2010-03-01 4 Causes You Can Afford - Jonathan Merritt Blog

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4 Causes You Can Afford

Posted March 1, 2010 Tags: Charity [1], compassion [2], generosity [3] RSS Feed [4] Archives [5] Share This [6]

I my heart palpitates for the work of Compassion International [7] and World Vision [8]. But in these economic times, some people don't have $40.00 per month in disposable income. Many people are living on low, fixed incomes but still want to give something to a worthy cause. These people have a widow's mite, but they need a treasury that works for them. If that's you, consider on of the following causes, which are designed to enable you to make a huge difference with very little money.

1. Mocha Club [9] is "redefining the coffee break." For only $7.00 per month--the cost of two mochas--you can save lives. It may not sound like much money to you, but as Mocha Club is quick to remind, in Africa $7.00 can sustain life for one person living with AIDS, provide clean water to seven Africans for one year, or save one person's life from Malaria. I've made it easy to give to Mocha Club because I have already set up a team. My team [10] is giving together to bring clean water to the Sudanese people. JOIN MY TEAM TODAY! [11]

2. Plant with Purpose [13] is a relief organization working to combat the vicious cycle of poverty and deforestation. Many people don't know that poverty and environmental degradation are intimately connected. Most of the worlds poor are rural poor. Many are subsistence farmers, completely dependent on their environment for survival. But as a result of widespread deforestation, the land isnt providing like it used to. To combat this, Plant with Purpose [14] has

stepped with reforestation projects, economic renewal efforts, and spiritual discipleship for people in these communities. For as little as $1.00 you can help Plant with Purpose make a difference in a community. Take a moment and check out their animated project pages [15] to find a destination and project [16] in Asia, Africa, Latin America, or the Caribbean that you can afford.

3. Buy a Record, Save a Life [17] is an initiative launched by The Goodfight [18], an Atlanta-based band who was moved to address the global water crisis. When you purchase their new album, Good & Evil, 100% of your money goes toward providing clean water for someone who doesn't have access to any. Believe it or not, the $10.00 cost of the album can provide water for one person FOR LIFE. There's a bonus: the music is great. So buy this record [19]...and save someone's life.

4. Heifer International [20]works with communities to end poverty and care for the earth. They do this by giving what they call a "hand-up" rather than a "hand out." With gifts of livestock and training, Heifer helps families improve their nutrition and generate income in sustainable ways. We refer to the animals as living loans because in exchange for their livestock and training, families agree to give one of its animals offspring to another family in need. Here's the cool part: you get to choose what you purchase [21]. From water buffalo to goats to, yes, heifers, you can give an amazingly personal gift to someone in need. If money is tight, give a $20.00 flock of chicks, $10.00 seedlings, $30.00 honeybees, or a $1.00 general donation. Join Heifer's fight against poverty now

1. http://jonathanmerritt.com/blogs/tag/charity.html 2. http://jonathanmerritt.com/blogs/tag/compassion.html 3. http://jonathanmerritt.com/blogs/tag/generosity.html 4. http://jonathanmerritt.com/rss/blogs.xml 5. http://jonathanmerritt.com/blogs/news/ 6. javascript:void(0); 7. http://www.compassion.com/ 8. http://www.worldvision.org/ 9. https://www.mochaclub.org/my-team 10. http://mochaclub.org/joinme/jmmerritt 11. http://mochaclub.org/joinme/jmmerritt 12. http://mochaclub.org/joinme/jmmerritt 13. https://www.plantwithpurpose.org/ 14. https://www.plantwithpurpose.org/ 15. https://www.plantwithpurpose.org/get-involved/area/1/Get-Involved.html 16. https://www.plantwithpurpose.org/get-involved/area/1/Get-Involved.html 17. http://thegoodfightsite.com/10000/

18. http://www.thegoodfightsite.com/ 19. http://thegoodfightsite.com/10000/ 20. http://www.heifer.org/ 21. https://secure.heifer.org/site/apps/ka/rg/ecreg.asp? c=edJRKQNiFiG&b=551395&en=buLLL0MHLaKUIaPKL9IRJ7NVKuK1JdNQJdLQJ4POLmIWIbP6E 22. https://secure.heifer.org/site/apps/ka/rg/ecreg.asp? c=edJRKQNiFiG&b=551395&en=buLLL0MHLaKUIaPKL9IRJ7NVKuK1JdNQJdLQJ4POLmIWIbP6E

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