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Welcome to the LONDON

From the National Association of Goldsmiths

The London Jewellery Forums from the National Association of Goldsmiths offer an innovative and proven way for designers, makers and retailers to improve their businesses. The Forums in London are funded by the City Fringe Partnership, who have secured financial backing from the London Development Agency to implement the Jewellery Sector Investment Plan (JSIP) a regional programme aimed at revitalising and improving the competitiveness of the jewellery industry. The Forums provide business advice, practical guidance, ideas and inspiration.

The London jewellery industry has a reputation to be envied. But while individual businesses may be world-class in their field, they can be hampered by a lack of understanding of the key factors determining success. Moreover, they may have only their own limited experience to go on when making decisions: far better would be to gain from the shared experiences of their peers. Though fascinating and rewarding, the jewellery trade can be an isolating one - surely a danger given the importance of communication and market awareness to business success.

In 2005, the National Association of Goldsmiths set up the first Forum, a group of eight forward-thinking jewellery professionals who meet six times a year under the direction of Mike McGraw, an experienced business consultant. Chosen by the group, the themes covered in the meetings are many and varied, from harnessing the benefits of technology to improving customer service, from staff recruitment to effective marketing. Forum members make a commitment to share information, confident that nothing said in a Forum meeting in passed on.

In an atmosphere of mutual respect and confidentiality, Forum members discuss their challenges, describe their experiences and openly discuss their hopes and aspirations for the future. Without exception, members find the meetings to be extremely informative, commercially valuable, highly inspirational, motivating and, indeed, liberating. As part of the JSIP the Forums are being , extended beyond the membership of the National Association of Goldsmiths to designers, makers and retailers working in the boroughs of Camden, Islington, Hackney and Tower Hamlets (the City Fringe).


Forum members comment:

I have been a Forum member for two years and the experience has been incredibly positive. Being able to discuss business issues with like-minded, experienced jewellery professionals has helped my business in practical ways which have led to increased sales and to my becoming a better businessman.

Running a jewellery business requires you to focus on the day-to-day. The Forum gives you a chance to pause for a day and find out what challenges other people are facing and how they have dealt with them. It has also made me more aware of modern management practices which every business should adhere to.

I would recommend the Forum to anyone in the jewellery trade, indeed in any business. Members have someone to turn to, a sounding board for ideas, and a valuable second opinion. No business can hope to thrive without expert support. The Forum gives that in spades and in a way that is a highly efficient and enjoyable.

Mark Welch, maker/retailer

Eleanor Pyke, retailer

Sanjay Pattni, retailer

The costs and benefits

Designers, makers and retailers working in in the boroughs of Camden, Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Islington are invited to apply to join a London Jewellery Forum, the first of which is to be set up in Spring 2007. Funding from the JSIP has allowed the National Association of Goldsmiths to offer Forum membership at a very significant discount. The cost of membership, involving six day-long meetings over the course of a year, is 365 (exc VAT) compared with the current cost of 1,800 (exc VAT). Included in the cost are: J formal and fully-documented input on all topics covered J expert guidance on a wide range of business management issues J powerful and relevant discussions J development of blueprints and formats for individual businesses to take action upon J feedback on important aspects which have arisen since the previous meeting and flexibility to decide the focus and direction of subsequent ones J opportunities to share ideas in strict confidentiality J telephone or e-mail access to have questions answered in confidence J an opportunity to forge relationships with like-minded professionals for mutual benefit J a low cost and high value way to take your business forward.and make it even better!

We have undertaken research in Hatton Garden to learn what the most pressing issues are facing London jewellery designers, makers and retailers. We are convinced that Forum membership can contribute significantly to their overcoming the barriers to greater business success.
- Forum facilitator Mike McGraw, Development Initiatives Ltd

We at the National Association of Goldsmiths are delighted that the City Fringe Partnership, through the Jewellery Sector Investment Plan, is funding the London Jewellery Forums, a concept we developed three years ago that is now benefiting our members. While there are many management issues that affect all businesses, we in the jewellery trade face some specific challenges that can best be faced together, by sharing information and learning from one anothers experiences.
Michael Hoare, chief executive, N.A.G.

There are many extremely talented and successful people in the London jewellery trade but there are also many highly talented ones who do not enjoy all the success they deserve. The London Jewelley Forums is a unique, highly cost-effective opportunity to focus attention on the business of being in business. We cannot promise that the Forum will answer all the questions, but it does ensure the vital questions will be asked, which is a good first step to greater business success.
Mark Aldlestone, chairman, N.A.G. and MD of Beaverbrooks

Forum funding providers:

The London Development Agency works for the Mayor, investing in new jobs and skills for Londoners, supporting businesses and bringing derelict land back into use. With an annual budget of 300 million and major land assets, the Agency works with business and other partners in order to provide opportunities for all to benefit from Londons economy.

The City Fringe Partnership is committed to increasing economic and social inclusion in the area to the north of the Square Mile via its City Growth approach. Through its private sector-led Board, and the CFP encourages business development in sectors key to the City Fringe economy and provides training and employment opportunities to local people that are designed by the industries themselves.

For more information about the London Jewellery Forums and joining details, contact: Samantha Adam, Forum Co-ordinator National Association of Goldsmiths, 78a Luke St London EC2A 4XG. Tel: 020 7613 4445; Fax: 020 7613 4450 email:

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