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Name : Dedi Dasman Nim : 230616055

Lesson : Academic Writing

Gaining Speaking Skill by Using Short Conversation Videos Entertainment is a most interesting thing in this world, such as music, television shows, movies and many else. Instead it is bad habits but most of television programs are very good to watch. So, we could learn something from it than just making fun. We could have our own teacher without fear any worry. And we dont have to spend lots of money to get it. Most students watch TV shows just to wasting times, why dont students using those things to gaining their speaking skill. Students can not realize how important English to their live, and English has become an obligation to learn. Gaining speaking skill is not enough by reading textbooks, but we have to expert listening skill first. Robertson (2005) said that active listening more just paying attention, it show us how important listening to be mastered. We have deep respect and care to speaker. In this case, short video help students to upgrade their speaking problems, they will use verbal and non verbal communication to understand what speaker says. Poor listening can lead to unnecessary arguments and problems (Wallace, Stariha& Walberg). Something unpredicted could be happened if students can not hear clearly what speaker says in video, also will be different in goal and meaning of the conversation.

Problem that happen to students is uninteresting in learning English, might be it because they never got a good method to learn and they judge directly that English hard to be learn. But actually, English is not so difficult as they thought. They can learn it in many ways, such as from videos. As Meskill (1996) said that multimedia technology becomes more accessible to teachers and learners of other languages, its potential as a tool to enhance listening skills becomes a practical option, this argument proof that using videos is more effective to gaining their speaking skill. Because when they use videos as media of learning, they have to master textual, visual and audio visual first before repeating it. So, it making easiest to understand than using cassette. In the other sides, sometimes problems come from the teacher cause they do not know how to use multimedia tools in teaching process. In this era, it may not happen again, even though not whole teacher but some of them have to know about this method. In the classroom, students fear doing wrong when doing speaking, it can reduced by practicing alone before he or she doing it in group. We have giving them a chance to practice it. Provide opportunities to practice speaking before increasingly larger groups (Wallace, Stariha& Walberg). According to them, giving a little bit times to students is very important. Because it giving a chance to students to doing their best and also its repairing their pronunciation. After they reduce their fear to talk, we have to make students want to learn English well, someone has to gain their motivation. According to Barbara McCombs, Research has shown that for students to be optimally motivated to learn, they must: 1. See schooling and education as personally relevant to their interests and goals. 2. Believe that they possess the skills and competencies to successfully accomplish these learning goals.

3. See themselves as responsible agents in the definition and accomplishment of personal goals. 4. Understand the higher level thinking and self-regulation skills that lead to goal attainment. 5. Call into play processes for effectively and efficiently encoding, processing, and recalling information. 6. Control emotions and moods that can facilitate or interfere with learning and motivation. 7. Produce the performance outcomes that signal successful goal attainment. Following those steps above are crucial, these steps are not only good for students but also good for teachers. Because teachers will more easily define the goals. Teachers also have really close with students, its needed to understand students behaviors. After we read the steps from professionals person. Sometimes taking a our method is more important than just following the steps, we will face a lot of problem that had never happen to someone else who live in different countries or regions. So, besides all those thing experience is still more important than reading theory in books or hearing some others method. We have to know that we live in Aceh and the students that taking English class also have behaviors that closed to acheness cultures or something related to environment or may be traditions. Most of school also has differences traditions facing a new teachers or new knowledge that they never get it from their teachers before. So many teachers that have to followed the student ways than giving them a new one. Because they will become outsiders if teachers do not really know how to transfer a new ideology in learning English.

After all, I will explain little bit about how to make a speaking class by using video as media of learning. I will explain it started from easy steps till the last. This is very important before teachers starting an English class. But, I know this is not a good one method to choose. There are many options to be chosen by teachers. I just try giving the best of me, these steps that must be followed by teachers are: 1. Know your class Before teachers enter a class, doing an observation to the class is more than important. Teachers have to know their social state, in order to make it felt comfortable doing learning. By knowing their social state, teachers will not make a joke that hurt their feeling. Making happier is to gaining their studying spirit, not to make them feel sad and drops their motivation. 2. Prepare good materials Teacher also has to know the ability in approving the materials. Because sometimes material could be too high or light. If the material is too high, students will confuse about what we talking about. Teachers also can not giving them videos that created to students who has high level in listening. They got nothing from teaching learning process. Or, in other case, the material is too light, it makes students feel bored. They could challenge anything, and students will not paying attention to the materials. 3. Do it in orderly Every teacher knows what is orderly in doing teaching, but most of them disobey this statement. A class should started by something that giving them motivation. Its can come

from teachers words or opening video. The videos must be interesting, including situation and the topics that they discussing about. The video also can not contain of adult materials, or something that makes them doing bad habits or acts. Then, ask them to doing the same acting as in videos, it will make easier to students than ask them to make a new conversation. Besides they are afraid doing wrong in arranging the words and they need to think what talking about and also taking along time. The others good from this method is they could pronounce the words as native speakers. The problems in pronouncing the words often happen to students because they rarely used the standard dictionary that contains good transcriptions as in Hassan Shadily Dictionary or in Oxford Dictionary . 4. Make examination at the end After all of efforts, teacher should doing some tasks or examinations related to the materials in videos. Teacher has not making difficult question, the thing that should do is making a simple question that connected with the goal. Teacher can ask them what is the topics or where the conversation takes place. Its look simple, but if students could answer it, they have achieved the goal. Because the purpose of conversation is understand each other and what others talking about. 5. Take conclusions To achieving the goal is not enough by giving them task of conversation or by doing examinations. In other hands, teacher needs to take the conclusion in their English class. Does the method work well? or does all of the students get same knowing or chance in learning. If the questions still can be answered, next meeting the teacher has changes their

method or the material may be is not right. This is what lesson plans purpose, lesson place help us in doing something better than we had ever did. And at the days, there are no mistakes anymore. We know that we are not the perfect one because human is not perfect. But we need to try thing different to make our live different. And also to make our education in future better. References Robertson, Kathryn.(2005). Active Listening. Journal of Training Education, 34(12), 1-3. Retrieved December 2005, from Australian Family Physician. Meskill, Carla. (1996). Listening Skills Development Through Multimedia. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 5(2), 179-201 Wallace, Trudy., Stariha, Winifred E.,& Walberg, Herbert J., Teaching Speaking, Listening and Writing. Journal of Educational Practices Series-14, p. 12. From International Academy of Education McCombs, B. Motivation and Lifelong Learning.Educational Psychologist, 1991, 26 (3 & 4), 117-127.

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