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Mancos Library District Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting 211 W. First St.

November 17, 2011 MINUTES: 6:00p.m. I. Call to order 6:04 Il. Roll call Darrel Ellis, Kathy Merrill, Sadie Rose Pace, Danielle Desruisseaux III. Amendments to the agenda 1. XI B. Books for Bob Wilson former MPL Board President IV. Minutes of the previous meetings for action A. *October 27, 2011 Regular meeting Kathy moves to approve the minutes of the October 27th meeting, Danielle seconds. The floor is opened to discussion. All approve, none opposed. The motion passes. V. Recognition of visitors 1. Russell Burwell, Martin Stecher VI. Correspondence A. Trustee resignation & discussion VII. Financial reports A. *Pre-approval of November bills Kathy moves we pre-approve the November bills, Sadie seconds. The floor is opened to discussion. All approve, none opposed. The motion passes. B. Financial Report Vlll. Report of librarian A. Monthly Report Directs the development and implementation of long range and strategic planning Charlene and I met with John McConnell from the McConnell Science Center in Grand Junction during his visit to Mancos Elementary. He offered tons of suggestions for science programming at the library, and will be sharing documentation about various different fun experiments we could do at the library for very little cost. He also offered to loan us other, more expensive tools that the Center uses for different experiments if we pay to have them shipped. Develops and implements library policies in conjunction with Board of Trustees Have polled Directors on listserve regarding established grievance policy and process, will be working on outlining a policy and submitting to policy committee for refinement. Leads and motivates staff members During our weekly meetings, Department Heads and I have been sharing with each other information learned from different sessions we attended while at the CAL conference and will start to disseminate to the rest of the staff. Staff are all fully committed to Follies, everyone is excited about the opportunity. Brainstorming has begun will need to do a silent or live auction (including soliciting for prizes), choose a theme, solicit for smaller door prizes, and find a good MC (key to getting everyone involved and energized).

Meeting weekly with Department Heads as a group, continue to meet with Department Heads and the rest of staff individually to discuss duties, goals, issues, and ideas. Have polled Directors on listserve regarding established grievance policy and process, after establishing policy will be working on a process. Victoria will be cutting hours to dedicate more time to her personal business, I will be taking on more responsibility for technology support. Starting to look closely at processes within the library to better streamline staff workflow and eliminate patron issues. Staff has noticed an upturn in usage of the library in the last 2-3 weeks, have been providing back-up at circulation when needed.

Retains primary responsibility and oversight for the operating and capital budget Developed a revised donations form to incorporate different types of giving, working with Victoria to get an online version including setting up a PayPal account to accept credit cards. Met with Lon Erwin from the Community Foundation Serving Southwest Colorado regarding setting up a fund for the library. They help organizations establish and manage funds, I have more information for those interested. Will be sharing information in detail with the Fundraising Committee. Spoke with Chuck Forth of the Onward! A Legacy Foundation out of Cortez (similar to CFSSC), will be meeting with him in early December. Received a denial letter from Atmos energy regarding sponsorship of fireplace, have contacted Bill Barrett Corp. to seek sponsorship. Maintains inter-governmental and community relations Spoke with Tom Yoder at KSJD re: Community Conversations program. He sent information regarding Community Conversations, it sounds very exciting. I will be setting up a meeting with Jeff Pope to discuss MPLs involvement. Represented library at the town meeting to discuss the pedestrian bridge. Charlene, Kate and I met with Brian Hanson and Jeanette Allen from the school district to discuss ways the library may support the school. We will be providing a flyer to be distributed to the teachers outlining the library services that would be of interest. They expressed a need for Social Networking programs regarding etiquette, bullying, and positive uses we will be developing with Victoria and possibly presenting at the school. Serves as the Mancos Public Librarys advocate and spokesperson Attended Friends of the Library meeting, stressed need for fundraising in coming year. They are willing to support where they can. Asked about HRA support, they cannot due to bylaws but are willing to give in other areas to help free up moneys for the HRA.

