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UNLV Office Assistant Manual 2008-2009

Table of Contents

Campus Housing Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………….……………………………….2

Office Assistant Job Description………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2
Statement of Understanding……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….3
Drug Agreement 5
Privacy Agreement 7
GPA Agreement 9
Office Assistant Expectations……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…11
Policies To Know…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13
General Office Procedures………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
Beginning a Shift 14
Contacting Staff 14
Supplies 14
Vandalism 14
Conference Room Scheduling 14
Vendor 14
Lost and Found 14
Refunds 15
Resident Housing Documentation 15
Computer Operation 15
Daily Task Lists 15
Telephone Procedures 17
Messages and Meeting Requests 18
Doors and Desk Keys 19
Request for Privacy 29
Timesheets 21
Shift Changes 22
Equipment Checkout 23
Keys in the Residence Hall 24
Mail 27
Maintenance Requests 30
Guest Registration 32
Emergency Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……..33
Frequently Dialed Numbers
Campus Map
Interview Questions
Availability Worksheets
Office Assistant Evaluation
Posting Policy
Campus Housing Policies and Procedures
Timely Office Assistant Training & Meeting Topics

Updated 24 October 2008

UNLV Campus Housing
Mission Statement
In partnership with students and in support of the educational goals of the
university, we facilitate a comfortable and stimulating residential community
through which accommodations, activities, experiences and opportunities
encourage students to progress toward becoming self–directed individuals.

Office Assistant (O.A.)

Position Description

As a member of the UNLV Campus Housing staff team, Office Assistants work
closely with all other members of UNLV Campus Housing staff to ensure efficient
and friendly operation. Office Assistants assist in the day-to-day operations of
various Campus Housing offices. They answer questions, take service requests,
distribute equipment, sort students' mail, and help with other office duties as a
representative of the University and UNLV Campus Housing. The position’s
length of employment begins prior to the academic year through the closing of the

UNLV Campus Housing Office Assistant (OA)
Statement of Understanding Regarding Employment
Below are outlined the conditions for employment, discipline, and reasons for termination of
campus housing OA’s. Please read to insure that you understand and can agree to these terms.
If you agree to these conditions, indicate this by signing in the designated space.

OA Conditions for Employment:

1. The OA position is renewable beginning at $6.85/hr.

2. Employment start date: ________________________________

Employment end date: ________________________________

3. A standardized formal evaluation of each Office Assistant will be completed once per
semester. This evaluation will be discussed at a private meeting. At this time, the
possibility for rehire for the following semester will be discussed. Each Office Assistant
will also have the opportunity to evaluate his/her supervisor at least once a year.

4. An employment file will be maintained for each OA at the Housing Administration


5. Supervisor permission is needed to work for multiple desks or to transfer desks.

6. The work schedule is determined by the ARLC. It is your responsibility to cover the desk
during your scheduled hours.

7. OA’s will work not more than 20 hours per week when class is in session. This includes
picking up shifts for other team members. Exceeding this limit needs supervisor

8. OA’s who are dismissed or not rehired may not work at another campus housing desk
during that particular academic year.

Employee Discipline

Office Assistants are expected to abide by all information presented in this manual. Failure to
observe these policies and guidelines will result in disciplinary action. Violation of criminal/civil
laws (e.g. discrimination, harassment) may also result in disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action shall include written warning, probation, dismissal or all of the
aforementioned measures. All disciplinary actions will include a verbal discussion as well as
written documentation detailing the disciplinary action taken and will be provided to the Office
Assistant. This documentation will be placed in the Office Assistant's personnel file. Dismissal
may disqualify any individual from future employment with UNLV Campus Housing.

All Office Assistants may appeal to the Assistant Director of Campus Housing, decisions
regarding employee disciplinary action. All appeals must be made in writing within ten (10)
working days of the disciplinary action. Appeals may be made on the grounds of severity of the

sanction, violation of due process or affirmative action, discrimination, or other additional

Reasons For Termination of OA Employment

An OA may be terminated for the following reasons:

1. Inability or failure to perform job responsibilities satisfactorily.
2. Disregard of residence hall rules and regulations or employment policies.
3. Misuse of residence hall supplies, equipment, or facilities.
4. Misuse of residence hall keys.
5. Violation of student or staff confidence that impedes one's ability to perform
these stated job responsibilities or impedes other staff's ability to do the same.
6. Personal conduct resulting in an inability to maintain the trust and rapport of
students and staff needed to satisfactorily accomplish these stated job
7. Failure to maintain academic grade requirements.
8. Arriving late to your shift four times within a semester.
9. Absences from Mandatory meetings and trainings.

I have read and understand the above listed Conditions for Employment, Discipline and Reasons
for Termination. I agree to adhere to these employment conditions.

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________

***Insert Drug-Free Schools and Communities Page 1

***Insert Drug-Free Schools and Communities Page 2

***Insert Non-Disclosure Agreement

***Insert Blank Page

***Insert GPA Agreement Page 1

***Insert GPA Agreement Page 2

Office Assistant Expectations
 Be thoroughly familiar with desk policies and keep up with procedural changes as they
occur through the year.
 Be able to make referrals to the appropriate person or office.
 Have a thorough understanding of Campus Housing Publications and the website
information. This will no only improve customer service but will empower you.
 Changing Shifts: If you are unable to work your shift, it is your responsibility to make
alternate arrangements with the other Office Assistants. The ARLC must be notified at
least 24 hrs in advance of all uncovered shift changes. Complete a Shift Change Form,
available at the desk, to gain approval of request and to notify the ARLC. OA’s cannot be
guaranteed payments for unapproved work hours.
 Confront and address individuals who are violating UNLV Campus Housing and
University Policies when behaviors are observed during one's Office Assistant Shift.
Confront and report inappropriate behavior by other Office Assistants.
 Meetings: Meetings and training sessions are mandatory. If you are unable to make a
meeting, you must notify the ARLC prior to the meeting. Absences will be handled at the
discretion of the ARLC and may result in disciplinary action, including termination. Staff
members missing meetings are responsible for contacting another staff member for the
information and providing a written summary to the ARLC within 48 hrs.
 Serve as a positive role model within the Residence Halls. Students will recognize you as
a member of the UNLV Campus Housing staff teams and expect you to act accordingly.
Therefore, it is important to follow all University and UNLV Campus Housing policies.
Because you may be recognized outside the work context as a resource for students, if
asked for assistance be courteous and helpful. When you do not know answers, refer the
student to another resource.
 Keep the ARLC informed of all appropriate and pertinent information

 Remaining awake and alert

 Report for duty under no alcohol or drug influence as outlined in the Drug Free Schools

and Communities and Acts Amendment.

