing at all. Trying to put it behind me to be honest. The wifes suspicious though. ESTA Same with mine. just dont let it happen again eh Troy? TROY I never told them anything. Im surprised with you? Id have thought out of everyone ESTA I trust no one when my families involved. Ill try to put this behind us. Lets just go to this game, get drunk, and forget everything for the time being. FADE TO BLACK AS CAMERA GOES BEHIND WALL

2. 3. INT. NIGHT FADE IN camera tilts up to reveal the poker table and the contestants sitting down. ESTA is the last to sit down and greets each player. ESTA (Nods to each in turn) Felix, Douglas...And...You are? DEALER (Laid back but assertive) Hello and welcome, Im sure you all know why you are here. DEALER pulls out a gun and places in the table next to the card pack. The four characters look at one another. DEALER You four bastards have proved quite the trouble to my company hmm? I am however prepared to settle your debt and give you a chance to clear your name, however only one of you will have this luxury. You see before you an obvious poker table in which you will gamble your future. There is also a brown envelope for you each. Please, open them and reveal your consequence should you lose. P.O.V FROM FELIX FELIX (Raises out of chair) You son of a... FELIX slowly sits back down in the chair as the DEALER picks the gun up swiftly, cocks it and points it at him. DOUGLAS (submissive) Leave it Felix... theres no way to escape, hes either gunna shoot you himself, or get someone else to. ESTA looks up to TROY after reading the letter. P.O.V OF DEALER AND PANS BETWEEN ESTA AND TROY


CONTINUED: ESTA Lets get on with it... (Rolls up sleeves) So whats the rules? DEALER 1000 chips, 200 blind for every player, if you dont bet within your first four hands you forfeit. ESTA Ready guys? (Smirks, looks to TROY) Troy? TROY (Picks up chips) Okay, I guess we should get on with this shit.


The DEALER deals out the first hand in pure silence, the sound of the players moving around the chips is apparent. DOUGLAS All in. Other characters look at him confused and surprised. DOUGLAS tries not to crack a smirk. ESTA Are you sure you know how to play? TROY (Throws in cards) Fold FELIX throws his cards in and looks at the two still in the bet. ESTA (Pushes chips in) ...All in DOUGLASs smirk starts to turn into a straight face. The DEALER reveals the first three cards in the river, ESTA smirks as a 2, 6 and a 9 are revealed. DOUGLAS looks worried and starts tapping his fingers on his cards. ESTA Sure you made the right move? DOUGLAS bolts for the exit but is met by a bullet from the DEALERS gun. He takes a flash wound to the leg. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: DEALER Now Now Douglas, lets play fair, you might win yet.


DOUGLAS reaches for the table clenching his left leg. He bites his arm hard as he tries to diminish the pain. He soon gets back on to the chair but is slumped over the side of the table. The dealer reveals a King and a 9, ESTA wins with a full house of 6s and 9s. DOUGLAS (Covers face with hands) Please, Please let me go The DEALER moves his head towards the exit. DEALER Go, but that consequence in the envelope is now taking effect. I would get home quickly... If you can. (Dealer sniggers) The next hand has no dialogue, Felix wins 1000 chips. The next betting round starts and they all throw in their blind bet. TROY sits in silence as he peers at his cards, he reluctantly folds his cards and is left with 300 chips. Felix loses the bet to ESTA. DEALER you may leave due to being better behaved than our first victim... (Laughs) As FELIX leaves, a hooded figure follows. DEALER 300 left eh TROY, Looks like we might have our next victim? The DEALER plays the final hand of cards ESTA (Laughs) All in TROY looks nervous tumbling with his chips.




TROY I dont have much choice do i? The river is laid down and remarkably TROY gets two pairs beating ESTAS strong hand. ESTA Your kidding me?... DEALER Looks like we have our winner, you my leave. And for you Mr Esta, You may stay here for a little chat. Troy rips up the envelope and exits swiftly with his coat hanging from his hand. DEALER Looks like your over confidence has hurt a lot of people, i would watch your back. ESTA swiftly stands up flipping the table, putting the gun to his side of the table, chips fly everywhere in slow motion. ESTA points the loaded gun at the DEALER DEALER (Unthreatnened) Go ahead, kill me coward. But do you really think im the only one behind this? your family needs you now. I advise you drop the gun and walk out of the door (he points). Before things get worse for you. Theres a gun shot and ESTA stands for moment in silence before dropping. Theres a close up of ESTAS head from the side as he drops to reveal (refocus) TROY standing with the GUN smoking. He walks forward. DEALER Very good troy, heres your cut The dealer hands troy a suite case TROY hmm well... The dealer clears his gun and possessions away. DEALER Yes Troy?




TROY Trouble is TROY cocks the gun and and puts it to the back of the DEALERS head. TROY I believe its all mine Troy fires the gun. FADE TO BLACK

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