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Web is dynamic, valuable, relevant but ephemeral! What if, for you, we could preserve web content?
Web archiving means to capture, extract and preserve web content using a "crawler" at a given Eme.
Once captured, domains, websites, web pages remain fully navigable. Web archive user can dynamically navigate on all contents (images, texts, videos ...), as if they were sAll online.

A creed animates Internet Memory Research:

Internet deserves a memory

This media can be considered today as the rst source of informaAon, however these amazing informaAon feeds are ephemeral! For example, the average life span for a website would be 2 to 3 years and it would be 100 days for a web page. Therefore, it is important to preserve a memory of the Internet.


Internet Memory Research oers a Web archiving service, (AtN). AtN plaHorm is specically adapted to the needs of insAtuAons and/or departments, which want to collect and preserve web data for historical, cultural, heritage or legal purposes. Many archives, of all sizes and types, trust us:


The world is changing quickly, Internet too. In order to preserve signicant and valuable fragments of this informaAon deluge, Internet Memory Research is collaboraAng with Internet Memory FoundaEon to build a memory of the Internet. Internet Memory Research (IMR) is a spin-o of Internet Memory FoundaAon. Based in Paris, it preserves large collecAons of several hundred Terabytes, archiving dozens of Terabytes of data per month. But this does not stop there! Internet Memory Research will soon reach the edge of Petabyte for 2012. Therefore, IMR is made up of expert engineers to develop innovaAve technologies, such as AtN plaWorm and take part of collaboraAng research projects. IMR team supports acAvely the deployment of Web archiving projects and, hence, the use of the Internet memory. CONTACT

Archives: The UK NaAonal Archives,... Audiovisual Archives: Radio & Television Archives in Germany and Netherlands,... Libraries: NaAonal Library of Ireland,... Archives of administraEons: UK Parliament... InternaEonal organizaEons: CERN (where the Web is born, 20 years ago!) University libraries,... Museums

Join us! - AtN
Each insAtuAon has its own needs and Internet Memory Research is commited to meet them, thanks to a shared plaHorm: This So`ware-as-a-Service allows you to start your Web Archive in opAmal condiAons: All-in-one packages Fast deployment AdaptaAon of services up to your needs Respect of best preservaAon pracAces Guaranteed Return on Investment


You can archive dozens or hundreds of websites captures per year including the full workow of Web archiving:
Sebng up of a seeds-selecAon database Crawling, indexing, metadata Redundancy hosAng Access to web archive CollecAon reports and delivery

Our oers, fully automated, enable you to start a Web archive project from 1,500. You have also the opportunity to apply for specic needs: customizaAon of your Web archive, manual quality assurance, mulAmedia content module...

Ask for an es1mate!

You are university library
A group of researchers comes to you with a subject of studying evoluAon of poliAcal campaigns. They are stuck; relevant data has disappeared from the Web. Dont worry; you have the soluAon: you already have an updated web archive including collecAon on poliAcal parAes!

What if web archiving was as reliable as this simple bu^on?

You are a museum

You are organizing a retrospecAve exhibiAon about a contemporary arAst who has exhibited his works, few years ago, at your insAtuAon. You would like to enrich the exhibiAon catalog with discussions that had been posted on parAcular blogs and web forums. Its all right, you had at that Ame created a web archive collecAon on this exhibiAon!

TesEmonial We are delighted to be a partner of the IM, and appreciate the high quality web archiving service it oers, and the ecient and helpful support from its sta. European OrganizaAon for Nuclear Research (CERN) See more... INTERNET MEMORY RESEARCH Service : 45 ter rue de la RvoluEon F-93100 Montreuil Tel : +33 954 87 82 93

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