 Arrive in time to transition to your shift.

 Practice open and consistent communication. Ask for clarification

 Maintain confidentiality regarding all situations as outlined in the Department Student

Employee Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement. Be mindful of who can hear

personal or confidential conversations

 Be a team player and present a united front. Let’s deal with potential problems privately

and directly.

 Desk Etiquette

The following activities are considered privileges while working at the desk. If these

activities interfere with the purpose and function of the complex desk your supervisor

may prohibit them. Please consult with your supervisor if you have questions or

concerns about these activities.

o Eating
o Guests (your guests should never be behind the desk)
o TV, DVD’s
o Use of Cell Phones
o Games
o Attitude
o Desk Cleanliness
o Use of Computer
o Front Desk Property
o Studying
o Radio and Radio Volume (No headphones or earphones)
 Dress Code

Office Assistants must visibly wear their nametag while working the complex desk.

Office Assistants should dress appropriately while working at the desk. The following

items are inappropriate:

o Intimate/under wear should not be visible

o Mid-drifts/Half shirts
o T-shirts with derogatory language/logos/images
o Mini skirts or low-waist pants
o Tattered or extremely baggy clothing
Policies To Know
Please refer to Campus Housing Policies and Procedures (*) and other important policies
located in the appendix of this manual, as well as the Guide To Community Living. The
following are the policies most observed at the desk and the ones you will need to know the

 Alcohol Policy*

 Escort Policy*

 Guest Policy*

 Drug Policy*

 Pet Policy*

 Bicycle Policy*


 Posting Guidelines


Beginning a Shift
Shifts begin promptly at the time scheduled. Be sure to clock in as preferred by your supervisor.
It is best to arrive 5 minutes before the shift begins. Before the exiting Office Assistant leaves
make sure you:

Find out if there are any special assignments, important messages, problems, or unusual

Know the Resident Assistants and Coordinator On-Call if you are working a late
afternoon, evening, overnight, or weekend shift.

Contacting Staff
You will be provided with important numbers as resources for yourself and residents. Please
utilize all staff contact lists, frequently called numbers located in the resource section of this
manual, and the UNLV web page. Dial “0” to receive assistance from the UNLV Operator during
business hours.

When you begin to run low on supplies such as pens, notepads and front desk forms, notify the
ARLC by e-mail describing what is needed. Do not wait until all supplies are gone.

All residents agree to contribute to the orderliness and cleanliness of all common areas,
residential corridors, rooms, equipment, and furnishings. Anyone violating this agreement
should be reported to the ARLC.

Conference Room Scheduling

Each complex has a meeting room available to residents, staff, and the student life cluster. It is to
the discretion of the ARLC how meeting times are requested and logged.

All vendors should report to the Housing Administration Building before accessing the halls.
Vendors will attain identification and all keys they need to perform their duties. Any vendor
asking for accessing should be referred to HAB.

Lost and Found

Every complex has an area where unclaimed items should be held. Residents inquiring about a
lost item should provide a detailed description for retrieval.

In the case that a resident inquires about a refund in the even of a malfunctioned unit, please
direct them to the following:

Vending Machine/Drink Machine: Issue a Vending Machine Request Form

Laundry Black Box: RebelCard Services

Resident Housing Documentation

The HRC, RCR, and Roomate/Suitemate Agreements are important forms for occupancy
information. Know how to use and read them properly.

If a resident wants to report a discrepancy with their RCR, please give them a RCR Discrepancy
Report. When returned, make sure it is filled out legibly and file with resident’s RCR.

Computer Operation
The Office of Campus Housing has a Local Access Network (LAN) into which all computers for
official business are connected. This includes the terminals in the Residential Life Coordinator
offices, the front desks, as well as those at the Housing Administration Building. The fact that
these terminals are all linked provides many advantages. However there are also some
significant liabilities. If a computer virus were to infect any one of these terminals, it could
quickly spread to all of the other terminals, as well as infect the various databases that the LAN
connects us to. Therefore, is it is strictly forbidden to load or install any software onto any of
the networked terminals. Violating this could be grounds for termination.

Usernames and Passwords per Complex Login:

Dayton South Tonopah UCC

Daily Task Lists

The efficiency of the desk is dependent on the completion of daily tasks. Make sure to perform
and sign off on the tasks assigned to your shift(s). Every ARLC will provide an itemized list
based on complex needs. See attached for example.

Daily Task List

Step Action
1 Clock in for your shift

2 Complete the task(s) assigned to your shift time.

3 When the task is complete, initial in the available box.


OA Daily Tasklist Date: OA Daily Tasklist Date:

