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From now, do not bother yourself trying to
reveal the presence of God on earth to people,
because many people will not believe yOU. But
_make the text of this sermon your
reference texts and twld fil rnly to contents.
Our Lord Jesus Christ made a great declaration
as stated in the first lesson That declaration
has reference in John 3:31-33
"He that cometh from above is above
all. he that is of the earth is earthly, and
speaketh of the earth. he that cometh
from heaven is above all And what he
hath seen and heard, that lJe testifieth,
and no man receiveth his testimony He
that hath receiveth his testlfnony hath
set to his seal that God is true"
Henceforth, do not seek to know the
geneology of our Lord Jesus Christ again. Be
satisfied with the testimony which He gave
about Himself for He says: though I bear
record of myself. yet my record is true for I know
whence I came, and whither I go but ye cannot
tell whence I come and whither I go', It is said,
'man know thyself and thou shall know all
things: Who in the whole world can say
specifically whence he come from and whither
he goes. If an investigation should be conducted
to know where people come from, many would
say they are from the Hades, water, and the
forest. Some people would say they were white
men in their previous incarnation, but have
returned as black men. And if you inquire into
where they are going, none would tell YOll
anything for none knows whence he came from
nor whither he goes. Therefore, on account of
the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ, stop
researching into His person - His mother and
father, brothers and sisters and relations for he
is not only the son of man, the son God but He
is an embodiment of the Holy Spirit. Read the
second lesson again.
"And no man hath ascended up to heaven,
but he that came down from heaven, even the
son of man which is in heaven."
Has it ever occured to you that God is in
heaven? You have always believed that God is
here on earth. From inception, there is only
one God who is in heaven, just as our Lord
Jesus Christ has said that 'And no man hath
ascended up heaven, but tie that came down
from heaven, even the son of man which is in
heaven, That was why, when Peter gave a reply
to Christ's question on His person that, He is the
Christ, the son of the living' God, Christ said
unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjonah; for
flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee
but my Father which is in heaven' .
Have you ever seen man ascending to the
sky? or have you ever seen man descending
from the sky? No man has ever done this but
only the son of man who is now in heaven, And
now, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, being
Jehovah God with His Christ are hEne, Do you
revere and obey Him? I n fact, how do you
revere God? You do claim that our Lord Christ
is a prophet. The question is, are you the
one that ordai ned Him a prlJp'n,et? S orne say, He
is the child of God. If He is a chilEl of God, who
is God? Some also contemplate on his origin,
who actually told you Hi5 orlain? You should
stop guessing over what you are not sure of; for
Jehovah God with His Christ has come to stay
with man in order to arrange things in the way
they should be.
He had made a promise to man that He
would never leave him comfortless Surely, He
will never leave you for ever For He is the great
(I AM') Do not doubt Him anymore and forget
about the insinuations by people for we are now
at the threshold of the truth. I assure you that
He IS the only one who descended, who
ascended and is in heaven and that no other
person. not even the angels, has been in
Beloved. the word of our Lord Jesus Christ
has revealed Him and whoever believes in Him
has known the real GOD. His statement is not
only substantiated in making the blind to see,
the lame to walk or healing the sick, No matter
the circumstance, God remains the same, Even
in the time of Noah when God used water to
the world, that act did not stop Him from
being God. So, even if the whole world passes
away, He is still God. When the world was
destroyed by water, was Noah not us,ed to
resuscitate the world? Did those eight persons
not form another world?
Atcreatioil, how many people did God
create? Was it not only one person? If this is
true, it is wrong for anyone to say that God
destroyed the world at any particular time.
Because even if Noah was the only person left
after the flood, it means he symbolised the
creation of God. Hence, God has never de
stroyed the world,
When virgin Mary was informed by the
angel of the Lord that she shall be pregnant and
shall bear a child whose name shall be Jesus
she was astonished by the message
she knew no man The angel told her that she
has found favour'with God and that the spirit of
God shall descend upon her and she shall take
in and give birth to a male Child. it
happened as the Lord comrn;i:lded but little did
Mary know that God, the Creator of heaven and
earth was that which passed through her to the
world. Did any person in the world believe that
the child so given birth to was God personified?
So before you start telling people that Jesus
Chnst is son of God, note that I have never
given you such information The Lord promised
trlat He will never leave us for a moment. Do
you not see the goings on in ttleworld? People
proclaim that Jesus. Christ was nailed on the
cross. The question is, can God be nailed on a
cross? who nailed Him and what did the person
use in nailing Him? If truly God was nailed on
the cross, who was He that Mary Magdalene
conversed with? Though Mary thought she was
conversing with an angel, Jesus sent her to go
and inform His brethren about His presence.
And as -Mary went, He was seen by the
disciples. With such appearance, who do you
think He was or where do you think he passed
through? It should be clear to you that this was
the way God choose to display His drama tn
mankind. Therefore, do not wait for any
physical happening before you hold unto your
faith. be confident that God
is with you of Ollr:
Lord Jesus Christ
-----_. ..-.. ---- . d
your soun
from-the S}r;y 1.0Qk_I,lRJ9__
be speaking lQthem... .
