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The Legend of Makahiya

Long time ago, there was a couple in Barangay Masagana (Pampanga today) who wanted a daughter. They are hoping for it for along time. Eventually their wish was granted and the wife gave birth to a baby girl. They called her Maria. Maria was very beautiful but very shy that she wouldn't go out from their house.

Weeks later, Spaniards came to their town. The Spaniards were very cruel that they get everything they wanted. They rob houses and kill everyone who gets in their way and who refuses to give what they wanted.The couple was very frightened to lose their daughter so, they hid Maria in the bushes so the Spaniards couldn't find her.

After the Spaniards left their town, the couple tried to look for Maria but they couldn't find her even in the bushes where they hid her, instead they found a little plant that is very sensitive that when you touch it, it would immediately close.So they thought it was their daughter, Maria. They called the plant "Makahiya" that means "touch me not," like their daughter who was very shy.

The Talkative Turtle

Once, in a certain lake, there lived a turtle and a pair of swans. The turtle and the swans were friends. They would spend all their free time together telling each other stories, and exchanging news and gossip. The turtle especially loved to talk and chatter, and always had something to say. One year, the rains did not come, and the lake began to dry up. The swans became worried. Supposing it did not rain at all, and the lake dried up completely? Where would they live in that case? But the turtle had a plan. She suggested that the swans fly in search of a lake that still had plenty of water. Once they found such a lake, all three of them could move there. The swans agreed and flew off. After flying for several hours they the perfect lake. They returned to the turtle with the good news. But now another problem arose: the new lake was too far for the turtle to walk. How was the turtle to get there? The swans did not want to leave their friend behind. The turtle thought for a while and came up with another plan. She asked the swans to find a strong stick that they could hold in their beaks. The turtle would then hang on to the stick with her mouth, and the swans could fly with her to the new lake. The swans liked the idea, though they were worried that the turtle might begin talking and fall off the stick. 'You must be careful not to open your mouth while we are flying with you,' they warned her. 'Do you think you will be able to be quiet for such a long time? ''Of course,' said the turtle. 'I will be careful - I know when to stop talking.

So the swans did as she asked. They found a strong stick and each swan held one end of it in its beak. The turtle held on to the middle with her mouth, and away they flew, all three of them. It was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to the turtle. She was amazed at the way the world looked so far above the ground. She was longing to say something, but remembered in time to keep quiet. At last they reached the lake the swans had found. It was a beautiful lake, large and blue, with plenty of water. 'Oh look!' the turtle began in excitement, remembering much too late to keep quiet. The stick slipped from her mouth and down she fell from the sky onto the rocks below. The swans were sad to see the end of their friend - the turtle did not live to enjoy the lake, only because she did not know when to stop talking.


THE BILL IS NATIONAL IN SCOPE, COMPREHENSIVE, rights-based and provides adequate funding to the population program. It is a departure from the present setup in which the provision for reproductive health services is devolved to local government units, and consequently, subjected to the varying strategies of local government executives and suffers from a dearth of funding. The reproductive health bill promotes information on and access to both natural and modern family planning methods, which are medically safe and legally permissible. It assures an enabling environment where women and couples have the freedom of informed choice on the mode of family planning they want to adopt based on their needs, personal convictions and religious beliefs. The bill does not have any bias for or against either natural or modern family planning. Both modes are contraceptive methods. Their common purpose is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Coverage of RH. (1) Information and access to natural and modern family planning (2) Maternal, infant and child health and nutrition (3) Promotion of breast feeding (4) Prevention of abortion and management of post-abortion complications (5) Adolescent and youth health (6) Prevention and management of reproductive tract infections, HIV/AIDS and STDs (7) Elimination of violence against women (8) Counseling on sexuality and sexual and reproductive health (9) Treatment of breast and reproductive tract cancers (10) Male involvement and participation in RH; (11) Prevention and treatment of infertility and (12) RH education for the youth.