Opening Procedures Opening Procedures

Unlock the Building / Turn on Lights Unlock the Building / Turn on Lights
Prep the Computers / Log in to Onity Prep the Computers / Log in to Onity
Are There Events in the Conference Room Today? Are There Events in the Conference Room Today?
10:00 AM 10:00 AM
Proof the Missing/Damaged Key Report Forms Proof the Missing/Damaged Key Report Forms
Place Overdue Temp Card Sheets into ARLC's Box Place Overdue Temp Card Sheets into ARLC's Box
11:00 AM 11:00 AM
Deliver Students' Mail Deliver Students' Mail
Log Packages Log Packages
Fill out Special Mail Claim Slips Fill out Special Mail Claim Slips
12:00 PM 12:00 PM
Continue Mail Shift Continue Mail Shift
1:00 PM 1:00 PM
Continue Mail Shift Continue Mail Shift
Clean Up/Organize Mailroom Clean Up/Organize Mailroom
Make Other Complex Deliveries Make Other Complex Deliveries
2:00 PM 2:00 PM
Take Down Outdated Flyers Take Down Outdated Flyers
Organize the Desk Area / Onity Area Organize the Desk Area / Onity Area
3:00 PM 3:00 PM
Sort Temp Keys into their Bundles Sort Temp Keys into their Bundles
Prepare a List of Desk Forms that Need Copies Prepare a List of Desk Forms that Need Copies
4:00 PM 4:00 PM
Replenish Desk Forms Replenish Desk Forms
Obtain Complex Mail from HAB Obtain Complex Mail from HAB
Hang Up Any Flyers Hang Up Any Flyers
Stuff RA Mailboxes Stuff RA Mailboxes
5:00 PM 5:00 PM
Deliver Any Remaining Mail Deliver Any Remaining Mail
6:00 PM 6:00 PM
Audit Packages Audit Packages
7:00 PM 7:00 PM
Organize the Desk Drawers Organize the Desk Drawers
Recycle Unclaimed Magazines/Newspapers Recycle Unclaimed Magazines/Newspapers
8:00 PM 8:00 PM

9:00 PM 9:00 PM

10:00 PM 10:00 PM
Clean Desk/Computer Area Clean Desk/Computer Area
Closing Procedures Closing Procedures
Close All Computer Applications Close All Computer Applications
Turn Off Computer Monitors Turn Off Computer Monitors
Lock Doors Lock Doors
Turn Off Lights Turn Off Lights
Highlight Incomplete Tasks for the Day Highlight Incomplete Tasks for the Day
Put this Form in ARLC'S Box Put this Form in ARLC'S Box

Telephone Procedures
Phones are to be answered in a professional manner

Answering the Phone

Step Action

1 Always answer the phone with a pleasant tone of voice. Identify the office: Good
morning/Good afternoon/Good evening, Campus Housing. This is ________________
(your name), how may I help you?
2 If the caller wants to speak to the Professional Staff member, please ask what it is
regarding and get their complete name. If the Professional Staff member is unavailable,
please ask if they would like someone else to assist them. If not, please ask the caller if
they would like to be transferred to the staff member’s voice mail. If they are
uncomfortable leaving a voice message, please ask the caller if they would like you to
take down a complete message on our phone message pads. Please include on the
message the following: name, date, time, and a precise message. Include your name
as well.

3 There may be times when you may get a disgruntled caller. Please remain calm and

Instructions for putting a caller on hold and picking up a call on hold:

Step Action
1 Press the hold button once.

2 To pick up a call on hold press the button next to the call that is showing a blinking

Instructions for Transferring Calls

Step Action
1 To transfer a call press button on the telephone underneath Trans on the LCD display.

2 Dial 5 and extension of the person that you wish to transfer the caller to

3 Then press the button underneath Connect on the LCD display.

4 Hang up

5 If the number you transferred to is busy, instead of hanging up, press the button next
to the extension that is showing a blinking light so that you will be able to the caller
and let them know the person that they was transferred to was unavailable. Next ask
the caller if they would like to leave a voice message.

Messages and requests to meet with RLC/ARLC
Residents and Guests may want to leave a written note to be placed in a mailbox or staff inbox.
When taking a message, either in person or over the phone, record all pertinent information.

Step Action
1 Third party arrives to complex desk.

2 Third party asks to leave a message with OA or OA offers to take a written message
using a message pad. If resident is requesting to meet with a professional staff member,
use the ARCL/RLC Meeting Request Form.

3 OA obtains first and last name of person leaving the message (ask to spell the name if

4 OA obtains first and last name of the message recipient.

5 OA obtains a means of reply (phone #, address, email etc…)

6 OA records date and time of message.

7 OA records message.

8 OA legibly signs the message in order for recipient to gain clarification of message from
recorder if necessary.

9 OA delivers message to recipient’s mailbox.

10 Third party leaves desk or ends call.

Doors and Desk Keys
South and Warner Complex office main doors need to be unlocked at the beginning of the first
shift every morning and locked at the end of the last shift for the night every night.

Tonopah and Dayton’s main doors need to be locked every night at 8:00 PM and unlocked every
morning at 8:00 AM.


Description of Desk Key Purpose of Desk Key


Description of Desk Key Purpose of Desk Key


Description of Desk Key Purpose of Desk Key


Description of Desk Key Purpose of Desk Key

Request for Privacy
Resident phone numbers are available to anyone upon request. However, if a resident would
like to have that information kept private he/she may do so by submitting a Request for Privacy
Notification. This Privacy Notification is only valid within Campus Housing.

Step Action
1 Give student the form and explain the purpose of a Request for Privacy, noting that the
completion of this form is optional.

2 Have student fill out each section of the Privacy form.

3 Verify that the form is filled out in entirety before accepting it.

4 ARLC completes HRC and Roster Notification portion of form.

5 Form is delivered to HAB within 5 business days of completion.

6 Campus Housing administrative staff member enter the Privacy form information for
said student into STG within 5 business days of its receipt.

Documentation of the hours you worked need to be accurately recorded and turned in to your
ARLC on time.

Completing Time Sheets

Step Action

1 O.A. accesses timesheet at

2 O.A. locates proper timesheet for current pay period

3 O.A. fills out complete and original (nicknames not permitted) name, L#, & pay rate.

4 O.A. records hours worked in appropriate time slots for every shift (done on a daily
5 O.A. prints timesheet

6 O.A. signs and dates the timesheet

7 O.A. turns in timesheet to ARLC for processing

Processing Time Sheets

Step Action

1 ARLC receives timesheets.

2 ARLC verifies pay rate and tabulates total hours worked in each column. If pay rate
cannot be verified, ARLC consults with student’s employee paperwork at HAB.
3 ARLC verifies hours at the bottom of each column

4 ARLC verifies total hours worked in pay period at the top of the sheet, next to rate of
5 ARLC then signs the bottom of each timesheet

6 ARLC then submits timesheet to Student Payroll Manager in HAB by 1pm on

predetermined schedule.

Shift Changes
Submit this form correctly, following all guidelines laid out in OA Expectations.

