Must Scriptural Healing Follow An Existing Method 1

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Must Scriptural Healing Follow an Existing Method?

By now you've probably heard or read many rumors about TB Joshua online, those continually surfing the internet for information on TB Joshua and SCOAN would probably agree that the climax of it all is at TB Joshua watch, a SCOAN critic site, as they seem to see nothing else with their cynical eyes but the alleged negative reports about TB Joshua and nothing seemingly good in him, just as Jesus said of the Pharisees who always spoke evil of Him; You brood of vipers; how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Matt 12.34 This clearly shows that all the malicious comments and spiteful articles they publish about TB Joshua very possibly reveals a much deeper filth within them as Jesus himself stated above. With the articles and responses on TB Joshua watch coming across as rank blasphemies against the Holy Spirit by attributing the work of the Holy Spirit in SCOAN to demonic powers, it isnt at all difficult for a faithful and sincere Christian of weak faith visiting their site to fall away and even become an enemy of God just by reading their subtly misleading articles or at best have a seed of doubt sown in his/her heart, in this sense their site is a clearly a stumbling block in anothers path (which the scripture dreadfully warns against-Rom 14:21) worse still is that they with their articles drag the name of Christs church into the mud and hence cause the atheists to blaspheme the name of God Almighty, an example is this comment left on their blog by this atheist; Stuart H PERMALINK October 19, 2011 7:41 pm But the biggest problem with this priest is the same as with all other priests. They are telling people that there is a god and you can affect they way things occur by praying to him when in fact there is no such thing. All priests are scammers and frauds; some just take more money than others from their followers. As it is written Gods name is blasphemed among the gentiles because of you Romans 2:24 Another commenter, noticing how their articles had even caused the unbelievers to blaspheme Gods name responded to TB Joshua watch in these words; alan basha PERMALINK October 20, 2011 4:07 pm THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS SITE, YOU PEOPLE AND MANY OTHERS LIKE YOU ARE DOING.GIVING STUART H, AN UNBELIVER, AND MANY OTHERS LIKE HIM, REASONS TO COME AGAINST OUR FAITH. IT IS A SHAME!!!!I HOPE STUARTS

COMMENT WILL AWAKE YOU AND STOP THIS FOOLISHNESS. JESUS HAS NOT CALLED ANYONE TO CONDEMN OTHERS BUT TO SHARE THE GOOD NEWS OF HIS SALVATION. But listening to faithful reproofs is not at all their style, being hell-bent to frustrate TB Joshuas ministry, Jesus himself did warn us of the likes of TB Joshua watch when He said; Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe through the man whom they come Luke 17:1 It may be difficult for some to find fault with what they publish sometimes because they often mix lies with a bit of truth to deceive; the same disgusting tactic employed by that old serpent. While they claim to be raising genuine concerns its clear that whatever concern they might raise is far from genuine as their entire blog heralds a prejudiced undertone, it isnt hard to notice that theyre cheap fault-finders; looking for the slimmest fault in TB Joshuas ministry so that they can jump on it like dogs on a bone a very sure way in which the Bible teaches many would fall away in the last days and lead others astray. Jude 1

Must Scriptural Healing Follow an Existing Pattern?

Jesus healed in diverse methods

Very recently TB Joshua watch seem to be claiming that the healings in SCOAN are happening in methods contrary to the methods found in SCRIPTURE and so raises a red flag as to the authenticity and genuineness of the healings taking place there. As false as this statement sounds, going on about following a specific healing style is not at all scriptural, so what in the world are they thinking? because All Biblical Divine Healings did not follow a specific template or procedure; this fact is proven throughout the scripture, healing methods varied in the New testament with Christ as well as his apostles;

Christ touched, matt 8:15, Christ spoke; matt 9:6-7, mark 10:52, John 5:8-9 Christ used saliva; mark 8:22-26 Christ plugged a mans ear with fingers and placed spittle on his tongue; mark 7:33-35 Christ anointed with clay; John 9:6 The afflicted touched Christs cloak; matt 9:20-22, matt 14; 36, Luke 8:44

There was no one specific method, or process. In fact some of the processes used by Jesus had never been used before, Just as some used by the apostles like peters shadow causing diseased bodies to be healed had never been heard before then. So whats the fuss about healing methods all about? Why should the healing methods of TB Joshua be their headache and not the sight of people receiving freedom? On taking a closer look, we discover that this is no different from the Pharisees attitude to discredit Jesus miracles and pass them off as sourced by demons, evidently, the healing of the sick did not matter to them at all, talk more of finding better ways of enabling more of the sick benefit from the healing grace in Jesus ministry, when the Pharisees discovered anyone healed by Jesus, their concern was not rejoicing with the healed patient but rather how that healing broke the law or the traditions of the elders and scribes, as it was with the Pharisees during Jesus Day, so it is with the current ones we have on TB Joshua watch today. The relief of the suffering poor does not matter to them at TB Joshua watch, but how such healings and charitable works must have violated scriptural proceedings, which is then followed by an outright discouragement to the sick from visiting the SCOAN. On the healing methods in scoan, a reputed critic on TB Joshua watch raised this point which is evidently equal to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; Mr Terrific PERMALINK November 25, 2011 4:26 pm @ Nanardi,I already mentioned on this site about the ancient Chinese practice of Qigong or Chi Gong and how the maneuvers are no different from the way TBJ does with his body, hands, legs, eyes, feet. Then also is the Kundalini Spirit, which is a counterfeit of the Holy Spirit, and is so prevalent in many churches today TB Joshua isn't the only General of God who operates in this way, there are many other prominent minister of God as well, ministering to the sick with their body, hands, legs, eyes and feet, which he attests to by saying the method is prevalent in many churches today, are they now passing of all these ministers as kundalini or whatever it is they call it? does meditation make believers pagans simply because some pagans also practice meditation? Jesus often laid hands on the sick during his earthly ministry, Following the examples of Jesus and the apostles, many contemporary healing ministers have adopted the laying on of hands as a part of what they do when ministering to the sick but that doesn't at all mean that thats all to it and any other

method but laying hands is satanic, a commenter on TB Joshua watch explained this even better when he said: I believe we should mind the SOURCE of a miracle more than the METHOD. And the source is known by what the method accomplisheshealing, deliverance, restoration etc. there are many weird methods of healing in the bible that one would be labeled satanic if tried by anyone today. If these people lived in the biblical days they would have ascribed Moses hanging a snake as devilish or Jesus using saliva and mud to heal as satanic. The problem is that we take weird and unexplained = Satanic which is blatantly untrue. Its called miracle in the first place because how it happens is mystery, if the process is understood it becomes treatment not miracle. Since the occurrence of miracle is in itself a mystery, its not surprising that the cynics at TB Joshua watch should form so many negative impressions about it as people do with all other things beyond human comprehension. It is fact that People always tend to fight what they do not understand, what they do not understand they fear, what they fear they hate and what they hate they seek to destroy. Coming up in a later post: How scriptural are TB Joshuas healing methods? Source:

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