I was spending the night at my friend Andys house. I was eleven years old at the time. It was summer time and I would always go to Andys house. I went to sleep late that night after watching movies. Later that morning, Mrs. Nguyen, Andys mom, woke me up really early. It was Saturday and I was planning on sleeping in. Mrs. Nguyen said that my mom had called and said I needed to go home now. I was a little disappointed. I couldnt figure out why shed call so early and ask me to go home. Mrs. Nguyen asked me why I had to go. I didnt fully know but I said it was so she could bring be back to school shopping on the count of that school was starting in a week. My mom had planned to bring me back to school shopping but I didnt expect it to be right now, nor this early on a Saturday. Well I got dressed and got in the car with Andy as we waited for his mom to come drive me home. While we waited, we turned the volume of radio all the way up so that when Mrs. Nguyen started the car up, the radio would be blasting loud. Mrs. Nguyen got in the car and started the engine. And the radios blurted out loud. We laughed hard enough for it to last the five minute drive home. When I got home, Mrs. Nguyen pulled up to the drive way and I got out of the car. As I leaned my head through the window to thank her for the ride, I could still hear the radio playing on the station 96.5. I said goodbye to Andy and walked inside. The first thing I noticed was that my two little brothers were watching Saturday morning cartoons. This boggled me because we werent allowed to watch cartoons on Saturday. I walked over to the kitchen to ask my mom why she called me in so early. She was on the phone with watery eyes and a red face. It seemed as if she had been crying for a while now. While I waited for her to finish talking on the phone, I grabbed a biscuit from the pantry and munched down on it. I

Conventional Autobiography
I am Alyssa Camille T. Mateo, they usually call me Mateo or simply Alyssa. I am a Roman Catholic. I am 16 years old this January 10. I live at Block 23 Lot 21 Phase IV Soldiers Hills IV Molino. Bacoor, Cavite City. My mothers name is Ana Ma. Theresa T. Mateo, she works as a OFW in Ireland. My fathers name is Rolando M. Mateo, he is working as a Government employee in Makati City. I have two siblings. My eldest brothers name is Rolan Ramil Mateo and my youngest sisters name is Ana Charisse Mateo. `I am on my 4th year in high school in section A. I am studying at Bacoor National High School. Im kinda feel sad because six to seven months from now I am graduating in my high school and finally take my college. They say that the real life begins when I finally enter my College life. Iam sure it would be difficult for me at first to cope up but I guess with Gods grace I will conquer it.

Maria Corazon Sumulong Cojuangco-Aquino also known as Cory Aquino born on January 25, 1933 died August 1, 2009 was the 11th President of the Philippines and the first woman to hold that office in Philippine history. She is best remembered for leading the 1986 People Power Revolution, which toppled Ferdinand Marcos and restored democracy in the Philippines. She is considered an icon of democracy, and was titled by TIME Magazine in 1986 as its 'Woman of the Year'. A self-proclaimed "plain housewife", Aquino was married to Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr., the staunchest critic of then President Ferdinand Marcos. Senator Aquino was assassinated on August 21, 1983 upon returning to the Philippines after three years in exile in the United States. After her husband's assassination, Aquino emerged as the leader of the opposition against the Marcos administration. In late 1985, when President Marcos called for a snap election, Aquino ran for president with former senator Salvador Laurel as her vice-presidential running mate. After the elections were held on February 7, 1986, and the Batasang Pambansa proclaimed Marcos the winner in the elections, Aquino called for massive civil disobedience protests, declaring herself as having been cheated and as the real winner in the elections. Filipinos enthusiastically heeded her call and rallied behind her. These series of events eventually led to the ousting of Marcos and the installation of Aquino as President of the Philippines on February 25, 1986 through the People Power Revolution. As President, Aquino oversaw the promulgation of a new constitution, which limited the powers of the presidency and established a bicameral legislature. Her administration gave strong emphasis and concern for civil liberties and human rights, and peace talks

with communist insurgents and Muslim secessionists. Aquino's economic policies centered on bringing back economic health and confidence and focused on creating a market-oriented and socially-responsible economy. Aquino's administration also faced a series of coup attempts and destructive natural calamities and disasters until the end of her term in 1992.

Personalized Autobiography
I am Alyssa Camille Mateo. I was born Manila but I grew up in Cavite. My father was an Government employee in Makati City. In 2008 I graduated in my elementary in Peak Hills School. And now I am studying as a 4th yea student in Bacoor National High School- Annex. Throughout my life i have been continually reaching for my goals, maintain my grades, take up college, to graduate with my degree as a registered Nurse. And the final goal im aiming for is to help my family. I want to give back all the hardship of my mother and father. I want to give them what they have deserve for all the things they have done to me and also to my two siblings. I am interested now in playing beatbox and at the same time singing. I have discovered my talent in this genre when I joined in our school organization IsCool Teen Center, other than that I skillfully enhance my talent in dancing. This organization brought me in to something that I never thought of.

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