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Over the years behavioral scientists have observed that some people have an intense need to achieve while others do not seem to be as concerned about achievement. This phenomenon has fascinated David C. McClelland. For over twenty years he studied this urge to achieve at Harvard University. McClelland's research led him to believe that the need for achievement is a distinct human motive that can be distinguished from other needs. More important, the achievement motive can be developed in individuals. McClelland found through his research that successful entrepreneurs have always shown these two characteristics significantly. o Innovation: Doing things differently and; o Decision Making in uncertainty Direct Factor: Further, he learned that to be successful as an Entrepreneur, orientation towards achievement is direct factor that keeps an entrepreneur active and working towards that achievement. JAPAN was nearly vanished after 2nd world war. The govt. focused their entire strength on development and now JAPAN is amongst top 5 most technically advanced countries. The motivation to achieve this position was the factor that helped them get this position. High Need High Achievement: High intensity of need to achieve something will lead to more and extra efforts which ultimately lead to achievements at greater degree. It also increases chances to be a successful entrepreneur. Dependence: McClelland concluded after his study of successful entrepreneurs that entrepreneurship highly depends on motivation. Failures are very common for every aspiring entrepreneur. And such failures may end his life as an entrepreneur. A moderate dose for motivation would keep him active and this motivation would be the factor that would help him keep on the track even after failures. McClelland found through his studies on Entrepreneurs at Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh that this motivation to achieve is found in people irrespective of their caste, religion, beliefs, level of income. Motivation could be taught: The Kakinada project revealed that motivation is not the god gifted element which persons like Dhirubhai Ambani born with. Motivation to achievement could be taught and developed. Participants of Kakinada Project showed high degree of achievement motivation at the end of completion of the program. Environment: It is very necessary for any entrepreneur to have a prospering environment to be successful. Govt. should try to provide the entrepreneurs the environment in which they can progress. So in short, o Entrepreneurship = Motivation + Abilities + Environment A Social process: As per McClellands opinion Entrepreneurship is a social process and thus Social and political environment should be cooperative to make the entrepreneur a successful one. Needs: McClelland categorized the needs of humans in 3 categories: o Need for Power: A drive to dominate situations o Need for affiliation: A drive for friendly and close relationships o Need for Achievement: A drive to excel, advance and grow So this need for achievement is the need that would bring excellence, advancement and growth in a person or an entrepreneur. CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSONS/ENTREPRENEURS WITH HIGH NEED FOR ACHIEVEMENT

o Realistic goals: People with motivation to achieve set realistic and attainable goals. Goals that are beyond reach cannot be achieved. So to fulfill the need for achievement, its very necessary to set attainable and practically possible goals. o Calculated Risk: people with motivation to achieve do take moderate amount of risk. It gives them pleasure to tackle challenges. They dont take high risks as they dont like to allocate too much time and efforts for one big challenge, rather they would opt for moderate challenges which can satisfy their need for achievement. o Control: People with high achievement motivation are dominating. They like to control the surroundings and influence people. They would take the responsibility for the results and to get desire results they would wish that the situation and people around him should be directly under his control o Feedback: They always measure their performance and keep asking for feedbacks to concern people. The feedback would help them assess their actual situation. They would know how well they are performing and thus they would constantly seed feedbacks from people around him o Its not about Just Money: People with high achievement motivation are active, enthusiastic and energetic. However, it should be understood that they are not motivated to JUST earn money. The achievement is more philosophical, psychological and personal Money is indicator: As mentioned, the entrepreneurs with motivation to achieve something are not merely interested in wealth making. They are motivated to earn reputation, build stronger society and develop overall socialeconomy. Money that they earn is an indicator of their success. Achievement motivation could be developed: The most important attribute of theory of motivation for achievement is that McClelland found that achievement motivation could be developed in low motivated people. It is an attribute that can be learnt and taught. Thats why all the EDPs aim to motivate participants. They put equal weight age on motivation as on training.

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