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Everytime you feel like you cannot go on You feel so lost That your so alone All you is see

is night And darkness all around You feel so helpless You cant see which way to go Dont despair and never loose hope Cause Allah is always by your side Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah youll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake You feel you cant repent And that its way too late Yourre so confused, wrong decisions you have made Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame Dont despair and never loose hope Cause Allah is always by your side Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah youll find your way Insha Allah x3 Insya Allah youll find your way Turn to Allah Hes never far away Put your trust in Him Raise your hands and pray

OOO Ya Allah Guide my steps dont let me go astray Youre the only one that showed me the way, Showed me the way x2 Insyaallah x3 Insya Allah well find the way

aslmkm...cantik..udh kenal ry blm???hehe lam kenal bs panggil aq teh ury...blh cerita,,,tapi ini rahasia kita ya...hehe kesannya rahasia bgt...^_^ Cantik...ada seseorang yang pernah bilang sm ry NYAAH sm dirimuwh...ry mengenalnya ckp lama...namun mata kami blm pernah bertatap langsung...yups dy udah teh anggap kaya adik sendiri...dya sering bgt nyeritain kamu cantik... sosok nira yang dya sayang mampu tergambarkan meski teteh blm pernah bertemu dy face to face...yups apa yang pernah dya ceritakan ttg sosok nira itu memang benar-->nira cantik,,n mudah2an nira sudah paket lengkap dengan hatinya yg cantik^_^... Dya adik ry yang paling nyebelin,,tapi ga dipungkiri ry pun banyak belajar banyak darinya..hehe dya adikku yg paling lengkap,,meskipun bandel,,tapi kadang bisa di ajak sharing juga...kita suka ledek2an dan aku korbannya...hehe yups,,,udah bisa nebak lummm??hehe he's nurtoni...jgn blg2 y dya suka cerita banyak ttg nira,,hehe Cantik ry g mau so tahu akan perasaan nira saat ini..tapi ntah kenapa tiap baca statusmu ry jadi merasakan apa yang nira jg rasakan,,hehe cantik ry mau sdikit berbagi...

We're here on this special day Our hearts are full of pleasure A day that brings the two of you Close together We're gathered here to celebrate A moment you'll always treasure We ask Allah to make your love Last forever Let's raise our hands and make Do'a Like the Prophet taught us And with one voice Let's all say, say, say

From now you'll share all your chores Through heart-ship to support each other Together worshipping Allah Seeking His pleasure We pray that He will fill your life With happiness and blessings And grants your kids who make your home Filled with laughter Let's raise our hands and make Do'a Like the Prophet taught us And with one voice Let's all say, say, say Let's raise our hands and make Do'a Like the Prophet taught us And with one voice Let's all say, say, say Open Your Eyes Look around yourselves Can't you see this wonder Spreaded infront of you The clouds floating by The skies are clear and blue Planets in the orbits The moon and the sun

Such perfect harmony Let's start question in ourselves Isn't this proof enough for us Or are we so blind To push it all aside.. No.. We just have to Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds If we just look bright to see the signs We can't keep hiding from the truth Let it take us by surprise Take us in the best way (Allah..) Guide us every single day.. (Allah..) Keep us close to You Until the end of time.. Look inside yourselves Such a perfect order Hiding in yourselves Running in your veins What about anger love and pain And all the things you're feeling Can you touch them with your hand? So are they really there? Lets start question in ourselves Isn't this proof enough for us? Or are we so blind To push it all aside..? No.. We just have to Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds If we just look bright to see the signs We can't keep hiding from the truth Let it take us by surprise Take us in the best way (Allah..) Guide us every single day.. (Allah..) Keep us close to You Until the end of time.. When a baby's born So helpless and weak And you're watching him growing.. So why deny

Whats in front of your eyes The biggest miracle of life.. We just have to Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds If we just look quiet we'll see the signs We can't keep hiding from the truth Let it take us by surprise Take us in the best way (Allah..) Guide us every single day.. (Allah..) Keep us close to You Until the end of time.. Open your eyes and hearts and minds If you just look bright to see the signs We can't keep hiding from the truth Let it take us by surprise Take us in the best way (Allah..) Guide us every single day.. (Allah..) Keep us close to You Until the end of time.. Allah.. You created everything We belong to You Ya Robb we raise our hands Forever we thank You.. Alhamdulillah..

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