Step Action
1 Office Assistant (OA) seeking a shift change procure a form from the complex desk

2 OA fills out top half of form indicating the shift he/she will not be able to work as
3 OA makes sure to indicate the person(s) covering his/her scheduled shift along with
contact numbers
4 OA indicates if the shifts will be exchanged

5 If Yes, OA then indicates dates and times of shift exchanges for previously named
6 OA then obtains signatures from all other OAs who are exchanging or covering shifts

7 OA then turns form into ARLC.

8 ARLC then approves or declines request.

Equipment Check Out
When a resident requests to check out equipment from the front desk (i.e., pool equipment,
games, sports balls) he/she is required to present a current state or student identification card
and leave it at the desk as collateral. Any ID that contains access to money is not acceptable
including the student’s RebelCard. If the Office Assistant does not recognize the resident as
living in their complex then a reference should be made to the complex residence hall roster.
Equipment should only be distributed to current residents.

Step Action
1 Resident requests items to check out for use.

2 Collect proper identification and store it in the designated space.

3 Fill out the equipment log noting the condition and have resident sign.

4 When resident returns equipment, check it back in using the equipment log. Note
condition. If equipment is broke or missing pieces, the ARLC needs to be notified.

5 Return identification to resident.

Keys in the Residence Hall
The accurate maintenance and inventory of keys and key records is critical to assuring a safe
environment. It is everyone’s responsibility to provide accurate tracking and security of every
key to every resident room and mailbox. This requires diligence and adherence to the following
standard operating procedures. Campus Housing staff must be able to know who has what key.
Every key must be tracked on a key log and on the Housing Registration Card. Only Tonopah
Center and South use physical room keys; every other hall uses an access card (Rebel Card). It is
important to understand that every “key”, be it a physical key or an access card, must be
accounted for.

Tonopah Room Keys

Every Tonopah room has a core in the door lock for which three keys have been made, and each
key has a specific code stamped on it. The code on the key corresponds to the core it fits and the
number of the key. Cores are also coded. Each floor in the system has its own letter code, which
is stamped on the core. Thus, only cores that are designated for a given floor can be used on that
floor as replacements.

If there is a question as to which key goes to what Tonopah room or any complex mailbox, it can
be identified in the web-based key log (core-code list). This is a list of all the rooms and the
codes of the cores installed.

Keylog Staff Usage Procedures

How to search for keys:

Step Action
1 Click “Search Keys” on the campus housing keylog menu

2 Fill out the fields for “Key Type”, “Building”, “Door/Mailbox”, “Key code”, “Previous
key code”, or any combination of those for the key you’re looking for. Enter less
information to get more search results

3 Click “Search” to show a table of key codes that match the search criteria you entered.

Issue a Temporary Room Key

Step Action

1 Determine if the resident needs to request a room key or a mailbox key. Replacement
room keys are processed at complex desks. Replacement mailbox keys are processed
at the HAB.

If the HAB is closed, the student may contact emergency maintenance for a
replacement mailbox key and pay a $60 fee, or wait until the HAB is open.
2 Verify who the resident is by photo identification and the room to which the student
is assigned. If the resident has no identification, verify by having them identify two
forms of information (date of birth, home telephone) on the Housing Registration
Card or housing application. Contact Housing Administration if needed.

3 Have the resident complete the key request form. The student completes the top
section (white) of the form. Room keys use the Missing or Damaged Room Key/Card
Report Form. If the student does not know his/her L number, look it up using the
HRC or Onity system. Contact Housing Administration if needed.
4 Have the student read, sign and date the form; paying close attention to the
applicable charges.
5 Using the shaded section of the form, assign a temporary key to the resident and
document the key or key card code and room number. Indicate date, time and your
6 Explain that the student will be billed for a replacement or re-core if the temporary
key is not returned within 48 hours.
7 Issue the temporary room key to the student. If you are issuing a temporary access
card set its expiration date for the close of the next business day.
8 If the temporary key is not returned within 48 hours, indicate so on the form, along
with date, time and your name. If the key is an access card, deactivate the card in
BlackBoard and/or Onity. Turn this form into your ARLC.
9 Check your key log or file regularly. If the temporary key is returned within 48
hours, indicate so on the form, along with date, time and your name. Turn this form
into your ARLC.
10 Supervisors will review the form and determine if a key needs to be replaced, re-
cored or if no action is to be taken.
11 If a key needs to be replaced or re-cored, the supervisor turns this form into the
Locksmith. Once the key is replaced or re-cored, the student is billed by Campus
Housing and the form is filed. If no action is to be taken, the form may just be filed.
12 Once the key is replaced or the lock re-cored, the Locksmith will notify the ARLC.

Key Distribution at Residence Hall Opening

Step Action

1 All keys (all mailboxes, Tonopah rooms) will be audited by the Locksmith. The
Locksmith will make all necessary changes to key inventory, online key code lists
and provide any replacement keys.
2 HAB will assign mailboxes to residents for each semester.

3 The Locksmith and HAB staff will prepare key packets for all mailboxes and
Tonopah rooms for each complex prior to Residence Hall Opening.
4 All keys will be delivered in boxes to each complex “ready for check-in”. The key
envelopes will include room number, mailbox number and room key code if

Key Collection at Mid-Year Closing

Step Action

1 Students who are returning to campus housing for the spring semester may take
their keys with them, and not complete a formal check-out.
2 Students who are not returning to campus housing for the spring semester must
complete a formal check-out and turn in their keys. The Locksmith will provide key
packets for students to return their keys. These keys will be returned to the
Locksmith for audit/verification and spring opening preparation.
3 Students who should, but do not return their key(s) will complete a Missing or
Damaged Room Key/Card Report Form or a Missing or Damaged Mail Key Report
Form. The hall staff turns this form into the Locksmith. Once the key is replaced or
re-cored, the student is billed by Campus Housing and the form is filed.
4 Students will be reminded via e-mail to bring their keys with them when they return
for the spring semester.

