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Digital trial No.

Concept/Topic: Goal: Objectives: Into the unfamiliar Create a photo-essay of an unfamiliar site Materials: Introduction: Be able to understand a place through photography Be able to review, rate and select images Develop a stronger understanding of visual literacy

Cell-phone camera, SNS Challenger Vilm Flusser believed that creativity comes from being in exile and translating noise into something meaningful. This project asks you to visit a site, which is unfamiliar to you and to understand through a simple imaging device: the cell phone camera.

Process: Choose a site that you have never been to before. Using a cell phone camera, take 100 different pictures of the site that help you learn more about it. Each image must be different in terms of composition, angle and/or concept. Add your images into one album on SNS Challenger with the project title and place, e.g. DT1 Manila Part A (one week) From your album on SNS Challenger, use the rating tool (below the image on the left) and assign one star to the images, which you think deserve it. When finished, go through all the images again and assign two stars. Do the same for three stars, four stars and five stars. When finished, you need to end up with 10 images with 5 stars. Please think about your decisions and justify them. Bad example: I did this because I thought it was interesting or I like this. Good example: I thought this was interesting because (one week) Create a new album on SNS Challenger titled DT1 Manila Part B and add the 5 five-star images. Write thoughts and comments under your images if you wish. Participants will then be invited to view each others images and rate them. Then there will be an online critique where participants are invited to discuss the images and you can answer any questions. The online critique will be towards the end of the week. (one week) Follow up: Write blog post on SNS Challenger using this structure: o What did I do? How did it go? What was difficult? What did I enjoy? What did I learn? What did others say about my work? Where can I improve?


Books: Barthes, R. Camera Lucida (1981); Batchen, G. Burning with Desire: The Conception of Photography (1997); Berger, J. Ways of Seeing. (1972); Burgin, V. Thinking Photography (1989). Flusser, V. Towards a Philosophy of Photography (2000); Flusser, V The Freedom of the Migrant: Objections to Nationalism (2003); Lister, M. (ed) The Photographic Image in Digital Culture (1995); Sontag, S. On Photography (1979); Virilio, P. Open Sky (1997)

SCHEDULE Week One Week Two Week Three

ACTIVITIES Take 100 different images of an unfamiliar place View and rate images to select 10 final images Create new folder with 10 images and participate in Online Critique & Blog

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