Met with Ben Wolcott regarding a collection of antique firearms and books on the subject that he would like to donate to the library, he would like interested Board members and me to come and view the collection and discuss his ideas when he returns to the area (early 2012). More to come on this. Will be working with the Friends of the Library, staff, (Board?) and other community organizations to develop READ posters to display in the community.

Plans, implements, and evaluates library services Kate hosted Energy Audit workshop Thursday November 10 co-sponsored by Empire Electric (Doug Sparks) and 4FORE (Heather Wyatt). Kates Community Cinema, Nov. 17th We still Live Here. Kate hosting Gasland(film), Thursday, December 1st. Kate hosting Wreath making Monday December 5th, Due to interest from community members and staff, Kate planning ASL, American sign language class, in Jan. Midge hosted a poetry workshop and the group decided to form a Poetry group and will continue to meet. Dates and times TBA. Kates December Community Cinema will be early, Dec. 8th. The film is Taking Root. Kate and Charlene working on scheduling our Holiday open house crafting, family day. Kate set up Dia de los Muertes display in main lobby. Victorias Tech Connect: Managing your Online Presence is tomorrow. Victorias Mac Class was Monday, Nov 7 from 4-6. Victorias planned a Tech Petting Zoo for Wed Nov 30 from 5-7. Will coincide staff training with the Tech Petting Zoo. Will have a certification station at the TPZ, and will release the Nooks the next day for check-out (Dec 1). Victoria started using BTOP laptops in classes - 1 in Tech Connect and 1 at the last Mac Series class (Photoshop). Victoria hosting Tech Connect: Using Google for your Business on Wed, Dec 7 at 1pm. Gaming Daze has new Wii games (loaned to us by Bayfield), and gaming daze is growing in participation OA enrollment growing. Mancos Vally Chorus to sing at Opera House in early December for school kids sponsored by MPL. Charlene & Kate planned & staff helped host Halloween Party - very well attended, lots of fun. Charlene Working on holiday craft Day. Charlene has had an increase in school participation at the library, averaging 7 school class visits a week in Nov.

Noticing big increase in Spanish only speakers in library afterschool with their elementary aged school children, working on ideas for programming for this demographic. Kate continues to be very busy with ILLs - both borrowing and lending. All of our stats are up.

Oversees utilization and maintenance of the physical plant, grounds and equipment Bins to be counted and posted on libnet, give away possible. Service Pro came out to service the boiler to get the levels of glycol. Shelf unit put up in the mechanical room for manuals for the building/excess building materials. Have been having issues with lights not going off or coming on at odd hours, lighting guy working on areas of lighting concerns. HVAC ongoing, reviewing maintenance. Have requested a quote from both Service Pro and Garrhs for annual contract, Service Pros quote was of what Garrhs has been charging! Jeff (owner) seems much more interested in establishing a relationship w/ us and provides more thorough service than Garrhs, will be accepting his bid. shelf reading taking place. YA, A non-fiction, and Childrens room left to do. Provides staff support to the Board of Trustees Encouraging staff to participate in Board committees if they have time and energy, Charlene will assist with Board Development, Julia will assist with Fundraising. lX. Reports of officers and committees A. Board Development Committee B. Fundraising Committee C. Policy Committee X. Old Business A. Budget final reading & discussion XI. New Business A. December meeting time / bills B. Books for Bob Wilson former MPL Board President We will be buying the book How to Think like a Scientist by Stephen P. Kramer to thank Bob Wilson for his time on the board. XII. Public Comment 1. Martin Stecher is curious about when his board recruitment process will be completed. He has concerns about our rules, regulations and policies particularly in regards to children's rights and the rights of other individuals within the library. In addition he would like a blanket letter of apology from the board for any infringement of rights that he feels has occurred. Adjournment Kathy moves to adjourn at 8:01PM, Sadie seconds. The floor is opened to discussion. All approve, none opposed, the motion passes. NEXT MEETING: December 12, 2011 at 6:30 pm

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