Key Collection at Spring Closing

Step Action

1 All students will complete a formal check-out and return all keys to campus housing.

2 The Locksmith will provide key packets for students to return their keys. These
keys will be returned to the Locksmith for audit/verification and summer housing
3 Students who should, but do not return their key(s) will complete a Missing or
Damaged Room Key/Card Report Form or a Missing or Damaged Mail Key Report
Form. The hall staff turns this form into the Locksmith. Once the key is replaced or
re-cored, the student is billed by Campus Housing and the form is filed.

Key Distribution & Collection during Room Changes

Step Action

1 When a room change occurs and a Room Assignment Notification is sent, the
Locksmith will be included on the notification.
2 The Locksmith will create a new mail key packet for student and deliver it to the
new RLC within 24 hours, or one business day. The RLC will ensure the new keys
are delivered to the student upon check-in at the new room. Room keys in Tonopah
will be provided by the hall staff.
3 When the student completes a check-out of the old room, he/she will turn in the old
mailbox and room key, if applicable. Room and mailbox numbers and keys are not
4 Students who should, but do not return their key(s) will complete a Missing or
Damaged Room Key/Card Report Form or a Missing or Damaged Mail Key Report
Form. The hall staff turns this form into the Locksmith. Once the key is replaced or
re-cored, the student is billed by Campus Housing and the form is filed.

Key Audits
Key audits will be performed by the Locksmith.
Office assistants working during mail shifts are responsible for sorting and distributing mail to
residents' boxes. Flyers should not be placed in mailboxes unless approved by your RLC and/or
ARLC. Flyers will be stamped by housing to indicate approval. Mail is not to be handed to

Regular US Postal Mail

Step Action
1 Check all mail against the master and verify that the correct mailbox number is visible
on the envelope. If it is not visible, or it is wrong, write the correct box number on the
mail. Put aside mail that belongs to non-residents
2 Sort mail by box number and place all mail to residents living in different complexes in
their respective location.
3 Place mail in the correct residents’ box. Make sure the name on the mail and the name
on the box is the same. If it is not, do not put mail in that box.
4 Any mail that is too large to fit into the mailbox, treat like a package/oversized
envelope. Never try to force a package into a mailbox.
5 Deliver mail to other complexes.

Packages, Oversized Envelopes, and Special Deliveries

Step Action
1 Verify the student lives in your complex before accepting any special delivery items.
2 Packages and oversized envelopes should be numbered with the month, date, year, and
number specific to the package depending on the order in which they are received. (Ex.
The first package received on August 25th 2008 would be numbered 8-25-08-01.)
3 Fill out a Special Mail Claim Ticket for each item.
4 Fill out the package log recording all pertinent information.
5 Place packages and oversized envelopes in the package room.
6 Place package claim ticket in resident’s box.
7 If flowers or perishable items are delivered, also notify resident by phone.

Claiming a Package

Step Action
1 All residents must present a picture identification card with their Special Mail Claim
2 Find the entry in the package log and fill out pick-up information.
3 Have the resident sign the package log in the appropriate space.

Instructions for letter distribution for the Office of Student Conduct

Step Action
1 OSC representative calls the HAB front office staff when letters are ready for pick up
and delivery to Complex Offices.
2 Chrisey, Melissa, or fellow staff member will pick up these letters at OSC immediately.
This is regarded as a high priority task.
3 HAB staff member signs the OSC log (proof of pick up).
4 HAB staff member hand-delivers the letters to the corresponding complex office desks.
5 Complex desk staff enters letter into the package log. Complex staff member and HAB
staff member initial/sign the log. (proof of delivery and receipt).
6 Desk staff member places notice slip in student’s mail box.

Complex Desk Staff Member will review their OSC logs weekly:

 Staff will place second and third notices in the student’s mail boxes
 Update log for each notice
 RLC will follow up with third notices.

NOTE: If third notice is not picked up within two weeks of initial delivery, the letter is
returned to the Office of Student Conduct.

Auditing Packages

Step Action
1 Go through the package log and determine packages that have not been picked up 4-5
days from first notice. Call resident and leave a second notices in their mailbox. Make
sure to mark “2” on notice and in log.
2 Go through the package log and determine packages that have not been picked up 8-9
days from the first notice. Leave a third notice in resident’s mailbox. Make sure to
mark “3” on notice and in log.
3 Return to sender any packages that have not bee claimed in 14 days. Mark in the log
that package was returned.

Forwarding Mail

Step Action
1 Check all mail that does not belong to current residents with the forwarding address
2 Former residents that have a forwarding address, write it legibly on the envelope.
3 Bundle all Forwarded Mail and place in the proper location for mail carrier to collect.

Forwarding Address System Staff Usage Procedures

Student Life Web Applications can be accessed at

Basic Instructions:

1 Enter your username and the password you were assigned.

2 Click the Forwarding Addresses icon to access the Forwarding Address System. If you don't have
the Forwarding Addresses icon on your main menu page, then you don't have any access.
3 When you are finished with the program click “Logout”
4 At anytime during the process you can go back to the main menu by simply clicking “Return to
5 If you are experiencing any technical problems with the program, please contact the ResNet
Office at 702-895-1994.

How to enter a new forwarding address:

1 Have the resident fill out a forwarding address card.

2 Verify that the information on the card is legible before the student leaves.
3 Click "New Address" on the forwarding address menu.
4 Fill in the fields on the screen that correspond to the fields on the card, such as, the student’s
name, their forwarding address, city, state, zip code, country, etc. Don’t forget to indicate what
complex the student lived in.
5 Click the “Create” button.

How to search for an address:

1 Click on the link called “Search for Current Addresses”.

2 Enter the student's first name, last name, or both. Clicking the "Search" button shows a table
containing all students that match the search value.
3 Be careful not to misspell the name you're searching for. Searching with less information will give
you more results. For example, searching with "s" in the last name field will return all students
with a last name containing the letter "s".

How to edit an address:

1 If a student needs to edit their current forwarding address, follow the steps for searching for an
address and then click “edit” on the far right of the row containing the address you need to
2 Make any necessary changes.
3 Click the "Edit" button to save the changes.

