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Maximum Score (100) : 1. Adjudication Sheet (17%) 2. Essay (28%) 3. True and False (15%) 4.

Multiple Choices (40%)


NAME : ____________ INSTITUTION : ____________

A. Adjudication Sheet
ROOM :______, ROUND :______ MOTION : _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


BEST SPEAKER : _____________________________________

Speaker Marks
GRADE A GRADE B GRADE C GRADE D GRADE E 95-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59-50 Unorthodox, Unique, Incredibly Structurize Sophistication on words, Trophy worthy Really Engaging Argument, Response, Examples Really Compelling, Convincing, GF/SF worthy Average-ish, need more attempt to ellaborate Sufficient clarity, understandable, Engaging Below Average, Less Understandable, Less Engagement, Less Contribution Open mouth statue, only say greeting Support their opponent, trashy

*OG = Opening Government *OO = Opening Opposition *CG = Closing Government *CO = Closing Opposition

Write down your brief analysis toward the debate and also give your reason behind your decision toward the rank of each team! ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

B. Essay

Please assess these explanations! THW Legalize Prostitution First speaker of affirmative team argued: We should legalize prostitution because it will create protection for women. The government should be a protector of all part of society especially women. In many cases women cant work as physical labors, taxi drivers, or construction workers. There is a limitation of job vacancy for women which forces them to resort to prostitution, for the job field is open as well as lucrative. This way, women will be able to get jobs and income to sustain the living of the family, especially if these women are single parents. Of course, the government will provide facilities in the localization to protect the working prostitutes. Second speaker of the affirmative argued: Women in all type of jobs should get governmental protection. We would like to localize the prostitutions in one place. This place will be controlled by government, equipped with clinics in which prostitutes can do health checkup periodically using free government-issued insurance policies. Condom promotion as well as education about STD spread will be continually proliferated to build a better inner awareness of health risks. Prostitutes will be able to report clients who refuse to wear protections or physically abusive. THW Allow Gay Couple to Adopt Children The first speaker of negative argued: Government should not allow gay couple to adopt children because they would not be the best parents for their children, it will bring negative repercussion towards childrens mental development. Gay couple would not be the best parents for their children because children cant see mothers figures in gay couples and fathers figures in lesbian couples. Aside from that, it will bring negative effects towards childrens mental development in two ways, first is because they will be discriminated and bullied by their friends and society in general simple because their parents are gay, and the second is the children will also be gay because they imitate their parents, these conditions is bad for childrens mental development. THW Send Bullies to Jail Bullies are horrible. Bullies do many dehumanizing things, and we can see similarities between bullies and murderers. A highschooler in Little Rock, Arizona, killed himself by hanging himself because he was bullied by his friends in the school: bowls of soup are poured over his head everyday, his head is forced into the toilet, hes forced to steal things, he is called by derogatory names, hes forced to do indecent sexual activities, and hes constantly beaten with fists and sometimes even baseball bats. The bullying is the one causing this poor kids death. So, it is justifiable for a government to send bullies to jail, because we always do it to every murderer in our society.

THW make voting compulsory Voting in election is really important. It could be used as a bridge for government and people in one country. There is already a political demand from the society to vote, especially because voting is very important. The states government should extend this by making voting compulsory, in order to create social awareness of the countrys future. The awareness towards political leaders and policies is really important in a democratic government. The democracy system basically lies on the spirit of peoples interest, thus it is important to express their aspiration. In order to achieve this goal, it is justified to make people actively engage in one of the most important political event of a democratic society, which is voting in elections.

C. True and False


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

The Opening Government clearly squirrels the debate - the Opening Opposition complains, but doesnt challenge and chooses to continue the debate. The Closing Opposition can challenge the definition through a Point of Information If it helps clarify the debate, Points of Information may be offered to speakers on your own bench A speaker must rebut all the points of the previous speaker, and should be penalized if he hasnt done so. A speaker that is more fluent gets more points for style, and hence, will always be ranked higher than a speaker who isnt fluent. Rebuttal must be done at the beginning of a speech, and be separated from constructive points. The opposition whip may add new points of rebuttal and examples. Principled points should always be values as more significant than practical points. An extension must include new arguments that werent discussed in the debate. An argument should be deemed more important if it contains lots of facts and statistics. The highest speaker mark in the room should always be allocated to a speaker from the winning team. An opening opposition that successfully challenged the effectiveness of the proposition will always be ranked higher than the opening proposition. Member of Opposition must present an extension Whip speakers must only summarize the closing half of the debate if the first half of the debate was weak If any government team places first, the other government team must place 2nd If the Deputy Leader of Opposition contradicts the Leader of Opposition, the Opening Opposition must place 4th