Recall how our Lord Jesus Chnst was
walking with Hls diSCiples and suddenly, He
said: ,Blessed are they among you nere wtll?
. --would never taste of death till they see the glory
of God. Six days later, He took three of His
disciples up a mountain where He transfigured.
Read Matthew 17: 1-6.Who caused that
Such is the way He has chosen to relate with
man. Therefore, be rest assured that God is
always with you in fulfilment of his promise that
he will not leave you comfortless. You should
never try to comprehend Him by any other way
for you will never get at Him.
Our Lord Jesus Christ has said that no one
knows the Father except the son and who th.e
Father may choose to reveal Him to. God is
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He IS
in all forms: He abides in all planes of manifest
thus, He is all-knowing. In order to fulfil the
words 0 f the scripture that not even a bone
shall be broken in Him, on the day that He was
crucified, the plan was that if he refused to die.
the soldiers will break one of His leos
Being an all - knowing God, and, r.ealising
this fact, He decided to give up HIS SPirit to the
Father. Thus, he exclaimed,' Father. I. have
commited my spirit into -thy hand!;'. Immedletely,
He gave up the ghost. He the ( HIS
body ) and was looking at It from somewhere
else. On the arrival of the soldiers, they saw
Him already dead and so, had no need to break
His leg but only pierced His nbs. After three
days, He walked back into the house and
possession of it which manifested 10 +11_
resurrection. That was the way He choosed to
dramatise His will to the world. This is why you
should be confident in the fact that God IS
always with mankind.. .
I am so grateful for that which is contained
in the golden text because man has never
realised that he came from God and when he
d'ies, he would go back to God. This explains
man's claim that when he dies, he would do one
thing or the other oblivious of the fact that heis
going back to God. Our Lord Jesus Christ
however realised this fact When you read the
golden text, you will realise that there is nothing
like death, sickness, witchcraft etc as claimed
by man.
Beloved, be informed that our Lord Jesus
Christ is above all and knows everything. Thus,
you should stop claiming to come from the
Hades, water, forest etc. for you come from
nowhere else other than God. You should also
stop claiming that when you die, you will go
back and meet your father in the Hades
because according to you, you had a dream in
which you saw your dead father. You at times,
worry yourself when somebody is sick because
you are afraid that the person would die .Does
that not portray lack of faith? If Qur Lord Jesl,.iS
Christ, the Creator d.ld not die, how then can
you die? You should stop alt forms of
lamentation because God is always with you.
Read the golden text again.
Jesus knowing that the father had given all
things into his hands, and that he was come
from God, andwent to God.
Beloved, abide in peace and worry no more
about the problems that surround your
existence for, God is always with you _And your
very existence rests with God. He is always with
you directing your activities on a daily basis.
Consider what Christ told his disciples as
recorded in Matthew 19:24
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye
of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the
Kingdom of God. Then/the disciples surprisingly
asked;who then shall be saved? The diSCiples
made that comment because they were also
seeking for wealth just as you are now Si,teking.
Your thought is basp,d on wealth instead of
God. But Jesus beheld them. and said:" with
men this is impossible, but with God all things
are possib/e". (Matthew19:26) S,ince you are
lacking in the knowledge that GOd is with you at
all times , you continue to lament. Now, the
question is: where is death? where is life? where
is suffering? where is hatred? And where is the
world? These things are not in existence. It is
only God that is existing. Therefore, you should
always know that God is all things, He knows
everything and is always with you Why do you
continue to lament and cry that the world will
soon be extinct because of the high mortality
rate. If you have read reports by scientists
about population explosion in the world you will
not bother yourself about mortality rate. Or are.
you not aware that within the next ten years, the
earth would never be able to sustain people
anymore? Do you know the reason for the
introduction of family planning embarked upon
by the various governments of the world? Yet
you cry that very soon, there will be total
extinction of the world. Who tells you that this is
going to happen? Have you not seen that your
community which hitherto, was inhabite? ~ Y only
few persons is now over-populated? This IS how
God works. He had already commanded, Go ye
.and multiply and so it happens.
It 'is said, 50 long as a grain of maize stays
on its own, it cannot multiply but once it drops
on the soil and decay, it germinates, grows and
bears many fruits and multiplies. Today, people
say that our Lord Jesus Christ died but now what
is the position of things? Is he not found all over
the world? Then, why are you afraid? Apostle
Paul said he had a divided thought for, on one
hand, he thought of leaving the world to stay
with the Lord and on the other, he thought of
staving, with the adherents. Be informed that
wherever one is, the person is with God. We
should carry out activities that will make us to
search or seek for God, for it is from Him that
we came and to Him also are we going. Now, no
one is being recognised in the flesh but in the
spirit. Christ is no longer recognised in the flesh
but in the spirit. Hence, you find that joy reigns
everywhere. The works of darkness are gone
and what we have. now j ~ love, peace,
meekness, mercy, humility among other virtues.
1\ multitude is coming here, they are from tM
father iust as those of you here. And we all shall
also go to the Father.
It is said that a stroke of the cane is enough
for me wIse. Let mose that have ears hear what
the Holy Spirit has imparted to the entire world.
May God bless His holy words-Amen.
This Gospel is produced by the Everlasting
Gospel Centre of B C . S

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