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Boi / Bibliography

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/ /
Journals / Lexicon / Special Editions
ANRAT, Thtre ducation, Publication de l'ANRAT, (Association Nationale du Recherche et d'Action
Thtrale), Paris
Cahiers Pdagogiques, Le thtre l' cole: qu' est-ce que ca fait?, No 337, Paris, Octobre 1995
Dictionnaire du thtre, Dunod (Patrice Pavis)
Dictionnaire encyclopdique du thtre, Bordas (Michel Corvin)
Drama Broadsheet, NATD (National Association for the Teaching of Drama UK),
Encyclopedia of Teaching and Teacher Education, Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1987
Ente Teatrale Italiano, Scena Educazione, Ipotesi per un rapporto organico tra Scuola e Teatro, Roma,
Ente Teatrale Italiano, Documenti di Teatro, Objectives and horizons: The experience of theatre for
children and young people, Rome, 1994
Les voies de la cration thtrale, ditions du CNRS
Ministre de lducation nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie, Le thtre au collge, Collection
College, Paris, 1997
New Theatre Quarterly, Cambridge Uni Press, Shaftsbury Rd., Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK
Research in Drama Education, (Somers J., edit.), Carfax
Shakespeare Glossary, Onions C.T, ISBN 0-19-812521-6
The Journal of National Drama, (National Drama UK),
Theatre Forum, Uni. Of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, CA 92093-0344 USA
Theatre/Public, 41, av.des Gresillons, 92230, Gennevilliers
& , e-journal,
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. ), , 1995
, No 76-84, 1991
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