Determine the Rank Fulfill Adjudication Sheet Determine Initial Rank Give Verbal Adjudication Making Consensus Take vote (if it necessary) Take a break Take a photo Facebook-ing Determine the score Give adjudication sheet to runner

D. Multiple Choice

Please write down above step in correct order _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. All of the statement bellow regarding the criteria of a good adjudicator is correct, except : a. The adjudicator knows general occurrences of todays worlds b. The adjudicator must weight content weightier than fulfillment of speakers roles c. Adjudicators must insert any further interpretation of argument which provided by speakers d. The adjudicator must be capable to assess flaws in arguments 2. These are the function of a substantive material (an argument), except: a. Provides analysis proving the virtue of a claim. b. Directly refutes an opponents point. c. Proving the relevance of a philosophical theory. d. Analyzing a case study. 3. These are description of extension, except: a. An extension is new constructive argument b. Deeper/wider (better) analysis of an argument that has already been made c. Rebuttal can count as new material, and may indeed be sufficiently important to be credited as extension d. An extension must be a substantial contribution to the debate, which clearly distinguishes you from the team that preceded you 4. The Opening Government team must provide a detailed policy when debating under the motion This House Believes That Prostitution should be prohibited a. Yes, if they didnt I will penalize them b. Yes, cause probably the opposition bench will question how proposition conduct this policy c. No, i dont think thats necessary d. No, it depends on Opening Government to run this debate to principle debate or practical debate 5. Whip speaker are highly discourage to bring new material a. Yes, if they did i will penalize them

b. Yes for Opposition Whip but for Government Whip, they can still bring new material but it should be in small and light portion c. No, we should let Whip speaker to explore their speech including bring new material d. No, its not fair for whip speaker 6. We should penalize speaker who dont offer or accept any Point of Information (POI) a. Yes, due to this disrespect action b. Yes, POI is fundamental constituent in BP style, and POI also contributes to individual score or even determination of teams rank c. No, we cant compel speaker to accept or offer POI d. No, the most important matter that we should asses is their substantial matter or extension, POI only be credited when it have contribution in the debate.
Orthodox Argument, Less effective analysis, incomplete elaboration, relevancies of some evidence or examples are still questionable, Orthodox response Sufficient clarity, Understandable, Quite Engaging

7. With above description, the speaker deserve to get : a. 76 80 b. 71 75 c. 80 85 d. 68 71

Provide summary (for 1st half of the debate) Giving Rebuttal Provide New Substantial Matter

8. Above are the structure of : a. Member of Government b. Member of Opposition c. Government Whip d. Deputy Leader of Opposition 9. Which of these elements below does not constitute scoring for a speakers style? a. Mispronunciation b. Incredible grammatical error c. Gesture d. Speaking overtime 10. The 2010 UNFCC was held in a. Kyoto b. Bolivia c. Cancun d. Haiti 11. Theory of justice that considers that punishment, if proportionate, is a morally acceptable response to crime, with an eye to the satisfaction and psychological benefits it can bestow to the aggrieved party, its intimates and society is theory of: a. Retributive Justice b. Social Justice c. Rehabilitative Justice d. Restorative Justice 12. Act of attempting to convert people to another opinion and, particularly, another religion. a. Preaching

b. Proselytism c. Celibacy d. Apostasy 13. The tort of acting intentionally and voluntarily causing the reasonable apprehension of an immediate harmful or offensive contact a. Self-Defense b. Negligence c. Assault d. Nuisance 14. A rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. a. Deflation b. Inflation c. Economic Repercussion d. Contraction 15. A form of government in which a few of the most famous citizens rule a. Demarchy b. Corporatocracy c. Aristocracy d. Ethnocracy 16. A system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine, commonly called as: a. Non-maleficence b. Beneficence c. Medical Ethics d. Autonomy 17. A permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression (although it cannot currently exercise jurisdiction over the crime of aggression) a. ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Right) b. ICC (International Criminal Court) c. ICJ (International Court of Justice) d. United States Court

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