Rockwood, Everton and Eden Mills French Immersion Preferred Scenario

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Rockwood, Everton and Eden Mills French Immersion Preferred Scenario

A Proposal to The Upper Grand District School Board

Presented on December 20th, 2011

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Table of Contents
1 2 Background ............................................................................................................. 3 Proposed Scenario D ............................................................................................ 4
2.1 2.2 2.3 Advantages .................................................................................................................... 4 Disadvantages................................................................................................................ 6 Benefits .......................................................................................................................... 6

Appendix A Population Table .................................................................................... 7

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The Trustees of the Upper Grand District School Board were presented with The Edward Johnson FI Boundary Review Report #1 at the Business Operations Committee on November 8, 2011. A JK-6 review process was approved by the Trustees on November 22, 2011. The Staff Boundary Review Committee (Staff Committee) met with local Trustees on November 29, 2011 to share the information gathered to date and to collect input prior to the completion of Report # 2. Report # 2 discusses the advantages and disadvantages as viewed by the Staff Committee for 3 different scenarios. The report indicates approximately 8 scenarios were discussed (page 6, Edward Johnson PS JK-6 FI Boundary Review Report # 2) only 3 were presented. Of the three scenarios presented each of them illustrated the same option for the East Wellington (Rockwood, Everton and Eden Mills) students. Those students currently enrolled in Grades 5 and 6 will continue on their current track through Guelph and John McCrae PS and then John F Ross C.V.I. Students currently enrolled in grades K-4 will be reassigned to Brisbane PS, Erin PS and Erin District HS. This proposal discusses a more favourable scenario for the students involved in this boundary review and looks to permit The Board to resolve the pressures faced in the East Guelph area without disrupting the students current schooling community. There have been numerous research findings which indicate that students can suffer psychologically, socially and academically from mobility. Mobile students face the psychological challenge of coping with a new school environment (Holland, Kaplan and Davis 1974). Mobile students also face the social adjustment to new peers and new social expectations (Schaller 1975). In additional numerous studies have indicated that students can be hurt academically through mobility.

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Proposed Scenario D

Scenario D attempts to maintain an FI community of students from Edward Johnson by moving them as a whole to King George, as opposed to dividing the student group up between Guelph and Brisbane. It reflects the staffs preferred Scenario (A) including an FI amendment. The capacity at King George is to be 504 students. This figure is from the report presented to The Board Operations committee on September 12, 2010 and confirmed via email by Board Staff on December 12, 2011. The table included in Appendix A illustrates the population at King George P.S. with the East Wellington students included and clearly illustrates ample room to accommodate everyone.

2.1 Advantages
Aligns to the following points noted under Section B, 2, C from document 320 Final Approved Policy.pdf School Boundary Procedures Manual where it is stated The review shall have regard for: o The impact on students and families of the Boards students within the schools under review; o Continued program delivery in the area under review o Student transportation All benefits as stated in the Staff Committees preferred Scenario A plus: Continues sense of FI community as the Edward Johnson students remain together in Guelph with their peers

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More efficient use of transportation resources. o A single bus would only need to run into Guelph in comparison to running in both directions. With an estimated 0.01 T of carbon produced per bus per 25 km driven, the figures per trip segment from Rockwood Centennial P.S. to each school in the current situation and the proposed Scenario A from Report # 2 are shown below in the following table. Table 1: Carbon Emissions Round trip in km Edward Johnson P.S. John McCrae P.S. John F. Ross C.V.I. Brisbane P.S. Erin P.S. Erin District H.S. 27.12 25.48 27.58 39.12 46.72 47.82 Carbon Emissions (tonnes) 50.99 47.90 51.85 73.55 87.83 89.90

Note 1: Above estimates are from Rockwood Centennial P.S. and are round trip. Note 2: Figures use 188 learning days (as per the Board calendar)

Keeps siblings together who would otherwise be geographically separated in the same city Graduating Gr 8 FI students from East Wellington would be able to attend High School with RT students from East Wellington therefore enhancing their sense of community Edward Johnson staff can be re-assigned to King George to help with a consistent learning experience

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2.2 Disadvantages
There are no disadvantages to this scenario

2.3 Benefits
This scenario offers the best experience for all of the students involved in this boundary review, the East Wellington and Tytler students can continue their education in a familiar social setting. Additional benefits are the ability for the students to participate in extra-curricular activities within the community they do currently.

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Appendix A Population Table

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