***Insert Maintenance SOP

***Insert “What exactly is an emergency?”

Guest Registration
Residents may invite guests into their residence halls, understanding that the host resident must
escort the guest whenever he/she is in the building. Guests must adhere to all university rules
and residence hall policies and procedures and the hosting resident is responsible for
his/her guests’ actions. It is the responsibility of the host to inform the guest of these rules. The
host can be held financially responsible for the actions of the guest as well as face disciplinary
action for the guest’s behavior. In cases of misconduct, the guest may be removed from the
residence hall and prohibited from returning. Roommates will determine when guests may visit
your room (mediation by staff will occur if consensus can not be reached). Overnight visitation is allowed
for no more than 3 days per month, with the approval of the roommate.
Residents of one residence hall are considered guests in all other residence halls and, therefore,
must adhere to guest procedures.
Overnight guests are permitted in student rooms providing the host has the agreement of his/her
roommate and registers the guest with the Complex Office.

Step Action
1 Pull a Guest Registration form from the file at the Complex Desk
2 Ask for an ID from the host and check their information on the roster to verify them as
a resident
3 Give the form to the host to fill out the information. The host should fill out their
name, building, room #, and phone #
4 Ask for an ID from the guest .
5 Give the guest the form to fill out the information. The guest should fill out their name,
home address (street, city ,state, zip code), their home phone number, their arrival
date, and their departure date
6 Make sure the arrival and departure date last no longer than 3 nights.
7 ID the roommate and verify the information with the roster
8 Have the roommate sign the form giving their approval for the guest to stay
9 Have the host sign the form
10 Have the guest sign the form
11 Make sure the current date is filled out on the bottom of the form
12 Put the white copy of the form in the ARLC’s box
13 Put the yellow copy of the form in the RA’s box of the floor where the guest is staying
14 Put the pink copy in the ARLC’s box
15 Give the guest the goldenrod copy to take with them

A. General Emergency Protocol

Resident Assistant/Multicultural Assistants (RA/MA’s) are called to respond to a wide range of

emergencies. Generally speaking, an emergency is an event or situation that requires immediate
assistance. Emergencies can happen at anytime during the day or night and it is important that
RA/MA’s know how to respond to these situations. This manual is not inclusive of every
possible emergency situation that could happen in the residence halls. This section outlines
some of the more common and/or difficult situations RA/MA’s may need to respond to
throughout the year.

A good rule of thumb to follow is, if you are in doubt about how to handle a situation or who
you should notify, ask a Coordinator (after 5:00 pm and on weekends call the Coordinator on-
call). RA/MA’s should never have to face a situation alone so they should not hesitate to ask for
assistance in handling difficult situations.

In addition to the situations listed in this manual, there is a list of issues for which a
RA/MA MUST contact a Professional Staff member immediately. RA/MA’s must contact a
Professional Staff member if:

a. If a resident has to be or has been transported to the hospital for any reason.
b. If a resident is arrested on-campus.
c. If a resident is contemplating or has attempted suicide.
d. If a resident reports a sexual assault/rape.
e. If a resident is involved in a physical altercation (physical fight).
f. If there is a fire alarm in the halls.
g. Any time Campus or Metro Police, or emergency personnel is involved.
h. For drug-related suspicion or situation.

In situations such as a resident reporting a sexual assault or talking about suicide, the RA/MA
should try to stay with the student and wait for an appropriate time in the conversation to let
the resident know that s/he must notify a Coordinator. The safety of the resident is most

B. Emergency Numbers**

Coordinator On-Call: Mental Health:

Cell Phone-210-1082 Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health-486-8020
Montevista Hospital (24-hour hotline)-364-1111
Public Safety (Campus Police):
Emergency-911 Crisis Hotlines:
Non-emergency-895-3668 ext.2 or -311 Suicide Prevention Center (Hotline): 1-800-suicide
Sexual Assault (Rape Crisis) Hotline: 385-2153
Student Counseling & Psych Services: Nat’l Sexual Assualt Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
895-3627 Domestic Violence Hotline / Safe Nest (Local
(For emotional/psychological Shelter): 800-486-7282 / 646-4981
Emergencies M-F between 8am-5pm) S.A.F.E. House: 451-4203

C. Blackouts**
A Blackout is a loss of electricity/power. In the event of a blackout in the residence halls, it is
important that the security and safety of the residents be maintained:

1. Staff members should get their flashlights and position themselves in the corridors/hallways.

2. Residents should be encouraged to remain in their rooms with doors locked.

3. Candles may not be used as they present a fire hazard at a time when responding to a fire
would be extremely dangerous. The fire alarm system and access control system will
continue to operate on back-up batteries; however, in an extended blackout these systems
may be lost. If this were to occur, a fire watch would need to be set up by each staff.

4. The On-Call RA/MA should notify the Coordinator On-Call and inform them about the

5. {for Coordinators only} If only the residence halls are affected the Coordinator On-Call
should first contact Facilities staff. If other campus buildings are involved, Public Safety
Dispatch (895-3668 ext. 2) should be contacted so that campus maintenance can be notified.
If off-campus is involved, Nevada Power (367-5555) should be contacted for information.
The Assistant Director should be notified by the Coordinator On-Call once the context of
the situation is known.

6. The RA/MA’s will be asked to monitor the entrance to buildings that are affected and
complete frequent rounds of the floors to check safety and common space use.

7. When power is restored, each RA should check to make sure that the fire exit doors have
been secured. After the power is restored, RAs should also report any emergency lights that
did not work.

D. Bomb Threats
Responding to a bomb threat is a combination of best guess and some general rules of thumb.
UNLV Campus Housing Professional Staff in conjunction with Public Safety personnel have the
responsibility for making this judgment. The information that is gained from the caller, what is
said, how it is said, etc., will be an important part of the decision-making process. It is very
important that student staff who might receive a bomb threat utilize the Bomb Threat Call
Checklist as a means to record important information and perceptions.

Bomb Threat Call Checklist:

If you receive a bomb threat call it is important that you remain calm and do the following:

1. Keep the caller talking. Write down all the information the caller gives you. Ask the person:
a. Where is the bomb located?
b. When is it set to go off?
c. What type of bomb is it?
d. Why did you plant the bomb?

