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Conjunctions & Transitions & Adverbs

EK BLG VERMEK Also As well as Coupled with In addition Moreover SONU GSTERMEK Therefore Accordingly Consequently For this reason So then GENELLEME YAPMAK As a rule For the most part Generally speaking Usually RNEKLEME- RNEK VERMEK For example For one thing Illustrated with In this case | 0246 2121010


Again Besides Furthermore Likewise Similarly Thus As a result Hence For this purpose Subsequently As usual Generally Ordinarily

SIRALAMA YAPMAK: At first To begin with At the same time The next step In turn Meanwhile Then The meantime While Simultaneously In conclusion

First of all In the first place For now /For the time being In time Later on Next Soon Later Earlier Afterward With this in mind

For instance As an illustration As an example Such as (+SM ) Chiefly Especially Singularly Especially Markedly Including

ZETLEME: In brief Briefly In conclusion To sum up To summarize Finally In essence That is to say On the whole In short In summary After all / All in all All things considered By and large In any case In any event In the final analysis In the long run On balance - ZARF CMLECKLER ZAMAN GSTERENLER After Before / By the time As soon as / Once / The moment No sooner. Than - Hardly ... When Until / Till While When Just as Since Whenever / Every time As long as The next time/The first time YER GSTERENLER Wherever / Where SEBEP - SONU GSTERENLER Because Now that As Inasmuch as Owing to the fact that So........that So that Thanks to Every where / Anywhere

VURGU VURGULAMA YAPMAK Above all With attention to Particularly In fact In particular Namely Specifically BENZERLK GSTERMEK Comparatively Identically Similar Together with HAR TUTMA STSNA Aside from Except Excluding YENDEN FADE ETMEK: In other words That is ZITLIK TERS DURUM: Tam ztlk However In contrast On the other hand Even so Nonetheless

Correspondingly Likewise Moreover

Apart from Excepting Other than Namely To put it differently

Since In that Seeing that Due to the fact that On the grounds that.. Suchthat In order that

Prepositions :Due to / Owing to / On Account of / Because of BEKLENMEYEN SEBEP-SONU (-E RAMEN) Even though Although Though In spite of the fact that Despite the fact that Prepositions : In spite of / Due to (+ isim) KOUL CMLELER If Only if If only Provided In case... Lest Or else (gizli koul) But for Unless Even if As long as Providing In case Otherwise (gizli koul) If it werent for


Conversely On the contrary Nevertheless

Yet (conjunction) But (conjunction) Instead Rather (dzeltme yapmak): Bu balac In fact ile kartrmaynz Still

ZAMAN When -d zaman

KOUL If Eer / se,sa Unless medike /mezse Providing (that) eer / artyla Provided (that) eer / artyla As long as eer / mddete So long as eer / mddete On condition that artyla Suppose (that) farzet ki Supposing (that) farzet ki Even if -sa bile Whether or not ister ister What if Ya sa? Only if ancak eer sa If only keke

SEBEPSONU Because nk, den dolay

ZITLIK Although -e ramen Though -e ramen Even though -e ramen Much as -e ramen While -e ramen / iken / halbuki Whereas -e ramen / iken / halbuki Despite -e ramen In spite of -e ramen Notwithstandi ng -e ramen However ancak Nevertheless ancak Nonetheless ancak Yet Ancak On the contrary Aksine On the other hand te yandan Contrary to -n aksine Conversely aksine In contrast to -n aksine In contrast aksine Unlike -n aksine

AYNI FKR SRDRME Moreover dahas Furthermore dahas Further dahas In addition dahas Whats more dahas Besides dahas (Cmle) Besides -e ek olarak (isim) In addition to -e ek olarak As well as -e ek olarak Also ayrca

While -ken As -ken After -den sonra Before -den nce Until -e kadar By the time -dnda=when -e kadar=until As soon as -ar maz The moment -ar maz The instant -ar maz The minute -ar maz Immediately -ar maz Just as -tam ki Once -hele bir -dnda -ar maz -den sonra Now that -madem ki -dna gore -den dolay No sooner than -ar maz Hardly when -ar maz Barely when -ar maz

As nk, den dolay Since nk, den dolay Due to - den dolay Owing to - den dolay Because of - den dolay Thanks to sayesinde By reason of - den dolay By virtue of - den dolay On account of - den dolay Therefore bu yzden Thus bu yzden Hence bu yzden Consequently bu yzden

PARALEL YAPILAR neither nor ne ne de either or ya ya da / ne ne de both and hem hem de not only but also sadece deil ayn zamanda da Whether or ister ister not but deil | 0246 2121010

Otherwise yoksa Without + isim -siz / -sz But for without If it werent for olmasa If it hadnt been for olmasayd In case olur diye So that / In order that -sn diye Lest korkusuyla For fear that Lest As if = As though mi gibi

So dolaysyla Now that madem ki, den dolay Seeing that madem ki, den dolay Inasmuch as -den dolay In view of gz nne alndnda As a result sonu olarak As a result of -n sonucu olarak As a consequence sonu olarak As a consequence of -n sonucu olarak For nk


Scarcely when -ar maz Since -den beri As -dka During - boyunca For -dr, -lna

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