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Georgian effort towards rethinking the soviet past

Today in Georgia
Organization & Idea behind activities


State attitude reflected

in a law
Liberty Charter Georgia wipes away its red past

If I saw Soviet symbols in some other country, Id conclude that the government of that country had nothing against the Soviet regime. MP of Georgia
Theres no need for the younger generation, or old people who suffered in the war, or indeed all of Georgia, to have to look at images that symbolize their common suffering. MP of Georgia

Today in Georgia

As a result of presidential decree in April, 2010 a state commission was formed to work on Georgian-Russian relationship studies including soviet past. A group of historians were involved in the process. The commission came up with a final report.

Today in Georgia

The Museum of Occupation Of Georgia - features

several thousand exhibits, including archive documents, photo and video materials, the protocols of dissidents' interrogations, orders for people to be shot or sent into exile, the personal files of victims of repression, objects from prison cells, as well as files from the KGB and Communist Party archives. Described as pure nationalistic propaganda. Space used as a victimization and over through of all the responsibilities on the red army and the communist party.

Today in Georgia

Founded in 2010.

Worked on various projects already.

Been featured in various media sources. Working on fund raising for one of the big programs. Work hard on social networks to reach out. More:

The vision of Soviet Past Research Laboratory is a democratic and liberal values-based intelligent society, which is capable of withstanding modern challenges and has flexible and adequate attitude to changes; a society, whose primary value is each persons freedom and dignity, where wellinformed citizens consciously and actively participate in the social life of the country.


The mission of Soviet Past Research Laboratory is to provide assistance in studying the Soviet

totalitarian past and in awareness of political, legal and moral responsibility for the Soviet legacy. The aim of the organization is to create thought-provoking and debatable environment to assist in the

democratic development.


Research Program

Art Program


Educational Program

Public Archive

The first project; Bringing together stories related to mass terror in two old parts of Tbilisi; Encourage citizens to find out more about the city; New educational resource for the high-school pupils and universities as well as adults;

Activities Red Terror Topography

Extension of the Red Terror Topography project; Attractive and simple way of story-telling; 12 months and 12 linked stories showing the formation and shaping of the attitude in the society towards certain people. Transforming from friend to foe. Activities Calendar 2011

The discussion space for the core issues related to the soviet past of Georgia; Capturing the stories of the victims of soviet repressions or their family members using oral stories; Using the video materials for further research and educational purporses. Activities Regional Platform: Rethinking the Soviet Past

The collection of essays on the stories from the Red Terror Topography tour; Use of archive material, press, oral stories, memories and several famous Georgian writers to transform tour into more convenient educational resource; The virtual tour Soviet Tbilisi representing the soviet history and important spaces and buildings related to the capital of Georgia.

Activities Soviet Tbilisi

A valuable and informal source of soviet history; The visual materials collected from family albums and archives; Alternative source for researchers and people interested in the soviet history; The unique material that are in danger of being destroyed. Activities Public Archive

Increasing the coverage of SovLab work activities and projects; Make the Public Archive online and open; Launch an interactive online map of Tbilisi; Continue capturing of stories from the soviet history of Georgia


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