2. Pay attention to the caller's voice:

a. Is there a notable voice pattern or accent?
b. Is the voice calm, nervous, angry, comical, etc?

3. Listen for any noise in the background. Listen for:
a. Other voices? Are they laughing, yelling, talking, etc.?
b. Are there traffic noises or other discernible sounds? If so, what might they be?
c. Does it sound like the call is coming from a phone booth, public phone, speakerphone,

4. When the person hangs up:

a. Call 9-1-1, report receipt of a bomb threat and request that police be sent to your
location to meet with a Professional Staff member. You may be asked for the details of
the call. If so, provide this information to the Police Dispatch.
b. Immediately after ending your call to Public Safety notify a Professional Staff member. If
it is during the workday (8-5, Monday-Friday) notify your Coordinator; if your
Coordinator is not available notify the Campus Housing Office. If the bomb threat is
received during non-work hours, call the Coordinator On-Call.

Anticipated Professional Staff Response:

1. Immediately go to the location at which the threat was received and await the arrival of the
2. Consult with the Police as to the most appropriate response given the information available.
3. If the decision is to search the building, staff members may be asked to volunteer, however,
no one will be pressured to volunteer. Staff may be required to aid in an evacuation.
4. If evacuation is recommended, RA/MA’s from non-involved buildings are to be called to
assist in moving students away from the involved building.
5. Notify the Asst. Director for Residential Life as soon as possible.

E. Death of a Student
The death of a student is a tragedy for the student’s family and a difficult loss for the University.
The University's response must be swift and compassionate. Campus Housing staff response
will depend upon the circumstances of the death.

Death Occurs Away from the Residence Hall:

1. The notification of the death is likely to come through Public Safety, the family or a fellow
resident. Try to ascertain, to the degree that is appropriate given the person providing the
information, the circumstance of the death and the current status, i.e., has the family been
notified, by whom, etc.
2. Notify a Professional Staff member. Professional Staff will notify the Director for Residential
Life, who will then notify the Associate Vice President for Student Life.
3. Implement Follow-up procedures as defined below.

Death Occurs in the Residence Hall:

1. Immediately call 9-1-1 and request immediate Police assistance.
2. Call the Coordinator On-Call after calling the Police.
3. Keep everyone out of the area of the body. Do not allow anyone to disturb the body or the
physical area.
4. The Professional Staff member will notify the Director for Residential Life.
5. Provide assistance to the Police as needed.
6. Implement follow-up procedures as defined below.
Follow-Up Procedures
1. Notify Roommate/Floor Community - The death of a resident, even one not well known, will
be a shock. Notification must be done sensitively. Residents may need to talk either
individually or as a group. Be prepared to arrange referrals and/or group support sessions. It
may be a good idea to arrange a floor meeting with a counselor from Counseling and
Psychological Services.

2. Crisis Intervention - If the death occurs on the floor, or the circumstances are particularly
shocking, crisis intervention may be necessary. In this event, counselors and/or clergy
should be contacted by Professional Staff and arrangements made for them to come to the
floor. Following are several possible resources:
a. Clergy: Interfaith Center, 321-1160 (Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergy can be
made available.)
b. Psychologists: UNLV Student Counseling and Psychological Services 895-3627.

3. Self Care – RA/MA’s must not forget that they are all a part of a team. Staff are all human
and they may also have reactions to the death of a student. Please remember to talk with a
supervisor, a counselor, or clergy to help deal with those reactions. Do not ignore one’s own

F. Maintenance Emergencies**
A majority of the maintenance calls and requests that occur after 4:00pm Monday through
Fridays, on weekends, and holidays are not considered to be emergencies. Resident
Assistant/Multicultural Assistants (RA/MA’s) should follow the Maintenance procedure
outlined in the Policies and Procedures section of this manual for non-emergency maintenance

Occasionally, a maintenance emergency problem after hours will be encountered. A

maintenance emergency is defined as a problem that occurs after hours that is of a nature that
unless given immediate attention will result in undue hardship, cause great damage, or present a
security risk. The RA/MA should go to the scene of the problem to verify it. Once the
emergency has been confirmed, call the Coordinator On-Call. He/she will then notify the
appropriate individuals to help find a solution to the problem. Some examples of these
“emergency” situations include:

1. serious pipe/ceiling leaks

2. electrical problems
3. inoperative locks
4. lack of heat or air conditioning
5. lack of water (hot or cold) to rooms
6. broken or shattered window (not cracked)
7. clogged toilets or drains with no other bathrooms available
8. malfunctioning building entrance door

When in doubt, always contact the Coordinator On-Call to help make a decision as to how to

G. Elevator Repair

Emergency Repairs:
Elevator emergencies are defined as a malfunction in the elevator where a person is caught in the
elevator. In the Upper Class Complex it is also considered an emergency if an elevator in any of
the four buildings is not functioning, since those buildings only have one elevator for students
with physical disabilities to use. All other situations are non-emergencies.

1. Between 7:30am and 4:00pm, call the maintenance office (5x4215) (DO NOT CALL THE
2. Evenings, weekends and holidays, report the problem to the Coordinator On-call. This
Professional Staff member will notify the Facilities Team.
3. If the elevator is stuck:
a. A staff person will report to the floor closest to where the elevator is stuck.
b. The staff person will inform the trapped individuals that the elevator repair-person has
been called. Instruct the individuals to remain calm and not to attempt to open the
doors. Try to find out who is in the elevator and maintain a conversation as a way to
keep the individual calm.
c. In unusual circumstances, an individual may panic. If this occurs, have someone call 9-l-
1 and request emergency assistance.

**Only call the Police if there is a person or persons trapped inside the elevator.

Non-Emergency Repairs:
1. Non-emergency repairs are to be called in only between 7:30am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday,
excluding holidays, or submit a maintenance request.
2. Requests for repairs must be called in to the Campus Housing Maintenance Office at x4215.
This allows Maintenance to track any calls to the elevator repair company. When a call is
placed, please indicate what is wrong with the elevator (to the best of one’s knowledge) and
which elevator is inoperable. Following this call, the Maintenance staff will notify the
elevator repair company and log the call. RA/MA’s will be asked to place an "out of order"
sign on the elevator and remove the sign when repairs are complete.

