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Adm 510 Quality Management

Chapter 4

aka CREATING CUSTOMERS ORIENTATION Ref: Evans & Lindsay Ch 4 Goetsch & Davis Ch 7 Identifying Customers. Who is our customers? External Customers and Internal Customers in Total Quality settings The concept of dependency in supplier-customer relationship Traditional views of the relationship (Fig.7-1 and Fig 7-2 pg215/216) Understanding Customer defined quality According to Peter R Scholtes; Quality begins with the customer Giorgio Merli, in Total Manufacturing Mgmt makes the following statement about customer-defined quality: - The customer must be the organizations top priority - Reliable customers are most important customers (loyal customers) - Customers satisfaction is ensured by producing high quality products. Identifying customers needs According to Scholtes: The goal should be to exceed customers satisfaction, not merely meet them. Your customers should boast about how much they benefit from what you do for them. To attain this goal, you must collect reliable information on what they need and want from your product and service Scholtes six-step strategy for identifying customers needs: Speculate about the results Plan how to gather the information Gather the information Analyze the result Check the validity of your conclusions Take actions as indicated (Read Goetsch Ch. 7) Identifying internal customers needs Ensuring that employees depends on each other as individual as well as dept. Communication of needs to one another is a continuous process. Not to assume communication will just happen but encourage and facilitate communications in any settings. Mechanism for improving communication and quality : QC, self-managed teams, cross dept teams, improvement teams.

Hj Saudi B Hj Narani

Adm 510 Quality Management

Chapter 4

Not only within internal customers but also with suppliers. Communication over a cup of coffee is also effective. Training also promotes communication and help improves communication skills. So as teamwork. Reading assignment: Communication with Customers (pg. 222 Goetsch). ...about needs for continuous communication and its strategy in TQ settings. Identify Jurans and Demings views.

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY ( read Evan ch 3) Creating satisfied customers Expected quality Actual quality Design quality Perceived quality ( Relate to Customer Driven QC pg 157 Fig 4-2) Identifying customers Some fundamental questions to identify them. What products and services are produced? Who use these products and services? Who do employees call or write to? Who supplies the input to the process? Customers segmentation Customers having different requirement and expectation geographical, cultural aspects. Automobiles and electrical needs in various countries differs. Juran suggest classifying customers in 2 groups; the vital few and useful many. Telecommunications services can be segmented as follows: residential customers, business customers, 3rd party resellers and they are charged and served differently.

Hj Saudi B Hj Narani

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