Building Access for the elevator repair company:

1. During regular business hours, access keys can be signed out at the Housing Administration
2. During other times the on-duty RA/MA for the involved building will provide access with
the duty keys (EQ key).

H. Fire
UNLV Campus Housing staff members have a responsibility to assist Fire and Police
Departments in responding to fire alarms within the residence halls. Residence hall fires are
reported each year at university campuses all over the country. Few result in injury and
fatalities. However, there is always a possibility for injury or death to occur in the case of an
actual fire within the residence halls. Every fire alarm should be responded to as though it was a
real fire. If there is a real fire, call 911 immediately and inform them of the situation. All building
evacuations (as outlined below) by the staff should cease and RA/MA’s who have been sent to
evacuate floors should be recalled. Never put oneself in any danger, real or potential!

Office Assistants
Call DPS to alert them of the fire alarm
(During business hours) If (A)RLC is not available to respond, call HAB
OAs may be directed to assist with crowd control
Once alarm has been resolved, return to desk to complete the shift

RA on Duty
(if the desk is closed) Call DPS to alert them of the fire alarm
Call the Coordinator-on-call

ALL available complex RAs

Go to predetermined staging area
RAs will be directed to monitor emergency exits and direct residents to the complex’s
evacuation zone* by either the RA on duty or a responding (A)RLC
RAs may also be directed to assist with crowd control and communicating instructions to
evacuated residents.
An RA may be directed by an (A)RLC to review the fire panel and proceed to the location of the
alarm to determine the possible cause for the alarm

In person or via reporting RA, review the fire panel to determine the location of the alarm.
(A)RLC may direct the reporting RA to proceed to the alarm location to determine the possible
cause of the alarm
The (A)RLC will assume control of the situation upon his/her arrival until Emergency Personnel
respond. The (A)RLC will serve as the primary communicator with RAs and any responding
Emergency Personnel
Any actual fire should immediately be reported to the AD-on-call

The fire department or DPS will clear the building for re-entry. RAs should remain available to
help residents who are locked out of their room.

REMEMBER: During a fire alarm situation University Police Officers and Fire Department Personnel have
complete authority. Any directive or request received from one of these individuals needs to be followed explicitly.


Dayton Complex - SWRC lawn
South Complex - Lawn to the south of South Services building
Tonopah Complex - Student Union
UCC Complex - LDS or Newman Center parking lot

NOTE: Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, alarm pull stations, and fire alarm horns are there for
resident safety in case of fire. Tampering with safety and emergency equipment jeopardizes
everyone’s safety and it is strictly prohibited. Allegations of tampering with fire equipment that
can be substantiated should be documented and referred to the UNLV Office of Student
Conduct. Residents may also face legal consequences in addition to University sanctions.

I. Medical Emergencies
Staff who have specialized medical training can respond to an emergency, but not as an
expectation of their position. Given this, it is inappropriate for an untrained staff member to
attempt to apply first aid in an emergency situation. The role of the staff member is to call for
emergency medical assistance (911) and to keep control of the immediate situation by keeping
bystanders away, keeping the ill or injured person calm, etc. Following is the UNLV Public
Safety procedure for handling residence hall requests for medical assistance:

**The Resident Assistant/Multicultural Assistants (RA/MA’s) at the residence halls will

have the job of being the responsible party for occurrences at the halls. If an RA/MA
calls the Police stating one of the students is sick or injured and medical assistance is
needed, dispatch will try to ascertain the age, sex, general health of the student, if the
student is coherent, what the medical problem is, and if it is known if the student takes
any medication (e.g. insulin).Dispatch will then notify Clark County Fire Department
and request a paramedic unit or an ambulance if the situation warrants, and notify the
officer on duty of the situation. In the event an RA/MA calls requesting medical
assistance for a student but states that the student does not want medical assistance,
dispatch will send medical as long as the RA/MA is requesting it. Under no
circumstances will dispatch refuse to send medical assistance if the RA/MA has
requested it. If the RA/MA calls and requests an officer only to evaluate a possible
medical problem, dispatch will inform the RA/MA that Police are not medical personnel
and do not have the training to evaluate a possible medical problem and that dispatch
will send a paramedic (Fire Dept.) to the location.

Emergency personnel will transport residents, staff members are not permitted to transport
residents to hospitals. This restriction is necessitated by liability should the resident encounter
further medical complications while being transported in a staff member's vehicle. Always call
the Coordinator On-Call, after calling 911, to notify him/her of the situation.

J. Students in Emotional Crisis

An emotional crisis is an abrupt change in the emotional stability and/or behavior of an
individual, often triggered by a stressful event. Crises are a normal part of life and are not in
themselves an indication of a “mental problem.” Examples include traumatic experiences, the
death of a loved one, an academic failure, the end of a relationship, or suicidal thoughts/actions.
If working with a resident who appears to be in crises one should:

1. Have the student call the Counseling and Psychological Services at 895-3627 and tell the
receptionist that they are having an emergency and need to speak to the Crisis Counselor
immediately. Typically the counselor will discuss with the student what happened, assess
how they are doing, and initiate an intervention aimed at stabilizing the individual.
2. For emergencies after 5:00pm or on weekends, first call the Coordinator On-Call for
3. Notify the (A)RLC of the situation

Consultation is a service through which staffs collaborate with one of the mental health
professionals at the Counseling and Psychological Services to gain information or advice about a

concern or problem related to a student. They do not need to know the name of the student nor
will they contact the student directly.

1. Call Counseling and Psychological Services at 895-3627, identify yourself as a staff member,
and ask to speak to the Crisis Counselor for a consultation. Be specific if you need to speak
to someone immediately or if you can wait to have your phone call returned.
2. Tell the Crisis Counselor the purpose of the consultation and the questions or concerns. In
general, the more specific and detailed the information that is supplied, the more specific
feedback they can provide.
3. They will work to develop a plan of action based on the information presented. However, it
is important to remember that the student maintains final responsibility for decision


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